Morell - Lost City Arc User


  • in the beggining of game it doesnt matter really which pet you get for veno, after lvl 20 or so tho, glacial walker is best for land pet and petite sawfly or the cloudfish is best for air pet. and good luck b:victory
  • lol irrelevant comment is irrelevant but; pve server problems is right lol, try getting kos from r9 +12 lvl 105 sin because you tried to pick random coin drop from mob. life is not fair, you just quit game make some tea.
  • i d suggest you start with a veno too, so that you can learn in game. but it seems like veno isnt the class for you. it wont die as much, it ll lvl faster compared to some other classes and cost less on pots repairs etc. this is true for lower lvls of course, like up to 70-80. and veno is always replacable in a squad. 5…
  • well i have to say seeker and cleric. its just like barb and cleric but better, because; vortex...
  • How legal that is, i am not sure really. First of all, whatever class you play, you dont just push buttons, there s a ctually lots of nuances thats very fun to learn, that makes you pro at your class. dont be a power lvled noob. but the answer is, first, you buy coin with lotsa cash, then log on and watch world chat for…
  • theres no point in buying frost for you at this point. as you lvl it only gets harder to lvl up as you move along. do normal frost runs. get squad start from the beggining and learn how to do it. its fun and its the game. lvling up is not the whole point. playing the game is.
  • Actually i think the game is designed very well in the terms of "in between". it teaches you step by step if you do your quests. and when you get the hang of it you get crazy stone and bh. without those it d be too boring to grind all the time. and afte 74-80 when lvling gets too slow you have the option of frost or doing…
  • in 8x-9x frost squad someone said "we cant kill this, we need high lvl" for the last boss..... i saw a bm who thought they had to have squad lead in frost to get exp. mystic, who kept putting up red herb on himself, far away from the boss where all melee classes were attacking. lvl 101 cleric who couldnt understand why she…
  • yeah actually i agree that the scammers are getting out of hand. luckily i ve never been scammed yet but its not just irritating but it will soon start to effect the game play i believe. there are still some points in the game when you need to trust the other people. also people who scam; how stupid are you guys, to play…
  • teles dont always cost actual money, you can buy a tele in arch for about 10k. but you dont have to speak in world chat either. you re a bit low lvl right now and you ll soon get to 2x-3x. when you get to arch, you can ask for a guild inm city center, or you can ask other people if you can join their guild. but there are…
  • for me, the best thing about pwi is the sheer number of things you can do in the game. you can do BH, HH, go run cube, frost, pvp, tw etc.. of course you need to wait until 30, 40 or more for some of the other things..
  • this is really lame.. you make me "like" something i dont even play and when i go to the page to like it, i see that the servers crashed or smt... and i dont get a jones blessing. this is actually incredibly emberrasing for the whole team.. its like asking your girlfriend to buy you drinks because you re broke, then puking…
  • i did "like" the FW and pwi page and everything.. it still tells me "pls like forsaken worlds facebook fan page blah blah " but i did.... they are all liked etc... this is really frustrating....
  • depends on build.. and i believe the most logical build for veno is arcane. i m not saying most fun, anyone can prefer something different. but, i say arcane because, as veno you ll never get an hp to rival a bms or barbs or etc.. you always have your personal tank with you, so you might as well not waste points on vit..…
  • i tried to camp for frog once, after an hour i was like wtf i m wasting my life, and bought it from AH for about 35k.. luck i guess.. another thing is, i onbce happened across a shaodu by chance and wrote down the time i tamed it then whent back every 12 hours, on the minute and got it.. until maintenance.. then didnt…
  • too lazy to read it all so someone probably said but still, petite sawfly and glacial walker best pets that are free.. at least compared to pheonix and hercules. i d say keep the shaodu in bank, it s a decent pet but dont in low lvls dont waste cage space for it. you ll learn about pheonix and herc as you play however, and…
  • also only works if male is carrying female b:angry
  • i dont know what lvl OP is but if you re a new player, learning skills cost money.. ijs cuz i ve seen happen about 3 times that ppl didnt realise skills cost money.. and i dont think someone who has business in abaddon or heaven or hell would QQ over 50k or so.. so i guessing OP is not that high lvl.. also hatching pet…
  • well i dont ever turn the sound on in the game cuz i think all sounds and music suck (which i dont mind, meh) so i ll go with horns. horns haave always been annoying and always will be. ithe flashing huge letters distract me at the most inconvenient times. i also dont mind the horn as long as i see only 1-2 a day. and…
  • i just have to answer OP about the mystics first.. I have a high lvl cleric and mid lvl mystic both and i m not power lvling just taking my time.. I was at first very sceptical about a mystic clericing a run, until i had to do it for a bh. and guess what, just like cleric, mystic can either go for support or DD. I went all…
  • both the play and the attitude of people, differ on a pvp or pve server. telling people to "suck it up" from a pve server is too easy. pking in SP in a pvp server means that you are looking to aoe some easy kills. because on a pvp server its pvp every lvl everywhere, pvp lvl 30s in SP. another thing is, yeah, some times…
  • Thank you very much for the replies b:thanks
  • no one??? i reinstalled it the 2nd time and it wont even finish update this time.. gets stuck at island2_n.mp3.. whats this? why do i have to have it? now its says its the old version and wont updateb:cry i dont wanna quit game cuz of lame tech problem..
  • Yep, i did verify for 3-4 times..
  • your reasoning would be sound except for a couple of things b:chuckle you lvl fast now, but soon it ll be only for a few moment that you have less tahn %5 exp and you ll have to do many many dungeon runs to lvl up. you can have a cleric revive you, or res you as frequently termed in game, that will save you some % of exp…
  • my main is veno. but i played all other classes just to learn their skills well, at the very least. i noticed some classes need more manual skill, meaning you need to know how to play your class and have some training in doing so. like cleric. veno is one of those classes but as it is quite easy to play mostly solo, ppl…
  • the best wway is to go out killing turtles until they drop enough hay. you can buy them from catshops too but its crazy expensive, and all you need to do is to be a bit patient and grind on the turtles, a couple of days of doing that and you ll get your hay.
  • theres actually a much easier way. hit "Q" and bring up your quest list. There you ll see the quests you now have and some of the names, like where the mob you should kill is, or where you should get quest, turn in the quest, stuff like that you ll see in green. click on it and it ll autopath you to where you need to go…
  • aps = attack per second TT = twilight temple, its the same thing as HH, holy hall. its the name of an instance made of 3 parts with 3 different difficulties, thus you see HH 1-2, HH 2-1 etc... FB = short for fuben, its the instance you need to run at certain lvls, 19, 29, 39, 51, 59, 69, 79, 89.. thats the quest when you…
  • dont get the joke? b:laugh its ok. - i think pk server is versatile rather than vice versa. its very very rare to drop something when white named, and it ll probably be something lame like a herb or some arrows or something you picked up. you wont ever drop your armor or anything like that. anyway, i just dont think there…