Think venomancers are overpowered? Please read.



  • Loltank - Harshlands
    Loltank - Harshlands Posts: 747 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    Epic wall o text I_Love_Pets. You think anyone is gonna read all that? lol

    But venos are only op if they spend $200+. Without that they are on par with everyone else.

    Actually, without the cash shop pets, I think they lag behind everyone a bit.
  • thevicker
    thevicker Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    Oh i got an idea.How about yalll learn to use the proffesions like the were intended to be used. Work together an you be fine . Most of you have a little click you run with an only want certian proffs running in your clicks. It dont work that way.Crying here want change a thing. Venos working as intended or they wouldnt have made it that way.Every proff is working as they itended. Each proff has its pros an cons.In every game i played its the same ol rant hes or her proff is better then mine its not fair .Give it arest allready.Thats why the new genies are on there way to the game to help everyone out to balance things abit.God lest these guys give a dam about the game an the players they are allways doing something with the players an the updates an content come out pretty regularly. Every other game i been in they go full force for afew months then the games go to hell.
    Not this one.So really there shouldnt be much crying.Like i said the thing with venos dont hafta be a prob if yall work together.
  • Aesthor - Heavens Tear
    Aesthor - Heavens Tear Posts: 3,845 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    Actually, without the cash shop pets, I think they lag behind everyone a bit.

    They lag behind even with cash shop pets.
    ಥ_ಥ MOAR.
    SkyKoC - How long is yours?
  • OMGLAZERZ - Heavens Tear
    OMGLAZERZ - Heavens Tear Posts: 2,327 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    thevicker wrote: »
    Oh i got an idea.How about yalll learn to use the proffesions like the were intended to be used. Work together an you be fine . Most of you have a little click you run with an only want certian proffs running in your clicks. It dont work that way.Crying here want change a thing. Venos working as intended or they wouldnt have made it that way.Every proff is working as they itended. Each proff has its pros an cons.In every game i played its the same ol rant hes or her proff is better then mine its not fair .Give it arest allready.Thats why the new genies are on there way to the game to help everyone out to balance things abit.God lest these guys give a dam about the game an the players they are allways doing something with the players an the updates an content come out pretty regularly. Every other game i been in they go full force for afew months then the games go to hell.
    Not this one.So really there shouldnt be much crying.Like i said the thing with venos dont hafta be a prob if yall work together.

    I think you posted in the wrong thread.
  • Sayurirose - Heavens Tear
    Sayurirose - Heavens Tear Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    When it comes to Veno's I dont think there overpowered, I mean even with the herc or phoenix if the veno is hit for any given reason usually it results to a K.O
    Veno's have very low defense, unless they have heavy armor which still sometimes becomes an issue. b:cry
  • Aesthor - Heavens Tear
    Aesthor - Heavens Tear Posts: 3,845 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    When it comes to Veno's I dont think there overpowered, I mean even with the herc or phoenix if the veno is hit for any given reason usually it results to a K.O
    Veno's have very low defense, unless they have heavy armor which still sometimes becomes an issue. b:cry

    You're doing something wrong. Not even wizards die as fast as you're making it sound. And if you're quick with your hotkeys you won't die that easily.
    ಥ_ಥ MOAR.
    SkyKoC - How long is yours?
  • Torinchibi - Lost City
    Torinchibi - Lost City Posts: 499 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    Venos are only OP if they get a bugged flesh reams for PvP and herc for PvE. Without that, they are like most other classes. They do kill faster with a pet.

    BTW, my points were based on 89+ venos. True form hell for casters gives 6 sec speed and has 6 sec cooldown, so it's nonstop speed. The boost from ironwood and venomous scarabs I mentioned are at 89+, when hell venomous gives 30% wood defense debuff and ironwood has 20% chance to land the debuff, but it's 100% phy def reduction.

    Venos, OP because of flesh ream, but the most versitile class in game even without it, and if you argue with that, you are probably not using all the skills/pets you should be using.

