coolstorm Arc User


  • Both the barb and the wiz have full r999 +12, the wiz has josd the barb has crapy HP shards but still has over 50k HP pool. Obviously if he was josd the damage he takes would be less but any heavy target with full josd should be hard if not impossible to kill by just one DD. All that being said, I think all of the old…
  • Even so...Look at the damage log, your QQ about damage is not justifiable. b:bye
  • In my server wizards seem to be doing just fine, take a look:
  • Vindicate vs Hoorah 03-07-15
  • My post is taking no side, you are just to blinded by all of the commotion going on in this thread. There is always more than one view on everything, if you can't see that then that makes you an ignorant person. I am done with this conversation as it only serves to aggravate things.
  • Your post is an ignorant rant, attacking what you don't understand. Move on...
  • There was a request to observe a moment of silence by not conducting any TW this weekend to honor Tam's passing. Hoorah decided to not comply, for them fighting is a better way of honoring her. Difference of opinion, nothing else. Let's move on and stop pointing fingers. This thread and most of the comments in it are…
  • This new tw buff Imo is creating very diff tws for Vindicate against Hoonah. In small factions with under geared players I can see it being a non factor, but in well geared organized factions it can make a huge difference.
  • Avatars are broken, don't mess with Iit or you will end up with an avatar looking like mine. ;-)
  • Sanctuary server has too many r9 3rd cast. LOL Conclusion: It's time to beef up on gears if you want to get more tokens.
  • Assuming that what you say here is true...right now the way it is, if you make a squad of +12 r9s you are guaranteed the same nation. Possibly tipping the balance of that nation in your favor at least for as long as the squad remains together. Now if you don't allow squading that same group of op players would be randomly…
  • I been spawn camped a few times and most of the time I can kill some of the campers or run away, but last nw there were some r9 3 rd cast heavy hitters. Hard to run away when your skills are in cooldown and being 1 or 2 shoted by these players. I think the squading option for nw should be removed. I know pwi suppose to…
  • Personal contributions: 6k to 11k Tokens: 58 to 166 Never been in winning nation, last couple wars have been on the 3rd nation. One time I spent 45 minutes locked in base so I quit and logged off. I still manage to get 14 tokens out of it LOL. I gone squared and solo, haven't seen any difference from it. The lower end of…