What Is Pwi Doing

HellSlayer - Lost City
HellSlayer - Lost City Posts: 19 Arc User
edited December 2014 in General Discussion

IF pwi trying to drive out all non cash shopper players ,, just tell us ,not lead us on anymore .
This used to be a game that anyone could farm stuff ,but way it going ,,FORGET that now days..
As i see it ,average player has no way to really make coins ,other than jolly rogers ,,that next to go as the way things going ..

Post edited by HellSlayer - Lost City on


  • eiledon
    eiledon Posts: 90 Arc User
    edited December 2014
    It's a directive from PW Bejing on all official versions of the game (I think ostensibly to combat gold seller botters - who are a major problem on Far East versions of the game even before the ingame bot was added). I am sure there were discussions our local product managers tried to have to remove it or reduce the reduction on our version but sometimes corporate will stick to their decision, and since development on PWI is also managed in China it isnt something that can be altered locally either.
  • opkossy
    opkossy Posts: 11,177 Community Moderator
    edited December 2014
    PWI didn't choose any of these nerfs. PWCN did them due to their own issues.

    "What issues," you ask?

    Click this red text and see a small example for yourself.
    (Insert fancy image here)
  • xxxxjayxxxx
    xxxxjayxxxx Posts: 99 Arc User
    edited December 2014
    OPKossy wrote: »

    HAHAHAHAHAHHAHHAAHHAHA What the crocodile hat is going on there? b:laugh

    Dont think ill ever complain about bots on RT again
  • opkossy
    opkossy Posts: 11,177 Community Moderator
    edited December 2014
    HAHAHAHAHAHHAHHAAHHAHA What the crocodile hat is going on there? b:laugh

    Dont think ill ever complain about bots on RT again

    And that's a minor example from one area. Now imagine the same thing happening -everywhere- regardless of level range.
    (Insert fancy image here)
  • Deceptistar - Sanctuary
    Deceptistar - Sanctuary Posts: 10,454 Arc User
    edited December 2014

    IF pwi trying to drive out all non cash shopper players ,, just tell us ,not lead us on anymore .
    This used to be a game that anyone could farm stuff ,but way it going ,,FORGET that now days..
    As i see it ,average player has no way to really make coins ,other than jolly rogers ,,that next to go as the way things going ..

    you could, of course, use DQs for their original use.

    dragon quests
    ★"New weekly quests! "Discover the bug in the patch""-Nihillae★"My father would beat me if he found out I was QQing over a virtual pony."-Neurosis★"You're amongst the biggest blobs of fail I've ever seen in my life."-Ninnuam★"A statistic said 3% people of the world get enjoyment primarily from making people upset, and you are trying to discriminate them"-ilystah★["How To Tank Rebirth Order Delta (86+)"-Stickygreen Barb (1)restat. you want full magic, Arcane armour build (2)when mobs come /faceroll on your keyboard and you will one shot all the mobs (3)rinse and repeat]★"I've been spammed with 3 poops for 2 hours."-ColdSteele★"If someone fights learning, I don't bother with them outside of amusement factor."-Telarith★"This thread is a joke right? Please say yes."-eatwithspoons★ "This is why you don't post your opinions on the internet, most of the replies you get will be from people who missed a hug or two sometime in their youth."-Alacol★"Sexy! A post with a Binomial Distribution."-Asterelle★"It's about time PW starts to separate out the noob Sins from the rest."-salvati0n★"Shoo troll >:O"-TheDan
  • Mosz - Heavens Tear
    Mosz - Heavens Tear Posts: 3,181 Arc User
    edited December 2014

    IF pwi trying to drive out all non cash shopper players ,, just tell us ,not lead us on anymore .
    This used to be a game that anyone could farm stuff ,but way it going ,,FORGET that now days..
    As i see it ,average player has no way to really make coins ,other than jolly rogers ,,that next to go as the way things going ..


