Attention Full Attack Clerics



  • _WillFire_ - Sanctuary
    _WillFire_ - Sanctuary Posts: 563 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    The point was that people like you keep posting in these threads saying that clerics are great damage dealers and everyone loves them and they're NOT. I'm tired of low levels on carebear servers talking like they know what goes on in every guild on every server.

    Well if your tired then you should prolly spend less energy insulting people and take a nap.

    The build isn't going to go away. It's useful and people like to play it.
    Mark 12:29-37
    _WillFire_ 8x Combat Medic
  • mightynyx
    mightynyx Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    I don't know why all these random FAC are getting so offended. Pandora doesn't want those in his guild. Although I think some of the clerics from RageQuit put it better than Pandora did, it made me think about my "custom class". I am not going to change completely, but I am open to other people's opinions. Okay so he says that FAC doesn't to as much damage as they think and the majority of you think you do. All of you seem to be pretty stubborn so just get over and stop trying to change Pandora's mind. I'm only a level 45 and I've only been playing this game for a couple month's on both Heaven's Tear and then Lost City server. I don't think most of you have as much experience as Pandora. Even if you have played as many years as he had, have you ever lead a PvP/TW faction? Stop getting so butthurt.
  • Nevdemo - Sanctuary
    Nevdemo - Sanctuary Posts: 71 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    Wow, it has really been a loooong thread to read, but the laughs were worth it! b:laugh

    Anyways, I'm not posting here just to say that. In fact, as it's my fourth day on this game and first day posting on the forums, I don't have the slightiest idea if a FAC can outdamage an archer or if they are worthless for a Guild... But I've noticed a detail that hopefully, may end the discussion in peace without having to admit that your claims are a lie.

    Basically, you just have to understand this:

    Guild Master announces (in a blatantly disrespectful way) that FAC's aren't welcomed anymore because they can't perform in a team as well as their passive counterparts in his Faction's Private Forum / IRC / Channel.


    A firm decision that should be respected. Knowing that it might be conflictive, but as it's for the greater good of the Guild, he had to announce it in a strong way.

    Guild Master announces (in a blatantly disrespectful way) that FAC's aren't welcomed anymore in his guild in the Main Forum's Cleric section.


    A spoiled guy thinks that everyone has the duty to agree with him only because he has sacrificed 5 years of his personal life (if ever got one) to be "uber" in an online game.

    That is which sparked all this thread. Maybe Pandora is right about FAC's, after all, his guild has won several TW's, has managed to led a guild for such a long time and even has a nice website to tell these exploits to everyone...

    But if his guild has the chance to have their own site, even their own Forum... Was that really necessary to let every Cleric on PWI know your announcement? Not every player here is eager to sign up for your Guild.

    Was that really necessary to tell everyone that FAC's are garbage, just because "you say so"? Knowing more than everyone else doesn't gives you the right to tell them what they should do with their chars or not. Hey, in real life, that deserves you a couple of punches in the face.

    So, IMHO, that was the real trouble. Not if FAC are great or a waste, but that people, no matter how "elite" they are, don't have the right to tell ANYONE what they should do. No one really stands that.

    Well, end of my 2 cents.

    Peace. b:surrender
  • Pacem - Heavens Tear
    Pacem - Heavens Tear Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    nice build !
  • Darknin - Lost City
    Darknin - Lost City Posts: 378 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    Nevdemo you are my best friend nowb:victory

    Hopefully, Pandora realizes his mistake.b:bye
  • Envy - Lost City
    Envy - Lost City Posts: 540 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    STOP IT.

    In the last 2 weeks I have had to kick 4 clerics over level 70 from my guild for being "full attack clerics."

    This is not your job. You are a healer, you are a buffer, you are a resser. You can do support damage when I call for you to spike a target, but your job (ESPECIALLY IN TW) is to heal.

    But uncle Pandora, why!? We have all these great magic attacks and...

    SHUT UP.

    EVERY decent PVP player stacks metal resistance because it's what priests and archers use. And now that mages have Undine Strike (-60% all 3 mage-based resistances on target, 0 chi cost, 1 sec cast time) you will never ever deal damage anything like a mage. You are a useless joke, you deal less damage than an archer or a mage.

