Think venomancers are overpowered? Please read.



  • OMGLAZERZ - Heavens Tear
    OMGLAZERZ - Heavens Tear Posts: 2,327 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    Why did someone zombie-res this thread?

    Because they could.

    Why do you ask?
  • Shougo - Lost City
    Shougo - Lost City Posts: 12 Arc User
    edited March 2009

    - Heals and buffs, oh my
    - Very powerful magic attack
    - Looong stun skill
    - Possible the most sought-after class in the game for parties
    - Both physical and magical attacks, making them flexible against opponents

    - Drains mana quickly due to all that casting, buffing, etc., not to mention Plume Shot isn't exactly low-cost
    - Squishy, but ability to heal + buff better than anyone makes this not so bad (?)
    - Responsibility to heal the group makes leveling difficult, might spend most of the time healing instead of nuking that FB boss (thus getting less exp from it)

    Now my take on that...

    - alot of classes have a self heal, and with genies, they have good buffs too.
    - An okish magic attack that is (if you really wanna get don to it) is on par with venos magic
    - Looong sleep skill that ends after one attack (at least until level 7ish)
    - Possible the most sought-after class in the game for parties (true)
    - Both physical and magical attacks, making them flexible against opponents (true as well)

    - Drains mana quickly due to all that casting, buffing, etc., not to mention Plume Shot isn't exactly low-cost
    - Squishy, but ability to heal + buff better than anyone makes this not so bad (?) (dissagree, physical fighters can stun lock preventing stacking, and low hp means they drop fast)
    - Responsibility to heal the group makes leveling difficult, might spend most of the time healing instead of nuking that FB boss (thus getting less exp from it)(agreed but I think of it more as a slight compromise more so than a disadvantage, since clerics are probably doing twice as many fbs anyway)
  • Mysticlifex - Heavens Tear
    Mysticlifex - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,175 Arc User
    edited March 2009

    - Drains mana quickly due to all that casting, buffing, etc., not to mention Plume Shot isn't exactly low-cost
    - Squishy, but ability to heal + buff better than anyone makes this not so bad (?)
    - Responsibility to heal the group makes leveling difficult, might spend most of the time healing instead of nuking that FB boss (thus getting less exp from it)

    Plume shot takes 140mp - that is extreamly low cost when you have 7kmp

    We are squishy but in PvE our heals make us unsquishy, and In PvP our plume shell makes us very.. very unsquishy

    FB bosses hardly give any exp at all, the exp comes form the Tab, everyone gets the same exp from the tab (if they all same level)
    We're MysticAve my name is not Dave
    (Poem in the making - Shall be epic)
  • Mysticlifex - Heavens Tear
    Mysticlifex - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,175 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    Now my take on that...

    An okish magic attack that is (if you really wanna get don to it) is on par with venos magic

    Cleric hit extreamly high - My highest hit being 22k crit with tempest.

    Plume shot - Venomous scarab can be comparable the plume shot has about 400 more extra damage.

    Compare Tempest with Parasitic nova and the cleric far out damages the venomancer, but then they have a pet lol.. owned
    We're MysticAve my name is not Dave
    (Poem in the making - Shall be epic)
  • Shoukiba - Lost City
    Shoukiba - Lost City Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    Plume shot takes 140mp - that is extreamly low cost when you have 7kmp

    We are squishy but in PvE our heals make us unsquishy, and In PvP our plume shell makes us very.. very unsquishy

    FB bosses hardly give any exp at all, the exp comes form the Tab, everyone gets the same exp from the tab (if they all same level)

    plume shell in pvp is a bust unless you have a mana hiero. if you dont, your dead. it just prolongs your suffering and leaves you unable to cast anything.

    I agree with you in PvE unless we are fighting plumfish type monsters (i didnt die against them but every battle i won with like 15 health, lol) >.< or high damage & aggro range monsters.
  • AndromedaB - Sanctuary
    AndromedaB - Sanctuary Posts: 1,376 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    plume shell in pvp is a bust unless you have a mana hiero. if you dont, your dead. it just prolongs your suffering and leaves you unable to cast anything.

    I agree with you in PvE unless we are fighting plumfish type monsters (i didnt die against them but every battle i won with like 15 health, lol) >.< or high damage & aggro range monsters.

    *sees spinewraith*

    *pushes it out of meh mind*
    ahh pie
    so good
  • Shyraen - Sanctuary
    Shyraen - Sanctuary Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    Be careful what you wish for folks.

    Posting threads with remarks of "who is the most overpowered, or this or that class is overpowered" 100 percent of the time, will without a doubt, end up biting you in the butt end down the road.

