Trawne - Lost City Arc User



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  • Oh wow when did i get stickied? b:chuckle I have pretty much gone into retirement and haven't played much in about a year but occasionally check forums. I will fix this up a bit though for you guys while i'm on and answer a few questions. Please note at the time I wrote this, level 11 skills were not out for sins and…
  • I can talk about the old times if i want. i was around for them and was in RQ near the start of their downfall (even left to play Aika with them for a short time) i was about 20 levels behind everyone though so i wasnt a huge threat in fights but they were fun Edit: inb4 Wadzio "lol doesnt count since you werent a threat".…
  • haha I knew susa would beat me. and there are a few other heavy CSer's that havent posted. in the 2.5 years i played i spent 11k. never got r9 (it wasnt even out). if i start playing heavy again i know i'm going to spend more so i quit aside from the occasional login to say hi to friends.
  • Those days ended about 1.5 years ago when the game became about who had the biggest wallet. b:surrender
  • As a long time member of Tribute I can attest to susa being with us. Wadizo's memory is completely mucked up it seems, At least he got the part of him dropping his wand correct. I will say when susa was a 7x-low 8x he want very good but he was a damn fast learner and after forming up with setsuna, asskriss(he played his…
  • and knowing all other classes as well. you cant just know yours and expect to win.
  • not quite sure as i havent had it happen....did you miss? maybe it doesnt land the debuff if you miss b:surrender
  • what gummy said is true. 15-20% damage increase sounds about right also. mainly posting to say i liked gummy's old sig :(
  • soul shatter definitely works. there was a SS some time back of a wizard doing some obscene damage popping blade tempest with it and BM dragons up on mobs. remember, none of the shatters work on pvp. mobs only. the only thing i use edged blur for is uncovering sins if i think one is nearby. no need to level it past 1…
  • yeah just PM frankie. Support for this game is horrible. a few months ago i sold gold and got an odd number back. was selling for 900k and ended up getting something like 98,796 instead. support told me it was the tax they charge for selling gold and to have a nice day, closing it b:angry
  • when you made the bookclips did you make both at the same time? as in tell it to make 2 then go or make them 1 at a time. i ask because both the sage and demon bookclips are named "Demon Seeker blah blah" the only difference is the circle on them edit: nvm the bookclips dont say either sage or demon
  • haha you should be in LC right now. he's in WC trying to insult me saying he pked me when i was +2 geared. i've been +10 for almost a year, long before seekers came out. he still wont fight me btw. Edit: he wouldn't come to me so i found him finally. end result: killed him twice and all his helpers once. no deaths. and no…
  • quoting because i just woke up and it's hunting time. will post results later today, if he ever leaves SZ b:thanks Edit: logged in, found out he's been in WC this morning lookin for me but now he's hiding.
  • there's no point in arguing with an idiot gummy, they just bring you down to their level and beat you with experience...... this thread is now about ponies.
  • not to rain on your parade, everything else you said is right and op is clearly a noob, but the instance is called Goddess Valley (GV) and the quest is Rebirth, so technically both of you are correct :) on another side note to that, on LC people typically refer to the 70-85 instance as RB and the 86+ as GV
  • wait wait wait this guy Yanx the seeker on LC too?
  • just wanted to say, heartseeker is ALL metal, not half and half.
  • DAMN THEM CLERICS AND THEIR HAX! b:sad on topic: gemini is fun and great when you get it off in pvp i much prefer the moments when i 1 shot with ion spike though. it usually looks like this: Nub BM: Lol, a seeker. Physical marrow :D Me: Lol, IONSPIKE! BM: WTFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF Me:…
  • why is this thread still going? -_- the point is rock splitting cleave is still useless even with 12m range. if someone is running from you, and you've already hit stag strike putting it on it's OMG 2 second cool down, and hitting someone with the damage RSC would do, battousai will finish them also, not to mention they…
  • yes. you can also QPQ debuffs onto bosses that normally cant have said debuff.
  • sage amp > soulsever debuff > vortex > b:shocked
  • they dont work with skills, garnets do. use garnets
  • fixed. defense levels and physical defense are NOT the same. also, the amount they add is very minor.
  • if thats true then no amount of vit will save you either. if both are true why shard at all? b:puzzled if you are looking to be the hardest to kill, you need to look at your EFFECTIVE HP. once you have 13k-14k HP (without shards), Jades give you more EHP than vit stones.
  • R9 Build^^ i have asterelle's site bookmarked for what shards were best....but i guess it's no longer there b:cry anyway, from what the shard calc said with full +10 R9 you would do best to have 4 vit and the rest jades. at +12 full jades is better. basically, the higher you HP is, the…
  • a seeker with anti-stun or his target incapacitated in some form can do great damage. a seeker with his anti-stun on CD is just a walking punching clown b:sad
  • read first 7 pages and got tired of it.... carebears QQ over getting pk'd in SP the game has 2 types of servers, pve and pvp. if you dont like pvp, go to a pve server. this is the ONLY game i've played where GM's listened to whiney babies crying over dying on a pvp server. every other game i've played the GM response was…
  • It procs a lot for me. I'd say it's about 10% of the time.
  • 1 of 2 things needs to change to make it useful: 1) make it an instant cast skill 2)remove the <40% hp requirement
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