    Your job is to heal and support. If you want to waste your character, fine, go ahead. Do it. But don't ever ask to join RageQuit, because we are a PVP guild, and we have no use for your garbage.

    Thank you.



    And everybody whos argueing im going to tell you this right now

    1. Break 7x

    2. Do one real TW

    3. Go to HH see how helpful your cleric is as the 3rd rate DD

    4. Stop arguing with people who know more than you

    5. ****
  • AlanAlthenna - Sanctuary
    AlanAlthenna - Sanctuary Posts: 13 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    Nevdemo, THANK YOU for stating what I wanted to say in another post; this is a GAME which is meant to be FUN, not only that, a game where you can be whoever you WANT to be, if someone wants to deal Holy Judgement (and, from my on low-level's perspective and my other slightly higher level alt's the cleric's attack skills look really holy-ish) they CAN, there's a reason why we control our own character's growth, if the game was meant to be played with only a single path for all clases we wouldn't need said control, I'm making my characters based on how I WANT them to be, be it an hybrid pretty-boy cleric, an agile fist BM or a enchanting wizard with somewhat of a mean streak, that's who I want to play the game as and how I enjoy it (besides, you (Pandora, not Nevedemo) list PvP as a reason, nay, THE reason FAC's suck and you don't want them; remember not everyone is in PvP) so please, a little respect for people decisions.

    And to the person above me, forgive my ignorance but I'm a literature major and just had my exam on this little class called "Linguistics" (and we've learned that every word has a meaning) and I HAVE to know, what exactly is a REAL TW?
  • Envy - Lost City
    Envy - Lost City Posts: 540 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    Nevdemo, THANK YOU for stating what I wanted to say in another post; this is a GAME which is meant to be FUN, not only that, a game where you can be whoever you WANT to be, if someone wants to deal Holy Judgement (and, from my on low-level's perspective and my other slightly higher level alt's the cleric's attack skills look really holy-ish) they CAN, there's a reason why we control our own character's growth, if the game was meant to be played with only a single path for all clases we wouldn't need said control, I'm making my characters based on how I WANT them to be, be it an hybrid pretty-boy cleric, an agile fist BM or a enchanting wizard with somewhat of a mean streak, that's who I want to play the game as and how I enjoy it (besides, you (Pandora, not Nevedemo) list PvP as a reason, nay, THE reason FAC's suck and you don't want them; remember not everyone is in PvP) so please, a little respect for people decisions.

    And to the person above me, forgive my ignorance but I'm a literature major and just had my exam on this little class called "Linguistics" (and we've learned that every word has a meaning) and I HAVE to know, what exactly is a REAL TW?

    80 vs 80

    Around equal levels and experience

    the GZ and RQ TW are real for example

    UL vs CQ was real

    CQ vs GiangHo is not real

    RQ vs NoName was not real

    All the nonfactor idiots who gave RQ all that money where not real.
  • AlanAlthenna - Sanctuary
    AlanAlthenna - Sanctuary Posts: 13 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    Thank you, it sounds a lot like the difference between a fair (and honorable and terribly fun) fight and a (too easy and quite boring) slaughter.
  • Buknoybobo - Sanctuary
    Buknoybobo - Sanctuary Posts: 82 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    this is the most stupid thread i ever have read.some post are nooby questions but at least they are funny,not like this pointless topic.
    my keyboard is broken so if there are any wrong spellings then just try to understad them
  • dead4life
    dead4life Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    I just think they want to scare people away from playing FAC. But why would they? If FAC clerics suck like you say, shouldn't killing them be real easy for you? If your guild kicks FAC's, that's cool. Every guild can choose which members to accept. But why need to anounce it? The more FAC's there are in other guilds. The easier it will be for you to win.
  • Envy - Lost City
    Envy - Lost City Posts: 540 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    dead4life wrote: »
    I just think they want to scare people away from playing FAC. But why would they? If FAC clerics suck like you say, shouldn't killing them be real easy for you? If your guild kicks FAC's, that's cool. Every guild can choose which members to accept. But why need to anounce it? The more FAC's there are in other guilds. The easier it will be for you to win.

