Dayum son if I had that P attack/spirit/Deity I'd be frost splashing 25/8
I'm going to miss the skill trainer NPCs I used to have this buildup of nerd-arousal(nerdrousal) when traveling to hell to learn new demon skills. I guess this was helped by the fact that I rode my mount everywhere. Nearly creamed my pants on the way to learn demon QS b:dirty It is sad that future players will not have…
Perfect music to go with unlocking of Luneska
+1 5 char/
Think about what you're saying. PV isn't the answer to all your exp questions. It is severely limited in that it only allows each character to open it once a day. This means you need multiple openers. Multi PV runs= no problem right? All you need are openers! Except, how will you obtain openers once you hit 100's PV? OH…
Rushed down to npc's coords at around 6:20 pm server time, no npc. There's almost too much fail in this year's anni for the human brain to even comprehend b:surrender
OK lets put things in perspective. PW used to at least **** out reskins of untradeable old mounts for us every year, at least it was something to kind of look forward to. This year we dont even get a reskin, we get the same one we got last year except we can't get it if we already got it (which we did). Fail gift ._.; And…
Pretty artwork but I think it needs to look a little more appropriate to the mythology of pw D: Looks too modern. Also, if it loses it's in -depth character customization, it will lose a lot of my interest. Making a non-cloneish TB or EG is a very difficult task, I hope they steer away from that trend b:shocked
Except that the "old" way to level has also been capped... I used to grind and farm for well over 8 hours many days. If I was where I was at back then today, I would probably quit because of my options being so limited, how is any new player supposed to get anywhere near endgame? Any PvE has been capped, PvP is too…
Pwi didnt choose the caps life, the caps life chose it...
THANK YOU Thank you so much for saying this. Sparkie's long silence and dissatisfying responses do not bode well. It would not be so difficult to believe him IF the disabling of hypers in FCC hadn't already happened before, I think more than once(correct if wrong), unintentionally. It would not be so difficult to believe…
HatedSoul was far more poetic and enigmatic b:scorn
I think the map crashed z.z
Archers were always stun-lockable b:question
the whole playstyle argument on its own is just LOL
Insult Comedy is more convincing than math b:avoid
I have actually been able to chase racist spammers off worldchat by threatening to ticket in PM. I think I still have screenies somewhere :U Unfortunately that doesnt really work w/ spammers who run on several transient accounts. The best thing to do is blacklist :/ It is more likely that the racist spammers die of old age…
I let you act as the dominant veno so that you think you are the harem master b:avoid b:thanks It came as a surprise to me though, there were a lot of strong entries. My personal favorite was Fairlyn's. Purely for creative presentation and sense of humor. I probably should have voted...
Wont count for anythingw hen this gets depth'd
LOL silly alt voters. This was a neat contest, but in the future perhaps we need class/race categories next time as well as gender categories. I am the only non Untamed winner b:shocked and 3/5 are venos... (which is fine with me personally because they can join my harem)
People tend to say that in a few situations: 1. You are better than them at something in game. They do not like this. 2. They can't think of any better-sounding generic comeback when you accidentally offend them by correcting their mistake(s). This can also be considered projection, because they are the ones who are…
Hmm, archers don't really have much skill variety in the first place, but I think frost splash and galvanic get a lot of undeserved badmouthing, galvanic especially.
You would eat your words if you had to play on PvP servers- which are absolutely infested with asssassins. Or maybe if you were a bit more perceptive. No other skill's damage compares to elimination. And its not just tidal. It's the massive holy****crappantsclenchbuttcheekspuckeranus damage of elimination which grants…
LOL what are you even trying to say when you call them the "1v1 class". This means that sins are somehow supposed to be able to kill everyone else 1 on 1 inherently because of their class? If this is your beginning point, anything you say or ever have said about sins not being broken, which you say a lot, is completely…
I kind of hate what it does to the game but I do it anyway just to keep up.
This is the problem with imbalance, especially regarding assassins. No matter how "great " you are, your top damage output/tanking capabilities will be INHERENTLY, significantly lower than anyone who plays a sin just because they are playing a sin. You may be able to try new things, but they will also have access to…
LOL look how much that one single skill alone kills people. I miss the older community this game used to have, at least they were intelligent/perceptive enough to recognize class imbalance like this. People hanging around these days either deny it or are just too dumb to notice or don't think anything is wrong with this...
Uh-oooh looks like sparkie is having a Frankie moment :o Should tell your PM that if he wants to lie to us, he can do so. much. better... than this. You can't just put "to stabilize the economy" at the end of every change that makes people go "WTF". If PWE really wanted to stabilize the economy, their actions would be…
Name:_blood_rain Server: Sanctuary Entry: Click here My favorite so far has to be Fairlyn lol
Claws used to be really great for long term single target DPS for archers o.O Even my old +5 Deicides could unexpectedly outDD many r9's. Of course it's a bit different these days and most of us have restatted back to completely pure builds...