Sick of Power-Levelers??



  • Omea - Lost City
    Omea - Lost City Posts: 114 Arc User
    edited October 2011
    I am certainly sick of plvlers and i firmly believe it has changed the game...and ur damn right im pro on my bm, i nvr plvl, i LEARN my class, can`t remember the countless times i`ve been called a great BM or a pro BM. Don`t think I dont know how to play, I learn every toon I have made and play them to the best of my ability not ponder over what I should be doing when I KNOW what I need to be doing.

    Not really an argument, dude, since nowadays you get called "pro BM" for knowing how to stun 2 mobs with RotP. When I did FB39 on my BM, I got called pro for using my stun on the exploding mobs and then jumping back to not die.

    Edit: As long as FC and hypers exist, people will plvl, because they are willing to pay to do so.
    How come, if someone asks a question in a forum, at least 13/20 posts answers the question in the same exact way, 5/20 word the exact same answer differently and 2/20 say something completely unrelated to both life and death?
  • WWGD - Sanctuary
    WWGD - Sanctuary Posts: 12 Arc User
    edited October 2011
    I power-leveled to 103 and am awesome with my r9 +11 dagger. You mad?
  • Ikarium - Dreamweaver
    Ikarium - Dreamweaver Posts: 631 Arc User
    edited October 2011
    When I did FB39 on my BM, I got called pro for using my stun on the exploding mobs and then jumping back to not die.
  • Michalko - Heavens Tear
    Michalko - Heavens Tear Posts: 23 Arc User
    edited October 2011
    Anything that is not grinding / questing / working for it is considered power leveling... aka getting your exp the quick way, or not really working for it (paying power leveling services in-game or 3rd party systems / bots).

    ahem, CS and WQ is a Quest.

    Archo needed some help and you provided specified NPC with Gems.
    WQ, you're helping a poor man getting a Villa with only a Brooch.

    different with Hypers when you just click on/off.
    thx to Dorset for the Sig :)
  • Fulcanelli - Raging Tide
    Fulcanelli - Raging Tide Posts: 385 Arc User
    edited October 2011
    I power-leveled

    don't hate me b:shy
  • ClawCrusher - Sanctuary
    ClawCrusher - Sanctuary Posts: 14 Arc User
    edited October 2011
    Its funny how the noobness comes out for those who were plvled. Just a few nights ago during the trivial maiden luna event quizzes a lv 7x BM got all but one answer wrong...he claims he just joined last week and was plvled to where he was today...goes to show you you dont learn **** about the game when you are plvled and the quiz is a perfect example to test yourself on how much you know about the game.
  • Dethprowl - Raging Tide
    Dethprowl - Raging Tide Posts: 411 Arc User
    edited October 2011
    rosevoid wrote: »


    I use to have fun going into full fcc squads, as a barb gathers a whole hall and I BB watching the aoes fly around. Now the groups I find, the Barb/Tank cant handle more than 2 sets of mobs because they power leveled way to much and their gear is pathetic.


    Just consider the fun I have as a barb. When I gather the first half of the room and instead of stopping there I keep running to draw the whole room LOL. Ive had the whole party screaming at me in chat to stop because they cant handle more than half the room. Sad thing is its always high 90s and 100 lvl players doing the crying.
  • Xvermillionx - Dreamweaver
    Xvermillionx - Dreamweaver Posts: 25 Arc User
    edited October 2011
    i personaly think pleveling has changed game, but i know a few people who have pleveled and are quite good at their classes and do quite well in normal fcs/bhs and whatnot. not everyone who plevels are useless or bad at playing their class, ijs
  • sorr0w
    sorr0w Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2011
    People are stupid. There were idiots before power-leveling became easier, and there will always be clueless people. This game doesn't take much, if any, skill to play. If someone wants to learn how to play properly they will; but if they refuse to learn, leveling slower will not help them.

    All you need to know is how to read what your skills do, and how the game mechanics work so that you know when to use them (which honestly shouldn't take too long). Your timing may get better with repetition, but that's pretty much all the skill required to play this game.

    Anyway, it's simple, if you don't like the way somebody plays, then don't squad with them or leave the squad if you're already in one with them. They can play the game however they wish, it's not for you to say how they should have fun, but if it starts affecting you, then simply avoid them.
  • Yamiino - Heavens Tear
    Yamiino - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,031 Arc User
    edited October 2011
    sorr0w wrote: »
    People are stupid. There were idiots before power-leveling became easier, and there will always be clueless people. This game doesn't take much, if any, skill to play. If someone wants to learn how to play properly they will; but if they refuse to learn, leveling slower will not help them.