    probably cuz people don't realize after 6x there character is a complete ****ing waste if its FAC?
  • Deadbone - Lost City
    Deadbone - Lost City Posts: 149 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    wow Envy i didnt expect u to be that smart
    i really start to like u now b:chuckle

    @Tina dont be mad we kicked u, FACs are just useless in TW and u kept dealing damage instead of keeping your party alive --> YOURE OUT

    @Darkinin calling RQ a mainstream guild is hilarious, of the 4 big guilds on LC we are the least mainstream thats why 3/4th of the Server hates us. If we would be mainstream u wouldnt see that many ppl whine about us
  • Saitada - Sanctuary
    Saitada - Sanctuary Posts: 3,220 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    You don't want FACs in your factions.. thats your choice as a guild leaders.

    BUT... You have no right. period. to EVER tell someone else what to do with their character.

    When you pay my bills. Buy my gold, Pay for my factions domain etc.. then you "might" have earned the right to make suggestions on how to build my characters, but you have not earned, nor ever can earn the right to TELL me I can't play whatever way I choose to play and build my character in what ever manner I choose to build it.

    So your an "Uber Elite" PvP faction and there for your "better" than non PvP server factions. Sorry, stop washing your ego. Your no better or worse than anyone else, except your head appears to be swollen from a major influx of self rightous self importance.

    200 man PvP factions are nothing. When you face fleet battles of 600-1200 players all intent on killing one another (EveOnline)... then you can talk about being in PvP. Till then quit waxing your ego. it's blinding everyone.

  • _WillFire_ - Sanctuary
    _WillFire_ - Sanctuary Posts: 563 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    probably cuz people don't realize after 6x there character is a complete ****ing waste if its FAC?

    Proof? Oh that's have none.

    Tell you what...I'm leveling pretty quickly. I'll let you know how the 50-80th go.

    90+ is sorta a moot point as has been discussed earlier.
    Mark 12:29-37
    _WillFire_ 8x Combat Medic
  • _WillFire_ - Sanctuary
    _WillFire_ - Sanctuary Posts: 563 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    wow Envy i didnt expect u to be that smart
    i really start to like u now b:chuckle

    @Tina dont be mad we kicked u, FACs are just useless in TW and u kept dealing damage instead of keeping your party alive --> YOURE OUT

    @Darkinin calling RQ a mainstream guild is hilarious, of the 4 big guilds on LC we are the least mainstream thats why 3/4th of the Server hates us. If we would be mainstream u wouldnt see that many ppl whine about us

    Actually I'll agree that you prolly aren't mainstream. As for people hating you...if your posts here are any indication of the guild you represent then it's something of a no brainer as to why you are disliked. Really...y'all need to tone down a touch.
    Mark 12:29-37
    _WillFire_ 8x Combat Medic
  • Scoleo - Sanctuary
    Scoleo - Sanctuary Posts: 16 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    I know I am not as experienced as some of these high levels commenting about how bad FAC clerics are. But look Pandora if you don't want FAC clerics in your guild thats fine. But all you had to do was put that as a notice on your guilds website. You do not need to bash a build to the public. There is no real excuse you can have for that. You are just being rude.

    THIS IS A GAME! People are just playing it to have fun. So let them. Let them build whatever they want. You don't have to take them into your guild!!!

    One other note. You and a lot of high level clerics are upper 80s. From everything I have read, by 90+ every class can have just about every skill. So in reality there is no difference between an FAC and a support cleric once they have reached this point. The only real difference is what they refer to themselves as.

    Again not as much experience as you high levels, but there is no reason for you to be so aggressive towards FAC on an open forum.

    Just my thoughts.
  • Isowen - Lost City
    Isowen - Lost City Posts: 249 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    You don't want FACs in your factions.. thats your choice as a guild leaders.

    BUT... You have no right. period. to EVER tell someone else what to do with their character.

    When you pay my bills. Buy my gold, Pay for my factions domain etc.. then you "might" have earned the right to make suggestions on how to build my characters, but you have not earned, nor ever can earn the right to TELL me I can't play whatever way I choose to play and build my character in what ever manner I choose to build it.

