dieoh Arc User


  • Bump. stll hoping i get the answer frm someone >.<
  • bump//// anyone D: ?
  • Well i was lucky enough to get the FC sign, either way still hahve 112m or so =) And does anyone know the % of attack from Revenge, I wanna know if its the same % gained from bless o:
  • bump. Still hoping i can get some more input =P So far the only 2 optons are impact and earthclaw.
  • Honestly I would pick axes as main/1st path, keyword 1st path. Using axes will allow u to kill fast, deal good spike damage. Will also allow you to use and have skills for the "free" lvl50 dual hammer GS wep, which is pretty good. You will have a slight advantage when it comes to AOEing, being able to take multiple mobs at…
  • Yes axe BM is th best pick for RB, the countless waves of mobs require constant AOE, and axe is the best for the job, not only that but Heavens flame makes the killing alot faster, a must skill. Fists are stll great in RB for bosses though, I usually use HF, switch to fists and punch the hell out o: Poles are nice to push…
  • Didnt see the genie part. And altough duels and pk are quite different, and mainly for me the whole charm deal, I stll feel that non-fist BMs are still not that much of a threat. I always use the same stategy, only difference is that i do try to have spark pots with me all the time ^^.
  • Really? hmmm dont get me wrong i like zerk, i still use my +6 calam axes at lvl 80, but fo fists im not too sure since double dmg is nice, but too much health drain sounds abit scary. I have never used them so I cant really say, Anyone else would support TT90 gold over the FC fists/claw?
  • Well im glad people are taking the time to give some information to others, spcially on a path like fists. Im no rxpert but id like to point out a few things, Maybe i missed it but a section covering genie skills would be nice, theres some skills like relentless courage or windshield that can increase the DPS. You didnt…
  • Anyone else got any suggestion besides impact and earth claw o: ?
  • I actually have 1 affinity point left that i havent used. As for physical or M. dmg, I guess Magic since i can cover the physical dmg myself and i have True emptines. You got any recomendations?
  • Well Tangling Mire is nice, but i got another genie, which i mainly sue for PVE or RB Xtreme poison, alpha male, Tanglin mire and ToP. Thats why i was looking for a more dmg skill than anything else.
  • I always enjoy reading your posts^^. /random I made bold something ii ur post. You said that its only .05, and therefore the buddahs would still be better, is this taking in consideration my -.05 wristguards?
  • Ill aree with most here. Drakes and AoeLian blade should be maxed ASAP. So is drawblood because of the stacked bleeding. And Roar of pride is not 2pvp" oriented, Roar makes AOE grinding easier. And as it was mentione dbefore, Sutras recovery is mainly from the 20%. Oh an fastest DPS? Um u arent considering fists are u=P?…
  • thanks for the replies. um only one person kinda answered me what asked on my 2nd post thugh =P- Would Bddahs fist prove to be better at holding than a lvl 8x 3star fist with the interval per hit addition?. so far my only -interval equip are the TT80 gold wrist that have the .05 interval.
  • Lol wow LA. And Fist are proven best for tankng with interval gear due to the DPS. Thats a bit obvious but good to pointing it out=P [/QUOTE] The question is, the TT80 normal none has interval bonus(right?). So would a -interval lvl 81 3star fists wpud be better than the TT80? Or the TT80 dmg would be better option than…
  • Cause you cant. You cant get 2 Bhs with the same boss in the same days. Lets not confuse this with: ---Getting BossA on day1, and getting BossA again on day2 , and doing both on day2--- to try and explain it better. The reason why u sometimes cant get Two BHs a day is the following, um lets put a scenerio. Lets say on you…
  • bump. Anyone else have the same issue D: ?
  • Um but tanking is tanking, its irelevant of the lvl of the boss. Tanking has to do with the tanks ability to hold aggro. Its irrelevant if its a bh59 or not.
  • Hmm few things I wanna comment. you mentioned 60dex, thats a bit too low for my taste, its true you dont pvp much, but some mobs like bosses I feel that why dotn recquire a bit of aim to hit them. As for STR, im not gonna have the same str as a low dex, medium vit, full str BM. I wonder how much difference in dmg will be.…
  • Most of my AOes, well exept for HF are max lvl 8-9 Ill keep my mind open for spear, but I do wanna try sword later on =P I like far strike though i may be working on tha too later on
  • Thanks for the reply guys^^. Advanced, now that u mention spear I kinda can tell I never really consdered it. Well the purpose of a 2nd branch was to pick a path that could somewhat give u an edge in pvp/tw/1v1, since ive seen alot of good reviews on swords when 1vs1. Basically what I liked was that sword skills dealt ore…
  • Well the fists things I mainly want it for when tanking when needed to, Doble sparking + cyclone. My "Choice" 2nd branch to learn are swords whch i wont have much problems with the dex req. Have you used swords yourself? Im interested in them mainly for 1vs1 situation, because of the superb dmg skills(last 2 are abit crazy)
  • Hmm true about the HP, but I wont end up relying much on Vit stat for the HP. For example, I already have my full TT70 set, refined to +3 and flawless/Immac HP shards on them. Not a bad idea, the only thing i was a bit concerned abt trying to use fists or swords on that matter was if my damage output was going to be so low…
  • I never meant to imply that alal high lvls are experts, I just wanted to try and have someone with knowledge psot in here. Higher lvl players usuall have some insight, not everyone obiously. Telarith, thanks alot for thos links, nice guide btw. Question, as as when u have to tank, do fist make it easier for you?
  • Thanks for the reply. I do hope lvl 80+ can end up posting their opinions, cause I want to know their thoughts based on experience. No offense to the previous psoter but I obviously know what each stat does. I just want to know which is better on the long run, dex or str. Cause I could just keep str at the min req for…
  • by Cap vit u do mean without any gear on right lol =P? if so thats were my vit is more or less. Hmm well its fine if i cant use the exact lvl branch of the secondary wep, for example im lvl 68 and i wouldnt mind using a lvl 5x mold fist. Thanks for ur comment, but I do ned to know if str is extremly useful as for keep…
  • To try and sum it up.and correct me if im wrong You can get BH twice a day, as Long as 2 things trigger one, that you pick the 1ts BH in the first four hours after the server reset. After those four hours, you are able to get a 2nd BH as long as its not the same boss from the BH you got at server reset.
  • Edit: Sorry just saw all of u guys replies lol.... So thats peobably why, the same boss one after the other would mean just 1 BH per day. Anyone been able to do 2 BHs yesterday or today?
  • Hmm. thanks for ur reply. What do u mean by "next day" For me like I said, waited for the restart, imagine thats at 12AM, and got my BH: then I go to sleep and I wake up at idk 8AM, at that hour I was able to get the 2nd BH. Idk if u understand what I mean ^^ And about the same boss thing, this is what I was not sure. For…