    All you need to know is how to read what your skills do, and how the game mechanics work so that you know when to use them (which honestly shouldn't take too long). Your timing may get better with repetition, but that's pretty much all the skill required to play this game.

    Anyway, it's simple, if you don't like the way somebody plays, then don't squad with them or leave the squad if you're already in one with them. They can play the game however they wish, it's not for you to say how they should have fun, but if it starts affecting you, then simply avoid them.

    Best answer ever. b:victory

    Even before the powerleveling services being sold as they are now, there were fail clerics, fail bms, fail barbs, fail sins, fail archers, etc...., its not due powerlevel which is what I have tried to say, powerleveling is not the problem, it's the people behind the screen.

    WTB> -12% channeling BELT or RING pm me with link or mail me ingame HT server, ty.
  • janae1298
    janae1298 Posts: 6 Arc User
    edited October 2011
    Well I power leveled my veno to 70 but i know how to play her skill wise. Actually since ive been playing the game for idk 3 years i know how to play almost every class. Not all Power levelers are bad, and honestly this game is gear>Skill. The only time itll ever be skill>gear is when everyone in pwi has the same gear. Then can call it even XD b:chuckle
  • Dr_Jeckyl - Heavens Tear
    Dr_Jeckyl - Heavens Tear Posts: 94 Arc User
    edited October 2011
    Even before the powerleveling services being sold as they are now, there were fail clerics, fail bms, fail barbs, fail sins, fail archers, etc...., its not due powerlevel which is what I have tried to say, powerleveling is not the problem, it's the people behind the screen.

    This is true but now there are even MORE fail chars and a large proportion of them are powerleveled. I'm not saying all powerleveled chars are bad, but when you inspect the level 70 toon and see they still have mostly the Corona gear and their weapon is the only up to level equipment, you know you're going have problems with them in BH.
  • Yamiino - Heavens Tear
    Yamiino - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,031 Arc User
    edited October 2011
    This is true but now there are even MORE fail chars and a large proportion of them are powerleveled. I'm not saying all powerleveled chars are bad, but when you inspect the level 70 toon and see they still have mostly the Corona gear and their weapon is the only up to level equipment, you know you're going have problems with them in BH.

    Then show your awesomeness by saving their a$$ b:victory
    WTB> -12% channeling BELT or RING pm me with link or mail me ingame HT server, ty.
  • bearyflair
    bearyflair Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2011
    The way I see power-leveling is like a kind of lazyness mixed with impatience. They wanna be high level without having to spend months in getting there. It's sad really when I see all those level 20 to 30 players that have a higher level to do all the killing for them. They can't learn how to fight if there's someone else to do all the fighting for them. That's the same if all you do is buy FCC runs or heads.

    A proof that power-leveling creates dumb ppl, I was on an alt in a bh29 squad and this level 71 Seeker was like "What cave is 29?". It's not the first time I find ppl not knowing the name of the instances when they're at the point where they should know most of them (level 70+). And this is also why you get Clerics that use BB at Pole and Nob.
  • Yamiino - Heavens Tear
    Yamiino - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,031 Arc User
    edited October 2011
    bearyflair wrote: »
    The way I see power-leveling is like a kind of lazyness mixed with impatience. They wanna be high level without having to spend months in getting there. It's sad really when I see all those level 20 to 30 players that have a higher level to do all the killing for them. They can't learn how to fight if there's someone else to do all the fighting for them. That's the same if all you do is buy FCC runs or heads.

    A proof that power-leveling creates dumb ppl, I was on an alt in a bh29 squad and this level 71 Seeker was like "What cave is 29?". It's not the first time I find ppl not knowing the name of the instances when they're at the point where they should know most of them (level 70+). And this is also why you get Clerics that use BB at Pole and Nob.

    You know, I have played this game for over 2 years, and some times I do forget what are the instances named for each BH. It's normal, we don't do them anymore so it's completly normal that we forget their name...