    Think about it, didnt notice the inflation over the last year? who did that affect more the cash shoppers or the non cash shoppers? when cash shoppers could sell gold for 2x what it was last year they were happy, it was the non cash shoppers that were all OMFG INFLATION WTF PRICES DOUBLING ON EVERYTHING BOUTIQUE RELATED, psst where do you think that coin came from? from peopel botting hardcore- there were plenty of people running multi bots all damn days generating insane amounts of coin therefore driving prices up

    guess what? THIS PATCH HELPS THE AVERAGE PLAYER NON CASH SHOPPERS. FFS take 2 minutes to think about the economy and be thankful instead of QQing

    sparkie would tell you, please active your brain, you have issues with inflation...PW helps fight inflation...people QQ, congrats..you have just given PW(Wanmei/PWE) a very good reason to never listen to the players again, not to mention to never bother checking the forum
  • kikiwikilili
    kikiwikilili Posts: 80 Arc User
    edited December 2014
    How are we supposed to earn/farm coins then ?
  • Mosz - Heavens Tear
    Mosz - Heavens Tear Posts: 3,181 Arc User
    edited December 2014
    How are we supposed to earn/farm coins then ?

    use brain:
    list me 10 things that are sellable in game
    list me 3 things that GENERATE coin in game

    this is not rocket science, this is literally keeping your eyes open for a few minutes
  • MageMERC - Harshlands
    MageMERC - Harshlands Posts: 1,600 Arc User
    edited December 2014
    OPKossy wrote: »
    PWI didn't choose any of these nerfs. PWCN did them due to their own issues.

    "What issues," you ask?

    Click this red text and see a small example for yourself.

    That is surreal and crazy all at the same time. I get its a botting situation but I didn't really understand what I was looking at. Could someone explain please?
  • Thedarkrealm - Lost City
    Thedarkrealm - Lost City Posts: 265 Arc User
    edited December 2014
    That is surreal and crazy all at the same time. I get its a botting situation but I didn't really understand what I was looking at. Could someone explain please?
    I have no clue what that is but it looks like a bad spawn rate problem made of equal parts terrible and amazing. Terrible because of the massive server lag that spawn rate would cause, and Amazing because of the farming opportunities. If your on PVE you could just sit and have a bot eat levels, people would probably gank your bot in pvp
  • eediot
    eediot Posts: 56 Arc User
    edited December 2014
    Waiting on Mr. Knowitall. List ways to make coin in game if you're not OP (to solo TT etc.) or a cash shopper. Reliable ways, that are not time consuming. And don't say excitement or ecstasy cards from BH100. That's random. I can go 2 weeks or more on 3 characters and get diddly squat.
  • Keisari - Raging Tide
    Keisari - Raging Tide Posts: 384 Arc User
    edited December 2014
    eediot wrote: »
    Waiting on Mr. Knowitall. List ways to make coin in game if you're not OP (to solo TT etc.) or a cash shopper. Reliable ways, that are not time consuming. And don't say excitement or ecstasy cards from BH100. That's random. I can go 2 weeks or more on 3 characters and get diddly squat.

    You want a free lunch? Kitty's just wondering 'cause there's none.

    Your best option might be NW or lowbie Tournament.
    Kittysama - Raging Tide in APS-barb disguise, when avatars were bugged. Now posting again as Kittysama.
    Deleted old mains on Feb. 2014, back with every viable build covered, majority of them at or above non-rb 100.b:cute
    The Greatest APS-Panda on RT! 'Cause there's too much food in tables of Imperial palace.b:surrender
    Kitty's current average lvl ~94 b:shocked
  • eediot
    eediot Posts: 56 Arc User
    edited December 2014
    How can you make money at NW if you can't pay for repairs? Cost coins to make SoW, etc.
  • Psytrac - Dreamweaver
    Psytrac - Dreamweaver Posts: 2,488 Arc User
    edited December 2014
    it's funny, I have made more than enough on my NS to support itself. maybe you need to stop ******** and start working
    I'm a guy, not a woman, that is all
    "When you're on Team Bring it, every morning your feet hit the floor, the good lord says "good morning" and the devil says 'Oh **** they're up' " - Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson
    Are you on Team Bring it?
  • krishna88
    krishna88 Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited December 2014
    in this game making coins is too much tough now. I don't wanna play a GAME in too hard Mode. Now The game is only for Real Cash Users. So its not FTP game b:victory

  • Larkel - Heavens Tear
    Larkel - Heavens Tear Posts: 76 Arc User
    edited December 2014
    To the OP. It is going to be very hard to get people to hear you and not say you are QQ'ing. Especially those that already have all their armor and coin to spare from the DQ and cash shop.