    Keep in mind, if you push developers into a thought, you can be assured they will look at ALL classes and start a tornado of nerfing to correct 'said imbalance'. A plain fact of gaming that's been proven over time, again and again.

    Rule of gaming, NEVER wish for the nerf of any class. Because guaranteed it will somehow contribute to the nerf of your own.

    For the devs - playing all classes because of my love of alts, I see them all equal; each with strengths and each weak. You've done a wonderful job with this game, keep it up, and let the disaster chasers blow smoke up some other tepee.
    b:victory Success: depends solely on the level of creativity of the person attempting the task.
  • Aesthor - Heavens Tear
    Aesthor - Heavens Tear Posts: 3,845 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    Be careful what you wish for folks.

    Posting threads with remarks of "who is the most overpowered, or this or that class is overpowered" 100 percent of the time, will without a doubt, end up biting you in the butt end down the road.

    Keep in mind, if you push developers into a thought, you can be assured they will look at ALL classes and start a tornado of nerfing to correct 'said imbalance'. A plain fact of gaming that's been proven over time, again and again.

    Rule of gaming, NEVER wish for the nerf of any class. Because guaranteed it will somehow contribute to the nerf of your own.

    For the devs - playing all classes because of my love of alts, I see them all equal; each with strengths and each weak. You've done a wonderful job with this game, keep it up, and let the disaster chasers blow smoke up some other tepee.

    Tbh I think this games needs a nerf on PETS (NOT venos). However, wizards and venos (after their pets have been nerfbatted) could use a bit more pluses to even out with the other classes.

    @OMGLAZERS: ...............okay I have nothing to say against that, so I guess you win.

    @the bunch of clerics: If you're not doing a ton of damage, you're either 1) a vit cleric 2) are using underlevel gear 3) too poor to level your skills past 3 or 4) changed your class from wizard to cleric. Well there's always 5) you forgot to put your stat points in magic and 6) you're heavy armor. Light armor clerics still do a bunch of damage.
    ಥ_ಥ MOAR.
    SkyKoC - How long is yours?
  • BloodHungry - Lost City
    BloodHungry - Lost City Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    b:byethis officially become the most **** thread, yes venos have the solo ability, so do every other class's, magic users=great against magic mobs, phy based class's=great against phy mobs .... now think, was that hard? just becasue we are blessed to have pets, doesnt mean every jealous noob needs to cry bout it, now go back in time, to when you never knew what an all class pet was ... keep goin back. Now, what were your first thoughts about the all class's? you wished they could tank mobs for you, to relieve dmg done to you while you cast. What did you do when you found out? You were severly disappointed werent you? cmon, you aint gotta lie to kick it. Yes veno's have our bramble hood, its great if your against a BM who suicides himself in 2-3hits with his beserker seal, but against someone who learnd the hard way, they turtle it, therefore leavin us defenseless. Every class has their advantages as you can see in the above 2.1million posts, and if you think about it, every class can be overpowering (if built right). EP=can heal themself endlessly in battle and have some nasty mag dmg spells. Archers=nasty crits along with stuns and knockbacks. BM=takes alot of dmg due to high phy def, has umteen stuns, deals high dmg. Wizzy=extremely high dmg potential along with range. Barb=able to take huge amounts of dmg, can stun, cancel channeling (against veno's to there nubsauces). now, down to my class, Venos-well lemme put it this way, we're our own EP, Barb, and Mage :) able to have a meatshield-and able to heal him, also can deal dmg. Yes i am bias, an please feel free to state that b:victory but none the less, every class can be over powering once high enough lvl and built right, jus becasue you built your char wrong an are grinding hardcore an sellin ur junk to get resets to change your build casue your squishy, dont blame us veno's for havin item mall pets, if you ever played any other MMORPG in your life, you'd find a way around those-lets say obsticles (our supposed overpowering pets) becasue its not hard b:shutup so good riddens to you, hope you spend sleepless nights thinkin about everything i have said. 10-4 Rubber Ducky Out!
  • ghosttiger
    ghosttiger Posts: 18 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    oh and i forgot to mention how it's totally impossible to do any dungeons without a veno in the party /end sarcasm

    just because I'm not going to go through 50 pages to see if someone hasn't already put u'r ego in check:

    I've run many a successful TT, (1-1 through 2-2), in squad mode without a Veno in squad, as well as many a FB. u arn't as Godly or needed as u seem to think u are. Veno's r a definite asset in Dungeon runs, but to say "impossible" without one? spoken like a true know it all veno with a herc.
  • Sophia - Harshlands
    Sophia - Harshlands Posts: 228 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    I wanna see you run 20/20/20 or the high TT dungs without a veno.

