skill problems!:(!!

Lynaris - Sanctuary
Lynaris - Sanctuary Posts: 34 Arc User
edited March 2009 in Venomancer
I saw this screenshot of a barbarian playing in this cool looking place with lightning and...yes, whatever. The question is: those shortcut thingies on the bottom/right side of the screen, where you can drag actions/skills in to make them easier to function? You can rotate it, add rows, etc...
The barbarian guy had all three rows on his right-side-screen bar out, with different skills in each box.
1. How did he get those out???
2. How does he use all those different skills in three diff. layers when they're only numbered 1---8??? Is that even possible? If so, wat does he press to activate that stuff?
3. If you can actually work a bunch of diff skills in different layers, how do you assign them the keyboard-buttons (since I'm guessing that you can't have 3 diff functions for the same number...unless you click on the skill)

Thanks very much in advance. Any answer to one or more of these questions are appreciated :)
Post edited by Lynaris - Sanctuary on


  • Lynaris - Sanctuary
    Lynaris - Sanctuary Posts: 34 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    Also, I've been wondering about the level 40-49 quests. I looked through the quest guide for those levels, and there were rather many.
    Most ppl say that from levels 1-40 you do quests to level, and from 40 + it's just grind. So are all those 40+ quests optional (save fb). If you don't do them, will you level at the same speed, or a bit slower?
    TY again
  • Obsessed - Heavens Tear
    Obsessed - Heavens Tear Posts: 670 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    I saw this screenshot of a barbarian playing in this cool looking place with lightning and...yes, whatever. The question is: those shortcut thingies on the bottom/right side of the screen, where you can drag actions/skills in to make them easier to function? You can rotate it, add rows, etc...
    The barbarian guy had all three rows on his right-side-screen bar out, with different skills in each box.
    1. How did he get those out???
    2. How does he use all those different skills in three diff. layers when they're only numbered 1---8??? Is that even possible? If so, wat does he press to activate that stuff?
    3. If you can actually work a bunch of diff skills in different layers, how do you assign them the keyboard-buttons (since I'm guessing that you can't have 3 diff functions for the same number...unless you click on the skill)

    Thanks very much in advance. Any answer to one or more of these questions are appreciated :)
    Uhh I dont know if I quite understood your questions, but here goes nothing.

    1. You can rotate it from horizontal to vertical hittting the rotate button. You can add/show bars by hitting the Box button, or show them all by hitting the arrow.

    2. Most people will click them, but you can rotate through the 0-8 bars by hitting the [`~] key(left of 1!) and you can rotate the F# bars with [Tab].

    3. I think 2 answered 3.

    Regarding your second post...

    40+ you will still want to do all your quests, it's not just grind... just happens to be -more- grinding, as in quests will just give you less of your level than 1-40. You'll still want to do them all, you'll just have less. Though, lol, all quests are optional, you dont have to do any you dont want to.

    Quests will level you faster, no matter what level you do them(except for a few.. that have crappy/no rewards on hard mobs), but in general its recommended you do all your quests.
  • Lynaris - Sanctuary
    Lynaris - Sanctuary Posts: 34 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    Ok thx.

    What I meant for the first one is how you operate the extra layers of bars. As far as I know, you can put different skills in different layers (pretty sure about that).
    So if you have several layers out and open and when you want to use a skill in one of the extra layers, do you have to click on it, or do you just press the button (1,2,3, etc.)

    The clicking makes more sense to me, since if you just press the button, won't all of the skills in the layers activate???

    Lol sorry if I suck at explaining stuff I think too much.
  • Lynaris - Sanctuary
    Lynaris - Sanctuary Posts: 34 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    Oh also I forgot to ask:
    how long does it take to level to level 40 if I play around two hours each week? I want to get to that level by the end of the school year (which is around the middle of june) so do you think I'll make it??
    Sometimes I play six hours a week, if I'm lucky, so let's just say 6 hrs every 3rd week, and 2 hrs in the other weeks
  • Obsessed - Heavens Tear
    Obsessed - Heavens Tear Posts: 670 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    Ok thx.

    What I meant for the first one is how you operate the extra layers of bars. As far as I know, you can put different skills in different layers (pretty sure about that).
    So if you have several layers out and open and when you want to use a skill in one of the extra layers, do you have to click on it, or do you just press the button (1,2,3, etc.)

    The clicking makes more sense to me, since if you just press the button, won't all of the skills in the layers activate???