    I feel your pain and I know there are others that do too, they are just afraid to speak out because of the reaction they might get.

    Funny thing I was thinking yesterday, if you don't buy telecoustics from cash shop it literally would take you (depending on your level) several quests to just talk in chat. I found that amusing.

    Another major issue is that if you can't afford to just outright buy your armor you kind of get in this vicious cycle of not being powerful enough to fight mobs at your own level to try to knock out enough quests to get the armor to do TT or buy TT armor, this starts around level 70 and up.

    I am trying to get my level 90 TT armor now, and it is becoming a pain in the ***. I see a lot of people asking for people to open TT for 100k in chat? I guess they don't want anyone else going with them.

    I've been collecting mats, and I have my tailoring up to level 6. So I thought well I could just make the regular level 90 stuff and hope for 3 stars, and then I hear people kicking you out of squad unless you have TT or better... so again screwed.

    I guess for me my options right now is just to solo lower level TT and try to get the level 90 TT gear one piece at a time and then sell off my old stuff. From what I've seen so far it will cost about 6 to 8 mil to get everything needed for one piece of the armor. I'm also not sure what I am capable of getting yet in the lower TT's besides chieften, swords and skulls... and I keep telling myself don't even look at the sage/demon books yet, lol

    In closing, PWI has a lot of fun content and I love the atmosphere, music and classes but if you can't get involved in that content and you're not having fun, then you have to ask yourself if it is time to move on. b:cute
  • Sylvae - Sanctuary
    Sylvae - Sanctuary Posts: 1,018 Arc User
    edited December 2014
    eediot wrote: »
    Waiting on Mr. Knowitall. List ways to make coin in game if you're not OP (to solo TT etc.) or a cash shopper. Reliable ways, that are not time consuming. And don't say excitement or ecstasy cards from BH100. That's random. I can go 2 weeks or more on 3 characters and get diddly squat.

    Mirages are worth a minimum of more than half an ecstacy card; and that's if you NPC them. If people are paying more, that's even more money.

    For TT opening, just do that. Requires no gear, no expense, and only a few minutes of time. 100K each time, and people spam ask for that during X2 event. Do those, buy the mats you would want to farm without the hassle. Simple, easy, obvious.
  • teikiatsu11
    teikiatsu11 Posts: 98 Arc User
    edited December 2014
    Just to point out a few ways to make coin, though not applicable or good enough for everyone you do still have:
    armor, material and coin drops from mobs
    BH100 rewards such as mirages, ecstasy and excitement cards
    Lower levels you have the jolly old jones quests
    There's probably more but I don't wanna remember them all right now

    I know these aren't GREAT solutions for everyone but figured I'd point out their existence b:cute

    P.S when I was broke all the time I used to save up divine orders and after collecting enough make the highest value legendary weapons from the Divine Emmisary guy and go npc them for a little extra coin b:chuckle it's not effecient in any form but the extra boost in coin was nice from time to time
  • Gralkon - Archosaur
    Gralkon - Archosaur Posts: 49 Arc User
    edited December 2014
    Here is something I found with a 2 second google search that has some pretty good advice




    Another good way I saw that is time consuming is to gather herbs in heaven/hell. Make some apo and sell it on NW days or just sell the herbs. Yes it can be time consuming, but if you are looking to play f2p then there are no quick ways.