    Only way you could is if you're a lot higher than the mobs, like a lvl 90 running fb39 will 3 shot the mobs so no need for veno there.
    Pendulum's definition of fair fight:
    Copy and paste:
    "That was a pretty fair fight and liek OMG they got ****ed up." - Wreck talking about the fight in the screenshot.
    "You're the worst mage ever" - Iffy 5 mins before I roll her 1 on 1

    We should keep that in mind next time you're crying in sz.
    Confessions by a SZ hero
  • Lessie - Lost City
    Lessie - Lost City Posts: 917 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    mmm imho:

    We lvl faster and use less hiero/pots/repair than all the other classes.
    We can make more money than all other classes.
    We got a pet that can kill any (or most) non-heavy armor users. NOTE: the pet alone mayb with 1 or 2 veno spells for geared people.
    We can debuff
    We can amplify damage
    We can solo HH
    We do not require squads at any part of the game exept in swamp coz of the damn bugged water
    We are the less CS dependant class
    We can reduce all damage by 75% for a short while

    I think we are indeed overpowered.
    ^^ Made by Saitada ^^

    Dieho: I win 15 on 1, I roll all of your guild to sz all by myself !
    Lessie: Proof?
    Dieho: I dont have any, but my word is more than enough.
    Lessie: Well I won 33 on 1 the other day :D
  • bebisita
    bebisita Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    Not everyone LIKES to play in a party, seeing as it's usually hard to find a group of competent people in ANY game.
    I think it's refreshing that this game actually provides a class that's specialized for soloing. To nerf it and make it more of a team player defeats its purpose.
  • Jrudora - Lost City
    Jrudora - Lost City Posts: 445 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    bebisita wrote: »
    Not everyone LIKES to play in a party, seeing as it's usually hard to find a group of competent people in ANY game.
    I think it's refreshing that this game actually provides a class that's specialized for soloing. To nerf it and make it more of a team player defeats its purpose.

    To play an online mmorpg and say you'd like to play alone defeats the purpose.
  • Saitada - Sanctuary
    Saitada - Sanctuary Posts: 3,220 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    To play an online mmorpg and say you'd like to play alone defeats the purpose.
    No it doesn't. I prefer to solo online games, thats why I generally choose classes in every game i've played that has them, that are designed to solo. When I WANT to be around a bunch of asshats, then I can choose to be, when I don't want to, I can do that as well.

    MMORPG means Massively Multiplayer Online Role Playing Game. This means there are a LOT of people online playing the game. This does NOT mean you have to play with every Tom, **** and Mary in the world just because you play said online game. In fact the Role Playing bit comes in strongly in that area. I prefer to play a loner in games. Someone that is more self reliant and doesn't NEED to be around people to be comfortable.

    In my work I have to deal with people every day. Most of whom I totally despise. When I come home, I prefer to play a game where, if I want to be around people, or help people I can, but not one that REQUIRES me to.


    Next argument?

  • Hasukurobi - Heavens Tear
    Hasukurobi - Heavens Tear Posts: 406 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    I will start with a disclaimer that Nix and Herc may be over powered in and of themselves and I cannot say one way or another on them.

    However, I think you have some misconceptions. I have seen BM, Barbs, Clerics, and Archers solo just as well as I do on every occasion. Archers rarely need to repair anything but their weapon as usually what they shoot dies long before it reaches them. They also can out lure a veno any day of the week with increased range and likely killing power to boot. You make it sound like it is "easy" to Solo as a Veno compared to other classes but the fact is it takes a lot of concentration and effort to do it correctly just as it does for every other class.

    Another BIG problem with this list is that you list Fox and Mage Veno skills interchangably and most Venos do not do both builds. You are going to get slaughtered if you try to play as a Fox while built like a Mage and a Mage built like a Fox is going to be weak as can be. So you really need to take Venos as 2 classes not one. Likewise Barbs needs to be thought of as two seperate classes because Anthro Barbs are nothing like Tiger Barbs they are a lot more like BM's but without the super flashy moves and speed.

    Not only is there a lot of micromanagement involved with pets and yourself but you also need to not only select a good pet, skill that pet, but also level up not one but THREE pets in order to be a really good Veno. Because unlike a Bow one pet does not work on the Ground, in the Air, and in Water. Now this is where Herc and Nix can come in as a disbalancing factor and personally I am not in favor of them even as a Veno and refuse to own either. So anyone who wants to complain about those two I will let those arguements stand without counter.

