Think venomancers are overpowered? Please read.



  • Miatemaro - Heavens Tear
    Miatemaro - Heavens Tear Posts: 700 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    As 7x my nix was able to beat a 9x robe mage with hell shield and g7 pdef shards, molded robes 4 sockets ea.
    This mage was able to beat bms and barbs of her level btw and is well known in LC, I'll avoid giving names coz I respect her, if it wasnt for the bug I would stand no chance.
    Of course the mage could 1 shot me, but as long as I kite I would win.

    Rest of ur post is typical noob veno BS.

    Btw please post a video of "how to play" please teach me how will a mage or archer somehow pwn me when my pet flies faster than them, does **** insane damage and I can stay out of their range.
    Oh and dont give me the typical "just use this X item that's not easy to obtain in large ammounts" or do "X and Y strategy that is impossible to complete coz the nix is faster than any flying mount".
    Post a video or a group of SS and teach us all how to play.

    I hate to break it to you but your 9x robe should just uninstall the game then. Or she let you win. Your post are the typical QQ BS of dont get better instead cry so they make it easier for you to play. Your right about not giving you the usual tips because no matter what you wont listen.

    Items not that easy to obtain, they are ridiculous easy to obtain. Once again going back to learn the frakking game. Ofcourse then again it must have been everyones imagination when Enrage beat TRIAD who uses lots of so called invincible NIXs. Yes TRIAD DOES HAVE HIGH LEVEL VENOES WITH HIGH LEVEL NIXS.
    working it Q_Q
  • Vandalarius - Sanctuary
    Vandalarius - Sanctuary Posts: 60 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    The answer to all of life's issues, and all issues in PW is a simple, three letter word...:Pie. That is all b:laugh
  • Saitada - Sanctuary
    Saitada - Sanctuary Posts: 3,220 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    The answer to all of life's issues, and all issues in PW is a simple, three letter word...:Pie. That is all b:laugh
    The Pie is a Lie!

  • truekossy
    truekossy Posts: 7,021 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    The Pie is a Lie!

    No wonder I'm still hungry after eating some pie... b:shedtear
  • Saitada - Sanctuary
    Saitada - Sanctuary Posts: 3,220 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    truekossy wrote: »
    No wonder I'm still hungry after eating some pie...
    I'm NOT gonna say it... i'm NOT gonna say it.. b:shutupb:shutupb:shutup - b:laugh

  • truekossy
    truekossy Posts: 7,021 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    I'm NOT gonna say it... i'm NOT gonna say it..

    Yes you are! You know you want to! b:laugh
  • Saitada - Sanctuary
    Saitada - Sanctuary Posts: 3,220 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    truekossy wrote: »
    Yes you are! You know you want to! b:laugh
    Why Sirrah. Are you implying I would have such knowledge? b:angry lol!

  • OMGLAZERZ - Heavens Tear
    OMGLAZERZ - Heavens Tear Posts: 2,327 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    The Pie is a Lie!


    Are you saying the pie doesn't exist? b:puzzled
  • Saitada - Sanctuary
    Saitada - Sanctuary Posts: 3,220 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    Are you saying the pie doesn't exist? b:puzzled
    What Pie?

  • OMGLAZERZ - Heavens Tear
    OMGLAZERZ - Heavens Tear Posts: 2,327 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    What Pie?


    OMG.....Where'd you hide the pie? b:sad
  • Saitada - Sanctuary
    Saitada - Sanctuary Posts: 3,220 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    OMG.....Where'd you hide the pie? b:sad
    BURRRRPPPP. What Pie?

  • OMGLAZERZ - Heavens Tear
    OMGLAZERZ - Heavens Tear Posts: 2,327 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    BURRRRPPPP. What Pie?


    YOU ATE MAH PIE! b:angry

    *ignores the fact it was on someone else's window sill cooling*

  • Saitada - Sanctuary
    Saitada - Sanctuary Posts: 3,220 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    YOU ATE MAH PIE! b:angry

    *ignores the fact it was on someone else's window sill cooling*

    hmmm Blackberry Pie... er um.. What Pie?