    So your an "Uber Elite" PvP faction and there for your "better" than non PvP server factions. Sorry, stop washing your ego. Your no better or worse than anyone else, except your head appears to be swollen from a major influx of self rightous self importance.

    200 man PvP factions are nothing. When you face fleet battles of 600-1200 players all intent on killing one another (EveOnline)... then you can talk about being in PvP. Till then quit waxing your ego. it's blinding everyone.


    Deadbone and Pandora aren't telling anyone they can't play a FAC, they're just warning lower lvl players who are playing one or plan on starting one that FAC's are not as good as they all think, and that if ther want to be effective in PVP and TW at higher lvls they should reconsider.
    I know I am not as experienced as some of these high levels commenting about how bad FAC clerics are. But look Pandora if you don't want FAC clerics in your guild thats fine. But all you had to do was put that as a notice on your guilds website. You do not need to bash a build to the public. There is no real excuse you can have for that. You are just being rude.

    THIS IS A GAME! People are just playing it to have fun. So let them. Let them build whatever they want. You don't have to take them into your guild!!!

    One other note. You and a lot of high level clerics are upper 80s. From everything I have read, by 90+ every class can have just about every skill. So in reality there is no difference between an FAC and a support cleric once they have reached this point. The only real difference is what they refer to themselves as.

    Again not as much experience as you high levels, but there is no reason for you to be so aggressive towards FAC on an open forum.

    Just my thoughts.

    I started out as a full mag FAC and got to lvl 70 (i did start adding more support skills in my 60s to help the guild, but I was still able to get all the skills needed to be a FAC) and I noticed that it is NOT true a FAC can outdmg Wizards and Archers and these classes are mostly Light armor so a FAC is more squishy then them too.
    I admit that FAC's are great for solo PVE and solo PKing single targets (which I did moslty untill lvl 6x so i still thought it was good) but then I started participating in TW's against a high lvl guild (RageQuit vs GuardianZ) and some mass PVP wars and I noticed that I got taken out very easily by archers, blademasters and veno bee's or phoenix's before being able to deal any reasonable dmg. Its true a FAC's dmg can be quite good, but when you're dead you can't deal any dmg...
    So I went hybrid now, I still have all my FAC skills, but added the needed support skills and restatted 100 mag to 100 vit.
    So far i noticed that my survivability increased by a LOT and my dmg went down only a little! Hardly noticable in PVP and in PVE it takes me 1 hit more to kill mobs my lvl while it takes them a lot more hits to tick my heiro...

    Your tears are so tasty and sweet! Let me taste your tears of unfathomable sadness!

    9x Cleric
  • Pandora - Lost City
    Pandora - Lost City Posts: 454 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    Deadbone and Pandora aren't telling anyone they can't play a FAC, they're just warning lower lvl players who are playing one or plan on starting one that FAC's are not as good as they all think, and that if ther want to be effective in PVP and TW at higher lvls they should reconsider.

    Absolutely right. I didn't make this thread as an attention ***** thing, or as a notice to my guild. I made it (as I've said about 5 times...) because inexperienced people keep telling new players that FAC is a viable build for TW and that guilds love them as a damage dealers etc and it's NOT. I feel bad for all these lowbies rolling FAC that have to face abandonment or at the very least disappointment in the fact that nobody likes them and they are doomed to solo in a game that's very anti-solo at higher levels.
    Because the bigger your damage, the bigger your epeen.
  • thundercrash
    thundercrash Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    The funny thing is, I do recall that there is a pvp guide by a RageQuit member that says clerics do have pvp potential. How humorous. I think that you should give them a chance, its really the brain behind the character that makes the difference. Also, by 70+ Its hard to believe that someone doesn't have the correct healing capabilities as well as their damage.
  • _WillFire_ - Sanctuary
    _WillFire_ - Sanctuary Posts: 563 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    Absolutely right. I didn't make this thread as an attention ***** thing,

    How amusing.