    Last bit is that as a Fox Veno you have to deal with using Magic Weapons which require insane amount of Magic and deal PATHETIC Phys damage which is the only type of damage you will be dealing and from point blank (no range) so you have to work hard to balance Str, Vit, and Mag while at least being able to ignore Dex a fair bit. Effectively that weapon cuts my Phys attack down at least 200 points with a 3* +1 2 Socketed Phys Damage Increasing Shards weapon from a level lower normal physical weapon. The only reason I do not consider that to be worth really whining about is that I do have a pet which can add up the damage I otherwise miss out on because of this but without it I would certainly be lacking.
  • Granrey - Sanctuary
    Granrey - Sanctuary Posts: 2,050 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    ghosttiger wrote: »
    just because I'm not going to go through 50 pages to see if someone hasn't already put u'r ego in check:

    I've run many a successful TT, (1-1 through 2-2), in squad mode without a Veno in squad, as well as many a FB. u arn't as Godly or needed as u seem to think u are. Veno's r a definite asset in Dungeon runs, but to say "impossible" without one? spoken like a true know it all veno with a herc.

    A level 60+ Veno was killed by mobs on FB19 last saturday (not by the boss, by the mobs next to him). I would have not believed it unless I had not seen it with my own eyes.
  • tekyo
    tekyo Posts: 70 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    A level 60+ Veno was killed by mobs on FB19 last saturday (not by the boss, by the mobs next to him). I would have not believed it unless I had not seen it with my own eyes.

    Yeah that usually happens with venos wearing magic armor and have 5 vit.
  • Mosz - Heavens Tear
    Mosz - Heavens Tear Posts: 3,181 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    @ Hasukurobi
    at higher lvls its easy to max the purge and amp, and they are cheap to do so as they are low lvl skills
    about multiple pets, yah that i understand is a pain but at the same time you can catch pets and they are the level the mob normally is, there are specific lvl water pets that are quite powerful and really you dont need to lvl it to use it, which is quite amazing, with flying pets its harder, with ground pets there is cube, although having a magmite+kowlin+bear is a pain to lvl, but aint necessary
    and yah pet bag isisnt cheap for low lvls. agree.
  • tatakairyu
    tatakairyu Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    mmm imho:

    We lvl faster and use less hiero/pots/repair than all the other classes.

    We do not require squads at any part of the game exept in swamp coz of the damn bugged water

    I think we are indeed overpowered.

    Pretty sure BM's level the fastest solo, well not sure what happens after 93/94 but yeah solo aoe.

    Venos need squads for any boss that can curse your tank, fb69, krimson etc.

    I agree with the rest though.
  • Torinchibi - Lost City
    Torinchibi - Lost City Posts: 499 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    Ugh, you got a lot of your points wizards have the weakest phy defense of all classes, that would be archers. For every other class to be able to compete witha nix they would need an item that grants bleed immunity and lowers phy dmg by 20%. To be able to compete with herc....no1 even cares, even if they can tank, they are no threat in pvp.


    -Run faster than any other class endgame (and their speed skill is instant cast that later gives them immunity or removes debuffs)
    -Can solo squad mode HH and most land based bosses
    -level faster than any other class solo
    -Can solo aoe without assistance or wasting any heiros
    -don't need to use any hp/mp charms or pots
    -have an instant heal skill
    - outdps any other class due to their pets
    - outdps any other class in PvP due to their bugged bleed, ironwood scarab and venomous scarab boosts
    - can have pets that debuff magic/phy dmg, slow, and interrupt
    - have seal, root and stun skills unlike any other class (they get all 3)
    - can have as much hp with light armor as clerics have with a vit build
    - have both spammable phy dmg and magic dmg skills

    If you can say the same to even half of the other classes I would be impressed.
  • Saitada - Sanctuary
    Saitada - Sanctuary Posts: 3,220 Arc User
    edited March 2009

    -Run faster than any other class endgame (and their speed skill is instant cast that later gives them immunity or removes debuffs)

    True but my understanding (and I might be wrong) the skill we use for that is sage/demon based and onlt lasts for a very few short seconds and has a high CD time.
    -Can solo squad mode HH and most land based bosses
    Basically true... At higher levels yes. I am 72 and my herc still can't solo the Lord of Percussion in his AOE (squad mode) form. Higher level veno's can I am sure but not me. yet.
    -level faster than any other class solo
    from 0-60 yes, after lvl 60 most other classes start passing us. I've seen with my own eyes a BM AOE grinding (he was 71 as was I at the time). He would circle up 8-10 mobs and kill them faster than me when I had my herc round up 8 mobs (all he could tank at the time). I used my AOE skill and my base nukes and he still killed his 8-10 before my herc was done with 2/3 of his 8. Granted, he ticked his charm more frequently than I do mine (now), and i'm sure his repair bill sucked. But he was killing them significantly faster than me and my herc.
    -Can solo aoe without assistance or wasting any heiros

