PK'ing Secret Passage



  • _Nuriko_ - Lost City
    _Nuriko_ - Lost City Posts: 1,004 Arc User
    edited April 2011
    Why is PVP on a ****** PVP server bad? Just because there is a way to draw the mains off there alts and we choose to do it, its bad? I chose a PVP server because i wanted the chance to kill everyone and everything i wanted to. For those complaining its greifing and stopping them from doing quest. So ****ing what, everybody on the damn Lost City server has gone through it. Thats the point of leveling and gearing up so you can actually take on the ****ers who took you out when you were low level. If you dont want pk'd there is more PVE servers then PVP, go reroll, your only a pathetic level 30. Level 30 takes maybe 1-2 days at most.
    Ahira is a spyb:cryb:cryb:cry
  • Cheze - Lost City
    Cheze - Lost City Posts: 200 Arc User
    edited April 2011
    1. since when did pwi change any coding in gameplay? ever saw a bug fixed?
    2. ever saw in SZ mobs with agro and bosses? Safe Zone message isnt only a message to inform player about pk.
    This SP rule isnt here only since "few days ago", someone said more then a year, so why now complaining?

    Then players should assume that the fact that the area is initially designed to be NOT A SAFEZONE and stayed that way for years means IT WAS MEANT TO ALLOW PK THERE.

    I did all my quests there at a low lvl while there's pkers. Learn to get around it or they can gtfo of pvp server. It's not like theres ppl camping noobs 24/7, come back later if you have to.

    Also there is no reason to single out secret passage. So noobs need to do culti in secret passage? ok what about west arch, silver pool, orchid temple? theres noob culties there too so make them all bannable for pking there? why not make the whole damn map bannable for pk, theres noobs everywhere.
  • Assassinal - Heavens Tear
    Assassinal - Heavens Tear Posts: 52 Arc User
    edited April 2011
    Why is PVP on a ****** PVP server bad? Just because there is a way to draw the mains off there alts and we choose to do it, its bad? I chose a PVP server because i wanted the chance to kill everyone and everything i wanted to. For those complaining its greifing and stopping them from doing quest. So ****ing what, everybody on the damn Lost City server has gone through it. Thats the point of leveling and gearing up so you can actually take on the ****ers who took you out when you were low level. If you dont want pk'd there is more PVE servers then PVP, go reroll, your only a pathetic level 30. Level 30 takes maybe 1-2 days at most.

    We have these cheap things called hypers! Imagine....1-30 in about 2 hours or 40 minutes on an FF run!b:shocked

    Siggy by Silvychar.
  • LadyofReal - Heavens Tear
    LadyofReal - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,993 Arc User
    edited April 2011

    Again, I am not complaining about making PK'ing in Sp bannable. As stated before, if the "rules" are going to be changed for one shared instance, it should be done for all of them. The only sure fire way to guarantee that PvP does not happen in SP is to alter the coding to disable player vs. player activity. But the likelihood of the game coding being changed is slim to none.

    Also, I was saying that the questing excuse is stupid and has no ground to stand on. That same exact excuse can be applied everywhere else in the game, except for safezones. I don't foresee anyone running around saying: "Please don't PK me because I'm questing" or "Excuse me, are you busy questing? If not, I would like to take this opportunity to kill you."

    Level has little to nothing to do with anything; there will always be someone higher, better skilled, and better equipped.
    Not motivated enough to make another PWI siggy
  • _Nuriko_ - Lost City
    _Nuriko_ - Lost City Posts: 1,004 Arc User
    edited April 2011
    Ok yes 1-30 takes 10 mins in frost >.>... but thats not the point.
    Ahira is a spyb:cryb:cryb:cry
  • LadyofReal - Heavens Tear
    LadyofReal - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,993 Arc User
    edited April 2011
    Speaking of points, I am pleased that other are seeing the fallacies of this "rule."
    Not motivated enough to make another PWI siggy
  • truekossy
    truekossy Posts: 7,021 Arc User
    edited April 2011
    2. ever saw in SZ mobs with agro and bosses? Safe Zone message isnt only a message to inform player about pk.

