Flyingpix - Heavens Tear Arc User


  • meh tear why try and get everyone to be a cookie cutter veno using the same damn pets. Variety is a good ;) I personally find the mechcrab much easier to use even if its not as strong as a golem. Plus my guild mates like the pierce skill that it has during FBs. Between that and Ironwood scarab the bosses armor is always…
  • I've been using a mythical wolfkin to lure since it has a speed of 8.3 m/s in FBs since the others can take the mob down easy enough once its close. My crab can lure pretty well to if need be while grinding if the situation needs it.
  • You might check out an overclocked mechcrab. Not quite as good as a golem total tank wise, but mine has done very well for most grinding and has a slight advantage of not blocking your view of the mobs near by.
  • Not everyone can afford a Kowlin nor are a lot of us willing to camp for ages to get one ourselves. Besides he OP was asking about what the best ranged pet was and to my knowledge a Kowlin has no ranged attack.
  • I don't know but something seems a little off with the results to me. As an arcane build the melee damage that I can draw with swords is well pathetic while my spells are my source of damage. I can routinely hit for 1400+ on same level mobs and never draw agro when my crab has hit first no matter how much I spam my skills.…
  • I currently have my 4th slot filled with an eldergoth marksman and it has been a pretty good pet. The ranged attack that it is has when you click off its bash skill and such comes in hand for pulling mobs. My guild mates when we help others with FB19 ALWAYS ask me to use the eldergoth on the boss due to its agro taking…
  • I don't know too much about the tailoring or the caftsman items as I haven't yet gotten around to leveling those up yet. However, I do a bit of blacksmithing and that has been a money sink and time waster trying to get certain drops to make copers. I primarily do Apthecary and believe it or not I have made a good bit off…
  • I've heard that Ducke Blanche if you talk to him he can tell you what smith to use in Archasaure that could increase your chances of 2/3 stars and socket. I don't know personally if its true as I have not really needed to smith past level 3 only need to be able to decompose items to get the stones for making Apothecary…
  • There are two ways to get socketed items. When crafting you have a chance to make items (armor and weapons) that have sockets. The other way is to get socket stones and add sockets to an existing item you've gotten from a drop/crafted/or bought from an NPC. It really is up to you which you want to do and what effects are…
  • I enjoy making pots and I hardly ever buy them now. Apothecary is super easy if you have good guild mates willing give and or sell their herbs to you cheaper than market value. Also not that hard to get if you know where to look for them. Generally I make chaos powder (self use), life powder (self use if no cleric is in…
  • All depends on how you want to play your character and what role you want to have in squad play. My arcane build is great for damage and grinding is quick assuming you don't die too much. LA is a good option to if you need a little extra phys def even though you have to give up some mag def in the process.
  • Also testing out a LA full fox build and have been quite happy with it so far, but only level 13 atm so who know how things will play out. I may still go for the arcane wrist over the LA ones unless I can craft a better pair same with the boots.
  • Going pure mag has its benefits with damage output but your vit is so low 2 - 3 hits you are going to more than likely die if you can't run like hell to get away. Your personal survivability isn't dependent on your pet so much as how well you can use it.
  • the level 46 eldergoth sharpshooter looks a little nicer the marksman and has a ranged attack. I went for the marksman simply because I was too lazy to level up the cactopod up to level 45 lol.
  • The other thing to keep in mind is what skills you use. Some spike higher which increases the initial hate on you. Another factor is the type of pet you use, golems hold agro well if you don't overdo your spells. If you tend to do that you can compensate by getting an eldergoth marksman/sharpshooter that have the skill…
  • I think it also has a lot to do with your build set up. For my full arcane veno I use a sword simply because I already have a high spike rate for my nuke spells so a sword gives me a consistent hit rate without taking any hate. On the other hand, my full fox using LA that I've been playing here and there I've been using…
  • The carapests also drop hay. They can be found out near Scorpion Valley and they are also level 20. I find that the antelope pups while being level 30 tend to have a higher hay drop rate than the rhinodrakes for some reason. As for water pets just as the prior poster mentioned most kind of just pick one up do the water…
  • Depends on how much you want to heal it I think. I have one and it does alright in general grinding at keeping agro if I'm in a pinch, but have to pay attention to is HP since its not anywhere near as good as my magmite or crab tanking wise. It does pull well though with its skills clicked off. I still like the cactopod…