    I think this move is a good move as it will bring down the coin price quickly. Botters have been a plauge on this game for way to long and this step is one that needed to be taken. I am hoping to see within the next year gold selling for 750k-1m each or less. The effects will not be immediate by any means, but should be noticable within a few months.
  • WorryEasykil - Dreamweaver
    WorryEasykil - Dreamweaver Posts: 179 Arc User
    edited December 2014
    Just to point out a few ways to make coin, though not applicable or good enough for everyone you do still have:
    armor, material and coin drops from mobs

    Armor dropped from mobs has also been nerfed. the only weapoon/armors that held their value is the Gold sets from Dreamchaser packs
  • zxephon
    zxephon Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited December 2014
    Now u dont can help ur low geared guildies with getting BH, FB done or getting TT because ur a higher lvl and u cant repair ur gear because the expensive are higher then u get of coines.
  • Oliiander - Lost City
    Oliiander - Lost City Posts: 393 Arc User
    edited December 2014
    eediot wrote: »
    Waiting on Mr. Knowitall. List ways to make coin in game if you're not OP (to solo TT etc.) or a cash shopper. Reliable ways, that are not time consuming.* And don't say excitement or ecstasy cards from BH100. That's random. I can go 2 weeks or more on 3 characters and get diddly squat.
    How can you make money at NW if you can't pay for repairs? Cost coins to make SoW, etc.
    Uhm. Do a couple quests, they give decent coins and will cover the costs for repairs, you get free pots from doing divine quests at 100, mob drop pots are also okay. If you're completely broke, you shouldn't even be expecting to make a Seal of War right off the bat, try making cheaper things and saving the coins. Another nice place to make some spending money is in Cube of Fate, jump into Luminance and do your quests there for COF Directorate Secret Letters so that you can run with two cogs, sure you'll need a few million to get started with Do-all cards and roughly 1.5 million or so coins to get through rooms 51-60, but hey, cogs! Two of them!
    * This is just funny. Also sad. Mostly disappointing.
    zxephon wrote: »
    Now u dont can help ur low geared guildies with getting BH, FB done or getting TT because ur a higher lvl and u cant repair ur gear because the expensive are higher then u get of coines.

    This is a sorry excuse if I saw any, TT I can understand, some of those instances are a living nightmare for lower geared people, and if you don't know what to expect, it's a nightmare for better geared people, too. The others, BH and FB, should be relatively easy, why not grab a friend or two to help? If you can't get help, then you won't die from waiting a little to ask around for help again.
    My squishiness is (Usually) unrivaled.
    Finally decided to give Olii her own banner.b:chuckle
  • Aubree - Dreamweaver
    Aubree - Dreamweaver Posts: 1,868 Arc User
    edited December 2014
    Here is something I found with a 2 second google search that has some pretty good advice




    Another good way I saw that is time consuming is to gather herbs in heaven/hell. Make some apo and sell it on NW days or just sell the herbs. Yes it can be time consuming, but if you are looking to play f2p then there are no quick ways.

    I think this move is a good move as it will bring down the coin price quickly. Botters have been a plauge on this game for way to long and this step is one that needed to be taken. I am hoping to see within the next year gold selling for 750k-1m each or less. The effects will not be immediate by any means, but should be noticable within a few months.

    That first link is such a troll. From 2008. LOL I didn't bother with the other 2. Just some comedic passages from 1st link.
    A) Grind.

    Fairly obvious. When grinding, you get lots of money and item drops. Pick them ALL up, unless there's some insane swarm of monsters on top of it and you can't handle them. Do NOT ignore the money drops, even though there seems to be so little money. It builds up. A player lvling from 1-20 without picking up any money missed out on, on average, about 50-60K. And those are the easy no-grind lvls.
    That doesn't work anymore.
    C) Sell the good items

    To players, that is. If you got a nice equipment drop from a monster, your best option would be to sell it to a player, because they're usually worth a lot more than the NPC will pay you. Good equipment is usually a blue-named two-star item with decent stats (By which I mean a magic weapon with accuracy does NOT have decent stats). Now, there's three types of people:
    -People who sell their items through chat. This is usually not a great option. Trade chat in West Archo can get you a buyer sometimes, but it's usually not very effective

    E) Only get the good skills

    Don't waste your money just to try a skill out. Read the description, look it up, then decide whether or not you want it. For example, many wizards want to get Hailstorm, it's an AoE and all. However, the skill is totally rubbish. Money (and SP) wasted.

