How are psychics PvP wise?



  • Posts: 242 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    vs sins ur totally reliant on ur stuns - if u cant get em stunned ur dead in 3 hits

    quote: souls of stun is cancled by will of bolshi second black goes up you drop

    whats boishi ? found some boishoi in google. but no explanation - a assume some debuff skill of sins ?

    apart from that -- sure as hell i would never use black with some melee in melee range ....

    @ zeilos . i maxed white - and yes i think all 39+ are ranged .. not online atm, ill ,look up later
  • Posts: 3,502 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    pyschic will then black voodo = gg

    but I lile how your thinking

    **** damage x 22% = more ****

    low weapon adds= low damage at mid-late game

    youd be better off with white up manipulating the situation with your control skills once bolshi fades then stacking with frenzy exe poison black spark and try to nuke

    sadly this probly wolnt break charm....hope they kill yheirselves on souls....those are nasty with high SF and the charm reducer might help you break at max....but thats the only real pvp aplication of black i see
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  • Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    **** damage x 22% = more ****

    low weapon adds= low damage at mid-late game

    youd be better off with white up manipulating the situation with your control skills once bolshi fades then stacking with frenzy exe poison black spark and try to nuke

    sadly this probly wolnt break charm....hope they kill yheirselves on souls....those are nasty with high SF and the charm reducer might help you break at max....but thats the only real pvp aplication of black i see

    nasty when a con wb got -3sec from hiero cooldown XD

    if i got then black woodoo is similiar than wf amplify+range-def lv if we check the dmg output,no?
  • Posts: 222 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    asuming fully buffed status with marrow on

    4 weapon paths maxed for my level

    5.5k hp
    7.5k maq resists
    5k phys resist
    only 1.67 APS unless i use relentless courage (little over 2 there)
    and a set of +4 - int fists and calams

    armor is +2 with flawless hp (cheap atm)

    not 1 cent on the game so far (ok 10$ on a gift card from a freind back at 62)

    bm's have TE and balance to make your damage just a complete nonfactor 50% of the time

    your a one shot most likely pure int in AA most likly you are using HP shards instead of phys+hp mix at my lvl you will be hitting lighter than CLERICS without voodoo on and unless you plan to gimp your attack no shell (i've found that psys controll skills do nothing vs will of bolshi)
    have fun killing a well built bm at 70+ unless your ganking them with their phys marrow onb:cute

    and fisters can hit 5 aps with max gear....

    this isnt to say that psys are bbad at pvp or that bms are the hax...or whatever you kids say >.<

    im simply stating that 96% of bm's are failing so hard it makes me die a little inside every time i bh,pvp,walk through a city 3% are actually learning the class right taking their time and trying to get it right and another 1% or so be least on sanc lol
    Im using pdef/HP shard combo, i played pure mag wizard and i know how to shard to get 1.8k pdef unbuffed and 2.5k HP buffed with average shards. My wizard can one shot you without any trouble. The highest i hit was 11k and thats because im LA using +3 TT80 glaiveb:surrender
    my friend is sword wr and with ~+6 eq and wb buff he allready got 10-11k hp at lv96 without spending any money into cash shop. still i dont watched the many mg who 1hited him with same refine when he use mdef sutra.

    the BM im talking about has 12k unbuffed........
  • Posts: 3,502 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    Im using pdef/HP shard combo, i played pure mag wizard and i know how to shard to get 1.8k pdef unbuffed and 2.5k HP buffed with average shards. My wizard can one shot you without any trouble. The highest i hit was 11k and thats because im LA using +3 TT80 glaiveb:surrender

    the BM im talking about has 12k unbuffed........

    freind of mine...LA wizzie lvl 84...keeps BIDS maxed

    with a +5 wheel of life

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  • Posts: 475 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    Wizards- use your highest level skills and they should drop
    BMs - spark - nuke = one shot
    Archers- spark - nuke = one shot
    Clerics- diminshed vigor, you might want soul of stunning, then follow wizard
    Assassins- pray you crit on a nuke
    Psychics- follow wizard
    Venos- follow wizard
    Barbs- follow wizard

    Depending on what skills you have highest really. I normally use aqua impact, spirit blast and glacial shards on cooldown. Diminshed vigor on clerics so when they try to IH themselves, its an epic fail. Other than the use empowered vigor so you can bubble of life + relentless courage(genie) yourself mid duel/PK.

    One shot everything? I think your class needs a nerf.
  • Posts: 58 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    bm are easy for psy if u know how to play, get down in 2 or 3 hit non sparked of my lvl with black on no spark, only 1 thing annoying is roar of pride wich force me to use white voodoo until bod is gone then stun freeze dead since the 2nd stun will fail on soul of reliation and maybe stun the bm himself if no bod on and double sparked can be 1 shot easy AT SAME LVL and 6% just ****'em.

    lvl 66 almost managed to beat a 8x bm but was suicide ;) still got him to 5% hp

    edit: i was lower then 66 at this time sorry
  • Posts: 222 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    One shot everything? I think your class needs a nerf.
    i only think i said one shot on BM and archers. Everything else is pretty much hit as hard as you can until they drop. Waiting for the 59 skills.
    freind of mine...LA wizzie lvl 84...keeps BIDS maxed

    with a +5 wheel of life


    I have a +3 wheel of life, and i have one shot many people and im talking about me being 8x and them being 8x/9x. Dont believe me? Let me get some screenshots.