    Yes it is. When was the last time you saw a "safe zone" protect someone from a monster chasing them?

    As for the mobs thing, clearly you've never been to Dreamweaver.

    I love how the only ones defending this are the (3 or so) people who are too ignorant/stupid to see how utterly ridiculous this rule is. lol
  • ColdSnow - Dreamweaver
    ColdSnow - Dreamweaver Posts: 983 Arc User
    edited April 2011
    truekossy wrote: »
    Yes it is. When was the last time you saw a "safe zone" protect someone from a monster chasing them?

    O.o who said that i expect someone protecting people in SZ.
    i said, did you ever see a SZ with mobs and agro?
    another point is pulling bosses to SZ in bannable. If you have bosses in SZ would be hypocritical cause you would pull them to you when you do the first hit. read next time again before you asume bs.
    name me one SZ with mobs with agro IN IT, the message with SZ is obviously not only for pk propose

    As for the mobs thing, clearly you've never been to Dreamweaver.

    I have 4 high levels on Dreamweaver, kid. Maybe you couldnt see the big letters next to my name saying DREAMWEAVER. I did on all my chars quests and i never ever saw a safe zone with agro mobs inside of it.

    I love how the only ones defending this are the (3 or so) people who are too ignorant/stupid to see how utterly ridiculous this rule is. lol

    Much hypocritical, calling here people ignorant and stupid, who care about low levels...want to see a real ignorant person? watch in your mirror.
    If i m trolling and spamming on forum...then i cant sleep and need a good laugh
  • LadyofReal - Heavens Tear
    LadyofReal - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,993 Arc User
    edited April 2011
    Just wanted to point this out, he was clearly referring to the mobs inside the safezone down by Dreamweaver Port (that city that is located to the north of Raging Tide). I highly doubt he was referring to the server that you play on.
    Not motivated enough to make another PWI siggy
  • ColdSnow - Dreamweaver
    ColdSnow - Dreamweaver Posts: 983 Arc User
    edited April 2011
    Just wanted to point this out, he was clearly referring to the mobs inside the safezone down by Dreamweaver Port (that city that is located to the north of Raging Tide). I highly doubt he was referring to the server that you play on.

    @LadyofReal then please explain me why would they make it bannable, if not not for potection of low levels? if its one cave who cares, go to another one. In fact the other caves..are actually DEAD. i been so many times in glee and didnt see anyone except few people 1-2 people if at all.

    SP has 9 quests +3 bh29 inside. thats a cave where you do spend lots of time unless you dont have a high level who fcs you from 0 to 100. Since you dont think its the reason (farming low levels) for this rule, what is it then?

    Ok, nvm then about the mobs, cause he is right. But the fact about the bosses in SZ stays same.
    If i m trolling and spamming on forum...then i cant sleep and need a good laugh
  • TigerLily - Lost City
    TigerLily - Lost City Posts: 1,209 Arc User
    edited April 2011
    I'm guessing its really banned because its inside a larger instance and you dont want it to crowded with shiet going on. Its also a area where you cant fly or ride a mount, you cant even enter if someone if camping the entrance. I really doubt its only about the nubs who has a few quests in there. Than PvP should be banned in all lower lvl areas.

    Secret Passage was never a place where people went only to gank nubs. Its a spot where people meet to PvP, hang out and chatt because the area is very suitable for that sort of activities.

    SP is actually pretty similar to how the old PvP-arena looked, just a bit smaller. That place also had a open main area and little tunnels going in different directions and a safe zone you could rush to when you got ganked. Secret Passage is probably the place where some of the most epic PvP-wars on this server ever took place.

    Of course a massive amount of lowbies have been ganked/camped/humiliated in SP over the years, some might even have quit the game at 3X due to this lol. I can understand how it scares away new players and having the entrance camped is rather inconvenient if you aren't at least 9X. But assuming criticism about the rule only comes from people who wanna 1 shot 3X is really lame. Specially when the people who assume stuff never even visited Secret Passage on Harshlands or Lost City.