    As of BB at Pole and Nob, when you have 5 other toons stealing aggro like crazy, it is completly normal that a cleric would start bb to heal them all at once, a good tank will be able to survive even with debuffs. If someone dies from stealing aggro, is their fault not the cleric's.
    That is why most of the time there's a designated higher DD (the toon with better gear), in case there's no tank. So the cleric can focus most of the time on that character than the others and drop a chromatic healing beam once in a while.
    WTB> -12% channeling BELT or RING pm me with link or mail me ingame HT server, ty.
  • czzn
    czzn Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2011
    If it was easier to find people in this Perfect World, then powerlvling wouldn't seem as necessary as it does now. But everyone's stuck in an instance or catshop all day long, so what are ya gonna do, solo grind to slow, Asian culture music? I can't blame them for resorting to speeding up the process.

    So really, ask if you'd like to see more players actually enjoying the entirety of this so-called Perfect World. I left this game for different action mmos because there was hardly anyone in it anyway.

    Currently playing Rusty Hearts! It's a blast, punch, slice, chop, scratch, whirlwind, shock, and explosion of fun!
  • brazenbusboy
    brazenbusboy Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited October 2011
    With the way PW is stacking the game with stuff that encourages powerleveling and discourages old school type play, it is drastically altering the make up of the player base.

    The people that like old school type play start to leave and the players who stay are mostly younger ones who grew up on console games where the object is always to beat the game in the shortest possible time. To this generation, getting to 105, and being able to one shot just about anyone below them and most mobs, is winning.

    I can visualize the pouty lipped, over tan shop tanned, gel haired jersey shore types who are irked that some old school players want to rain on their parade. Why don't they just mind their own business? they ask.

    Well the problem with that is that the powerlevel to end game crowd virtually killed old school type play. In the old days one only had to show up outside most instance entrances to find tons of people eager to form teams to go in. Those people are gone now most driven away in disgust and but a few convert to the PL religion.

    So we old schoolers see PL people as responsible for killing the play style we liked by abandoning it and driving away other old school players. The old schoolers can 'mind their own business because, they can't find enough old school players to team with like they used to.

    I don't think it bodes well for PW's longevity. My impression is that too many of these 30 day wonders do so on mom and dad's nickle and so have no personal investment and are likely to fly off to the next big splashy eye candy digital paper dolls game that comes along. PW has made a few noises about bringing old school back, but that's just PR speak, their actions say the opposite.

    The only reason I have not left is the amount of time and effort and money I have invested here, but the day a certain MMO - - G W 2 goes gold, I am out of here. When you change the nature of the game from earning power to simply buying it, you end up with a very different type of gamer. Think of old school MMOs as a personal web page, and think of PW as Myspace or FoolsBook. There is room in the world for both, but they cannot coincide in the same place.
    Just some guy
  • Aquyla - Heavens Tear
    Aquyla - Heavens Tear Posts: 97 Arc User
    edited October 2011
    i'm still pretty new in pwi, been playing for a few months only. after reading all posts here i can conclude that you people are not qq-ing only because of powerleveling but because new players get served all in silver plate when they swipe with credit cards and pw likes them and listen to them better than non cashshoppers?

    As for powerlvling: i'm against selling heads in FC but not against crazy stone and world quest. reason is simple: you don't have to grind but you have to pay and spend time on those two.
  • GoodStart - Dreamweaver
    GoodStart - Dreamweaver Posts: 70 Arc User
    edited October 2011
    Power leveling is important for new players. It is needed to satisfy the requirement(s) for most of the gear necessary to compete in current day TW. Without new players entering the TW fields, many of the old time players that linger around would likely become bored enough to call it quits themselves.

    ~Simply put, new players are not going to put up with a year+ of PWI so they can get to a competitive point to TW, and old players aren't going to wait a year+ to get new competition.

    Oh. And for those of you that still don't see the connection - TW is what pays a vast majority of the bills for your F2P servers.
  • X__ENGEL__X - Sanctuary
    X__ENGEL__X - Sanctuary Posts: 16 Arc User
    edited October 2011
    Does Hyper Grinding count? b:surrender lol
  • Dannue - Lost City
    Dannue - Lost City Posts: 16 Arc User
    edited October 2011
    With the way PW is stacking the game with stuff that encourages powerleveling and discourages old school type play, it is drastically altering the make up of the player base.

    The people that like old school type play start to leave and the players who stay are mostly younger ones who grew up on console games where the object is always to beat the game in the shortest possible time. To this generation, getting to 105, and being able to one shot just about anyone below them and most mobs, is winning.