    Not "quite" true. We can do it without using much off our heiros, and in fact I've reduced my usage by a significant amount with the nature's grace/metabolic boost/soul transfusion method of regening HP and MP but I STILL tick my heiros frequently enough to be glad I have them on.
    -don't need to use any hp/mp charms or pots
    as a LA build, I disagree with this, even with using the above and all, when i'm out of a Heiro, I do still use powders, potions etc. Not as frequently as I did prior to learning the above trick, but I do still use them. Especially on bosses.
    -have an instant heal skill
    Not quite instant, but close. I won't quibble over a second or two. But if we don't have any mana to switch to hp... this doesn't work. If we have used metabolic boost and it is still in cool down, again, doesn't work. Under emergency OMG I'm getting the snot pounded outta me by 10 mobs (bad pull oh ****) this doesn't work perfectly, but helps. Overall.. I can't totally disagree with this statement other than to temporize it by stating it's situationally dependant.
    - outdps any other class due to their pets
    With Nix, due to a bugged pet skill yes. But as I said above as one example, an aoe BM the same level as myself, killed more mobs faster than me under nearly identical conditions.
    - outdps any other class in PvP due to their bugged bleed, ironwood scarab and venomous scarab boosts
    Ironwood scarab is our stock skill. it's not a boost, it's a debuff. Venomous scarab is also a stock skill, not a boost and is no different than any other classes skills that they get at early levels. At 71, on mobs level 74 I would nuke VS and hit for about 2-3k damage per hit. The Seaspray Bloodwolfs or whatever they are called around Dreamweaver port. Takes me by myself 6-8 nukes or more to kill one w/o my pet. In PvP I regularly get owned by BM and Barbs, Archers eat me alive and wizards at higher levels scare the **** outta me. Clerics, if my pet can get it's stun off, and I can get a stun to stick, generally die. We can't chain stun as pounce has a 60 second cooldown and the stun lasts no more than 2-4 seconds, our stun doesn't last for more than 4 seconds at best and has a high enough cooldaown that if we haven't killed you by then, we prolly won't. Still.. with a Nix and sometimes a sawfly that has flesh ream.. yeah we have nasty PvP dps.

    As for the bugged pet skill, that only counts if the pet has it.
    - can have pets that debuff magic/phy dmg, slow, and interrupt
    ONLY if the pets have the skill. Herc and Nix don't come with it and the recall, respawn time for pets makes it impractical to try to use other skilled pets to do it. Removing the Herc and Nix's self buff skills and adding other skills would be dumb, although switching pounce for say bash is a decent idea.
    - have seal, root and stun skills unlike any other class (they get all 3)
    Frost scarab has THE CHANCE to stop someone in place... Lucky Scarab has THE CHANCE to stun...Fossilized curse (learned at lvl 100) Stuns when it hits if I read the description correctly, but is a HIGH level foxform only skill.... Fox wallop (foxform only) reduces channeling speed... stunning blow stuns but again it's a foxform only skill.... while all those skills SEEM to be formidible, they are split between two forms, foxform and normal, and there is a delay of 1-2 seconds to make the switch between forms. MUST of the skills only have a CHANCE to hit and their damage isn't paricularly impressive.
    - can have as much hp with light armor as clerics have with a vit build
    At lvl 72 with an un sharded LA build and 5 points into Vit, I have 2199 hp and thats BOOSTED HP becasue of several of my armor pieces have HP bumbs.
    - have both spammable phy dmg and magic dmg skills
    All our skills have cool down times. Granted as we level some of those cool down times reduce to relatively minor levels.
    If you can say the same to even half of the other classes I would be impressed.

    To be honest, taken as a whole at HIGH levels, yes the Veno can be formidable. But most are not that high and haven't attained their max ability. At High levels though EVERY class has insane strengths when looked at as a whole. MOST Veno's I see don't go foxform/LA/HA builds, they go arcane, and as such they don't have full access to or ability to use ALL the skills available to them, as such while your argument and statements are relatively sound, they falter when Veno's as a whole group are taken into consideration.

    As I said, most veno's concentrate on the non foxform skills and neglect the foxform skills either to get later or to never get.