    Secret Passage happens to be one of the most unique and fun places to PvP in Perfect World, so of course the rule is highly disliked by several players.
  • truekossy
    truekossy Posts: 7,021 Arc User
    edited April 2011
    @LadyofReal then please explain me why would they make it bannable, if not not for potection of low levels?
    Again, see

    This would be considered the player's own responsibility since the player chose to engage in PVP mode. We do not have a quest that require a player to enter PK mode.

    Perfect World Customer Service
    That, in and of itself, makes it clear that this isn't to protect lowbies.
    if its one cave who cares, go to another one. In fact the other caves..are actually DEAD. i been so many times in glee and didnt see anyone except few people 1-2 people if at all.
    And that right there is exactly why. SP has always been a PK hotspot. Even back when the servers were filled with nothing but lowbies. With the advent of this easy EXP, however, most of the time people are inside instances. Of course those who have any history here will look towards older PK hotspots to find PK instead of checking a deserted area.

    On top of that, you mention it being to protect those who can't defend themselves often, but what makes SP so much more special than... say... Old Heaven's Tear? Silver Pool? West Gates? Need I really go on? All areas that aren't cities on the world map are places where a lowbie may be unable to defend themselves in PK and get killed. Why aren't all these other places also deemed as somewhere that has PK bannable?
    SP has 9 quests +3 bh29 inside. thats a cave where you do spend lots of time unless you dont have a high level who fcs you from 0 to 100. Since you dont think its the reason (farming low levels) for this rule, what is it then?
    Of those quests, only one is essential for character development. Also, at least two of those quests can be completed via killing monsters outside Secret Passage. BH29 is not 3 BHs. It's the same singular boss and he's located inside the Hall of Deception, not secret passage. If one wishes, they can use the Illusion Stone to go to there directly and bypass any PK that may be occurring. As for the "lots of time" comment, you're greatly exaggerating that. If someone is hypering their levels, they won't be there at all until they need OHT culti chain. If someone is playing a character the old fashioned way and isn't completely new to how this game works, it may be a couple of hours at the most.

    Like we've said before, the reason given for this rule concerning PK there is complete BS. Especially since it also applies to PvE servers where you must make a conscious decision to enter PK mode and are warned of the consequences.
    Ok, nvm then about the mobs, cause she is right. But the fact about the bosses in SZ stays same.
    Interesting... because you also missed my first point in the post you quoted. Everyone with common sense that has played this game for a decent amount of time has come to learn that the safe zone does not apply to monsters. As I've said, running into a safe zone will not protect you from any mobs chasing you. On the other hand, it will protect you from PKers.

    Oh and FYI, the boss thing you're talking about has been stated by GMs before to apply only to AoE bosses that could harm other players that were within a safe zone. Taking a boss like.. say... Charr into a sate zone to kill it would be considered perfectly fine until they decide to change that rule too. b:chuckle
  • Fishlips - Harshlands
    Fishlips - Harshlands Posts: 193 Arc User
    edited April 2011
    b:surrenderGM can i have a blue name tag back . b:surrender
  • truekossy
    truekossy Posts: 7,021 Arc User
    edited April 2011
    b:surrenderGM can i have a blue name tag back . b:surrender

    *removes 72 of your levels*

    Any other requests? b:laugh
  • ColdSnow - Dreamweaver
    ColdSnow - Dreamweaver Posts: 983 Arc User
    edited April 2011
    truekossy wrote: »
    Again, see

    That, in and of itself, makes it clear that this isn't to protect lowbies.

    Attacking other players in the Secret Passage instance (567, 743) is not allowed under any circumstance. It's a bannable offense, and if you get attacked by another player, please submit a ticket with a screenshot of the incident (and ideally the chatlog showing the attack).


    This new rule applies, the one you posted is outdated. They changed it back and forward, this one counts and is final. So again...why would they make it bannable, if its not for reason of farming low levels?

    And that right there is exactly why. SP has always been a PK hotspot.
    Its not here on Dreamwaever anymore, its been always OT and is more comfortable then SP.

    On top of that, you mention it being to protect those who can't defend themselves often, but what makes SP so much more special than... say... Old Heaven's Tear? Silver Pool? West Gates? Need I really go on? All areas that aren't cities on the world map are places where a lowbie may be unable to defend themselves in PK and get killed. Why aren't all these other places also deemed as somewhere that has PK bannable?

