Rastul - Lost City Arc User


  • That sounds awesome. I could be Dread Pirate Roberts! Sailing the seven seas, pillaging helpless villagers, and saving the love in my life after not seeing her for seven years!
  • The biggest problem is that we turn half our suggestions into a damned flame war. This entire area is just flames and flames again. If we flamed yes, MAYBE we'd get take more seriously. And if our suggestions stopped being: "MOAR SKILLZ" "MOAR QUESTS" "FIX STUFF" "UPDATE GRAPHICS" ect cetera. ~Rast
  • Thanks. My personal favorite suggestion for a skill: Fair? Psh. Who needs "fair"?
  • You could remove the 100% freeze?
  • Hmmm... Touche. I've never animated for 3D, so I wouldn't know. But, he's not taking into account that simply saying "ADD MOAR SKILLZ" does nothing. Try using something like this: Class: Level(s): MP/Chi/Spark: Animation: Description: Attack Power: Element: There we go.
  • Aurores was nice and not OP. You're an assassin, you should be able to at least hide from monsters with an IQ lower then the average troll. How bout this? Walking Shadow: Uses your shadow to help you in combat. It has the same stats and damage out you, and copies your skills. But, it uses your MP/HP, therefore when it gets…
  • Erm... Have you actually seen the EXP rate? Most MMOs don't have this EXP rate: That's actually true too. That's a pretty good EXP rate for any game, let alone a game where you're not questing. And a/b adding skills: Have you ever TRIED to animate something? Let me explain it to you, using RPG Maker XP as an example. Every…
  • Obvious troll is obvious. This was transformed from a frankly, rather pointless discussion, into a "OMG KLERIKS R OVER/UNDERPOWERED IN PK CHNG PLZZZZ!!!11!eleven!!111!!!one!!!!" Yes, I have read through the entire thread. And via deductive reasoning, you slowly went from making arguments for a thread that WASN'T YOURS IN…
  • Now where's that song that goes so well with this thread.... Oh! Here it is! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_QyYaPWasos
  • Wasn't the last one an event in like '07?