Danja - Raging Tide Arc User


  • i have both maxed white and black they were my second priority after the two attack spells
  • almost all of pvp is based on player skill, granted being higher lvl helps alot too. my psychic gets 2 hit by almost everything and can kill almost any one as long as they dont see me. i have problems killing high lvl barbs but thats obvious. i can have trouble killing high lvl clerics but if they are healing i can use…
  • i think its possible, im a strong advocate of kite tanking just i dont think it would fly too well with the bosses that use and aoe for a ranged attack automaticly if the tank is too far away. and i know i dont have to best physical defence
  • no it does not crit. the skill does a fixed value based on your soulforce and i think itss resistance/defence back to any thing that deals damage or casts a damage producing spell on you (or buffed member). example that triger reflect, melee attacks and dmg causing skills, magic attacks, magic DOT. i have never seen it…
  • im not saying that glowing spirit wings is a bad idea and that really cool ones wont come from it, im just saying that they all flap like butterfly wings from the elves and i look forward to any one set of wings that bends or is a 3 dementional wing
  • I like the bubble idea kind like what they look like when they are in meditation. cept if they turned into mer form in the air then working out what they would do for air combat might get odd. kinda like fighting under water in mer form. i think it would be BA if they rode in the air on giant flying fish but i think that…
  • any chance some one can get a SS of the difference between them
  • im not saying that im an expert oppinion on the matter but since physical defence is on a curve that the damage reduction from each point is less the more you have and adding HP in linear and increases hp regeneration. my vote is for HP shards provided that you have all the +phy Def you can get from ornaments and armor.
  • If you look at all of the other casters(Venos, Clerics, Wiz) Psycics are the only class that doesnt have a skill that alters the caster's movment speed or possition(distance shrink, summer sprint, elf 79 skill) or have a mana regeneration skill(wellspring, increase metabolism, hp mana buff). i was really hoping that some…
  • i stoped playing PW for a year and come back to try out this new class. i kinda expected to see some racist comments from the Shems and long ears but i wouldnt expect a tail folk to let us take aggro and die. we will merge eventually. hopefully when the new skills come out or skills get adjusted people might say o **** we…