  • OMGLAZERZ - Heavens Tear
    OMGLAZERZ - Heavens Tear Posts: 2,327 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    hmmm Blackberry Pie... er um.. What Pie?


    Oh, it was blackberry? That's fine then. Apple's better! b:pleased
  • Saitada - Sanctuary
    Saitada - Sanctuary Posts: 3,220 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    Oh, it was blackberry? That's fine then. Apple's better! b:pleased
    Hah. Check yer forum messages. I sent you a slice of b:laugh

  • Lessie - Lost City
    Lessie - Lost City Posts: 917 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    I hate to break it to you but your 9x robe should just uninstall the game then. Or she let you win. Your post are the typical QQ BS of dont get better instead cry so they make it easier for you to play. Your right about not giving you the usual tips because no matter what you wont listen.

    She is more than able to face blademasters and barbs of her own level, you know why? because none of them have a buged skill that will do pve damage in pvp (please check what hell shield does and why 9x mages pwn as robe)

    Make it easier for me? I got a nix, I can use this bug, I have used it.
    I know how easy and unfair it is, I admit it and I want it fixed coz it's **** lame and ruins pvp.

    You on the other hand like it with the bug and defend it, pathetic.

    The usual tips suck and are not viable, spend a lot of resources getting an inmunity pot for EVERY veno you'll fight? somehow outrun a 10 m/sec pet and kill the veno before it catches up to you? ooookkk....
    ^^ Made by Saitada ^^

    Dieho: I win 15 on 1, I roll all of your guild to sz all by myself !
    Lessie: Proof?
    Dieho: I dont have any, but my word is more than enough.
    Lessie: Well I won 33 on 1 the other day :D
  • The ferenczy - Sanctuary
    The ferenczy - Sanctuary Posts: 275 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    omg i just realized after reading all of this that my barb is over powered.

    i can kill mobs that are lvl 80
    i can heal my self while grinding
    i can make profit off of quests

    i must PWN the tw and duels and pk.

    funny thing i die in tw and pk and i only win duels where the other person don't us pots.

    eeegads brain i think barbs should be nerfed it just isn't fair :(

    never mind that those also have a cost.
    one day the world will shout to me save us....
    and i will whisper no.
  • The ferenczy - Sanctuary
    The ferenczy - Sanctuary Posts: 275 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    btw speaking of nerfed and over powered i think hmm... lets see.... yes i know who is op in the game.....

    krixx krimson kong and jewel is op and the mods omg they started the game at lvl 120 lets nerf them i think the gm's should be baned for cheating i never even see them come on invisible has to rank no1 for op.

    also what the hell man when do you ever see lord of precussion out there grinding all he does is solo TT and he doesn't even suffer the damage restriction UNFAIR nerf him. also get aload of his **** drum i think it is offencive ban him after i kick his **** nerfed.

    while we are at it world bosses take to long to kill. come on mods they have to be using some sort of ini. **** they look cool attack cool and don't die. i saw almost all of "Steel" guild out on one world boss and it still took forever for them to kill him. i mean seriously i ate like 2 pounds of cheeze that day and still had time to see the fight start. do constipated business and the end of the fight.

    geeze let make every thing as easy as KunKun so every one can have the experiance of killing a lvl 100 at lvl 20.

    bah sad thing is i read this thread up to this point just shoot me now
    one day the world will shout to me save us....
    and i will whisper no.
  • Mosa - Harshlands
    Mosa - Harshlands Posts: 94 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    Poor venos everyone is just jelouse you know dont mind them..

    not cuz you can solo TT and no one else does bah you rock for it..

    not cuz you have 2 healing skills and a mana fast regen skill your awesome..

    not cuz you have super bramble hood cutting damage by 75% thats cool..

    not cuz your the most money making class in game that other players resort to make just so they can support there expenses aka (repair bills not bikinis).

    not cuz you can send your pet to kill someone and at the same time run to SZ so your safe either way we love you for that..

    and ofc how can we forget the thing that ppl are most jelouse of the fact that you have a phoenix how do we all wish we had a phoenix like you 2 shooting all classes with it how cool is that right??