  • I_Love_Pets - Heavens Tear
    I_Love_Pets - Heavens Tear Posts: 246 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    now then i have surprisingly read through most of every single page here and i can

    honestly tell you from presonal experience a veno can be OP if played right but so can

    any other class if you wish to say a veno is OP because of Hood the archer has the

    same skill only witha dmg based system on it however when used correctly it will almost

    nix out fleashreams dmg no (uses kowlin lvl 4 fleashream for example) because it has the

    highest attack except for Pnix. however the very easy way to get around a Pnix. i can

    give several examples if you want starting with BM they can and do stun lock you

    indefinatly even with hood on they can stun lock you till its gone then keep stunning and

    kill you mind you a nix can be stunned just as effectively as a veno can and if on

    ground the sprint skill + a speed boost pill (because its more or less a pill not pot because it doesnt heal only pots heal pills have effects not heals but some apo = to heals also)

    mind you what you do before you actually try to run at the veno using the Pnix. is use

    Pdef skill increase that you oh so love to use against barbs will work for this also

    while the veno uses hood thinking your going to

    attack it sends to so called effective fleashream after you but since fleash ream IS

    effected by your Pdef rating even tho it doesnt have the %reduce from the pvp it wont

    do nearly the same dmg as the way it would if you used alt marrow which LOWERS your

    Pdef and ups the Mdef which wont even be needed if you do this correctly it wont help

    a venos cause because you will stun the veno and the Pnix. mind you yes your charm

    odds are will still tick but not nearly as much while the BM is stun-locking the veno till

    hood ends sure the charm will tick 2-3x but if you stun-lock correctly the pet wont get

    a second attack if at all reason is when you do stun a venos pet and the veno the pet

    will not be able to attack again unless the veno has it set to defend reason is the veno

    must either click on the attack button or cast a spell -but wait if you are stun-locking

    the pet and veno cant attack because while veno is stunned you cant give commands-

    if in the air drop to the ground or try to get out of the venos heal range mind you if i

    remember right its a little less then 20Meters so while the pet can be stunned indefinatly

    and then killed out of heal range which is not wise for a veno to want to do reasn is pet

    dead = dead veno and pet food and loyalty and so much hassel there i just gave a almost full proof plan for a BM to kill veno mind you if you cant pull this off you should
    not be playing a BM because you either suck at BM or dont think before you get into the fight also if your going into pk mode have a bit of sense to stock up on what you may need before you start to actually go in pk mode now for the archer post tactic mind you i got side tracked when i started with the stuns in next post i will give a aracher tactic that does work also to those that think venos are OP just learn a way around the nix cause it is poosible and also the def pills for apo can axe out the fleash reams killing effect also now to next post
    Dont be fooled by looks.
    Even beauty can kill.

    also wish they would fix the dam prob with my "join date" its way off>_>
  • I_Love_Pets - Heavens Tear
    I_Love_Pets - Heavens Tear Posts: 246 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    now for the archer's tactic ahem here we go first when you use the i believe its the

    winged shell you are almost invincible till either you have some1 do roughly 815or is it 850

    something dmg and its gone well thats where it is useful against a nix it ups all def types mag and Pdef so if some1 uses fleshream and u have that up it will be effected by how much it can do to you because fleshream like i stated before is effected by ur Pdef lvl so even when you are bleeding it wont do as much dmg as it normally would because your Pdef is higher now at this point the veno uses Hood am i right well the way around this mind you is to i dont remember the exact name so im calling it (stun shot) you stun shot then kill then dam Pnix which is possible what you do is use the skill that shoots a butt load of arrows into the sky they do this for Zhenning mind you to kill a lot of mobs if the veno if sending Pnix at you from a distance then just kite out of its heal range stun the Pnix then you use the im calling it (rain of death) makes more sense because it basicly does that to any pet in 2-3 hits from that skill it even killed a lvl70+ veno with hood on while stunned in 4hits i know this because i am using personal tactics i have seen used against me and my pets mind you it will take more then 2-3 hits but with the pet far enough away and your in the sky your faster and the veno has to catch up to heal while you pummel a stunned Pnix to death also i have i think seen the archer use a max hp debuff use this also it will kill the dam Pnix faster because when you get to the pet u see oh **** its almost dead and start to try to spam heal it but it will still die you cant heal enough to keel up and all you will have to do is keep the Pnix stunned and use knock back a bit to keep its dmg down when you need to use stun shot again use it and repeat also if you need chi for this there are pills for that to which is why i say stock up on what you need before going into pk mode also the Pdef pills and the i think its dew of godly protection will help also so it is possible to take out both a Pnix and the veno it is effort but it is possible now then

    on to the dam cleric strategy
    Dont be fooled by looks.
    Even beauty can kill.

    also wish they would fix the dam prob with my "join date" its way off>_>
  • Criticalhitz - Heavens Tear
    Criticalhitz - Heavens Tear Posts: 190 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    Im not going to write much really, I think every class has it's advantages and disadvantages really. Personally I HARDLY Miss and I critical hit alot, I have two stuns one that has a chance to stun and another that holds for a nice period of time. With our Evasion,Accuracy,Critical Hits,MAGE AND PHYS Deff,Mage and PHys Attks - Archers have a wide range of PvP abilities, we can ninja like pros because of our long range aswell. The down side is the low HP and we're handi-capped at close range.

