Scoleo - Sanctuary Arc User


  • I really wonder how PWI doesn't get charged and gets away with murder (albeit of their own game). You are providing a service that many of us pay for. You allow many users to abuse the system and then those of us that just want the orbs we are supposed to be able to get CANT!!! WTF??? You really know how to show you care…
  • Ah I might have logged out in town of arrivals. Hopefully theyll fix this soon. Thanks for the info.
  • Ya it would. I would be really upset if they changed that with no notice esp with them having that previous rank 9 sale.....
  • the main heal is iron heart blessing. later wellspring surge is also very useful so i would level this a little bit, along with leveling purify a few times. for buffs, i would level vanguard first and then spirits gift (as they help you the most for grinding), then i would level magic shell followed last by celestial…
  • your build is actually fine. Your str req will catch up to you in no time so there is no need to worry there. Your vit is fine also, many people build vit a bit so that way you can survive better. As for dex, if you are going to get a reset, do it for dex. But, it is not fully necessary. I know many people that have built…
  • Really? No one in the 50s + will forget something like that. But someone who just started and is level 20? I have read countless posts on here of someone around 20 who has 20vit and 20dex by that point and hasnt built mag nearly enough. All willfire is saying is that if you follow his guide as a low level, you will not…
  • The only heal you really need in the 40s is ironheart blessing. you can spend the rest of your sp and money in attack. I also had all of my squad buffs by 60s which i always found helpful for both parties and for soloing. But really the only attacks you need even into the 70s is cyclone, plume shot, and wield thunder. The…
  • I prefer using ashuras sign. The vit bonus from griefs can be much easier compensated on other gear than the mag bonus is. Very few gears give even plus 4 mag while it is not hard to find armors or trinkets with 60 life (6vit for a cleric). So i recommend using ashuras if u can or the wand
  • take the time to read what willfire is saying people. Its BASIC guide. NOT IN DEPTH. It is for Beginners! And for that I think he did a great job. It allows people to not mess up their build, and as they level, they can use the points and extra sp as they see fit. This guide is very helpful for those just starting the game
  • i would just like to say that i highly recommend using robes. use a build of like 7-8mag/1str/1-2vit per lvl. with that build the robe cleric would do more dmg, have way better heals (no crit heals), have higher mag def, and have more health than a LA cleric. The only advantage of the LA cleric is higher phys def which is…
  • Some clerics do use light armor, but it is not nearly as common for clerics as for mages. Do note that there are no heal crits so LA will always have worse healing then a 7mag-2vit-1str con cleric. Light armor should not be used if you are a low level or if you mainly do PvE. Yes, phys mobs will do less dmg to you, but you…
  • I know I am not as experienced as some of these high levels commenting about how bad FAC clerics are. But look Pandora if you don't want FAC clerics in your guild thats fine. But all you had to do was put that as a notice on your guilds website. You do not need to bash a build to the public. There is no real excuse you can…