Not true, mold it self sells for 10mil+ still, its very wanted cape. Last week 3 friends of mine sold it for 10.5, 10.7, 11.5mil, only for mold. Its coz 140 chips is still insane to spend on cape, and can pretty much only be found from fb69 mold/tabbed runs. Made cape w.o refine and shards can be sold for 12mil+ Made cape…
Siva is an amasing lvler, that dude AoE grinds like 12-15h per day, and spams gc while doing that. b:shocked
Yes stop flame vote for Desiree! b:victoryb:victoryb:victory PS. If u dont ur blind! LOL
U clearly need to go to zoo, since u dont know how monkeys look like. Desiree ftw once again b:victoryb:victoryb:victory
U are blind go buy glasses b:bye Desiree is hardly mine and Ajani's guildy, as a matter of fact Desiree(Crimson) is in guild KOS with ours(Kingdom). Just plain and simple looks of character prevail
Desiree b:victory b:victory b:victory
Well not sure realy, This server certanly has a lot of peeee's in it, dunno bout veee's tho. b:chuckle And again it does not state dont pvp, it only states not to go red, if any of ur business, dont see how it is tho. @Waterboy: Be so kind and show ur real face coward. Oh wait ur a coward, u aint got the guts to.
And ur point actualy is? Oh wait I know trollin. Yeey me, I r smart. Geez mind ur own business, no1 is obligated to explain KD politics to u, KD politics should be known to KD ppl and explained to KD ppl only.
Who cares, source of info leak has been eliminated. No1 cares, or at least shouldn't care, if he is in fact real Icom or not. Geez ppl today, just dont know how to have fun and play fair, clean game.
@BatGirl: yup it is tho I dont even know will GMs bother to read this. Its one topic in endless sea of whole bundle of topics in this forum section. Since all the actions, bannable on usual normal forums(trolling, flaming etc) seem to be usual here. Just leads u to belivr no mods or GMs ever visit this part of pwi forums.…
I said I hear ya, and I know how it is, but still...inner moral is forgoten value these days as it seems. And no Cat has lvl req at 60, and cannot be spured nor scaled to req lvl20.
True Nonetheless still some order should exist on forums.
Holly ****...pardon my lingo...I give u credit for that answer, thats about the most mature answer to flaming atempt, I've seen on these forums.
Agree, I give Desi the credit too. But hey lets not hijack the thread, it was originaly made by Nei.
Taboo u can be 100% sure now bro.
Calling for mods to move thread where it belongs ~ Market Section of forums aka "Trading Post". b:bye
nop u cant To Icom: Thank u very much, your SS is taken in Akatora's quote and cannot be removed, nice try editing ur post, we have all evidence we need to know who u are. My work here is done, Icom chased into the open, thats all I wanted.
And thats a top secret info because??? U could easily get it from some1 who asked another KD member. Big deal I dont have spy in Crimson and they have 187 ppl at the moment I write this, took me whole 5 sec. Unfortunatly I cant open imageshack from this PC so I'll answer next part later. b:bye
I dont think it either, I know, coz I aint blind. I guess u miss definition of QQing. Yup ur right our egos are a size of a elephant's salami. b:thanks
I dunno, maybe coz every single thread QQme makes is trolling against KD. My ego? In game? bahahaha ty for best joke of the day. And about QQing, I clearly stated that it only made me rolling on floor laughing my **** off!
Awww pissed coz u can randomly SS anymore KD chat, nor have access to forums anymore? All of a sudden no more big talk, just empy **** from u roflmao.
oh yeah like that poll is so damn fair. QQme's and Crimson's trolls voting all over the place, oh ya QQme ppl are gonna vote for KD in trolling poll! Realy nice argument, roflmao. gtfo
Blah I cant see it, in not available for my country.
Well at least its a noble cause, but still expecting ppl to just stop buying CS items that give them heck of a lot of ease, just so the gold price can go down is kinda not realistic. True on this server u have to zipp up more, farm more, do more HH, do more fb 69 and 79 mold runs, more buy cheap sell high stuff in order to…
bahahaha cl1ckftw what are u smoking, no seriously I want some, would be nice to brainless for one day, or beter yet lets switch brains, I would relax so much with so lil inteligence, not a single worry on my mined ahhh, now thats a thought. But only if u promise to give back my brain aftre a day passed. b:victory
Well its not anything new actualy, u dont need to be genious to know QQme will atack in lets say roughly 6 weeks tops. That is if they decide to take back all their lost lands due to know incident, fortify and then strike. What QQme plans is not known to me, but it could allways happen earlier then that. Crimson atacks…
Do u mind reading both of my posts before u answer or ur just to lazy to? I said both are posable. But doesn't make sense that some1 say that in midd of TW, after he prooly had encounter with other side, and could see the color of oposing side's names before that sentance was spoken in vent. I just made a logic conclusion,…
Actualy thats just plain dumb. It could have been scout, ofc I aint gonna say "Look there's a Crimson Scout right there by that tower, kill him", I would Just say "Blue name by the tower, kill him". Now what one is shorter? What one is faster and more practical? What one of these 2 would make u react faster? And on other…
Yup I supposed its some1's alt(s) trying to reroll, or a storage character of some sort, didnt think would be otherwise. b:bye Simple, probably 1 lonely Crimson by the tower, in vent in mmorpg games during event such as this one, it is easier to use shorter version of communication. Example: In stead of saying…
Only way you could achive this is to do same thing most of countries do in case of serious inflation. When inflation occurs they take large sums of reserves and buy highly demanded foreign currency, then sell it back vie exchange office for much lower price. To make it simple at this moment you would have to put between…