    Cause the most complains came from SP and not other places maybe? Like i said, there is a reason to make this drastic rule. Seems like high levels prefered to farm low levels there, than on any other place.

    Of those quests, only one is essential for character development. Also, at least two of those quests can be completed via killing monsters outside Secret Passage.
    BH29 is not 3 BHs. It's the same singular boss and he's located inside the Hall of Deception, not secret passage. If one wishes, they can use the Illusion Stone to go to there directly and bypass any PK that may be occurring.

    I didnt count those quests, i actually left them out.
    1.Kill firemobs
    2.Kill Poisonmobs for drop
    3.Kill Dig Chest
    4.Dig mirror
    5.Kill Shade
    6.Kill Dismal
    7.fb29 (you do remember that noobs lvl29 people have like 100k if not less in their pockets? Why spending on teleporting? And then which noob would know about the stone?)
    8.Kill Silver Frost
    9. bh has still 3 bosses. in fact people dont stack bh29, they run it 3 times per day, which means they run through SP 3 times to do their bh. If i have only 100k, i wouldnt spend 15k for teleport.

    As for the "lots of time" comment, you're greatly exaggerating that. If someone is hypering their levels, they won't be there at all until they need OHT culti chain. If someone is playing a character the old fashioned way and isn't completely new to how this game works, it may be a couple of hours at the most.

    It was actually an indirect comment to someone who said, you can reach lvl30 within a day. Would love to see that, if he doesnt hypering in fc.

    Like we've said before, the reason given for this rule concerning PK there is complete BS. Especially since it also applies to PvE servers where you must make a conscious decision to enter PK mode and are warned of the consequences.
    I m not talking about pve servers, i m talking in common. a rule applies for all servers and most likely this came primary from PvP servers, so pve has to deal with it as well

    Interesting... because you also missed my first point in the post you quoted. Everyone with common sense that has played this game for a decent amount of time has come to learn that the safe zone does not apply to monsters. As I've said, running into a safe zone will not protect you from any mobs chasing you. On the other hand, it will protect you from PKers.
    1. i never said someone has to protect you, neither that a guard runs after to protect you. 2. why would it be bannable to bring a aoe boss to safe zone, if this message applies only for pk people? He can pull the boss to an area full of noobs, which is not SZ and THAT wouldnt be bannable. Hence Safe mode doesnt apply for me only for pk mode.

    Oh and FYI, the boss thing you're talking about has been stated by GMs before to apply only to AoE bosses that could harm other players that were within a safe zone. Taking a boss like.. say... Charr into a sate zone to kill it would be considered perfectly fine until they decide to change that rule too. b:chuckle

    If i m trolling and spamming on forum...then i cant sleep and need a good laugh
  • LadyofReal - Heavens Tear
    LadyofReal - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,993 Arc User
    edited April 2011
    IMO - A PvE server shouldn't have to deal with anything because players on a PvP server can't understand the concept of open field PvP.

    Also, the ONLY quests that are required for player progression are cultivation quests. Every other quest is designed for experience to help you level. None of the quests that have been mentioned are cultivation related, and therefor not important for player progression.

    Just a side note, I got level 30 on my seeker after about 12, nonconsecutive, hours of playing with no FC.
    Not motivated enough to make another PWI siggy
  • Morell - Lost City
    Morell - Lost City Posts: 101 Arc User
    edited April 2011
    both the play and the attitude of people, differ on a pvp or pve server. telling people to "suck it up" from a pve server is too easy. pking in SP in a pvp server means that you are looking to aoe some easy kills. because on a pvp server its pvp every lvl everywhere, pvp lvl 30s in SP.

    another thing is, yeah, some times high lvls gather in SP and figth eachother or whatever, but this also blocks the enterence with aoes for the people who re trying to quest there.. why not go to silver pool or some other pk spot..?