    Yea because ya know, them others aint needed!
  • ChaseyLain - Lost City
    ChaseyLain - Lost City Posts: 135 Arc User
    edited December 2014
    the game dies with no new players right? when DQ was nerfed at lower levels there was a promise of quests to help compensate the new players. still waiting on that i see.

    brand new players have no way to earn enough money to repair, get skills, get halfway decent armor, and a shopping list of other things.

    hh was nerfed because the high geared people are able to solo everything. so now they control the market making it almost impossible for the new players to ever afford.

    *if* you get high enough to enter heaven or hell, the bots on herbs are still there. nothing has ever been done about them. thus making farming herbs pointless. the bots go 24/7 and can drop the price to almost nothing. i have reported the same ones over and over and every day they are still there so dont even bother sending a ticket.

    trying to get accepted to a party to farm anything-ws,hh- you need to have decent gear. people ask for a weapon before inviting you to party. how can you farm gear when you have nothing and no way to earn it?

    as far as i can see PWI has finally managed to ruin the game for bringing in new players. no one in their right mind would waste time and frustration now.

    i have my secrets for making money. i have more than i can spend but i have been playing, hoarding, and watching the market since server opened. but as far as getting new players to stick around... wont happen unless some changes are made.
  • Mosz - Heavens Tear
    Mosz - Heavens Tear Posts: 3,181 Arc User
    edited December 2014
    the game dies with no new players right? when DQ was nerfed at lower levels there was a promise of quests to help compensate the new players. still waiting on that i see.
    that did just happen, they greatly increased quest rewards

    hh was nerfed because the high geared people are able to solo everything. so now they control the market making it almost impossible for the new players to ever afford.

    bs, there is so much competition the prices have dropped so low most end game people dont even bother to farm since its not worth their time

    trying to get accepted to a party to farm anything-ws,hh- you need to have decent gear. people ask for a weapon before inviting you to party. how can you farm gear when you have nothing and no way to earn it?
    asking for a wep doesnt mean they require a godly wep, you could make own squad too...

    comments in red
  • jojjee91
    jojjee91 Posts: 11 Arc User
    edited December 2014
    Welcome to the Mr.AlwaysNegetive (Mosz) and look down on others beacuse u have +10-12 JOSD/Vit/Attackstone shards guy on heaven's tear server...

    Even if they have increased the reward from quests when lower lvls/new players come at higher lvl they do much alone and GOOD LUCK finding someone willing to help a lower lvl out if they can't solo a instance.
    I made a new char from scratch without using my main char to help anything and i can just say that when i came to like bh39 or higher i had to spend 53mins (Yes i took time from when started to wcing the little i could and ask around in citys) to find 2 people who needed it aswell. Didn't get a single pm who wanted to help me.

    I Would guess a new player wouldn't wanna stay around in the game how the game are like now days...
  • Mosz - Heavens Tear
    Mosz - Heavens Tear Posts: 3,181 Arc User
    edited December 2014
    jojjee91 wrote: »
    Welcome to the Mr.AlwaysNegetive (Mosz) and look down on others beacuse u have +10-12 JOSD/Vit/Attackstone shards guy on heaven's tear server...
    always negative...yet i said positive things in my post

    Even if they have increased the reward from quests when lower lvls/new players come at higher lvl they do much alone and GOOD LUCK finding someone willing to help a lower lvl out if they can't solo a instance.
    did i say otherwise? i only corrected false things in the previous post
    I made a new char from scratch without using my main char to help anything and i can just say that when i came to like bh39 or higher i had to spend 53mins (Yes i took time from when started to wcing the little i could and ask around in citys) to find 2 people who needed it aswell. Didn't get a single pm who wanted to help me.
    does this contradict anything that i said? (no?) but it sure does sound very AlwaysNegative to me

