icebreath Arc User


  • WOW, sweet another lil kid troll from lost server found his way to forums! OP is doing nothing wrong with this post and he has every right to make one! And people has every right to post how they feel about the TOPIC and not about the poster!!
  • oh yea? and why is that? Since when cant a player post how he feels about other people stealing his kills? You reply like that and says he is antisocial? lol how bout you grow up? get some higher IQ? Its players like this we can live without! To OP, its sad that so many lil anoying kids have no respect for other players!…
  • There are LOAD's on PvE servers you can PK, they run around thinking they look so cool with it on :D One day we will see links to Youtube about those running.... :D
  • you guys are Pathetic!! your spend 35zen on a mount but the charm's are to high in price?? and to top that, you spend 10zen on clothes!... Pathetic! I vote a big NO!
  • Did you see that there is a class section on forum? "Quote" Looking for more information on your class? Trying to decide how to build your character? Hit up the Class Discussion forums."/Quote" Did you read that?
  • I dont see the problem with loot, you just have to learn it. Kill loot kill loot ect.. How hard is that to learn? And dont say "bla bla but i got 4 mobs on me..." lol Hit your loot key! Wait or did your loot key get lost just like your Esc key when casting nuke on someone's mob? Say what you want, but it works just fine!…
  • Why not use :confused: And there are plenty builds in that section to if you took the time to look!
  • Yes please give us this, cause im getting so sick & tired to see worthless comment's in chat from speaker chat or when some nub got married... cant even disable System mes... :( oh and btw since when is getting married so damn important that you have to use System to broadcast it in chat? Plz allow players to turn it off!…
  • Bug's ??? :confused: like game bug's or pet bug's ? If pet rofl then get a wolf or a bunny or a golem ect... :D
  • You do know that there is a Class section right? If you go to Class Discussion & then click Venomancer then look through the post you find something called Rare pets post. ;) lol
  • Its more like Archlord, tho you got a PvE server.
  • Try look at the player shops in city's, on many of them you can see that they are really just scam shops... they buy herbs ect. from 60 to 100 then re-sell them for 600+ ... lol Worse part is, people do sell to them :eek: Anyway, do some crafting then decomp those you make that isnt 2star + and sell the stones in your…
  • lmao, reminds me of what they did in Archlord one day... :eek:
  • This is the "surprise" they had for us :p Servers shut down and begins to wipe :O
  • What class are you? If your a Barb, go out and kill things untill your bar under xp bar is full yellow.(in tiger form) If your a Veno, go out and kill stuff with your pet but be in Fox form so that you gain Chi faster when you hit! Hope that helps you ;)
  • Was that remark to me? Ok, since when ill ask? Do share any quote you might find where i "Target" anyone as a person! ;)
  • lol here we go again with the same thing. They better change the way you "carry" people if they made this, or keep this on RP only servers! oh and no it wasnt to you kisaraven, then i would have put a quote from you in it ect.. So in the Future do Not send me any private messages!
  • It will! Didnt you read All the post from people on both Threads that is made about this? No? then go read them again, cause there is and it will have. Many will leave & many will even hunt other players because of this & dont forget about the tells people will be getting from this! You want them to change game name to…
  • Not even got agro on the lvl8x air mobs on path to city of 1k. I guess if you fly right into them or up to them and try to pickpocket u get agro :D
  • What part of the RoC dont you understand? Now go click that link again and read it again if you can. ;)
  • I got both and the elite one(the lvl 18) is best for my needs. And then i dont have to buy the buff skill anyway later on ;) Anyway, the lvl 17 is the one that most people use & thats because you can almost get them for free in lost city(not the server but the newbie city) ... lol
  • So that means that we will get houses here i guess. Anyway back to topic.. WTF.. now how can you say that Robots are the same as Shields??? :confused: I guess people needs to learn what a shield is and what a robot is. So to all you smart wizz out there :eek: go read these two links! 1st. Is about robots!…
  • Nice post, but are you sure this isnt a bug? I only ask cause it dont sound like its "normal" by doing this. Would be nice to see a post from PW saying this is 100% ok and not a bug. ;)
  • I have never got any agro ...must be because you were to close to ground :p
  • And i will point out that you should go read RoC ;)
  • Grow up! Anyway to get married has no place in this Game! We are here to play the game and not to play man & man or man & whife ect.. Next thing you want is that people can have baby's? lmao Go play Sims or what ever that **** is called! End of story!
  • No and this isnt going to be another flame war post! I could say the same thing about all those FREAKS that wanna get married ect.. Its a Game not a place to date ect. End of story!
  • Just loot it lol If u can pick it up, then you got the right to take it! But anyway back to those that dont loot, there can be many reasons for that & one of them is that it can be a Bot that is running around... I have seen many of those in my time of playing MMOG's, and all i can say is... if you see this kind on the pvp…
  • I vote a Big NO! As it is right now makes me wanna puke all over ... Yes its ok that a player can lift someone up if one of their legs was cut off ect.. But to lift up someone and to top that they also be kissing... :mad: This is a game for god sake!! Its not some dateing game or what ever ... !!!! They can always change…
  • Flying will Always be better! Cause there is nothing in your way ;) Fly over tree's - over water - over rocks ect... and i could go on lol Maybe in a straight line race a land mount can win lol oh and dont forget Agro you get on land mounts :p and there is 0 agro when you fly.. So you still dont know what to get? :D