    yes we choose to play in a pvp server so we know we ll be killed bunch of times. but its also pwi's resposibility to make a playable game. And to play pvp we need to lvl up by doig quests and culti. so pwi provides a safe area for low lvls to lvl up. by banning pk in a low lvl culti/fb/quest/bh area.. how dont you get why pk would be banned in sp?
  • kenpachikensai
    kenpachikensai Posts: 172 Arc User
    edited April 2011
    only time someone ACTUALLY has to quest INSIDE Secret Passage is when you need the one of the 3 bosses inside or to dig wheel of earth. which happens only once per character and less than once per day?

    the mobs for quest like ossein guard or w.e. can be found outside and is better to do outside since if you about to die then you can fly and lose agro.
  • IHazNutz - Dreamweaver
    IHazNutz - Dreamweaver Posts: 72 Arc User
    edited April 2011
    only time someone ACTUALLY has to quest INSIDE Secret Passage is when you need the one of the 3 bosses inside or to dig wheel of earth. which happens only once per character and less than once per day?

    the mobs for quest like ossein guard or w.e. can be found outside and is better to do outside since if you about to die then you can fly and lose agro.

    On the same token, No one, EVER, has to pk in Sp!

    So suck it up an move on already = )
  • truekossy
    truekossy Posts: 7,021 Arc User
    edited April 2011
    On the same token, No one, EVER, has to pk in Sp!

    So suck it up an move on already = )

    On the same token, no one can complain about pk on a PvE server since you NEVER have to go white there.

    So having this rule apply to all servers is just plain stupid. =)
  • y4kuzi
    y4kuzi Posts: 234 Arc User
    edited April 2011
    Lol how hard is it to understand this rule?

    It's not allowed to PK in SP, just deal with it.
    The GMs will not change this rule because a bunch of kids complaining and getting sad because they cannot PK lowbies in SP anymore.

    If you don't like this rule, then simply stop playing, or go kill your own alts if you like to kill lowbies.

    Let the beginners do their quests in peace, there is no use in PKing them.
    PKing a lowbie is just sad, it will hurt my pride if I killed a lowbie.

    @ LadyofReal;
    If you still don't understand it, it's been made bannable so that the lowbies on PvP servers can do their quests in peace without getting killed all the time.

    Any more questions?
  • truekossy
    truekossy Posts: 7,021 Arc User
    edited April 2011
    y4kuzi wrote: »
    Lol how hard is it to understand this rule?

    It's not allowed to PK in SP, just deal with it.
    The GMs will not change this rule because a bunch of kids complaining and getting sad because they cannot PK lowbies in SP anymore.

    If you don't like this rule, then simply stop playing, or go kill your own alts if you like to kill lowbies.

    Let the beginners do their quests in peace, there is no use in PKing them.
    PKing a lowbie is just sad, it will hurt my pride if I killed a lowbie.

    @ LadyofReal;
    If you still don't understand it, it's been made bannable so that the lowbies on PvP servers can do their quests in peace without getting killed all the time.

    Any more questions?
    Here's a question, O' mighty imbecile. Why does this rule apply to all servers and not just PvP ones if it's there because, as you put it, "so that the lowbies on pvP servers can do their quests in peace"? If your reasoning had any sense, it would apply to only PvP servers, which would be understandable. A tad extreme (though it's been applied and removed before), but understandable. However, this rule is also in effect on PvE servers. And on those servers, NO ONE ever has to enter PK mode unless they choose to. Now consider that LadyofReal is on a PvE server and use your brain next time you respond.
  • LadyofReal - Heavens Tear
    LadyofReal - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,993 Arc User
    edited April 2011
    I never said I didn't understand why, I'm saying that the reason why holds no water since it can be applied everywhere else on the map; so why single out Secret Passage? How hard is that to understand?

    As stated before, the ONLY quests that required for character progression are cultivation quests, and until a character reaches the need for Silverfrost, there are no cultivation quests inside the Secret Passage, but there are numerous cultivation quests in the areas surrounding Secret Passage, Silver Pool, and the mines; so why not make those low leveled areas PK bannable as well? Hell, make the vicinity outside of West Gate bannable too. Why not make every area where quests are to be done at PK bannable too? Do you get the point yet?

