Jimmijam - Heavens Tear Arc User


  • if any1 gets timer stuck at 0:00 just relog and it shud work. it did for me anyways b:victory
  • qingzi has higher def though. not sure how much of a diff it will make but i would still like to see a pic of some1 doing it :P lol
  • ok using any debuff/amp from any class/genie is it poss to 1shot qingzi? as fb19 boss has already been done lolz. the challenge has been set :)
  • 1 word: awesomeness!!! b:victory
  • 10/10 cos is sounds like "is that you" said really quickly b:victory
  • dam that was so close :(
  • so noone has actually 1 shot fb19 boss yet? its half of my goal in this game lol. also to see if i can hit over 200k on a lvl1 but im only lvl65 so thatll be a while yet haha. maybe when psychic comes out it will make it easier with their attack buff.
  • gogo ursa :P when u manage it take a screenie lol. btw wouldnt blade tempest do more dmg cos of its lower phys def?
  • out of interset does it matter if your mount is still in the postbox or do you have to have it in ur inventory to transfer it?
  • dont u get the badge of wisdom from dq quest or is that another one?
  • its actually better to grind at lvl32? or somink like that because it gives 3rep xp + spirit for 20 spiders i believe. it was a while ago i was at 32 so not 100% sure on details but i defo know it was 3 rep
  • i can understand that the economy will fluctuate because of the constant change in how much gold is bought and inputted into the game. if other than taking away a lot of coins in assets what was the point in making the two horses a cash shop item?
  • it makes me think twice about playing this game that some1 has done this with what seems like no experience with the game. im pretty sure that most people over lvl20 knows about the horses you can get from the dq quest. i just hope they dont take it too far and start to mess with equip and weapons.
  • the thing is i believe they are trying to 'fix' the economy. but the way they are doing it is just plain rediculous. it seems like they have just said 'i know lets lower the price of every1s assets. that way we can take a huge chunk of coin out the game.' doing this instead of actually letting jolly jones do his job and…
  • even if they did replace them the fact still stands that they would probably put them in the cash shop further down the line as they have done with these. although im confused how this helps the economy too. DQ is (was) a big coin sink in the game. As people have already said they spent millions to get the horse. they…
  • i can understand that people say "thats just life. get over it." thats just how some people are. im not saying thats a bad thing because if you are happy then thats fine. but in my opinion if you take that kind of logic then you wont find yourself excelling in anything. life isnt easy in most cases, and you have to work…
  • i dont understand why you would try to apply for a job which you didnt need qualifications for when you had qualifications. if that was me i would try to find a job which needed qualifications which would pay more. to me it seems that you are the type of person that doesnt have the urge to improve yourself to the fullest…
  • this is exactly how i feel too. i thought there was an equal balance between the pay to play and free to play but now everything is biased towards buying or using gold. they have taken so much from players from everything being reduced. its just one massive coin sink. so if some1 got the highest grade on a test, say 90%.…
  • nice b:pleased still baffles me that if u add up BT lvl 10 u get 400% + 7720.8 but BIDS u get 500% + 9648.9 lol just worked it out and it dont baffle me no more lol. u get 2k dmg more and magic attack off a weapon will be maybe 1k? so thats like 3k. the phys resist isnt a huge diff % (less than 10%) wise so it would have…
  • so BIDS wont do more dmg than BT at higher lvl apart from on fire mobs/increased defence? btw what lvl BT and BIDS do u have?
  • i meant dmg wise on PVE only. i dont PVP. but BT will beat BIDS on a non element mob. at skill lvl 1 anyways. i get that as the mob has less phys def BT does more. i should have put my question better lol. what i was asking is that at higher lvls is BT better than BIDS for PVE. so take lvl 10 BIDS and lvl 10 BT and do it…
  • hey i think u shud do glaive and wand and get this stickied :P
  • i believe gold prices will go back down but the thing that concerns me is that this is the second time youve had to "drain" coins and its worse than the last time. now if theres going to be an even better patch(like xarfox said) then is it going to happen again? or have the devs/sale people learnt from whats happened?…
  • gush pryo gush pyro has the best dps on evrything apart from fire water and metal(not 100% sure on metal) uptil 55 at least(not sure after that cos im only lvl55 hehe). but for grinding i would try putting DP or SS as opener or finisher so u dont get hit as much. dont forget phoenix too b:laugh but try not to put in force…
  • in my experience the only trouble iv had as a mage is with increased magic mobs. this is why mage is unfair. why does it take 1/4 dmg off with magic when increased def only takes about 1/2 dmg off with physical??? wiz guzzle mp alot anyways but when it takes 2.5k mp to kill 1 mob at 54 which is about a third of my mps when…
  • how about a fist bm vs barb? they guna have high eva so barb would miss alot. not really sure though as im only lvl29 bm. just a suggestion lol
  • yea i think they would have to implement it carefully. but for me the reason people stay with these games is for the high lvl stuff such as TW and the different instances TT,frostccovered etc. but i think most people dont even read the quests anymore which is kind of sad for the storyline of the game.
  • the dex genie has an initial starting skill which reduces elemental resists by 30% for 4 secs which is pretty nice. havnt tried it out yet though. some of the genie skills at higher lvls say they are inactive. im hoping that 1 of them might be increased magic attack lol
  • dont forget that wiz can get -channel gear on evry piece of gear. i dont think archers can get -delay skill other than on their weapon. which can rule out speed. this makes wiz do a lot more dmg quickly