    Your LA friend fails....
    sorry to say
    sandstorm crit
    blade tempest crit, my extreme poison wore off so not max damage :(

    2 8x people i one shot easily and i got a screenie of me hitting a 9x barb for 8k even though it wasnt a one shot.

    EDIT: my avi is bugged :o, im 58 now QQ
  • Posts: 3,502 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    i only think i said one shot on BM and archers. Everything else is pretty much hit as hard as you can until they drop. Waiting for the 59 skills.

    I have a +3 wheel of life, and i have one shot many people and im talking about me being 8x and them being 8x/9x. Dont believe me? Let me get some screenshots.

    Your LA friend fails....
    sorry to say
    sandstorm crit
    blade tempest crit, my extreme poison wore off so not max damage :(

    2 8x people i one shot easily and i got a screenie of me hitting a 9x barb for 8k even though it wasnt a one shot.

    EDIT: my avi is bugged :o, im 58 now QQ

    5k hit wouldent one shot me fully buffed i've eaten undined BIDS to the face by the guy it HURTS but no one shot if he was AA i would probly go down to that combo rather quickly (probobly a one shot on a crit) wizzies will always hit a LOT harder than psys though

    LA build is simple 3 1 1

    +5 weapon = higher damage output with the same build

    you just fight dumb bm's aperently

    also soul of retaliation is blocked by will of bolshi
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  • Posts: 222 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    5k hit wouldent one shot me fully buffed i've eaten undined BIDS to the face by the guy it HURTS but no one shot if he was AA i would probly go down to that combo rather quickly (probobly a one shot on a crit) wizzies will always hit a LOT harder than psys though

    LA build is simple 3 1 1

    +5 weapon = higher damage output with the same build

    you just fight dumb bm's aperently

    also soul of retaliation is blocked by will of bolshi

    so, you wont fight me unless you have wb buff? lol...
    thats a 9x barb, so it would probably do more to you

    undine strike + BIDS + extreme poison

    the BMs i fight arent dumb, im just not an easy kill
  • Posts: 58 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    5k hit wouldent one shot me fully buffed i've eaten undined BIDS to the face by the guy it HURTS but no one shot if he was AA i would probly go down to that combo rather quickly (probobly a one shot on a crit) wizzies will always hit a LOT harder than psys though

    LA build is simple 3 1 1

    +5 weapon = higher damage output with the same build

    you just fight dumb bm's aperently

    also soul of retaliation is blocked by will of bolshi

    blocked but immune a stun b:mischievous
  • Posts: 3,502 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    so, you wont fight me unless you have wb buff? lol...
    thats a 9x barb, so it would probably do more to you

    undine strike + BIDS + extreme poison

    the BMs i fight arent dumb, im just not an easy kill

    no i wouldent go out to pvp unless fully buffed and armed for bear

    barb there has FAR less maq resist than a = lvl bm

    a = level psy will never one shot a = level bm at 70+ without a +10 or higher weapon thats the point here no OMG IM A WIZZIE I HAS DAMAGE post a pic of your psy one shoting a 60+ bm fully buffed and we'll talk


    and no retaliation dosent make you immune just has a CHANCE to reflect back
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  • Posts: 222 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    no i wouldent go out to pvp unless fully buffed and armed for bear

    barb there has FAR less maq resist than a = lvl bm

    a = level psy will never one shot a = level bm at 70+ without a +10 or higher weapon


    and no retaliation dosent make you immune just reflects back

    well im ending it here, since i normally pvp with only my earth barrier and thats all i really need. Only reason i have buffs in pvp is if i just left an instance or as in the GangstaSan SS, doing a boss. I hate people who think they need every single buff in the game in order to be good, but i guess its what you have to do to not be one shotted.
  • Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    so, you wont fight me unless you have wb buff? lol...
    thats a 9x barb, so it would probably do more to you

    undine strike + BIDS + extreme poison

    the BMs i fight arent dumb, im just not an easy kill

    just a notice barb mdef<bm mdef. bm have sutra,barb dont have, but i cant really find a unbuffed bm where i play sor bm at 8x who got 5,5k hp only, most of them got 6k+ .

    anyway nice hit that true if target is unbuffed.
    (ur are ~full buffed in screenshot,target have only selfbuff, its like paper thing)
  • Posts: 58 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    dude do u have a psy, reliation immune the effect!

    do HF, u get HF debuff in ya face but not the psy.
  • Posts: 3,502 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    dude do u have a psy, reliation immune the effect!

    do HF, u get HF debuff in ya face but not the psy.

    has a CHANCE to throw the debuff back dosent make you unstunable just gives a % chance based on SF to proc
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  • Posts: 58 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    no its 100% dude im lvl 66 psy i know it !
  • Posts: 222 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    just a notice barb mdef<bm mdef. bm have sutra,barb dont have, but i cant really find a unbuffed bm where i play sor bm at 8x who got 5,5k hp only, most of them got 6k+ .

    anyway nice hit that true if target is unbuffed.

    well, i dont fight 7x BMs :\
    maybe i can find one later or something
  • Posts: 25 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    The main problem I have with BMs is ****ing True Emptiness.

