PurrFectPets - Sanctuary Arc User


  • just wanted to say thanks added all given so far b:thanks
  • you truly are exasperating I only made this post a month ago its hardly necro so sorry I'm not on the forum 24/7 to argue with you Obviously you did not but as you seem intent on rambling on about things that havnt even been said so here is my post again... I think it quite clearly states I mean ONLY this type of event…
  • Excuse me but maybe you should actually READ the op's posts. I did not Advertise anything I merely answered a reply.... I have not mentioned once what I will be playing. I also would like to add you use a lot of "probably" and "perhaps" because lets face it you have no clue what it takes to code a game so maybe stop…
  • you know the new more exp version will require either buying something from the cash shop or traded for tokens so all the people that cba to go do fcc can still lvl really fast b:chuckle soon you will be able to just buy ??? lvl char straight out of the boutique
  • super glue wireless headphones in his ears and play a 24/7 stream of all of us shouting whatever piece of useless random information that is completely irrelevant to him that we can think of
  • ok sorry to interrupt the gooning row I do know how you all like to fight over nothing the op is 102 and gets 2.3k does anyone know if this is level related or do we all get that amount if not what sort of xp are others getting?
  • news says.. These daily quests are a fun new way for players to make the leap from level 21 to level 40. They can be accessed via the motley group of NPCs located in the main racial cities as well as Archosaur (583, 635). if arch nav didn't work have you tried your home town?
  • Because they created that server after I spent out a load of my hard earned cash/game farming time on a lot of expensive stuff in this game...did we ever get an option to transfer our accounts I think not...also I live in England I speak English the Eu servers are French and German...and like I said I made accounts in them…
  • The last thing I will be doing is moving to a server just to spend out again that is for sure (its not that much rewards from silly events lol), as much as I am glad you are happy for the move I wouldn't even if I was new and had little invested as neither server has English as its main language (I did a little experiment…
  • shift+click only works if you know that the npc is there it doesnt help new players arriving in arch for the first time not being able to find the npc they need
  • omg i so agree with all of the above left to go back to guildwars and fill up the hall of monuments ready for guild wars 2 now its done i have come back here and its all gone crazy as soon as guild wars 2 comes out im gone for good...no way are they getting any more of my rl cash
  • hope you like the tag rainbows make me think of skittles...taste the rainbow as your a bad ****...come get a taste of your blade i thought it was quite clever but what do i know i havnt slept lol
  • Yes you can store and trade items between characters on an account that say unable to be traded Items are clearly marked "unable to put into account stash" if you cant it is actually very usefull one thing many dont realise you can trade is NO-TRADE genies....very handy if you want to lvl them up quickly on a different…