Attack and Defense levels

Lascial - Dreamweaver
Lascial - Dreamweaver Posts: 18 Arc User
edited February 2011 in Wizard
Okay, just wondering how attack and defense levels work, in a few ways. I've been cruising the forums and google, and haven't found a answer.

Alright, for example, let's say rank 9 with Attack levels or defense levels.
Okay, let's say you have full rank 9, jonas blessing, and Diamond of Tigers. I think your going to have around 119 attack levels, give or take a few. With 25 defense levels.

Now the Defense build would be Full rank 9, jonas blessing, and Jade of Steady defense(Yes it's the +2 I know). I believe you'd be at 95 attack levels, with 73 defense levels, give or take some from other equipment.

So, If I had 119 attack levels, and my opponent had 25 Defense levels, then I'd be doing 94% more damage I believe. Correct me if I'm wrong please, I'm not entirely sure how this works.

Now let's say I had 73 defense levels, and a person with only 30 attack levels came up and started beating on me. My attack levels would knock out that 30% extra damage he would normally do, and I would be left over with 43 defense levels. Now my question is, do these Extra attack levels do anything? Or is getting rid of those attack levels all it does.

From the way I understand it, even after you surpass there defense levels, your still doing more damage. Which is fine, but does it work the same way with defense levels?

Meaning, would I get extra % reduction, for having defense levels over there attack, or does it just act as if they had no attack levels?

Just wondering how to shard at end game, cause if you don't get any extra benefits from having a lot of defense levels, besides just eliminating there attack levels, then I think I'll just get 30 defense levels, and go rest Attack/hp. Just wondering, please let me know if you know something. Thanks
Post edited by Lascial - Dreamweaver on


  • ThanosQRt - Dreamweaver
    ThanosQRt - Dreamweaver Posts: 2,457 Arc User
    edited February 2011

    the consensus is that you should refine ornaments for pdef (~3k is a minimum according to most), shard for hp till 8-10k and then JoSD. never DoTs on a weapon.

    of course, it's build is different and these general rules might not apply.
    thereare huge debates on when u should seek more hp or pdef or def lvls, what's the optimum, diminishing returns etc.
    and then u have the dilemma of whether u should focus on defense or attack (DoTs) etc.

    the only way is to do the math yourself.
    or just get r9 +10, +12 weapon, choose some ornament/cape/helm and call it a day.
    ofc that's not a build but w/e, u will be go(o)d :b
  • Lascial - Dreamweaver
    Lascial - Dreamweaver Posts: 18 Arc User
    edited February 2011
    if (attack level > defense level) then:
    damage taken = { damage delivered * ( 1 + ({ attack level } - { defense level }) / 100 ) }

    Okay, so let me see if I get this correct, I suck at math so correct me if I'm wrong. Using 3000 as a base damage.
    If I had 25 defense levels and they 119 attack levels.

    Damage taken=(3000 * (1+(119-25)/100))

    (95/100)=.95 *3000=2850

    So you get 3000+2850=5850?

    If Defense level is higher then Attack level
    damage taken = { damage delivered / ( 1 + (1.2 * ({ defense level } - { attack level }) / 100 ) ) }

    Damage taken=(3000/(1+(1.2 *(73-30)/100)

    So if he had no attack levels

    Damage taken =(1+(1.2*(73-0)/100)

    Not sure if this is right, please correct me if I'm wrong. Seems like having to much defense level would be less effective, if going up against people without Attack levels.

    Please check my math though, not sure if I got any of this right lol.
  • ThanosQRt - Dreamweaver
    ThanosQRt - Dreamweaver Posts: 2,457 Arc User
    edited February 2011
    yup, defense levels become less effective if u have a lot of them (compared to ur attacker).

    if that wasnt true then someone with 100 def lvl would be immune to dmg in pve (sice the attack lvl is 0 for mobs etc). but that's not true :b
  • Ursa - Dreamweaver
    Ursa - Dreamweaver Posts: 2,634 Arc User
    edited February 2011
    the thing is no matter how much def lvl you have or how much dmg reduction, everything is capped at 90%.
    Well, at least the damage reduction is, so I guess there is a point from where adding def lvls is just useless. Adding attk lvl however... well, that's another story.
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  • Lascial - Dreamweaver
    Lascial - Dreamweaver Posts: 18 Arc User
    edited February 2011
    Alright, thanks for confirming everything for me.
  • CrimsonChaos - Raging Tide
    CrimsonChaos - Raging Tide Posts: 5 Arc User
    edited February 2011
    would be pretty op if there where some gems that would give 2 atk lvl... b:bye
  • Stubbie - Heavens Tear
    Stubbie - Heavens Tear Posts: 95 Arc User
    edited February 2011
    Alright, thanks for confirming everything for me.

    well if are u going to pk other r9 players you must have good def lvl at least 60 , full r9 and blessing will get u 90 + att lvl , bringing att lvl down to 30 is going to help a ton against ppl with r9 .
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