    Don't even talk about defense, it's a fact that archers have the lowest defense in game, and that's both physical and magical defense, we don't have earth barrier, fox form and plume shell to make our phy defense better in arcane than it is in light armor like all the robie classes. That's why I love heavy venos. They are the easiest venos to kill because they igonre their fox form advantage and **** their own magic defense.
  • I_Love_Pets - Heavens Tear
    I_Love_Pets - Heavens Tear Posts: 246 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    Epic wall o text I_Love_Pets. You think anyone is gonna read all that? lol

    But venos are only op if they spend $200+. Without that they are on par with everyone else.

    just for your information i have made tactics for class specifc ways to beat the so called OP veno sur if it takes a bit it isnt easy and its the same with any class but veno's do know how to play their class and use its advantages because of this everyone thinks they are OP but venos actually if YOU decide to put a lil effort into it can kill them every time and actually work for it instead of expecting the veno to just roll over and die for you then use some skill i know ppl who can beat a veno any time with the tactics i listed if you do it correctly then you win if you dont come prepared you will die reason is veno is ment to be a solo class so its ment to be prepared for bad situations by nature but it doesnt mean they can survive anything if you put effort into findinng out your own class advantages which every1 seems to be focusing on venos and not their own class and to actually work a way around the issue they just want to gripe and not have to wrk a veno does work for what it has at least i know i do all the ppl i PK and PVP seemto know a few tricks for beating Hood and getting around it so it doesnt matter if you dont have the skill's needed then dont go into PK mode plain and simple i work for my kills in PK mode because i dont need to use Pnix often i use a Kowlin most times and that does just fine its harder but i still come out on top if i come prepared if not i die and rather fast mind you
    also for those that do need to now each post is directed to each class except venos reason is if your OP as every1 says why give you stategies to beat you or your own kind reason is you will know your strengths an weaknesses and compensate for them at least thats what i try to do if you need to know which post is which read the first is for BM second Archer 3rd is cleric think 4th is barb and 5th is wizz will double check and correct this if its wrong
    Dont be fooled by looks.
    Even beauty can kill.

    also wish they would fix the dam prob with my "join date" its way off>_>
  • Lessie - Lost City
    Lessie - Lost City Posts: 917 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    The problem many venos dont see till they play another class vs veno is how unfair the nix is.

    Let's say I'm an mage, we both got lvl 6x then pvp you run away and your pet alone kicks my ****.
    I upgrade my gear, zhen, I'm 10 lvls higher, spend 50$ on hieros for zhen and pvp yet your pet alone still kicks my ****.
    We keep at it now we r both 9x, your pet alone still kicks my ****.

    Very fair uh?

    We are an OP class, we lvl easier, we use less resources and dont need CS at all then when we go pvp our pet alone can **** all non-heavy users.
    That is OP, no way around it.

    One of the reasons I got bored of veno is coz it's too easy to win pvp with it.
    ^^ Made by Saitada ^^

    Dieho: I win 15 on 1, I roll all of your guild to sz all by myself !
    Lessie: Proof?
    Dieho: I dont have any, but my word is more than enough.
    Lessie: Well I won 33 on 1 the other day :D
  • Bethie - Heavens Tear
    Bethie - Heavens Tear Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    In my opinion (as a veno, cleric, and archer), having an all class pet that attacks defeats the purpose of having venos. I can't help it if some people just suck. So, if you don't like it either change classes or don't pvp. Plain and simple. As a cleric i own venos. As a veno everyone owns me. I built both they way they should be. I know the advantages and disadvantages of being different classes. So stop complaining and deal with it. Grow up it's just a game!
  • Lessie - Lost City
    Lessie - Lost City Posts: 917 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    As a veno everyone owns me. I built both they way they should be.