    Venomancers are a nice class to have around really, I wouldn't want venomancers to be weak or handi-capped because they have more advantages then another class. If your mad about PvP well, re-roll or dont turn into PK mode (if ur PvE servered).

    Clerics have heals buffs and purify, there attacks are nice to but they are fairly easy to kill and since there 'Sleep' only lasts until were attacked or lasts 3-33 seconds maxed its not a huge killer until BM stuns..They have a skill that reduces mage deff or increases magic damage taken I think to.

    BMs have a nice range of stuff, Pole can hit from a distance but not too far, axes have a nice range of AOEs and another additional stun but it does cost a spark, sword has a skill the reduces channeling time but does require a spark and myriad also reduces the opponets attack damage but thats two sparks when heavens flame increases the damage taken, Fists I havent seen to much of but pure fist have nice evasion usually but lack of damage on most parts, BMs also have a self heal but it does cost 1 spark aswell.. They get a seal also at 79 'Smack' so..Aeolin blade,Drakes Bash,Raor of the pride,Smack ummm am I forgetting 1? unno. They have altar marrows as a person mentioned earlier also, but it is a handi-capp..If they use Altar marrow physical well.. There mage deff went down so if any magic attack hits them during that time..bam loss. vice versa to the other marrow.

    Barbs I havent worked on one really but Judging they have a few variety of skills in there pocket and the massive HP they have is hard to beat if matched with a charm.

    Wizards have alot of skills and at 59 I THINK, They get a sutra that gives them NO Channeling time so high damage but slow channeling and low HP usually.

    Unno if Im forgetting anyone?

    Sorry it was kinda long, Im tired and missed alot of points but its just my opinion.
    Making new char..Which one? I have a BM..but I want more damage and stuff to do..

    Experienced players contact with the cons n pros of there class and where to put points n what skills to up ASAP thanks..
  • I_Love_Pets - Heavens Tear
    I_Love_Pets - Heavens Tear Posts: 246 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    the cleric is a tough one to figure out but i did it but it took me a while to figure it out here goes

    1st make sure ur friken buffs are on reason is veno will need to debuff you for fast kills if you stay far enough away they cant get you and if you see a veno coming at you in fox form that usually = debuff time from them so what you do is either fly up and they cant catch you so easily and you use the DOGP=dew of godly protection mind you it will keep the nix from doing to much dmg then while the veno tries to go into fox form or from fox to veno form to use hood u sleep the dam veno and pummel it while you can and seal it i do believe the cleric has a seal skill but am not positive on this please correct me if wrong but i did see it posted earlier they had one btw sleep lasts from what ive read when maxed i think 30seconds so if instead you wish to sleep the dam nix and make it unusable that is also a option the veno will have to flee if in fox form because it can not use hood while in it so you pummel them while you can or just debuff them to death with a few debuffs i have heard about not sure if they do any good though correct me if wrong because the debuff will = more dmg from you right so the veno dies faster if it is in veno form and uses hood well then you have pills and apo pots that are effective also and add on the instant regen pots and heals = almost invincible if you play it correctly at higher lvls and every1 who has seen a high lvl cleric can tell you they can dish dmg esp when they sleep ur **** or ur pet which cant be fixed with a pill but if they sleep you you can use a pill to remove it so its up to you if your going to come prepared also they do almost as much dmg as a wizz but not with the AOE's mostly with solo hits so it just depends and they cast faster to so now then on to the next topic for strategy is barb yay
    Dont be fooled by looks.
    Even beauty can kill.

    also wish they would fix the dam prob with my "join date" its way off>_>
  • I_Love_Pets - Heavens Tear
    I_Love_Pets - Heavens Tear Posts: 246 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    ok now for barbs they have the instant chan cancel skill iin tiger form very useful for stoppin hood if they cant use it they have other options also their hp increase and with the pills avaliable and apo hp and mp heal items they can be invincible till the Hood wears off and if they are in the air get out of heal range like i keep saying and focus on bleeding and stuning the pet the dmg you do is relevent i know that the Pnix does massive dmg to a degree but if you use the DOGP and def increase and mag increase pills the Pnix and veno will have a harder time even doing dmg unless they debuff you which i think takes 2secs for fox form and 1.5secs to channel and 2sec if im correct also they must be in rangeand when you see a veno in fox form say yay if its coming at you reason is when they try to go from veno to fox it takes time then more to chan and cast so by this time they are stunned and most likly do not have hood ready but if they play like most say they do they try to let thier Pnix do everything and just try to kite away well news for kiters if they use the correct stategy your pet will die irregardless of you kiting also for those that need wood resist cause venos use wood based skills mostly they have it in a pill at the apo also barbs have massive hp and add a gold hp charm to that and they can survive almost anything i watched 2-3 days ago 1barb from enrage have roughly 10 of his guild hittting him for a full friken min with skills ect and he did not die cause of pills and pots and the charm so if there really is a complaint that barbs (can't survive) a Pnix when he survived 60seconds with 10 lvl 80+ pummeling him and he was roughly lvl 85ish himself think are you playing the charecter wrong or not being prepared so really i think most people just are not prepared or are to lazy to find a strategy that works now for wizz strategy
    Dont be fooled by looks.
    Even beauty can kill.