    am not trying to say anything to these guys cept that if you want that you should have rolled a veno but you know most of us are real players who do not enjoy playing a class wth 1% challenge...yeah its our fault we are real players dont mind us..

    bottom line I say there is no point QQing over phoenix or none of the above I just dont count the times a phoenix veno kills me at all and rather just use my time to laugh how they ran so fast from where I am after sending it that is a victory enough for me and it should be the same for you..
    formerly known as mosabi-heaven's tear..

    you know that wizard that kicked your **** b:victory..

    now I just own wizards at the new servers b:victory
  • Sister_Chali - Heavens Tear
    Sister_Chali - Heavens Tear Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    **** WARNING : WALL OF TEXT****

    Let me preface this reply with a few general FACTS:

    #1) I'm a stay at home Mom, with 18+ hours a day to spend playing.

    #2) I come from a past playing a number of other games, so while PWI is
    unique to itself, it wasn't 'too' hard to learn.

    #3) I am on a PvE server, because I have NO interest in proving I am Billy
    Bad-**** or Susie Shrapnel.

    #4) If PWI released an offline version, I'd happily play that one.

    #5) I started December 12th. By December 30th I had toons Archer -33,
    Cleric 30, BM 31, Mage 30, Veno 32. All without ever touching a snowman, a
    scroll or a Crazy Stone...

    #6) While my Veno is my current 'favorite', I have every intention of leveling
    all of my toons to the highest levels I can stomach before I get bored and
    quit PWI.

    Now for some 'relative' (read: personal experience) Facts:

    #1) The first faction I ever joined had a level 44 Cleric. In ONE hour, she
    would grind and then repair her gear. Average cost per repair, 44k. Sad.

    #2) In the second faction I played in, a (now) good friend of mine had a BM.
    When I met him he was 40. He played an average of 8 hours a day. He
    leveled once a day easily till he reached 68 when he got bored and rerolled a
    barb. His barb made 42 in 2 days.

    #3) Until his character change, said BM from #2 averaged 1 million a day in
    coin from grinding.

    #4) Another BM in same said faction spent an average of $100 a week buying
    boutique ****, then either using it (charms) or selling it for gear. He played
    12+ hours a day. Leveled once per FOUR days.

    Now for some Opinion
    (read: subject to personal experience/thought)

    #1) By level 30... EVERY one of my characters had made easily over 1.5
    million in coin.

    #2) Grinding with a Cleric was by far the most time consuming post lvl.15
    Thus, by proportion, Clerics get the shaft.

    #3) Grinding with a BM was by far the least time consuming, though more
    expensive. Though not to significant degree. Thus, BMs seem 'average'.

    #4) Based on my BM friends experience with coin, in comparison to my
    experience with my Veno, I can not foresee that coin would be THAT terribly
    difficult to aquire... IF YOU PLAY SMART...

    #5) If I knew a Cleric who could blow 44k per hour on repairs, but the forums
    have level 88+ clerics who can keep themselves in esotericas off drops for
    an hour of grinding... and I know one BM who can make a mil a day, but I
    know another who can't manage with 10 mil being BOUGHT a week, maybe...
    .... just maybe... some people are better players than others... and its not
    the class thats an issue really...

    #6) 95% of the people I have met in PWI thus far have been whiny, pissy
    crybabies.... thus I don't LIKE playing in a party. (see FACT #4)

    #7) Outside PvP servers... Who the hell cares how fast you level? Enjoy your
    lower levels when you can still **** the mobs. It's not like your EVER going to
    become unstoppable, regardless of class. And you only hasten the day when
    the game becomes boring and you quit.

    Now for some Conjecture/Speculation

    #1) I don't PvP, of any kind, in PWI... But I was under the impression that
    PvP death included the chance to drop gear that wasn't "bound"?

    #2) IF Conjecture #1 is true... Why not reduce the surplus Veno pop by
    PKing every Veno of low level till they have nothing left? This would seriously
    hamper their leveling, thus leaving you only the higher level ones to deal with?

    #3) IF Conjecture #1 is true... why not gang up on Venos, thus forcing them
    to work at disadvantage. 6 on 1, you cant tell me Veno's, Nix or otherwise,
    will "win".