    I highly doubt you built veno the way it's supposed to be, if you did then only barbs and bms would have a chance agaisnt you.
    ^^ Made by Saitada ^^

    Dieho: I win 15 on 1, I roll all of your guild to sz all by myself !
    Lessie: Proof?
    Dieho: I dont have any, but my word is more than enough.
    Lessie: Well I won 33 on 1 the other day :D
  • Bethie - Heavens Tear
    Bethie - Heavens Tear Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    Yes I did. Trust me, I've had help and I've looked at guides. I'm not afraid to say I don't know everything and I do need help with builds. But I do know I built right.
  • Criticalhitz - Heavens Tear
    Criticalhitz - Heavens Tear Posts: 190 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    I highly doubt you built veno the way it's supposed to be, if you did then only barbs and bms would have a chance agaisnt you.

    Your post is pretty true, I ran into a lvl 80 venomancer that I unloaded mass hits on her and it hardly effected her HP. I mean 2k 1k 2k 1k sure will dent people, but it dropped her not even half unless she was potting while fighting but I never seen her HP drop past half. Although Im only 62 so I wouldn't have been able to hold her off to much, But at lvl 80 gaurenteed Ill be owning alot of venos. Barbs dont hurt Venos as much as Archers in my opinion, BMs will die if they can't stun that veno.
    Making new char..Which one? I have a BM..but I want more damage and stuff to do..

    Experienced players contact with the cons n pros of there class and where to put points n what skills to up ASAP thanks..
  • Isala - Sanctuary
    Isala - Sanctuary Posts: 1,607 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    I highly doubt you built veno the way it's supposed to be, if you did then only barbs and bms would have a chance agaisnt you.

    Barbs and BMs? Huh. That's kinda interesting... They're among the easiest class for me to beat. Now... A high barb with a charm... Not going there. I don't think any one person can take out those dudes.

    Now... Archers and Clerics... Do not want. They pincushion me the instant they spot me.

    You may be getting owned by everyone, but I'm pretty sure there is a class that you can completely violate. Maybe the problem doesn't lie in how you are, but how you fight. What skills are you using? Are you robe, LA? What pet is your PvP pet? There are a ton of different tactics based on what kind of Veno you are. You can't just build a good build. You have to know HOW to fight. You aren't going to beat anyone flinging in a pet and spamming Venomous Scarab, for instance. I love going toe to toe with uncharmed Normal Form barbs. My gear has a ton of evasion buffs, Barbs miss a lot, and I cripple them even more using Befuddling Mist. Add a nice hard hitting pet in there, while I hunker down in Fox Form, and I can win quite nicely. Of course, if they start to run, or fly away... *Laughs Evilly* Then I get to fire off a lovely assortment of spells at them. Switch to my Air pet, toss on Summer Sprint, and a speed increasing powder, not to mention I'm the proud owner of a Swiftshadow I always keep fed. b:laugh

    Point is... It's all in how you play the game. Don't lose faith because "Everyone" owns you. Learn how to own back. You can do it. You already know how to fight as a cleric. That means you aren't imcompetent. Take your knowledge of your cleric, and work off of that. You've seen tactics other classes use against you. Take that knowledge, and turn it into a Veno Friendly fighting tactic. You CAN win. You just have to figure out HOW.
  • Bethie - Heavens Tear
    Bethie - Heavens Tear Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    Well, considering i have no herc or nix yet lol...but i own when i fight as a cleric. i've owned all classes above and below my lvl. well, within reasonable lvl above me. i've owned a veno 10 lvls higher than me. i've owned barbs and archers 5+ lvls above me. but then again i lost til i learned them lmao. but archers are my favorite to duel of all the classes. but i honestly think it's funner fighting as a cleric (except for all the interrupts). Freeze the pet and go for the veno. my favorite is freezing archer before sparking (crit for 10k), stun, run, and spark again XD. but anyways. cya later all!
  • Lessie - Lost City
    Lessie - Lost City Posts: 917 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    To all the ones who say wr and wb are ez please come LC kill our high lvl geared players of those classes.