    also wish they would fix the dam prob with my "join date" its way off>_>
  • I_Love_Pets - Heavens Tear
    I_Love_Pets - Heavens Tear Posts: 246 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    for wizz stun the dam veno or Pnix take ur pick altho i would perfer you stun the Pnix and go after veno that way you can get your hit off and not worry about the Pnix so much mind you have already used DOGP to prevent the dmg from bleed and used def pills ect when u saw it coming u also buffed with the shields to so that helps also then you use the 0 time chann skill and then i dont remember its name but it takes 6 seconds to cast and it rains what look like meotors in a AOE effect that will take a veno with hood even way down on health also it does take sparks to use the 0time chan skill so use a pill to regen ur chi to get 1spark and 50chi if ur high enough also if need be just pummel the Pnix with that instead and believe me its health goes down real fast from that skill if it was the one selected because the direct shot does more then the AOE part but if the veno is close enough to you and the Pnix you will hitt both yay for you now when you get a chance to put distance if you slept the Pnix the blink away from it and the veno or up to the veno and do as said above nuke the liven **** outta them it will do wonders if you do it correctly i dont know it is a seal or sleep but i think its a sleep skill they use called it sleep but i dont know its real name anyways that does work but you have to work at it and be fast after the skill is used up it cools down for a long time from what ive heard so make the best of it for ur attack hope this helps i can keep track of every skill name but i can tell you what they do and how they look and work if some1 knows the names pls do correct this for the names and the exact type of skill it is if its sleep or seal idk which but correct it if need be ok
    Dont be fooled by looks.
    Even beauty can kill.

    also wish they would fix the dam prob with my "join date" its way off>_>
  • I_Love_Pets - Heavens Tear
    I_Love_Pets - Heavens Tear Posts: 246 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    btw for those of you who think i dont go into pk i do i do alot ask the SentinalS members they know i go into SP often and PK mode but i recently left them cause of a argument i regret having but i do want back in if they would have me but idk if they will anyways i am a veno giving advice on how to kill a veno if you dont think its worth your time to actually use skill and try to get around something that makes a class actually more even because a veno cant tank its own mobs a veno cant pvp very well when most classes have either range or close attacks aqnd mind you if the veno gears for close range it dies from afar so its hard to play as veno another thing these are tried and true methods that do work against venos i pvp and go into pk against ppl lower and higher lvl then me if im not prepared i die and its life you cant win everything you can however come prepared to even the odds more so then not so that is why there are apo pills and pots they can help if you actually take the time to make them and get them but since most dont care or are to lazy to look for tactics to kill a supposedly OP class when every class is OP in their own way if played right also like i said before be ready if your not and you complaine its your fault that you died and you cant do much about it btw i do go and pvp and try to PK Enrage but i do die from time to time because i dont come prepared for it also they do die also but it does not really do any good for people to complain what does good is if they take action and try to fight to make it through a tough fight also to those that when they see a Pnix and just go omg i cant win because a veno is OP its all about how you play it and how you come out on top if you cant kill a veno because of a Pnix and yet you still complaine and read these strategies then dont play because people dont need to hear it if you cant kill them get better and try harder to actually do it also at lvl 79 a veno does not become invincible because of the skill that grants 10 seconds of invunerablity what yoy do then is use the pills as before and get out of heal range kill the pet while they are stuck still and then kill them when you get up close after pet is dead so umm ya if any body see's somethin that is not right let me know i can fix it or you can idm but i do know that every class if ready for the situation can take out a vs 1v1 even if they have Pnix it does happen thx for your time ima see if the game is up yet send me a message if ya need anything or not
    Dont be fooled by looks.
    Even beauty can kill.

    also wish they would fix the dam prob with my "join date" its way off>_>
  • Literature - Harshlands
    Literature - Harshlands Posts: 822 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    Epic wall o text I_Love_Pets. You think anyone is gonna read all that? lol

    But venos are only op if they spend $200+. Without that they are on par with everyone else.
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