    #4) IF Conjecture #1 is NOT true... why not BEFRIEND said Veno's, and get
    THEM to take out other Nix-Veno's? This would leave you to take out all the
    classes you seem to be ABLE to PK?

    To the topic of "Overpowered":

    #1) Herc is bad-**** PvE. Pure and simple. Won't deny it. But since finding
    an individual who doesn't make me want to bash my head into my monitor is
    difficult, he will help me to solo easier. But until I was 70 @78.9%, I had a
    Crystalline Magmite. It was harder, but not THAT much harder.

    #2) I don't have a Nix. Wont ever GET a Nix. But since I am already 70.. and
    don't plan to ever PvP or TW, I don't NEED a Nix.
    So much for "nearly ever 70+ veno has a Nix"
    Maybe you just mean on the PvP servers, where its a requirement not to get
    ganked as an easy target.....

    #3) I don't use Bramble Hood. I don't even use Bramble Guard. I'd prefer to
    never get hit than to do damage to a mob that is going to kill me anyway.
    And since I'm 99% solo, I don't need to cast Bramble on anyone else.

    #4) In a "Perfect World" (tm), Soul, Meta and Grace all help to allow for
    unrested grinding. They do NOT eliminated it unless you are sub-level
    grinding. These three skills help the SOLO class solo easier, and I would
    LOVE to have them on my other classes. But my world isn't going to end
    without them.

    #5) Outside PvP.. stuns are not necessary for a Veno. A spell that stuns for
    the length of the channel time of another spell, not useful. Grinding is about
    using the least resources for the most profit. Anyone who has ever played
    significant RPGs knows this.

    #6) Inside PvP, take away the stupid Flesh Ream issue and the Veno still
    doesnt have enough stun to make it worth while.

    #7) For the one individual who suggested leaving Flesh Ream and nerfing the
    class... What is your suggestion? If you are dieing to Nix, then you are dieing
    to Nix. What, you want symbiotic links so damage to the Nix hurts the Veno?
    Anything else isn't goin to stop your dieing to a Nix with a screwy skill.

    For the topic of "Balancing":

    #1) Yes, its a bit unfair that Veno's can get a tool that they can use from
    (potentially, with $USD) level 1 that will last forever. But it can cost $200 or
    more to get initially. It costs another 50k to hatch it. And every time it dies,
    it becomes weaker (Looses loyalty). And you need to either have another
    cash shop item, or buy expensive food. (I wont discuss XMas Bless, as a LOT
    HT players seem to have them regardless of class). So lets see... Buy it for
    $200+. Pay 0.50c to equip it. Pay $2 a week to keep it functional. And pay
    an additional random amount each week to keep it optimal, not to be less
    than 10k. Oh... and pay out another what.. Million to 'optimize' it like you
    do with a Herc or Nix...

    #2) Since the Herc/Nix is 'equipment' for the Veno, they can't get
    anything 'better'. Sooner or later, other classes (in PvE) will get to
    equivalent "gear". Herc/Nix is never getting "upgraded".

    And in honor of Chipsing (or however you spell it)... TT runs.

    #1) Are you freaking kidding me???? THIS is your giant complaint???

    I'm a Veno. I can (and occasionally DO) do TT runs. I BUY my TT gear at
    auction. It's CHEAPER! I spend easily three times as much on non-TT gear as
    I do on TT stuff. And I DON'T sell my TT mats. I use them, when I actually
    get enough, to make things for my few (non-irritating) friends.

    For FREE!

    Maybe if you didn't hang out with a bunch of whiny, crabby, GREEDY people,
    and were not one yourself, someone would do the same for you!

    Oh wait. Let me guess. You're just upset that "Veno's can afford the non-
    TT gear". Hrm. Maybe if everyone else wasn't trying to 'bleed' everyone for
    as much coin as possible... you'd be less worried about a Veno trying
    to 'bleed' everyone with a screwy skill...

