Aya__ - Heavens Tear Arc User


  • i think what you need is to be able to survive things. you can achieve it by taking less damage from hits, by having lots of hp, or by combination of the two. you pick which you prefer (pwicalc may help a little with chosing) i have sharded mostly garnets (armor) with some citrines added (cape and hat), and with my own…
  • 3 things come to mind: 1) maybe you are too close to barb when hes pulling: you keep close but it should be him aggroing mobs not you, and make sure he roars when you put bb up so you wont get heal aggro 2) when bishop spawns right next to you and you are supposed to heal tank and not kill bishops just move away from him -…
  • 1) maybe they didnt notice sin had aggro 2) maybe they didnt know turtle animation and had no idea what OP did, i ve seen people who didnt know their own skills let alone other classess 3) maybe they were afraid to let go of tank even for a while 4) maybe they had problems with switching between squad members fast 5) maybe…
  • hard to respond as they are meant for different things... but if i had to pick one then chromatic is more useful sor is a powerful single target heal, both instant and over time, and i use it only on barbs and tank build bms (no use wasting heal, as Paramedic said not many people have over 10k hp) chromatic healing beam is…
  • bb does 2 things: aoe heal AND damage reduction. if there are people in squad who will be in the aoe range and may not survive getting hit then you bb for them - chromatic has rather long cast and cleric (especially if solo healing) will be busy ih and purifying tank. if you have more than 1 cleric you can split the job…
  • now my 2 cents :) (i agree with Desire on most points if tl, dr) Warning: this applies mostly to low and mid level, your base magic attack isnt high then so some skills come off as weak, and you usually dont have enough coins / spirit to level everything anyway so you must prioritize a little. When you get to high level…
  • im not 100% sure i have sage def buffs, and lvl 10 other two... and few times i noticed lvl 10 ones vanish first leaving both shields for a while longer... im pretty sure it happened when 1 hour buffs were first buffs i cast and i didnt recast them (and mdef buff is glitched anyway). BUT to test if its so (ie im not…
  • my QQ 2 cents for QQ thread about QQing: i want a cleric-only skill: hold squad in place instant cast at least 32m radius cant be resisted duration: 30 sec to be safe preferably genie skill, for those special cases that must leave bb nao, that mob stands there so aggresively... fast cooldown and low cost to make it…
  • if you have no - chan gear on then 5 one cast lasts for 15 sec, and channel, cast and cooldown time add up to 3 sec, so 6th heal comes when 1st runs out completely but you usually just spam it anyway :)
  • b:shocked i read this one, then checked date to make sure i dont necro, then: ZOMG what happened to PWI???!!!!!oneone... When I was in 70s i had ok gear, about 3k hp unbuffed, and my genie never had AM - but 59 was one bh I loved, because it was so ridiculously easy after 51... Very often did 59 (only qianji or drake back…
  • Tysm Rose, you were my inspiration b:cute Nelae! havent seen you here for a while, im happy you are back b:pleased (dont tell me im blind and you were here all the time... b:avoid)
  • lol... ty i think maybe all other arcane clerics on HT tanked Krimson at their 80s, idk, but for me it was first time and im glad i was able to do it :P
  • without any channeling gear up to 5 times before first cast runs out, but in reality you just spam it on the tank most of the time... solo questing: you may cast one at yourself before you attack. it stacks not only with otself but also with stream of rejuvenation. at 70-80s lvl 1 bop becomes your main chi building skill,…
  • Revive skill is 4th in chain, so to learn it you need: 1 lvl of Blessing of the Purehearted (starting skill) 1 or more lvl of Ironheart Blessing (begins at lvl 6) 1 or more lvl of Wellspring Surge (begins at lvl 9, needed culti: Spiritual Adept) to be lvl 19 have Aware of Principle culti level have enough coins and spirit…
  • when sealed and could use holypath i lived when sealed and genie was on cooldown i died b:surrender edit: im impressed with my squad actually... they took a complete nirvana noob as single cleric o_O
  • yesterday was in nirvana 1st time, squad decided to risk it with a noob and just told me what to expect on each boss, and what they want from me... didnt ask for bb even once. aoe heal and ih only... (i decided ih means i use whatever single target heal i think best, they didnt object lol) on flame boss same as all others,…
  • nevah! b:chuckle if anything could end them people would have to use 'search' function instead of creating new threads same as old ones (and getting same old answers to them too) and that would mean end of the world b:shutup on a more serious note: gj, sticky pls
  • some books you can try to farm when 2x drops are on though, that would be cheap token books... only if you feel lucky i mean you can bet revive and ih out of 3 books and be happy (i was that lucky one day), or 3 bops and go cry in a corner...
  • i loved good morning messages too and missed them when gms stopped doing that b:pleased
  • nooby veno and very nooby archer b:chuckle oh, well, and 7 clerics to act as mules b:surrender
  • thats not build, thats healing aggro... 1) clerics fault: healing before tank grabs aggro. cleric should wait till he sees tank hitting mob (s), or animation from aggro skill. its clericc duty to pay attention to such things 2) tanks fault: aggroing multiple mobs but hitting only one (or only few but not all), then yelling…
  • b:surrender i must go lie down for a while....
  • b:shocked now i know for sure i am fail cleric... 1) im arcane and i dd, le gasp! (sage tempest on demon hf b:victory did that yesterday in brim) 2) i ignore and avoid in future runs people telling me my lot in life is to either spam heal the tank or just stand there and look pretty...
  • never thought of myself as armor person but it looks like i am one... armor +6, weap +4 (wont refine it more as im farming for next one now anyway), ornaments from +2 to +4 (need to change half of them @.@) +3 raw, 4 and 5 tishas, 6 - orbs. im rather unlucky at refining b:cry
  • lol yes, wizzys have it hard on kunkun... i advised my friend to get lvl 1 bow and just shoot poor goat to death... @OP: plume shot is a great skill, useful at endgame too, keep it leveled. very good for everyday use and invaluable when you meet incr magic res, metal element or metal immunity/magic immunity things…
  • ah. there are physical bossess that are hard for arcane to tank. some of them are impossible to tank with pet (even herc - like decaying fragrance or polearm). why limit youself? magic and physical classess compliment each other nicely here... its way easier to have barb, bm or archer tank stygean with once cleric healing…
  • me: endless -> requiem, then bought wraith conqueror real cheap (i liked requiem but i liked -chan even more...) now WTB ghost lord power for broken dream... some of my friends (on budget) glaives of divinity -> requiem blade some of my (richer) friends: aquadash/ sensoid emptiness -> optionally wraith conqueror -> neon…
  • Look up replies to Nelae's post and find Kott's movie :) thats how i learned to pull many mobs - at first i tried to gether them on foot and it didnt work at all :( most cost-efficient is aoe on poisons because of elemental advantage second best is any other dots - low repair cost and dot doesnt hit you bad so you can hold…