Lynaris - Sanctuary Arc User


  • When you buff someone with Celestial Guardian's Seal, what does the icon look like (the small squarish pic beneath their picture, hp, etc.)?? Does it have 2 icons for 1 skill? A cleric told me its the 2 icon thing, one red, one blue, with a hulk-man each, each man the same color as its background (red, blue)…
  • lev 36 veno (broke for some lev 20 cleric lev 14 cleric lev 17 archer lev 2 wiz...
  • Um, the only question/answer I'm definite sure about is number 1: come steal aggro? When you heal your pet the other mobs that are attacking the pet runs to you. I don't know reason for this, but there are ways to fix this: - Have your pet attack all the mobs at least once, and then heal - If this is an issue of…
  • Yes the golem IS a good tanker. The stat chart was spiked with hp, pdef, regen...:) I use a Crystalline Magmite for obvious reasons, a Heartless Wolf for a puller/fun pet, and a Goldenwing Emperor... Although I'm not sure about the Heartless Wolf's speed. I have another wolfie with higher speed by 0. something more…
  • Lol I like both of them, but I use the Heartless Wolf more. They are nice. Can someone tell me if 0.6 speed is a big difference for pulling?? ***Heartless Wolf speed: 7.3 m/s ***Treeline Wolfkin speed: 7.9 m/s
  • I think the starter scorpion (Varicose Scorpion, it's blue and just a little ways outside south gate of lost city) is the best land damage pet...well that's what everyone in forums say, so it must be generally approved. :P And the Petite Sawfly is the best air attack pet (or so they say), but low hp. Sometimes they sell…
  • I don't know. Personally I favor the human form, since fox form can't cast venomous scarab and I like to use it. I dislike fighting close range, too. a threat to hp ;p
  • hmm maybe if you think it's such a major major difference between them XD but i'm going to try the wench first, since it is lower level.
  • There are the fewest wizards, and the most venos. I'm not sure about the classes in between, but I don't see a lot of clerics around (besides City of Plume & villages around that). However a good portion of the venos I see don't even know what they're doing. b:chuckle
  • Are Undine Wenches/Princess/Enchantreses comparable to the queen? Most ppl say that are about the same, but Wenches are lowest level and I think should have the better stats. And they all have the long range thing, Icicle, Freeze (Slow?), and Boost (hp healing). Except for enchantres, which doesn't have Boost. But some of…
  • Yes that would be great, though I find it hard to imagine a deer veno or the bat/devil one. *is it a bat or a devil???o__O* lol it would be cool for those venos to fly but that would be an unfair advantage. having a crawling bat would sort of suck though.
  • letting other classes have pets deletes the game uniqueness. stop whining. but yes i sort of agree wizards should have something
  • i'd like venos/barbs to transform a bit more diversely though. a wolf barb should have a wolf form. a cat veno should be cat form. no need to change skills. cant seem to imagine a deer form tho...
  • YES. that would be so much better!!! customization is 10/10 already but it would be great if barbs could change color/pattern of their fur and their animal form (pandas can change to pandas!!!) venos should be able to change the color of their tails and ears as well as color of fox elf ears too
  • Thanks, I REALLY get it now. Unfortunately I'm a bit disappointed--unlike some other games I've played before players can't switch around keyboard shortcuts to suit their tastes more (like I don't love pressing B for backpack, I'm used to press I). It'd be a lot better (for me, at least :)) if we could assign keys to…
  • look at icon and u can see level o.O but lol glitches do happen sometimes. XD once I was put as lvl 40+
  • :( I sort of suck too. I tried out Maplestory and took me an year to get to lvl 30 on that game :'(. OMAGLAMERZ lol I can't play during weekdays lucky duck.
  • lol what i've found is that college students usually level up the most, since they have some free time besides studying/class and sociallizing.
  • Those lvl 100s must have a lot of time on their hands XD retired, maybe....? Or just nothing to do for very very long periods of time......
  • Is anyone even lvl 105 yet? I looked at the rankings for the servers and the highest ones were 90 somethings. Unless the rankings are based on something other than level.............
  • Nevermind about the DQ's I just found out stuff about them from another post. But I can't seem to find TT, so can any1 tell me about those?? TY very much in advance :)
  • Yes thx very much :) :) :)
  • Thanks. I play 1-2 days a week with small snatches in between. On Sat and Sundays (that's when I play) I start early in the morning and if I'm lucky I get in several hours each day. Today I leveled from 20-22 in 2 hours. Is that good enough if I keep up that kind of pace? Lol I think I'll be able to level 2 levels in 3…
  • Oh also I forgot to ask: how long does it take to level to level 40 if I play around two hours each week? I want to get to that level by the end of the school year (which is around the middle of june) so do you think I'll make it?? Sometimes I play six hours a week, if I'm lucky, so let's just say 6 hrs every 3rd week, and…
  • Usually to kill mobs I use plume shot and cyclone and alternate between those. I don't use that lightning skill thingy, cuz I think it's useless.
  • Ok thx. What I meant for the first one is how you operate the extra layers of bars. As far as I know, you can put different skills in different layers (pretty sure about that). So if you have several layers out and open and when you want to use a skill in one of the extra layers, do you have to click on it, or do you just…
  • Also, I've been wondering about the level 40-49 quests. I looked through the quest guide for those levels, and there were rather many. Most ppl say that from levels 1-40 you do quests to level, and from 40 + it's just grind. So are all those 40+ quests optional (save fb). If you don't do them, will you level at the same…
  • also does anyone know a specific place where sawflies are able to be reached with venomous scarab or any other attack? THX
  • How much is it to buy a sawfly and which catshops usually sell them? also can you tame something that someone else has been killing? for ex they are killing a mob, the hp is low enough to tame, and i click the 'tame' button. will it work?