    See you in the funny pages.
    Mark 12:29-37
    _WillFire_ 8x Combat Medic
  • andyboi
    andyboi Posts: 83 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    Absolutely right. I didn't make this thread as an attention ***** thing, or as a notice to my guild. I made it (as I've said about 5 times...) because inexperienced people keep telling new players that FAC is a viable build for TW and that guilds love them as a damage dealers etc and it's NOT. I feel bad for all these lowbies rolling FAC that have to face abandonment or at the very least disappointment in the fact that nobody likes them and they are doomed to solo in a game that's very anti-solo at higher levels.

    Refer to your first post on this thread. Common sense tells me that telling people to shut up will help get your point across. /end scarasm.
  • lahnna
    lahnna Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    Ok in all seriousness in comes down to personal preference, i tried out FAC, and i hated it, i got booted from every guild i joined, and every squad.. if you like soloing then FAC is the right choice for you... But if you like playing in groups probably should go with support...... all pandora is saying is that, in higher levels in the game most people don't want a FAC in their guild because other clases can fill that spot more easily and better, where with a support cleric no one can fill that role, in a squad or guild.....
  • Saitada - Sanctuary
    Saitada - Sanctuary Posts: 3,220 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    lahnna wrote: »
    Ok in all seriousness in comes down to personal preference, i tried out FAC, and i hated it, i got booted from every guild i joined, and every squad.. if you like soloing then FAC is the right choice for you... But if you like playing in groups probably should go with support...... all pandora is saying is that, in higher levels in the game most people don't want a FAC in their guild because other clases can fill that spot more easily and better, where with a support cleric no one can fill that role, in a squad or guild.....

    No, he got up on a high horse, insulted and badgered people, threw his opinion around like gospel, and painted himself out to be an arrogant self important, self rightous jerk...
    STOP IT.

    In the last 2 weeks I have had to kick 4 clerics over level 70 from my guild for being "full attack clerics."

    This is not your job. You are a healer, you are a buffer, you are a resser. You can do support damage when I call for you to spike a target, but your job (ESPECIALLY IN TW) is to heal.

    But uncle Pandora, why!? We have all these great magic attacks and...

    SHUT UP.

    EVERY decent PVP player stacks metal resistance because it's what priests and archers use. And now that mages have Undine Strike (-60% all 3 mage-based resistances on target, 0 chi cost, 1 sec cast time) you will never ever deal damage anything like a mage. You are a useless joke, you deal less damage than an archer or a mage.

    Your job is to heal and support. If you want to waste your character, fine, go ahead. Do it. But don't ever ask to join RageQuit, because we are a PVP guild, and we have no use for your garbage.

    Thank you.

    Insults. and a tirade. Not a statement of anything but his own enraged dislike of a class build. My JOB is do do whatever I fvcking want to do with my characters, and nobody has any right whatsoever to tell me otherwise. Don't want the build in your faction... fine.. but nobody has a right to tell another player NOT to build and play their character the way they want to, which is what this idiot is attempting to do.

  • Darknin - Lost City
    Darknin - Lost City Posts: 378 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    No, he got up on a high horse, insulted and badgered people, threw his opinion around like gospel, and painted himself out to be an arrogant self important, self rightous jerk...

    Insults. and a tirade. Not a statement of anything but his own enraged dislike of a class build. My JOB is do do whatever I fvcking want to do with my characters, and nobody has any right whatsoever to tell me otherwise. Don't want the build in your faction... fine.. but nobody has a right to tell another player NOT to build and play their character the way they want to, which is what this idiot is attempting to do.


    lmao, I have said that right off the bat. Do they listen nopeb:victory
  • tmjemorris
    tmjemorris Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    oh my god.... the whole time im reading this im thinking "jesus, its just a game" and "some one plz shoot the dictator and take over" my god stop ranting... so what if you dont like FAC's it was there choice to become one and you have no right to put yourself up on a throne and tell them otherwise. get over yourself... if you want to act like this then suck it up, quit whinning like my 8 year old sister and get a life out side of PW. you act like its the only thing that matters in your life... not saying that it isnt but good lord...
    so if you want to rant.... go waste ur life elsewere because you are not wanted on this forum...b:angry
  • Envy - Lost City
    Envy - Lost City Posts: 540 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    No, he got up on a high horse, insulted and badgered people, threw his opinion around like gospel, and painted himself out to be an arrogant self important, self rightous jerk...