    I can visualize the pouty lipped, over tan shop tanned, gel haired jersey shore types who are irked that some old school players want to rain on their parade. Why don't they just mind their own business? they ask.

    Well the problem with that is that the powerlevel to end game crowd virtually killed old school type play. In the old days one only had to show up outside most instance entrances to find tons of people eager to form teams to go in. Those people are gone now most driven away in disgust and but a few convert to the PL religion.

    So we old schoolers see PL people as responsible for killing the play style we liked by abandoning it and driving away other old school players. The old schoolers can 'mind their own business because, they can't find enough old school players to team with like they used to.

    I don't think it bodes well for PW's longevity. My impression is that too many of these 30 day wonders do so on mom and dad's nickle and so have no personal investment and are likely to fly off to the next big splashy eye candy digital paper dolls game that comes along. PW has made a few noises about bringing old school back, but that's just PR speak, their actions say the opposite.

    The only reason I have not left is the amount of time and effort and money I have invested here, but the day a certain MMO - - G W 2 goes gold, I am out of here. When you change the nature of the game from earning power to simply buying it, you end up with a very different type of gamer. Think of old school MMOs as a personal web page, and think of PW as Myspace or FoolsBook. There is room in the world for both, but they cannot coincide in the same place.

    I so agree with you and relate to your words b:thanks
  • RosangeIa - Heavens Tear
    RosangeIa - Heavens Tear Posts: 240 Arc User
    edited October 2011
    With the way PW is stacking the game with stuff that encourages powerleveling and discourages old school type play, it is drastically altering the make up of the player base... (click for entire post)
    I so agree with you and relate to your words b:thanks

    I completely agree... I think that's my biggest problem with it.

    My boyfriend who has long left this game told me he remembers when FC wasn't evena grinding exp instance. I envy that he actually got to try the dungeon before it was reverted... In a sense, my having used it for exp gain with esotericas back in the day could have been seen as a form of powerleveling. Though arguably so could have zhenning I suppose. By the time I started running it I was 79ish on my cleric... I was ten or so levels behind the ones who had been here since September 08 or earlier in the closed beta...

    Then aside from that, WQ came out which became a form of power leveling to some. BH? Yeah that was a form of it too for a lot of people. And let's face it, it started with BH. By the time it came out my toons were already in their 90s. Wasn't until I had a low level alt that I realized just how much BH jumps you through your levels. 40s grinding no longer existed, nor did 50s or 60s or even 70s.

    Once hypers were around forget it lol.

    So yeah... PWE China and all of their developers are just "enablers". Give people stuff like this and they will use it... in a way they hurt their own game and shorten its lifespan.

    By the time Guild W2 is out, I'm out of here also lol... I can't wait for a game where money wont buy power. -.- And free to play after you buy it initially is just awesome... couldn't ask for anything better...

    Here since October 2008 ;)

    Check out my Art Corner:
  • ResMePls - Heavens Tear
    ResMePls - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,349 Arc User
    edited October 2011
    Idc l0l I Pleveled my Wiz,Mystic and seeker and I have full kn0wledge 0f h0w t0 use them in instances as well as PvP. Then again I take the time t0 read the skills t0 kn0w what they d0(does n0t take a geni0us t0 figure it 0ut.....). This game is n0t r0cket science especially if y0u have played bef0re.

    Pers0nally even th0ugh y0u may play 0nly 0ne class it is easy t0 take time t0 learn the 0ther classes while y0u are at it simply by just reading the skills and watching 0thers play and impr0ving 0n it. But then again I am a visual learner when it c0mes t0 gamesb:shutup......
    [SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]I know what your thinking.
  • mrbufarra
    mrbufarra Posts: 14 Arc User
    edited October 2011
    the only thing that make this game so sad is ppl qqing about everything, aps, plvl, csers, if u dont like it quit and get some fun in another game or w/e u want.
    After 3 years we are tired of keep leveling, if there's a easy way to level, nice! Less work to hit 100+ to use nice gears.
    No ofence, but threads like this is killing our game and our fun.

    Have a nice day
  • Tsukyini - Raging Tide
    Tsukyini - Raging Tide Posts: 1,766 Arc User
    edited October 2011
    Power leveling is important for new players. It is needed to satisfy the requirement(s) for most of the gear necessary to compete in current day TW. Without new players entering the TW fields, many of the old time players that linger around would likely become bored enough to call it quits themselves.