    And remember mages, archers and clerics got a lower range than the distance between you & pet, your bug or nix can go to them and pwn them thanks to this bugged skill and they dont even get a chance.
    And dont give me the kill the pet BS, nix is soooo ez to kill.
    ^^ Made by Saitada ^^

    Dieho: I win 15 on 1, I roll all of your guild to sz all by myself !
    Lessie: Proof?
    Dieho: I dont have any, but my word is more than enough.
    Lessie: Well I won 33 on 1 the other day :D
  • Biggyluv - Lost City
    Biggyluv - Lost City Posts: 213 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    wiz have 0 chance beating venos in 1v1 when they are same level.....also i am insta dead once pheonix bleeds me! I would make it through the pheonix bleed if it was 1/4 less damage like my skills are in pvp....
  • Lessie - Lost City
    Lessie - Lost City Posts: 917 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    ^ True

    It's hilarious when a veno brags about killing a mage (aka running and sending nix/bug to bleed)
    It's also sad to see so many defend this bug and say "use your skills" or "make a strategy" please make a video of you somehow avoiding the 10 m/s pet that 1 shots you while the veno runs away and enlighten everyone.

    Another thing, where is the fun in this? I see archers and mages do skill combos, diff builds, etc. but for my class it doesnt matter the pet will always pwn no matter if i'm vit or heavy or whatever, it's like instant-win 90% of the time how is that fun?
    ^^ Made by Saitada ^^

    Dieho: I win 15 on 1, I roll all of your guild to sz all by myself !
    Lessie: Proof?
    Dieho: I dont have any, but my word is more than enough.
    Lessie: Well I won 33 on 1 the other day :D
  • FoxRunning - Heavens Tear
    FoxRunning - Heavens Tear Posts: 2,048 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    the vst majority of venos dont have phoenixes or hercs... so dont fight the rich ones.
    ^ True

    It's hilarious when a veno brags about killing a mage (aka running and sending nix/bug to bleed)
    It's also sad to see so many defend this bug and say "use your skills" or "make a strategy" please make a video of you somehow avoiding the 10 m/s pet that 1 shots you while the veno runs away and enlighten everyone.

    Another thing, where is the fun in this? I see archers and mages do skill combos, diff builds, etc. but for my class it doesnt matter the pet will always pwn no matter if i'm vit or heavy or whatever, it's like instant-win 90% of the time how is that fun?
    (and hugs to Flauschkatze for the sig!)
    "Thanks for writing me-- it's always great to hear from a vet.

    Playing here since '08b:heart
  • Lessie - Lost City
    Lessie - Lost City Posts: 917 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    the vst majority of venos dont have phoenixes or hercs... so dont fight the rich ones.

    I've yet to see any 7x+ veno w/o nix.
    Even without nix, a bug can do some lame damage with the bugged skill.
    1 week and half of hh farming gives you nix.
    ^^ Made by Saitada ^^

    Dieho: I win 15 on 1, I roll all of your guild to sz all by myself !
    Lessie: Proof?
    Dieho: I dont have any, but my word is more than enough.
    Lessie: Well I won 33 on 1 the other day :D
  • Okamia - Lost City
    Okamia - Lost City Posts: 36 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    Why u haven't write anything to barbarians and clerics?b:question

    I may not be of very high lvl, but my dad is a high lvl veno; he has some pretty col stuff and really kicks some
    War is hell...
    "This country will soon be consumed
    by the boiling turmoil that resides within"
  • FoxRunning - Heavens Tear
    FoxRunning - Heavens Tear Posts: 2,048 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    some of us cant afford them...we put all our money into leveling skills and good weapons/equipment, as well as training our 'normal' pets with time and help from MrsZoo when we can

    I've yet to see any 7x+ veno w/o nix.
    Even without nix, a bug can do some lame damage with the bugged skill.
    1 week and half of hh farming gives you nix.
    (and hugs to Flauschkatze for the sig!)
    "Thanks for writing me-- it's always great to hear from a vet.