    Seriously, a genie stacked for True Emptiness is pretty much a gaurentee 1-shot with me. Especially if I'm flying. >.<;
  • Posts: 3,502 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    well, i dont fight 7x BMs :\
    maybe i can find one later or something

    sigh a well built bm is made for endgame and from my personal experiance we are squishy as hell till 60 due to

    low level stuns

    no will of bloshi

    only 1 spark (most chi dependant class in pwi)

    low level alter marrows (SP is needed elsewhere)

    a lot of our damage on spike is weapon based low lvl weapon= low damage

    no refines or decent shards on **** gear since a 3-4 path bm realy does NEED to get a bit of hp from gears

    your fighting a class at its squishyest point and you pass judjment on it as a whole


    edit: sorry my psys only at 32 atm but looking at the description its a % proc chance sry if i got this wrongb:surrender
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  • Posts: 58 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    well, i dont fight 7x BMs :\
    maybe i can find one later or something
    sigh a well built bm is made for endgame and from my personal experiance we are squishy as hell till 60 due to

    low level stuns

    no will of bloshi

    only 1 spark (most chi dependant class in pwi)

    low level alter marrows (SP is needed elsewhere)

    a lot of our damage on spike is weapon based low lvl weapon= low damage

    no refines or decent shards on **** gear since a 3-4 path bm realy does NEED to get a bit of hp from gears

    your fighting a class at its squishyest point and you pass judjment on it as a whole

    hehe all class are like this at lower lvl XD
  • Posts: 3,502 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    hehe all class are like this at lower lvl XD

    well no




    theres 3 that really get alot out of low level skills add that soulspheres are becoming the most common weapon in pwi n poof many think their kung foo action jesus

    not saying psy can beat bm or vice versa im simply oposing the "one shot" idea
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  • Posts: 58 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    i agree with psy are good in the lower lvls, not archer: low crit, cleric (canot pvp at lower lvl uber squishy **** dmg)

    edit: imma try my highest spike dmg on a bm my lvl after main and see if i 1 shot.
  • Posts: 222 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    sigh a well built bm is made for endgame and from my personal experiance we are squishy as hell till 60 due to

    low level stuns

    no will of bloshi

    only 1 spark (most chi dependant class in pwi)

    low level alter marrows (SP is needed elsewhere)

    a lot of our damage on spike is weapon based low lvl weapon= low damage

    no refines or decent shards on **** gear since a 3-4 path bm realy does NEED to get a bit of hp from gears

    your fighting a class at its squishyest point and you pass judjment on it as a whole


    edit: sorry my psys only at 32 atm but looking at the description its a % proc chance sry if i got this wrongb:surrender

    the only way a 9x Bm that doesnt cash shop can kill me is

    90 GX zerk + crit
    a genie skill

    other than that, we fight until i crit them.
  • Posts: 3,502 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    i agree with psy are good in the lower lvls, not archer: low crit, cleric (canot pvp at lower lvl uber squishy **** dmg)

    edit: imma try my highest spike dmg on a bm my lvl after main and see if i 1 shot.

    well at 30-50 ya they suck but 50-89 archer is a rather nasty pvp class

    so they get their's quite a while before before bm's barbs wizzies non nixed venos and i cant comment on sins yet
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  • Posts: 3,502 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    the only way a 9x Bm that doesnt cash shop can kill me is

    90 GX zerk + crit
    a genie skill

    other than that, we fight until i crit them.

    on your level 58 psy?

    or your 80+ wizzie?

    this is a psycic thread not (as stated above) a "wizzies hit hard?" thread

    oh bloody hell double post *facepalm*b:surrender
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  • Posts: 58 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    true this is about psy not wizz, ill say what i found yet, psy will be a pain to bm. force them using their head to win ^.^' so far i got no resistance from bm of my lvl but well i expect more at 70/80 haha challenge >:D
  • Posts: 42 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    late-end game group pvp/tw prediction imo
    pvp for psychics will be based on getting high refines for soulforce
    and focusing on defense with gears
    start fight with black voodoo and attempt to get focussed and switch to white voodoo asap with one of those soul spells activated
    i dont think psychics will be all out nukers like wiz
    i dont think their higher spells have high weapon damage modifier on them
  • Posts: 222 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    refining adds minimal soulforce. My +3 orb only gives me 30 ish soulforce...
  • Posts: 1,559 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    so a lv56 psychic from >i cant pvp< server says psychic rox in pvp...b:laugh

    i am a little bit curious when you say pvp you mean...duel between noobs?b:chuckle

    any class can defeat psychics if they know how to deal with...b:bye
    i am waiting for you my little flagcarriers b:kiss


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