    All I've said was that if they wanted to make PK bannable in the Secret Passage for whatever reason, then they should do so for every other shared instance in the game. There isn't that much coding that would need to be altered, as far as I know, they would just have to change the combat permissions to disallow PvP action, much like City of Abominations. Do you understand this?
    Not motivated enough to make another PWI siggy
  • SashaGray - Heavens Tear
    SashaGray - Heavens Tear Posts: 3,765 Arc User
    edited April 2011
    I never said I didn't understand why, I'm saying that the reason why holds no water since it can be applied everywhere else on the map; so why single out Secret Passage? How hard is that to understand?

    As stated before, the ONLY quests that required for character progression are cultivation quests, and until a character reaches the need for Silverfrost, there are no cultivation quests inside the Secret Passage, but there are numerous cultivation quests in the areas surrounding Secret Passage, Silver Pool, and the mines; so why not make those low leveled areas PK bannable as well? Hell, make the vicinity outside of West Gate bannable too. Why not make every area where quests are to be done at PK bannable too? Do you get the point yet?

    All I've said was that if they wanted to make PK bannable in the Secret Passage for whatever reason, then they should do so for every other shared instance in the game. There isn't that much coding that would need to be altered, as far as I know, they would just have to change the combat permissions to disallow PvP action, much like City of Abominations. Do you understand this?

    im going to emphasize something you said here
    there is nothing in SP that is required for 'advancement' until silverfrost

    there is absolutely no reason for this rule on PVE server at all
    there is a possible justification on PVP servers, but its flimsy at best.

    the reasons why people go to SP for PVP are
    no flying
    no nixes
    lots of mobs to AOE pop sins

    none of the following
    FB29/shade edio/dismal shade/mob killing quests in SP
    are required for culti, 0

    y4kuzi wrote: »
    Lol how hard is it to understand this rule?

    It's not allowed to PK in SP, just deal with it.
    awareness and understanding are two different things, professor
  • IKnuke - Harshlands
    IKnuke - Harshlands Posts: 104 Arc User
    edited April 2011
    I think its stupid making PKing banable in a PK Server... Its a freaking PK Server.
    Tho on the other hand it may annoy players, So why not make this place a Safe Zone instead?... (Yes, You can make SP A Safe Zone)
  • Rawrgh - Raging Tide
    Rawrgh - Raging Tide Posts: 6,790 Arc User
    edited April 2011
    I just got killed in cube on my BM, not in room 1 but in bored room. I need room 38 for cultivation so we should make it bannable to PK in any room there.
    "My understanding of women only goes as far as the pleasure. When it comes to the pain, I'm like any other bloke - I don't want to know."
  • LadyofReal - Heavens Tear
    LadyofReal - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,993 Arc User
    edited April 2011
    Woot! More people seeing what it was that I was getting at; this is proof there's intelligent life out there.
    Not motivated enough to make another PWI siggy
  • IKnuke - Harshlands
    IKnuke - Harshlands Posts: 104 Arc User
    edited April 2011
    Woot! More people seeing what it was that I was getting at; this is proof there's intelligent life out there.

    I mean... Its like saying: "Dont PK near Orchid Temple, They are lowbies there."
    So hmmm... Why am i playing a PK Server?
    I left Dreamwaver (PvE) and joined Harshlands (PvP).
    Isnt that the point of this server..?
    Pure logic.
  • truekossy
    truekossy Posts: 7,021 Arc User
    edited April 2011
    And the rule also keeps lowbies from PKing too.

    So if the lowbies can't PK each other in lowbie areas, are they supposed to go to high level spots and get killed there so the GMs can make a new rule that says no PK in high level spots?
  • IKnuke - Harshlands
    IKnuke - Harshlands Posts: 104 Arc User
    edited April 2011
    truekossy wrote: »
    And the rule also keeps lowbies from PKing too.

    So if the lowbies can't PK each other in lowbie areas, are they supposed to go to high level spots and get killed there so the GMs can make a new rule that says no PK in high level spots?

    Also i wonder how many begginers go read the forums to see where they can PK and where they cant. x.x
    I dont care if you wont be able to PK at some places, But please... Make the area a Safe Zone instead of just saying its not allowed...
This discussion has been closed.