    Playing here since '08b:heart
  • mbrunestud
    mbrunestud Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    some of us cant afford them...we put all our money into leveling skills and good weapons/equipment, as well as training our 'normal' pets with time and help from MrsZoo when we can

    you're not on LC, you're not 7x, are you trying to dispute a 8x on LC's claim that most 7x venos on LC have phoenixes? and that you can simply avoid fighting the phoenix by avoiding rich venos? phoenixes make a pretty big difference in pvp, chances are the scenario is much different there than on HT.
  • Lessie - Lost City
    Lessie - Lost City Posts: 917 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    mbrunestud wrote: »
    you're not on LC, you're not 7x, are you trying to dispute a 8x on LC's claim that most 7x venos on LC have phoenixes? and that you can simply avoid fighting the phoenix by avoiding rich venos? phoenixes make a pretty big difference in pvp, chances are the scenario is much different there than on HT.


    GL avoiding a 10 m/sec speed pet that 1 shots you b:bye specially in the non-tea party servers where you cant stay in blue name all the time.
    veno with nix = bye bye cleric, mage & archer if the veno stays out of range. Is it fair that they grind just like us(well actually harder coz we are also the best solo pve class) and then all their gear/skills are useless because we got a pet that 1 shots them?
    No strategy, no counter, no way around it, no buts. Simply no chance
    ^^ Made by Saitada ^^

    Dieho: I win 15 on 1, I roll all of your guild to sz all by myself !
    Lessie: Proof?
    Dieho: I dont have any, but my word is more than enough.
    Lessie: Well I won 33 on 1 the other day :D
  • Grenadier_lt - Lost City
    Grenadier_lt - Lost City Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    Nerf nix and problems ar solved b:pleased
  • Saitada - Sanctuary
    Saitada - Sanctuary Posts: 3,220 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    Nerf nix and problems ar solved b:pleased
    I swear people are to stupid to breathe. The Phoenix doesn't need to be nerfed. The SKILL you must PURCHASE AND ADD to the Phoenix; flesh ream, is the problem and needs to be fixed.

    A Nix attack w/o the flesh ream is survivable if your smart, quick, and know your character well enough to use your strengths. Of course, if your not smart, or you are just too stupid to breathe and prefer to whine because you don't know how to play to your characters strengths... well.... then even a flesh ream free Nix will kill you easily.

    Sadly, most if the idiots posting whines about the Nix don't know how to separate the bird from the broken skill. Perhaps the color code I put here will help.

    The BIRD is colored Orange

    The broken SKILL is colored RED

    Maybe a visual reference will help that sink down past the dull, brainless layers of your mind and stick this time.

  • King_Solomon - Heavens Tear
    King_Solomon - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,341 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    not even the strongest pets are a threat when sealed.

    If you're willing to join another online game do NOT join any hosted by K2 NETWORK. Want to know why? Check BBB complaints.
  • Lessie - Lost City
    Lessie - Lost City Posts: 917 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    Seal has a lame colldown, they wouldnt be such a big threat if the skill wasnt bugged
    ^^ Made by Saitada ^^

    Dieho: I win 15 on 1, I roll all of your guild to sz all by myself !
    Lessie: Proof?
    Dieho: I dont have any, but my word is more than enough.
    Lessie: Well I won 33 on 1 the other day :D
  • Isala - Sanctuary
    Isala - Sanctuary Posts: 1,607 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    Why doesn't everyone pack around those powders that purify them instantly if Nixes + Flesh Ream are such a threat? Use that to take off the bleed, use some potions, or Jiaozi, and then do your thing? The skill sucks to be hit by, so why not remove it instantly? Then, you have 15 seconds to take out the Veno. Yes, it's going to hurt like hell. But without the bleed, you stand a chance.
  • Lessie - Lost City
    Lessie - Lost City Posts: 917 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    You seem to forget with nix and your spell you can stun lock for a bout 6 seconds.
    6 Bleed secs will pwn any robe and if you throw in a spell or 2 then bye bye light armor.

    That also means I gotta spend a sweet ammount of cash or time getting powders, keep in mind a veno can kite and send nix for ages bleed's got a cooldown of 30 secs.
    Not a viable solution.
    ^^ Made by Saitada ^^

    Dieho: I win 15 on 1, I roll all of your guild to sz all by myself !
    Lessie: Proof?
    Dieho: I dont have any, but my word is more than enough.
    Lessie: Well I won 33 on 1 the other day :D
This discussion has been closed.