Creation Formats

Rastul - Lost City
Rastul - Lost City Posts: 13 Arc User
edited March 2010 in Suggestion Box
I've noticed that when people are creating skills and such, they don't use formats, and this makes it thoroughly confusing. So I thought that I could add a format thread, for Races, Classes, Abilities, Items, ect cetera. I truly hope this will help those who would like to make a proper suggestion, not just rant. Rants go in general discussion.


Races, while not really needed, are a popular suggestion. So, a format for your suggestions would be rather useful.

Format For Race:

Name: The name of the Race goes here.
Description: The description for Character Creation.
Classes: The classes the race will use.
Female Character Build: A picture/description of the base model (Female).
Male Character Build: A picture/description of the base model (Male).
Armor Used:

Now won't that make your suggestion far more logical? It almost seems possible if you look at it this way! Here's my example:

Name: Awesomos
Description: These beings are so incredibly awesome, you cannot describe them. Brace for epic.
Classes: Pwner, Uber
Female Character Build: They look like Hannah Montana.
Male Character Build: They look like Zac Efron.

This seems far easier to understand then "i want a new race." Please note that your suggestion will most likely not be accepted, unless it's very well thought out. And has complete classes, abilities, AND items. Then, you have a 25~45% chance of being asked by a GM for permission to use the idea. A better way to help is to describe the hairstyles used as well.


Classes are often very popular suggestions, as some people (Myself included) consider that having two classes per race is rather small.
Format For Classes:

Race: The race the class belongs to.
Class Name: The name of your class.
Description: Describe the class in about a paragraph (5~8 sentences).
Build Styles: The average character of this class' stat placement every 2 levels.
Equipment Types: The types of equipment the class can use.
Female Armor:
Male Armor:

That really helps a Developer with his coding. Totally helps out the artists too, so you can't complain if it looks bad, because you didn't describe, it you drew it.


Race: Human
Class Name: Reaper
Description: The lord of death has slowly run low on Grim Reapers. He has taken to forcing others into service, unwillingly. These are... The Reapers.
Build Styles: 5 STR, 3 INT, 2 Free.
Equipment Types: Scythes.
Female Armor Looks: A form-fitting robe.
Male Armor Looks: A classic "Grim Reaper" robe.

It's awfully easier to read now isn't it? If you add abilities and weapons too, you'll have an even better chance!


An ability isn't often suggested, but when it is, you should try to make sense.
Ability Format:

Name: The ability's name.
Class: The class that uses it.
Passive/Active/Buff: Pick one.
Description: What the ability does.
Damage: If it does damage, how much?
Effect: Does it freeze? Does it poison?

That's always helpful to know, right?

Name: OVER 9000!
Class: Scanner
Passive/Active/Buff: Active.
Description: What's the scouter say about his power level?
Effect: None.


Weapons are always jolly good fun to make. If you have a good idea however, try to make a format to make it pretty and easy to read.
Weapon Format:

Name: The weapon's name.
Class: What class uses it.
Description: Describe the weapon.
Requirements: Level/Stat requirements.
Base Damage: The lower number.
Max Damage: The higher number.
Durability Rate: How long it takes to lose durabilitity.
Price: The price.
Sellback: You can sell it to an NPC for this amount. (Usually 1/2~1/3 of original price)
Bought: Where you buy it.
Materials: The materials needed to make it, and the level of Blacksmithing required.
Picture/Looks: What it looks like.

I'll use the "Reaper" class as an example. (It's fake, no accusations of overpowered as this is merely a format.)

Name: Death Scythe
Class: Reaper
Description: This was your first scythe. You hope you can use it well...
Requirements: Level 10, 25 STR, 23 INT.
Base Damage: 75
Max Damage: 150
Durability Rate: 10 swings for 1 dura, 75 dura.
Price: 2,500.
Sellback: 1,500
Bought: Etherblade
Materials: 2 Wood, 2 pig Iron, L1 Blacksmithing.
Picture/Looks: Like a farming scythe.


Armors are a pain to make. It's got far more requirements then any other item. (Again, the example is Reaper.)
Armor Format:

Name: The armor's name.
Class: The class that uses it.
Description: Describe it.
Requirements: Stats needed to use it.
Heavy/Light/Arcane: Pick one.
Physical Resistance: The physical resistance.
Metal Resistance: The metal resistance.
Wood Resistance: The wood resistance.
Water Resistance: The water resistance.
Fire Resistance: The fire resistance.
Earth Resistance: The earth resistance.
Durability Rate: The durability & the rate it goes down.
Price: How much to buy it from a shopkeeper.
Sellback: How much to sell it to a shopkeeper.
Materials: The materials needed to make it, and the level of Tailoring needed.
Picture/Looks: What it looks like.

It's longer then the other ones, because of all the stuff it needs to be created with.


Name: Reaper's Coat
Class: Reaper
Description: A reaper's coat.
Requirements: L5, 10 STR, 10 INT.
Heavy/Light/Arcane: Light.
Physical Resistance: 25
Metal Resistance: 50
Wood Resistance: 50
Water Resistance: 10
Fire Resistance: 10
Earth Resistance: 10
Durability Rate: 50, 10 hits.
Price: 1,500
Sellback: 750
Materials: 2 twine, 1 log, L1 Tailor.
Picture/Looks: A fancy coat.


Quests are the main thing that PWI lacks in, and the one thing that nobody suggests.
Quest Format:

Quest Name: The quest's name.
Quest Dispatcher NPC: The NPC who gives you the quest.
Quest Rewarder NPC: The NPC that gives you the reward upon completion.
Quest Type: Is it a hunting quest? A PvP quest? What do you do in it?
Dialogue: What the NPCs say, and your options.
Quest Requirements: The requirements to do the quest.
Quest Itself: What you need to do to finish the quest.
Quest Reward: The reward upon completion.

Quest Name: Bob's Bakery of JUSTICE!
Quest Dispatcher NPC: Bob The Baker
Quest Rewarder NPC: Bob The Baker
Quest Type: Hunting.
Dialogue: (Bob: Oh my word! Some nasty monsters have stolen all my bread! Go get it back! [Options: Very well, I will go./No way, it's far too pointless.] {Upon Completion} Bob: You did it! Here's your reward.)
Quest Requirements: Level 3.
Quest Itself: Collect 5 breads. Any monster will drop them. (10% chance.)
Quest Reward: A chef's hat.

Well, that's all. I do hope that these will help you in your suggestions!

Post edited by Rastul - Lost City on


  • ElderSig - Dreamweaver
    ElderSig - Dreamweaver Posts: 1,247 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    I would like to suggest that a GM or Mod sticky this topic, it's too much work (that'll make suggestions easier) than to just let it sink into the depths.
  • Rastul - Lost City
    Rastul - Lost City Posts: 13 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    Thanks. My personal favorite suggestion for a skill:

    i think sins shuld hav a skil that lets them kill everything in 1 shot.

    Fair? Psh. Who needs "fair"?