HimiInuOni - Dreamweaver Arc User


  • true but that gear that you say is never used, i ended up using it on my sage bm (made after a demon barb) and then the LA that you say i shouldent get i ended up using on my demon sin.
  • the problem with that box is i have to click on it to chat and then click back on the ground to exit it, with a new chat tab you could !? type enter to send and u don't have to click any where, and i have to invite my freinds to the chat box one at a time, with this new chat they would automaticly be in it, altho i am not…
  • well with a chat room i cant talk in it while pulling in a FC or a delta because i have to be clicked on it and i have to ctrl+enter to send the chat or click the thing. personaly the chat rooms are 90% worthless, and any of my friends who send me one i do yell at. ask ShellShellz Fanfon Arrya and a few others, they have…
  • it wouldent be a PM it would be a new chat completely my bad for not explaining, you can still PM and all of that, but now you have this new option of turning it on and wow whisper your whole FL see if any one is up for a Delta if not u can turn it off or leave it on :D, squad is green wc is yellow faction is blue, this…
  • well glad to see others have thought up the idea, but he dosent have a poll so people can state there actual opinions,and this is just for discussion, im not expecting a dev to come here and talk to us, im just wanting people to discuss this in "general discussion" to the suggestions part
  • well personaly i think it would be atleast a little helpfull, but it could be optional like squad and faction chat u can turn it off
  • i can help you just whisper me in game
  • umm man, you really should do TT more often, ive gotten a 4 man squad me sonh/wolven/dark_thorn and did 2-2 over and over so we could each get 5 dust of stars.... well lets say we gave up after the 6th run, 4 of the 6 runs gave 0 dusts 1 gave 3 and the other gave 1. and as for my above testing in 1-1 i had 10 runs in a row…
  • i solo 1-1 1-2 and 1-3 almost every day, and i gota say that looks about right, ill get a few runs with 1-4 mats and then the occasional one where i get 10+ mats, hell to test drop rate i did a 1-1 over and over for 30 times in a row 1 day, i had about 26 drums and 69 edges, yea most of the runs drops 0 drums or droped…
  • rhapsodus please quit the anoying stuff, im wanting comments you have stated yours, now please stop flaming ^^ and to dangerk im glad to hear honnest opinions, atleast some one is stating what they honestly thing and not getting mad and then ranting
  • please quit flaming this thread, i am wanting to hear comments not flaming
  • not really o.o, i dont mind if people give comments that insult me it dosent bother me. im just happy to see so many comments^^ P.S. its ego not epeen
  • well in all honesty i dont see why your so bent out of shape i posted this to get people's opinions, yet you bluntly come here and argue, yes this did happen in the past, yes its over and through with, but i wanted people's opinions and wanted to know what they thought of the incident if you read it all i accept the bad…
  • dont get your undies in a bunch hun, i googled my self found it and thought it might be funny to see what comments i got when i posted it ^^
  • umm dude fist barbs are nice but, it takes away from teh class first fist bm? then fist archer? every thing is going interval they need to fix this ive even heard of a fist veno >.>
  • i consider it a challenge to hold agro, but yes i have to agree with the interval out there its imposible, an assasin with minimal interval 90 gold arm -.1 rank 4 chest -.05 TT 80 -.05 and demon spark can steal agro from me, if u toss in an hf i stand no chance same for a 95+ fist bm with lunar claws+ 90 gold arm, so i do…
  • just do what i did on my psycic get to the heads room with a squad of freinds then give em all 500k each to let u do it with your 1 character shure u miss alot of heads but hell u get one killer amount of exp i belive it was 50k per hed or in that area and with the genie skill*no cool down* and the genie aoe skill+ my…
  • well i am flattered the person ranting about me posted on the threadb:thanks b:laugh as for the comment keep em coming but i gota gree with this one mutch agreed im a c0cky person who is over confident and i highly belive in my abilities, i finaly got the answer i was looking for
  • why did you post if you didnt read it :p u trying to look coolb:victory
  • howd u know i googled myself o.o *out of boredom* u must have the wrong barb, i go out of my way to get apo just for that hall way ask Lucretious or AznAssasin And still glad to see both positive and negative comment keep em comming
  • b:laugh i dont get mad i laugh, as for squads if u ever play on my server ,yes i am a bit bossy, i have changed and im not that bossy any more, but now i give a little advice here and there and sit back and watch the game play out for the most, you could say *im what you could call a squad mother ima bit bossy but i do it…
  • altho Islamey hates me becouse i refuse to FC/TT/Delta/any thing with him due to a problem we had in the past *this being a right i do have when i play this game* im still glad to have a few intelligable comments, and i hope to see a few more
  • agreed, on my server i am known as a fail barb, yet when the high lvl's need a good barb for delta FC or TT they whisper me, and its kinda anoying im being called fail when i have 16.6k hp buff+ tiger as a demon barb yet, i see all of these great sage barbs with barly 15k hp at 90+ *16k hp shows my hard work to try and get…
  • well man general feng has a very weak aoe all he dose is hp debuff with BB ull live, as for wurlord himself he has no aoe so u take 2 clerics 1 to bb 1 to ih or with a good barb 1 to ih, in solo mode i need no clerics for a 3-3, in squad mode i need no clerics for up to 2-1 2-2 i need one for wurlord, as for charms yea…
  • i dont dare post the whispers form the WC's i have gotten xD, if any one knows me on DreamWeaver you'll know why, but still xD funny chats man
  • as to you BUB, i dont need a charm for any thing except a full Delta, if you need a charmed barb for any thing *except a delta or gamma or nirvana* u have a fail barb or a fail cleric
  • xD im a lvl 94 barb myself and i can tank a dam 3-3 with no charm and 1 cleric!!! if u need a charm for HH yes you are a fail barb, or the cleric is a huge fail, cuz cmon i can solo a 2-1 with no cleric and no charm just ToP and crab meat. so man that must be 1 fail cleric, or your server is just messed up, i can tank any…
  • heck i got my boots +5 with no orbs on on Dream weaver ParaHypnosis got an item +10 with no orbs *took alooot of mirages and luck xD*
  • well i like D for its bad **** look, E yea cut out of a google picture, and like a large amount of other fashions it "fails" for a barb and would make me looks like a booty ninja*pun intended* A looks like a rip off from the outfit in a manga called Black Cat, B is avg but reminds me of a rip off from one of the final…