son, you kewl but you ain't kEwL.
sad fight is sad. If that's the best sins DW have to offer.. sad.
pics or it didn't happen.
I power-leveled to 103 and am awesome with my r9 +11 dagger. You mad?
I don't get your analogy. I gave up on reading the rest. EDIT: I remember seeing a thread with a merchant trying to get to 10 billion coins. Last I saw, he had about 2.5 billion in assets. I bet if he keeps going, he has a chance to get it. You also seem to forgot about 10 million big notes so you can carry billions of…
There are merchants with more than billions in coins. Wouldn't surprise me if someone with rank8 without CSing. You sound jealous..
You didn't add in chip fees. BTW, it seems that you're under the impression that it only takes less than 40k chips to get all the mats for warsoul. Sorry to break it to you but it takes 315,300 chips altogether + close to 6.7 bil in chip fees.
I seriously hope you're farming most of the coins needed for this. That Warsoul is close to 11 billion coins with tokens at 15k per and that's about 30k USD. I'm not against spending money in this game but one has to know his/her limits. Well, unless you're filthy rich in real life then go for it!
The second item is a mirage box that could contain 10, 20, or 50 mirages. The first item is the boutique item required for sage/demon conversion. No mention of boutique item to transfer skills.
Just move on.