Roojie - Lost City Arc User


  • "it would give an unfair advantage and therefore it will never be added to the game!" <~~ I'mma go incredulously laugh at this until my lungs burn with the heat of a thousand red giants.... I like exp gain days though; depends on one's definition of inconvenience, everything is subject to opinion these days....
  • I was looking at a barb I made not too long ago wondering..... where the heck it's tail was.... o_O;; So yeah, not sure why tails are considered a girly thing but, it would be nice if barbs had tails~
  • Something like this would likely be a nice change, besides. As for workload? Look at genies, new clothing, the guardian charms changing for no apparent reason, and the massive expansion. By all means, please add another thing that would be awesome too~ After all, to be frank, you can't go wrong with true forms, they can't…
  • I think a few of my best moments were.... The day I finally got the horse I had sought since the day I joined, as well as being able to give my horse crazy buddy most of the money she needed to buy a horse of her own. She ragequit a month after that, but I still have both the horses. Saukay and Sushi, plus our panthers…
  • Hm.... about a half hour ago. When the games new loop glitch threw my tiny squishy cleric into a group of mobs. What othertimes... Oh, when they nurfed genies. Made Endgame weapons easy to get. Put the DQ horses in the cash shop. Off Topic: I lol at people who go "If you hate it shut up and leave!". Should be asking them…
  • Ever since messing up the ToP skill genies seem like a waste of time, spirit, exp, and frustration. Chi stones cost a lot in bulk to keep them useable, you may as well just not bother with one unless you need a low level ToP (tree of protection). Though it really does not do a good job of saving you in a battle as it used…
  • I always thought it was a bell. >.>;;
  • Unlike most BM's (I've met) I: Know when a Veno is trying/going to lure. Don't think I can tank every boss in the game! 8D (Does not have i-think-i-r-barb syndrome)
  • I will say that a mount that runs 10.0 or 11.0 m/s is very useful for travel, flying is great and all, and faster over rough/mountinous or mob-ridden terrain but a land mount has far greater speed if upgraded. (And in more entertaining in my humble opinion. Have to feed them though.) I have a sword that is a 2.5m/s add on…
  • The prices right now, I just checked on Lost Server for gold, are anywhere between 400k to 560k. Hammers, I thought, have always been severely overpriced. Why pay 5 bucks to open a chest you worked hard to get? 1m isn't squat anymore because everything around costs to freaking much! Everything has gone up in price due to…
  • Likes: Mounts and flying. Territory Wars. Playing with family/friends. Graphics. Guilds. Large Map. Character creation. Auction House and gold trading. (When it’s not through the roof.) Crafting. All Class Pets. Hoist Cuddle/Embrace Dislikes: Genie changes. Economy… Nerf bat usage. Constant grinding. Carry option only…
  • Well good to know they messed with anyone who actually used that skill on a basis. Thanks a ton PWI. REALLY appriciate that. -sarcasm- If that's the case I can't use mine to save my butt anymore. It would have been nice if they reverted the genies to level 1 and gave us back the spirit to use if they were going to…
  • You kind of have to mix and match with ecatomb because PWI does not have all the clothing that site has listed. We don't have the outfit in that picture there... yet or maybe ever? I don't know what they plan to put in.
  • PvP -Inner monologue: Gettothehighestlevel Yay! Haha one shot the nooblet. :D Ifeelbetternow. I always knew that harassing people less than half one’s level was a reportable offence…. Sorta, opinions always come into play when there is punishment. Never reported someone for it, but did have trouble with it… I manage not to…
  • Mmmm, cash shop. Well, the gold prices themselves wouldn’t make me quit. Or would they? Could they? People need to stop using the old, die-hard backup (well no one forced you to ____) fact is it’s there, and it’s bothersome. Is PWI greedy? Or are they instead suffering from a financial crisis they are unwilling to admit…
  • Suppose this just cements it into my head that any mount I'm drooling over now will just be available for purchase eventually. So I guess I'll sit on 50 bucks and decide what to do with it later. That fish my friend wants should be out soon enough. What mounts haven't they put out yet? Midnight, Christmas Elk, Bulbfish…
  • And I thought Lost city map was bad. EESH. oO;; I remember people tried to gang up on CQ before, but everytime someone gains a land from CQ they just take it back next week. No one likes to attack them save for RQ and maybe Spectral. I forgot TW existed for a while because it just seems so hopeless because no one seems to…
  • If this is not the character that you want to use the mount with, please submit a ticket and we will be happy to pass it to whichever character you like. <~~ Unless they restated recently they said that in the official announcement that day that they would transfer the mount if the player wanted. That's strange though. You…
  • Whenever I see "No one is forcing you to ____" I know the argument has gone so incredibly sour that the OP is most likely right and the reply doesn't know how to deal with it... I see people selling the chests of coins for 100k right now. Gold is worth 400k+ a piece. 400k x 5 = 2,000,000. Or you could buy the 4 gold and…
  • I was wondering how much spam people were getting every time the Duke spouted something off. Glad they removed it.... If people want o see the prices of something, press your walk emote, turn off playernames, turn down your distances and effects and take a stroll through the kitty shops of west archo. Geeze.
  • Any game like this with the levels and the grinding ect... just will not make a good PvP game. Either no one can level because they die all the time, or it's unbalanced because it doesn't really take a whole lot of skill in most cases, just get in the first hit = you win. No running, no blocking, nothin'. If good PvP =…
  • If those descriptions really are along the lines of the real thing then none of the normal classes should be nurfed at all. 1 hit KO a veno pet? What? The whole description to that stuff seems fake as paper air. I had thought that maybe they would take some attacks down to balance out the game, but really I'm thinking that…
  • By the looks of it damage isn't halved, it got dumped by 2/3rds.
  • This seems to be a common problem. WTFH. My friend is a veno and was doing quite a bit of damage for a long time, even as a heavy armor veno. but then suddenly her damage output dropped and we thought it was her build-(this was within the past 2 days, mind you) now I'm thinking PWI staff screwed with the damage rates and…
  • ..... ooohz da' would certainly suck majorly. XD I can hear the screams of protest nowz.... "OMG THAT -- sentence cuts out for censorship reasons -- I can't believe this." Commence huffy stomping.
  • Luckilly gold in game does not cost 1mill per gold. right now 1 mill should get you.... 2 and a half gold. Saying it like that makes it sound really measly, and it is. that's like... enough to get a pair of shoes, or some wind widgets. 1 mill in coins right now will get you more in actual items people have already bought…
  • It was a fun one. XD Those who attended and I'm sure the rest of the server that was witness to world chat will remember for quite some time. 0_O; Too bad I was half asleep through most of it but still had a good time. X3 Telsah and I both.
  • You don't have full access to all the pet slots in your bag, starting out, venomancers only have 2 slots to use for pet storage. The others need to be opened through a farming quest from the pet manager or a cash shop cage. Then you will be able to hatch and store more pets. Edit: Or talk to the Pet Skill Trainer for the…
  • It was mentioned way back that the CS updates were to help players who have more than they know how to spend in game coin, spend their coin. On what was not specified... gold in AH? They said it was to prevent inflation. But if they want to do that, why not just make better mounts than the horses avalible at the Pet…
  • I think a pegasus for all classes would be cool. And just because we get it from China's version first doesn't mean we shouldn't ask for it/give up on it. :| If it was just for untamed though I think I would blow up. :D In a bad way. I am so sick of swords for humans. What's the big deal with the flying swords? I just hate…