sephere Arc User


  • opps accidently posted
  • pure robe, all of the caster stuff if you can a few of foxform for the effects, not damage your already doing pretty good anyway
  • ok, for one thing, on my heavy/arcane, I let the pet tank. I send it out first, then attack, I'm only backup dps/debuffer. Hp is not low, it's better than arcane and light, because the heavy armor has more hp bonuses. I always use best weapon instead of armor. Err, you get the most phy damage with heavy in the long run,…
  • I don't find it troublesome at all, and I have better P. attack in foxform, which is why I prefer it. Light armor has better evasion and M. attack. It's all about what your play style is, I prefer heavy/arcane, because it suits my foxform build more.
  • I believe I already mentioned that you have to choose, and the extra defense is better urm, actually the mix of heavy/arcane is better in overall defense, which is actually the point, having better defense no matter what you face though some people do have two sets to match the enemy
  • yeah, thought the OP knew that you can still get aggro even if your pet attacked all of them though
    in Aggro Comment by sephere March 2009
  • Not really, heal attracts aggro, like flies to honey But what you can do, what I do, is as soon as you heal, press "S" and double jump. Then keep doing so kiting in a circle or where theres no aggressive monsters, until your pet gets aggro back. Sometimes I don't take any damage at all if I time it right Oh, and alt+1…
    in Aggro Comment by sephere March 2009
  • Nooos, I like the high heels b:cry don't change em Every game I've played in, the females are usually in really ugly armor, or R-rated looking ****. And the shoes are usually so bulky looking At least here the clothing usually looks nice, and isn't too suggestive Although if they could, it would kinda be cool to add…
  • Most people use two pieces of arcane and two pieces of heavy for balanced armor for both m. def and p. def. Sometimes they buy a set of arcane and a set of heavy, and interchange them as needed. The mixed option with two arcane and two heavy is cheaper though. You could go light armor, but the p. def and m. def are less…
  • You can get skillbooks to level up a current skill, or add one if you have space. Mrs Zoologist also sells forget scrolls to erase one, in order to add another. The skillbooks range from 150k to 200k, pretty expensive starting out.
  • Yeah, they should really give a warning beforehand, so that you know they consider it wrong and can stop. I mean why should people be punished, if they don't know that somethings against the rules in the first place. Perhaps they won't do it in the first place, if they know beforehand.
  • uh, maybe on lower level stuff or people, but any class can do fine on lower level stuff higher levels stuff we're squishy just like anyone yeah the cash shop pets are overpowered, perhaps a veno with regular pet is not, I have to keep healing my pets if I don't join in to kill the target
  • You could try a courageous undine outside of the elf city. They're mainly m.def pets, but the p.def is average, and damage per second is better than golem... Its not bad if your grinding outside, or on mage monsters. They're movement speed isn't too bad either I have both golem and undine. I use golem for melee hard/boss…
  • Ur, theres nothing wrong with foxform type in pve, for one your not as reliant on mana to attack. Doesn't mean you don't let your pet tank for you though. As you can heal them, its just better strategy to let the pets tank. You're just backup melee dps/debuffer, with heals. If you're worried about attack, the nukes aren't…
  • I just think defense is more important for foxform type, however, if you're pure robe on pvp server, then yeah you should some vit.
  • uh, no not talking about a skill glitch, talking about the stats. The herc and phoenix are the best in the game not only because of there skills, but because they have the best stats of pets. Course, they are cash shop, so I suppose the herc/nix are suppose to be overpowered But, no I don't think that venos themselves are…
  • err, they are not overpowered they have less attack/defense on they're own than any of the other characters if arcane, if they get hit once or twice, they are dead, very squishy if melee they're damage and defense is still subpar compared to blademaster's attack or barb's defense they're pets are supposed to compensate for…
  • I play on pve server, and the two builds I love the best, are the pure arcane build and the heavy/arcane hybrid. The pure arcane: every point you can manage to MAG, rest to STR as needed for robe/weapons This form uses caster human form the most you have great pet heal, squishy defense The Heavy/arcane hybrid: points…
  • Yeah, it sucks. I did a lot more healing with my pet heal skill, and my pet doesn't have to stop attacking while I cast mine, b:sweat That's right, it stops attacking the monster for a few seconds in order to cast it, kinda lame since it doesn't heal much. And, sometimes you really need those extra seconds
    in Boost? Comment by sephere March 2009
  • O.O dirty b:chuckle The person's right though, the caster veno is easier to play, you'll level really fast. Course, if your pure caster, you'll be squishy like other casters if you get aggro, so be forewarned.
  • I think it's 12hp per point, it's not a whole lot. At least not as much as some of the other races. I think it's much better to go heavy veno or heavy/arcane hybrid veno late game, since a heavy veno has around the same hp as a vit veno later levels, but a lot more defence and phy attack.
  • I usually send my pet in first, on both the foxform type veno, and also the arcane/caster type veno. If it can put bash on first, before you cast or melee it, it'll keep aggro much easier. I also agree with upgrading bash, it's the most important skill for your pet to hold aggro. Oh, and also, if you have trouble clicking…
  • Well, I didn't necessarily mean hybrid by having to use magic. I mean hybrid by having to add the MAG stat, since our weapon needs it, and the best melee attack we can get overall is from a magic weapon. Also, by being able to switch to caster type mode if we want to. That's what I love about foxform type, if your bored…
  • its also the same for air, too... well as long as you get high enough so it can't reach
  • ya, one of the other problems with pure arcane beside being squishy, is having to rely on mana to kill. Although, your pet heals are really good from having more MAG. Foxform is always a hybrid anyway, since the magic weapon require MAG, and if you want better armor and melee attack power, you need STR as well. So, I guess…
  • haha, ya you do make a good point, lol *sigh* guess the game can't be perfect in that area, maybe it's not possible for any game? Oh well, I have a lots of fun with this game anyway, they have so many better points than some other games that I've played I'm pretty addicted to it b:chuckle
  • If you decide to go heavy/arcane, a couple tips: For armor, I usually have the shirt and pants heavy, and the rest arcane I usually put my magic weapon stat requirement before doing armor, cause I like attack more than defense for myself, and better heal for pet I've tried both light armor and heavy/arcane hybrid, and I'd…
  • you can buy stat reset notes from the cash shop, they reset a few points of one attribute or you can make two venos, one your light armor, and another of whichever build you were thinking of well, a little dex is good for critical casts I suppose, if the other you were thinking of is arcane type nothing says you can't cast…
    in hey Comment by sephere March 2009
  • But, isn't the very definition of KS, to kill/hit something someone else was already hitting... So hitting a monster an, for example, archer, is already hitting, actually is ksing them. Just because ranged characters aren't standing right next to the monster, doesn't mean they are not considered attacking them, if they are…
  • You can also just wear magic +/mp equipment, so you can use your valuable stat points for the damage, if your worried about regen. Course I'm one of those people who is in love with max damage possible kind of thing, so just go with what you feel comfortable with. After all, games are about enjoying it, so if your not…