buffsrus Arc User


  • there has been a "memory leak" problem for years. PWI is aware and has done nothing to address fixing the problem. you will see a notice "virtual memory is low" and soon after you will crash. or just crash. it would take some minor work to fix it but first they would have to care about their players.
  • this thread gives proof of how much PWE/PWI truly ignores what players want. it seems more of an insult that they pretended to care -over a year ago- and then ignored us completely. all we will ever get is the sorry excuse of "its because of China". which leads me to never want to play another game ran by PWE or in any way…
  • what meds do you take that you think this game has "never been better"? read MMO forums more please. PWI is pretty much laughed at now. and whoever is tanking will have a much higher repair bill. doesnt matter if you go out and repair 5000 times during an instance, the end result will cost the same. not bad for you because…
  • Actually .130KWH is 130 watts on average nonstop for 1 hour. I think you missed the . Based on your 130 watts of usage your numbers are probably real close. My computer pulls much more than that. I could cut it down if I used powersave mode when it is just sitting there but still wont get that low for mine. Also 130 watts…
  • It does sometimes I had 70M in account stash. When I pulled it out I only got 7M. No response from GMs... More than likely though it was swapped out in trade. Had that happen once and with screenshots of the entire conversation what was agreed upon and GM response was not our problem you should have paid more attention.…
  • Just going by personal experience. The apartment I used to live in I never did anything different from 1 month to the next other than the second month I had an extra computer on 24/7. Bill went up $35. I just figured checked its power for both low and high end and it would cost anywhere from $22/month on low end and…
  • What is really funny is that the same people who whine that they cant afford to cash shop are the same people who will leave a computer on 24/7 even though it costs $30-40/month in electricity to leave a computer on 24/7.
  • You just had a weekend of 2x now you want more again? You will get a sale and thats it you greedy little whiner. Deal with it or **** off.
  • There are good and bad customer service. (Mostly Bad) I had all my accounts permabanned for having a supposed scam shop. (Guess I had an extra 0 on a price in shop...) After arguing with them and their 1 week response times for over a month 1 account was unbanned. I told them to just reban the account because I was not…
  • why is this thread still open? unless Elayne leveled today, he was still 104 when i looked in guild yesterday. Essence so bored they have to troll forums for attention.
  • if your looks match your posting style you must be one hell of a girl irl.
  • idk how true that statement is. i still see CQ alts in Nsync so prolly just CQ trying to distance themselves so they don't get a bad rep.
  • this statement/thread would hold so much more meaning if CQ officers were not running around threatening KOS on any guild that bids on them next week. maybe the angry, spitting llama will solo defend.
  • where you just attempt to terrorize anyone who dares to post. FYI the forum does not belong to you nor to CQ. why don't you see if you can make it 24 hours without posting? no one will miss you and the forums will be a much more pleasant experience for everyone. i like the term blow hard for you. why don't you stop single…
  • LOL! so busy spouting about 1 shotting people you missed the point. no wonder you can't get a date! ok now it makes sense. Pandora bullied little boy xtacy and called him non factor so now it makes xtacy feel better about himself to repeat the insult to others. fail for orginality but i guess he uses what he can. GL xtacy!…
  • ah yes. because if you are not in CQ you are a non factor. if you are not in CQ, you can't truely enjoy the game. if you are not in CQ you do not know anything about PW. xtacy, does your head fit through a regular sized doorway, or you need extra wide for your self inflated ego?
  • Lies!!! i care. you do realise that when you resort to name calling (noob, non-factor) it reveals that you are getting emotional about the issue. and the more you and other CQ come in here defending, the more it validates the claims being made. maybe YOU don't rpk, but others do. and it happens exactly as previously…
  • i lol'd for real reading this. but started a full on belly laugh when i got to the "integrity" part. CQ is the worst for rpk ing and then denying or making up some lame excuse for it. oh wait i forgot about the boyband alt guild. now you just use alts to rpk. when one lacks the ability to form complete responses, just do…
  • very, very hard. if you don't care about something why would you take it serious? when people go on and on about how they don't care about something, it is obvious that they do care. otherwise they would not care enough to bother with a response at all. but please bless me with your wisdom of how to not care about…
  • b:cute so cute how many CQ in here to make sure we all know that they do NOT care about this game what so ever. maybe if they keep saying it enough, they too will belive it. ssshhh don't get the llama angry. i hear they spit. RedsRose i like you. b:dirty ask Uncle Athran if we can hang out
  • tut tut such anger/language. most of the people from back then do not even play or are in CQ now. b:chuckle who cares if CQ controls the map? some people have to rely on salary to play, others do not. RQ and Harvester will never have server love as long as they keep RPK ing. Spectral doesn't RPK (as far a i know) so best…