    Lol sorry if I suck at explaining stuff I think too much.
    Like I said, you either have to click on it, or cycle through the layers so they are in the usable bar so you can hit the hotkey. You can cycle through the 0-8 layers by hitting the [`~] key(left of 1!) and you can cycle the F# layers with [Tab].


    2nd post...

    That depends on how intense you play. Some people get more done in 2 hours then others. 2hours isnt exactly a lot of time, usually takes a bit more then that to get a level up even at the lower levels.

    For all levels 30+ you get a new quest that you can do once per day named "Crazy Stone". Where you pay a cheap amount of coins to buy some shabby shards, deliver them in archosaur, and wait 10 mins for reward, that gives great exp. If you do that quest daily you should easily make a level every 5 or so days simply off that one quest.

    If you are playing only 1 day a week, you wont make it. Only way you'll get close is with doing Crazy Stone(mentioned above) daily... and even then level 40 by june will be pretty close. Really depends on you and how you play.
  • Lynaris - Sanctuary
    Lynaris - Sanctuary Posts: 34 Arc User
    edited March 2009

    I play 1-2 days a week with small snatches in between. On Sat and Sundays (that's when I play) I start early in the morning and if I'm lucky I get in several hours each day.

    Today I leveled from 20-22 in 2 hours. Is that good enough if I keep up that kind of pace?

    Lol I think I'll be able to level 2 levels in 3 hours from 20-30 range and 1 level from 30-40 or something like that.
  • Obsessed - Heavens Tear
    Obsessed - Heavens Tear Posts: 670 Arc User
    edited March 2009

    I play 1-2 days a week with small snatches in between. On Sat and Sundays (that's when I play) I start early in the morning and if I'm lucky I get in several hours each day.

    Today I leveled from 20-22 in 2 hours. Is that good enough if I keep up that kind of pace?

    Lol I think I'll be able to level 2 levels in 3 hours from 20-30 range and 1 level from 30-40 or something like that.
    I really cant answer that for you, it's all about your own pacing. Hope I answered your other questions well enough to be understood.
  • Lynaris - Sanctuary
    Lynaris - Sanctuary Posts: 34 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    Yes thx very much :):):)
  • NecroVaL - Heavens Tear
    NecroVaL - Heavens Tear Posts: 118 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    I think what you mean is the skill bar, instead of 1 line, there's 3 line came out of it?

    1. How did he get those out???
    Ans: Well, you can see 2 tiny square thingy in the skill bar area, with those rotating, shifting etc icon. Click on the 2-square thingy and another extra bar will pop out. Click one more time, and the 3rd will pop out. You can have a maximum of 3 bar for that... Same goes for the top bar or your numbers keys function... =)

    PS: After the bar is pop out, there's a little dot at the side or end of the bar. Click on it, and it can 'on/off' the 'tab/~' function. Meaning if you off one of the bar, when you tab, only 2 bar will rotate instead of 3 bars... =)

    2. How does he use all those different skills in three diff. layers when they're only numbered 1---8??? Is that even possible? If so, wat does he press to activate that stuff?
    Ans: Answer same as above... 'F' keys for the bottom skill, and 'Number' keys for the side/top skill...

    3. If you can actually work a bunch of diff skills in different layers, how do you assign them the keyboard-buttons (since I'm guessing that you can't have 3 diff functions for the same number...unless you click on the skill)
    Ans: When you switch, the the function is still the same. But usually people wont just press the key for switching as you might press wrong button, and may get yourself killed... or worst, waste pots... or whatever. Usually for those number keys, ppl will open ALL up, and just click on it when they needed it. Meaning lesser usage like pots, teleporter, flying skill etc etc... Those usually using skills, especially like attacking skill will put in the bottom bar, or the F's keys hot-bar... Whereas those buff skill will put in the 2nd/3rd bar in the F keys bar...
  • Lynaris - Sanctuary
    Lynaris - Sanctuary Posts: 34 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    Thanks, I REALLY get it now.
    Unfortunately I'm a bit disappointed--unlike some other games I've played before players can't switch around keyboard shortcuts to suit their tastes more (like I don't love pressing B for backpack, I'm used to press I).
    It'd be a lot better (for me, at least :)) if we could assign keys to specific skills.
  • NecroVaL - Heavens Tear
    NecroVaL - Heavens Tear Posts: 118 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    Thanks, I REALLY get it now.
    Unfortunately I'm a bit disappointed--unlike some other games I've played before players can't switch around keyboard shortcuts to suit their tastes more (like I don't love pressing B for backpack, I'm used to press I).
    It'd be a lot better (for me, at least :)) if we could assign keys to specific skills.

    well... you will soon get used to it... =)