    Insults. and a tirade. Not a statement of anything but his own enraged dislike of a class build. My JOB is do do whatever I fvcking want to do with my characters, and nobody has any right whatsoever to tell me otherwise. Don't want the build in your faction... fine.. but nobody has a right to tell another player NOT to build and play their character the way they want to, which is what this idiot is attempting to do.


    Please continue wasting your time leveling a character you will throw away once you realize how much it fails.

    Typically when I devote my time to something pointless, such as a game like this, I try to get the best out of what ever it is I'm trying to accomplish.

    You apparently just like to waste time, which is fine, guess you just have nothing else better to do.

    tmjemorris wrote: »
    oh my god.... the whole time im reading this im thinking "jesus, its just a game" and "some one plz shoot the dictator and take over" my god stop ranting... so what if you dont like FAC's it was there choice to become one and you have no right to put yourself up on a throne and tell them otherwise. get over yourself... if you want to act like this then suck it up, quit whinning like my 8 year old sister and get a life out side of PW. you act like its the only thing that matters in your life... not saying that it isnt but good lord...
    so if you want to rant.... go waste ur life elsewere because you are not wanted on this forum...b:angry
    trying to save you from wasting time and leveling a pointless char just to realize you failed since you didnt take our advice

    And just because you're angry because we're right, and the masses of noobs in this thread are wrong, doesn't mean we are not wanted here.

    Btw, get off your comp and take an English class.

  • Saitada - Sanctuary
    Saitada - Sanctuary Posts: 3,220 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    Please continue wasting your time leveling a character you will throw away once you realize how much it fails.

    Typically when I devote my time to something pointless, such as a game like this, I try to get the best out of what ever it is I'm trying to accomplish.

    You apparently just like to waste time, which is fine, guess you just have nothing else better to do.

    trying to save you from wasting time and leveling a pointless char just to realize you failed since you didnt take our advice

    And just because you're angry because we're right, and the masses of noobs in this thread are wrong, doesn't mean we are not wanted here.

    Btw, get off your comp and take an English class.


    Envy let me point something out to you. and with all due respect, please do listen to what I am going to say.

    I and many others play this game for our own enjoyment. We play it and do things with our characters because we want to play in that manner. Your OPINION is that FAC's are bad. That is fine, your entitled to your opinion. I don't even have any problem with you guys voicing your opinions on that.. the problem I have is HOW your doing it.

    Let me explain something to you, and i'm doing this as a friend not an enemy. I don't waste my time with any character I play. They each do what I designed them to do with their skill sets. My choices. For My Play style. If i'm enjoying what I am doing, then I am not wasting my time. Therefore it's not pointless.

    Your opinion seems to be that your play style is the only possible way to go when realistically, the mere fact that Full Attack Clerics even exist, is proof that it isn't. It's just not YOUR idea of what a cleric should be.

    So we all get it. You don't like FACs. YOUR Opinion is that they suck. MY Opinion is that people have the right to do whatever they want with their characters and you have no right at all to scream and yell at them for doing it.

  • Eliathel - Lost City
    Eliathel - Lost City Posts: 217 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    I dont even care to read all thread... you just confirmed my opinion. Pandora is jerk.... gosh, if you dont want clerics on your guild just KICK THEM, and stop complaining. You sound like a child whos lollipop has been stolen... how old are you? 5 years old? Pathetic.... cant believe you still leader of a guild... you really have shown how weak you are... hahaah
  • rikako
    rikako Posts: 340 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    lets put a example, bm vs wiz/cleric (EQUAL gear.)

    wiz at 75 does around 1k ~ 2.5k (depends on stats)

    cleric at 75 does 2.5k+

    And i got more metal resistance than earth, wheres the logical error?

    Wizard is just a good aoer nothing but that, where tempest does 6k, blade tempest does 4k.

    But thats about PK, not TW.

    in PK, you will never kill a good cleric, a wiz you can, if you can show me a video where you can demonstrate that a wiz kills a bm faster than a cleric (EQUAL gear), then you got my voice changed.

    EDIT: Both were buffed.
This discussion has been closed.