    I Would guess a new player wouldn't wanna stay around in the game how the game are like now days...

    replies in red to mr Hypocrite& and mr PlainWrong (not to mention mr. hide behind forum alt)
  • bloodedone87
    bloodedone87 Posts: 1,883 Arc User
    edited December 2014
    The game has never been better. Only blind ones cant see that.
    My lvl 73 stormbringer has almost full lvl70 Quicksand gear.Missing only necklace.
    The Quicksand maze is a great add for low lvl players and high lvl too.
    Too bad I dont see many new low lvl running teh instance which is easy with a good made sqaud.Instead I see low lvls asking a high lvl to help. So I had no choice than to do the same.Or to go with someone that use his main to farm for his alt.
    Plus instances like :
    Secret Frostcover Ground( bh51) Valley of disaster(bh59) Wraithgate(bh69) now have daily quest that if yu kill a certain boss yu get mats to manufacture quicksand ornamenst. Also the bosses drop quicksand mats too.
    About repairing: maybe if people dont let the gear they got break really badly the cost for repair wont be that higher.

  • buffsrus
    buffsrus Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited December 2014
    The game has never been better. Only blind ones cant see that.
    My lvl 73 stormbringer has almost full lvl70 Quicksand gear.Missing only necklace.
    The Quicksand maze is a great add for low lvl players and high lvl too.
    Too bad I dont see many new low lvl running teh instance which is easy with a good made sqaud.Instead I see low lvls asking a high lvl to help. So I had no choice than to do the same.Or to go with someone that use his main to farm for his alt.
    Plus instances like :
    Secret Frostcover Ground( bh51) Valley of disaster(bh59) Wraithgate(bh69) now have daily quest that if yu kill a certain boss yu get mats to manufacture quicksand ornamenst. Also the bosses drop quicksand mats too.
    About repairing: maybe if people dont let the gear they got break really badly the cost for repair wont be that higher.

    what meds do you take that you think this game has "never been better"? read MMO forums more please. PWI is pretty much laughed at now. and whoever is tanking will have a much higher repair bill. doesnt matter if you go out and repair 5000 times during an instance, the end result will cost the same. not bad for you because you sit back and let your high level friends do all the work.
    playing pwi is like staying in a bad relationship. broken promises, abuse, lies and basically theft. they change the rules when they feel like it and blame China. new players IF they even start do not stay. with the new insta lvl 95 for 60$ new players will be even less. think if you download a new "free" game and the first thing to catch up is spending 60$? that is 4 months playing time on a pay game at 15$/month.
  • bloodedone87
    bloodedone87 Posts: 1,883 Arc User
    edited December 2014
    buffsrus wrote: »
    what meds do you take that you think this game has "never been better"? read MMO forums more please. PWI is pretty much laughed at now. and whoever is tanking will have a much higher repair bill. doesnt matter if you go out and repair 5000 times during an instance, the end result will cost the same. not bad for you because you sit back and let your high level friends do all the work.
    playing pwi is like staying in a bad relationship. broken promises, abuse, lies and basically theft. they change the rules when they feel like it and blame China. new players IF they even start do not stay. with the new insta lvl 95 for 60$ new players will be even less. think if you download a new "free" game and the first thing to catch up is spending 60$? that is 4 months playing time on a pay game at 15$/month.

    Read MMO forums? For what? To find ppl like you that always complain about something? If I had to listen to people like you I would have quit since the day I started.( well I quited the game twice but that had to do with the personal life and no time to play and not with the fact I didnt like the game).
    Blame it on China? Well no one is blame it on China but there are the big decisions taken.
    People like you always QQ about something.
    I dont like either the fact that all items prices have droped. I thought it would be only the dq items.
    But insted of coming on forums and QQ about it I play the game and make or try make money.
    Maybe if people like you complain less and play more will have enough money for what they need.
    There are 2 types of people:
    those that will be able to make money in this game no matter what changes.
    those that will always complain about not being able to make money to survive.