Lascial - Dreamweaver Arc User


  • From level 1-30, I was Arcane. At 30 my friend managed to convince me to go Light, and I enjoyed it. As light armor you have noticeably higher survivability, and you don't notice a huge damage difference until 75+. After 75, that's when armor starts getting better stats. And the lack of Light armor with any kind of magic…
  • Okay thanks everyone for the advice. I'm thinking about going with 40-45 Defense levels, a even 100 attack levels(5 extra) and the rest Hp. As for whether I choose Vitality stones, or Citrines, I'm not sure. I'll have to think on it. If I don't shard for Physical defense at all, then I may go with Vitality stones, but not…
  • Alright, thanks for confirming everything for me.
  • if (attack level > defense level) then: damage taken = { damage delivered * ( 1 + ({ attack level } - { defense level }) / 100 ) } Okay, so let me see if I get this correct, I suck at math so correct me if I'm wrong. Using 3000 as a base damage. If I had 25 defense levels and they 119 attack levels. Damage taken=(3000 *…
  • Awww, it saddens me that not many like Pitfall or Hailstorm. In a FC, I love hailstorm for the AoE effect, and freeze chance. Though I wouldn't level them until 89, when you can demon or sage, but the freeze chances on them are somewhat decent. Also, most BM I fight in PvP/Dual will Cloud Sprint/Will of Bodh, to get out of…
  • I still think they should just reduce damage in pvp by 90% now instead of 75%, and with all the new gear coming out that gives so much attack, just boost the base hp a bit to get around it. Hate to admit it but that's what WoW does to balance it, and so far it's worked out fairly well. Seems to me, PW is increasing damage…
  • Yes, I do enjoy the chi gain. I haven't done much open pvp yet. But to me, I just don't find myself using that many ults. Right now if I have 2 sparks, I'll sutra way before I think of a ult. Also, I'd rather not rely to much on Chi right now, seeing as how everyone is going demon for Aps, and if they use the demon effect,…
  • By the way, Excellent Job on your Video Adroit.
  • Ah, Thanks. But you did point out something that I had completely forgot about. Master Li's Technique. I find the gain 50 much more useful then the decrease by 50, but that's just me. Well, Guess I'll just have to wait for expansion, to see where Wizards are at in the Game. Hopefully they won't **** us over to bad. Thanks…
  • As for playing field, it depends. If Genesis doesn't fix the class balance, then I'll probably just be PvPing, with the expectation of dying all the time. In PvP at the moment, it doesn't seem like either are terrible great. In PvE, I like demon for the cast time. Seeing as how Pyrogram is the only one that has a chance of…
  • Yeah, with my play style, I think I'd like demon more. Taking pyrogram for instance. I'd Rather be able to cast 5 pyrograms in the time it takes a sage to cast 4. I'd get 75 chi, while the the sage has a chance of getting a extra 30. So let's say it does tick, then I'm using 5 spells to get 75 chi, while Sage is using 4 to…
  • The masteries are nice in Sage. The only reason why I haven't actually chosen though. I'm in a small guild, so we won't be TW much, I'll probably be more in PvP. So I doubt I'll be throwing around big heavy hitting spells quickly. And it's just my play style though, I prefer to kite with spells hear and there. So I'd…
  • Ah, makes sense. Seems to me that could make using undine kinda annoying though. I'd have to make sure i don't use either 15 seconds before I wanted to undine. I usually go for Undine>Sutra>gush>Pyro>Divene Pyro>Gush>Sanstorm/Glacial Snare. So it wouldn't mess my combo up to much thankfully. I also note that a 60% debuff…
  • Thanks Adroit, most of the stuff you listed I knew, but I did not know that the resistance debuff didn't stack with undine. That was actually one of the big reason's I wanted to go with Sage was the decrease in res. after a spell. However if it doesn't stack with undine, not as great as I was hoping. Suppose there has to…
  • That makes sense on the weapon damage. Thanks for telling me, I'd always wondered how having a weapon with 1K magic attack gave me 5K magical attack. Anyone know how channeling works? Just looking for some confirmation, Thanks.