    ~Simply put, new players are not going to put up with a year+ of PWI so they can get to a competitive point to TW, and old players aren't going to wait a year+ to get new competition.

    Oh. And for those of you that still don't see the connection - TW is what pays a vast majority of the bills for your F2P servers.


    Imagine players who recruit their friends to play (it can happen). Do you think those friends are going to stick around if it takes them a year or more to level up and be able to do TW/etc with their friends? Not likely. Do you think veteran players who want to try new classes will bother making alts if it will take a year or more to catch up to their main? Again, not likely.

    It's a necessary evil, and as long as it is sanctioned by the game's publisher, it isn't going to go away.
  • Kerona - Sanctuary
    Kerona - Sanctuary Posts: 1,771 Arc User
    edited October 2011
    u know what im sick of.........

  • IAetius - Dreamweaver
    IAetius - Dreamweaver Posts: 197 Arc User
    edited October 2011
    I've been playing this game for a looong time. Started in HT and moved to DW when it opened. I honestly kinda miss the old Perfect World in a way. I remember how long it took to get my cleric to lvl 100 and I never did an FC. BH didn't come until I was lvl 98.

    Those were actually fun times but I do see why PWI made an exp instance. Once you get to a certain lvl they stop giving quests and you had to grind all the time. Stupid fish grinding! (does anyone else remember fish grinding? :o)

    However I think pwi went a bit overboard. I honestly think it should have stopped at introducing BH. But they need to make money and the most money is made by those who are end game.

    Because it's so easy to lvl I've gotten almost 1 of every class up to 100. Do I know how to fully play all the classes? no xD But it's nice to experiment and try out each one and heck, maybe even learn how to kill them in tw. But all in all I am getting tired of noobs who get to lvl 100 in 1-2 months and have no idea how to play the game.

    EXAMPLE: It was about a year and a half ago, I wanted to do rebirth gamma on my archer because I missed doing them all the time when I had my cleric. So I was WCing looking for a BM. Well, a BM decides to PM me and say how he is lvl 100 but he 'needs' to go in there for a quest. I tell him no, you are looking for a delta, not a gamma. But no he persists how I'm noob because I won't let him in my squad.

    I wish I took an SS of that convo, would have been so funny. But is a perfect example of what we have to deal with. lol.
    TY for my shiney new R9 PWE b:chuckle

    iAetius - Sage- Mystic-
  • RosangeIa - Heavens Tear
    RosangeIa - Heavens Tear Posts: 240 Arc User
    edited October 2011
    Admittedly I'm still pretty nubby when it comes to anything RB... I did Rebirth up to wave four for the OHT culti (on my cleric) and that was about as far as I'd ever been in there. Granted I tried the different ones starting when I was level 45 a few years ago, but I never fully understood it. xD Even after reading guides I'm still sorta "???" about it. Problem is I'm a hands on learner and the only way I'll learn it is if I get to do it-- which is kinda impossible especially nowadays... Even when I was in some of the bigger TW factions and people would run RB daily for exp gain none of the experienced players wanted to take factionmates who hadn't gone before and knew what to do... which is understandable I guess but it doesn't exactly help.

    So I don't know if I'll ever get a toon to third fairy haha. Oh well.

    RB wouldn't be so bad if it didn't fail after only a few deaths. >.> Very little room for error.

    Here since October 2008 ;)

    Check out my Art Corner:
  • Yamiino - Heavens Tear
    Yamiino - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,031 Arc User
    edited October 2011
    RB wouldn't be so bad if it didn't fail after only a few deaths. >.> Very little room for error.

    Oh yes, so glad they added a simple fix to it, so you won't get ported out on the first or 2nd death... b:dirty
    WTB> -12% channeling BELT or RING pm me with link or mail me ingame HT server, ty.
  • RosangeIa - Heavens Tear
    RosangeIa - Heavens Tear Posts: 240 Arc User
    edited October 2011
    Oh yes, so glad they added a simple fix to it, so you won't get ported out on the first or 2nd death... b:dirty

    O.o they did? Why have I not heard this? -.-

    Or are you yanking my chain ;(

    Here since October 2008 ;)

    Check out my Art Corner: