Asthariel - Dreamweaver Arc User



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  • Some people should stop wishing so hard that they think it's real... So, no.
  • First off, I don't know why you mention DoT since Absorb Soul isn't one. Secondly, you have that thing called rapid growth that you use before Absorb Soul so you don't take too many risks while using it. Also, I never said I was spamming it or anything, this skill is situational cause of it's channeling. Also, don't forget…
  • Hmmm just wondering... do you know what kind of damage Absorb Soul does ? I'm asking cause I've seen way too many people being wrong on this and from what you said about HA makes me wonder if you know what type of damage it really does. Well, gonna try to list some things that really annoy me with other mystics, there are…
  • PWI pets aren't pokemons, ijs.
  • When was the last time you saw a pet (an animal) getting litterally absorbed (via energy leech) to give their owner stat boosts ? I agree, they are somewhat special for a "skill", but they still aren't pets. Pets are actual animals who were tamed and are able to be trained in order to lvl up or get new skills; while…
  • Confirmed. Just like event random dyes and regular ones don't mix, same for hypers, same for old and new socket stones... Also you can't mix old non bound inscriptions with new bound ones to make a belt.
  • I've actually seen those G15 and G16 "unable to drop/trade" etc belts on my server, so yes, if you make G14's with bound inscriptions, you can use them to make G15/G16, but they'll still be bound. And you can't mix non bound G14 with bound G14 to make G15/G16.
  • This. And no, it's not slow, unless you compare to apsers. Great tankability + ability to heal oneself super fast + storm mistress supporting with very decent damage on [?] bosses.
  • Oh look, another "game is dead" thread. +1
  • What surprised me the most about this SS is that there's written "Recquired class: Sin." and not "assassin" like on other stuffs... O.O
  • Well, tbh I started running Delta on mystic back when it was worth it money-wise (200k+ per frag on my server, which was in 2011). Back then, I used to run full deltas several times a day, everyday, with Slivaf, as he said. He knew about my combo and its huge effectiveness (I've already seen a 170k hit from cragglord in…
  • Hmm, what if I don't have any summon out at start ? xD The only summon I use in Delta is Cragglord. I will only get Mistress out in the later waves if there's anything left alive so I can use her aoe. Cause in early waves, I just: pull Cragglord out, plant down beffudling creeper, Thicket, gale force. After this, there's…
  • Cause summer sprint doesnt have a 1 min CD and NV doesnt take half a sec to cast maybe ? o.o Also, I hit about 15k with such a combo on most AA (lowest I've hit with it was 7k on a full R9-3 caster), all I'd have to do would be getting your HP close to half without ticking charm and just finish you off with absorb soul. On…
  • Seeker's indeed have G12 morai's look and Wiz's got G15 morai look... <.< Venos and Mystics get R8r look (at least it's pretty, unlike the G12 morai barbs and seekers get...). If I'm not wrong, only archers, bms, sins and psys get a unique looking wep. But archer's bow is fugly, psy's sphere looks good but anyways in…
  • NV + Absorb Soul, to say the least... Also good luck killing a skilled mystic with equal gears before they kill you.
  • Not automatically, since I've added myself to the list while Im not R9-3 yet (eventho Im currently going for it and will be soon), and also mentionned TroubleIsMe, who isn't R9 at all. Cause, in all honesty, I'm of the best skilled mystics I ever seen, and that's not a matter of personal opinion only, I've had quite alot…
  • Grats Zan ^o^
  • From Dreamweaver, I'll add myself to the list ^o^ Beside this, Damny, Erytheia and Marid have already been mentionned. TroubleIsMe is good enough as well, there might be a few other good enough ones, but they prolly don't play enough for me to remember. (or not, just doesnt come to mind right now) Edit: Ah, I almost forgot…
  • I call it R9-3 but R9.3 sounds the same to me, so that's what I voted. That's what I find the clearest and easiest to understand.
  • You must be lucky, then. I rarely ever get purged at all, I get purged maybe once every two NW. Like, the NW we had just now, I didn't get purged a single time, nor archer nor veno. Also I'm not argueing, I'm simply speaking for my own experience. Also, I'm not that proud of my gear since I'm in the process of getting…
  • The difference is that you need to rely on luck to get spirit blackhole to proc. I get hit by R9 archer often and really dont often get purged, maybe I'm just too lucky ? And btw, if it does purge me, it's still not a OS either. Btw, yeah you totally have barely 8k hp at +7 as a pure mag .-.…
  • Something was seriously wrong with that mystic. Either they were unbuffed, or had no shards/refines or were using mdef ornaments ;o Heck, I'm not even full R9 and last night I had a R9-3 archer (don't know about the refine tho, only recognized the fugly bow) shooting me and I lived <.< (did tick my charm tho, dunno what…
  • They won't regain anything xD They'll just quit doing NW and then you'll have almost none to fight against.
  • Then ppl who "can't" go nirvy (unwanted class, gears considered too low or who cannot just solo it) will go back to whining about ppl who make millions farming nirvy ? I'm not saying that would bother me, I can actually solo caster nirvy fast enough to have made tons of money fast in there, but... I thought that ppl who…
  • Well, the OP said "3-5 squads" of those ppl. Let's assume they're all 10 man squads. It makes 30 to 50 ppl. The said faction would need to have ALL their members with this kind of gears all attending NW, and all squading together into 10 man squads. Would make 20 10-man squads at the very most. If you divide equally 20…
  • While I agree with the first part of you post, there's something wrong about the second part. First, cause the alt would only have 1/4 chance to get in the same nation as your main. But if it still does happen, nothing prevents you from leaving and sending another one into NW again. You'd really need to have horrible luck…
  • Well, we're on a PvE server, nothing forced him to be in PK mode at that time, and he should have expected to potentially get PKed, hence you did nothing wrong. It's his fault for being in PK mode after all... Plus I may would have done the same if I had been in the same scenario as you.
  • I got a question... on ecatomb there's new sets of gears, one for each class, all with different appearances and they're are titled "Sirens of War". Are they somehow gonna be in the next content update ? A set for each class sounds alot like rank gear to me... R10 ? o.o Link: Sorry if I…
  • Yeah, we're totally gonna buy this... >.< Even the most hardcore cata barbs on my server and R9-3 +12 JOSD people end up dying at some point, at least in NW/TW. Sure, they take quite a few people and good organization/purge/debuffs/control skills to take down, but none's immortal in this game. You got some ego issues, sir.…
  • Simply long onto an EU server if you wanna know it... that's what those merchants did.
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