    #2) When I do a TT run ("solo" mode), I always try to bring along a (non-
    irritating) friend to DD for me. I tank, they DD. This is a lot like you might see
    with a BM+Cleric or a Barb+Cleric. At this point, you SHOULD be complaining
    that Archers and mages are left out. Not that Veno's are "overpowered".

    #3) Maybe I just have a more open mind... But I've read posts in these
    forums about Clerics who made enough in drops to keep themselves in charms
    and esotericas to level fast. And who can solo TT mode, boss and all. Maybe
    they know something you don't. Try asking rather than complaining
    about the one class that is VISIBLY capable. Maybe if everyone learned from
    the GOOD players, there would be less discrepancy.

    In summation:

    #1) Yes, Veno's are 'powerful'. They don't 'need' any one else to play. This
    is no different than my Drow thief/bard/Necromancer in NWN who was
    unkillable. It's not so different than my Necromancer in EQ. It's not so
    different than ANY class played SMART, and played to its STRENGTHS. Veno's
    biggest strength is not Flesh Ream, or Bramble... it's being able to blacklist
    snots who climb up my rear and get on my nerves... and still play.

    #2) I just spent nearly 2 hours reading the most idiotic bunch of brainless
    babble that I have ever seen printed in one place, and the only thing I have
    learned is that I'm that much more GLAD I can avoid people in PWI.

    #3) If anyone is reading this, and is on HT.. and likes to hang with a typically
    friendly, cheerful, helpful and laid back woman who plays a silly game
    waaaaaaaay too much... send me a message. Maybe it will be the beginning
    to patching some of the bridges that so many people seem to want to burn.

    (pronounced Sis-Ter Shay-Le)
  • MystiMonk - Sanctuary
    MystiMonk - Sanctuary Posts: 4,286 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    People who don't bother reading shouldn't say something so bold.

    It is true though if a BM or Barb can't down a Veno they are bad.
    Looking for a decent casual understanding Faction.
  • Dragnbabe - Heavens Tear
    Dragnbabe - Heavens Tear Posts: 80 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    a lot of what you've said makes a lot of sense..veno's aren't nessecarily overpowered as a class, maybe it's just better-at-the-game people tend to play venos? i could be mistaken.
    but you're right, every character type has it's plus's and minus's. people need to stop allll the QQ.

    #1) I don't PvP, of any kind, in PWI... But I was under the impression that
    PvP death included the chance to drop gear that wasn't "bound"?

    #2) IF Conjecture #1 is true... Why not reduce the surplus Veno pop by
    PKing every Veno of low level till they have nothing left? This would seriously
    hamper their leveling, thus leaving you only the higher level ones to deal with?

    #3) IF Conjecture #1 is true... why not gang up on Venos, thus forcing them
    to work at disadvantage. 6 on 1, you cant tell me Veno's, Nix or otherwise,
    will "win".

    (pronounced Sis-Ter Shay-Le)

    first of all...conjecture #1 is true :P the more you PK the more you drop..
    second, if they PK'ed all the extra veno's then that would defeat the purpose and prove everyone is greedy and only want to get ahead.
    good strategy though, lol
    #3) If anyone is reading this, and is on HT.. and likes to hang with a typically
    friendly, cheerful, helpful and laid back woman who plays a silly game
    waaaaaaaay too much... send me a message. Maybe it will be the beginning
    to patching some of the bridges that so many people seem to want to burn.
    sounds like we could be good friends. i'll pm you if you EVER LOG ON. :)
    4x veno - dragnbabe
    4x poleblade bm - dragnbaby
    faction: Odinblade
    one day...
  • Mosa - Harshlands
    Mosa - Harshlands Posts: 94 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    a lot of what you've said makes a lot of sense..veno's aren't nessecarily overpowered as a class, maybe it's just better-at-the-game people tend to play venos? i could be mistaken.
    but you're right, every character type has it's plus's and minus's. people need to stop allll the QQ.

    first of all...conjecture #1 is true :P the more you PK the more you drop..
    second, if they PK'ed all the extra veno's then that would defeat the purpose and prove everyone is greedy and only want to get ahead.
    good strategy though, lol

    sounds like we could be good friends. i'll pm you if you EVER LOG ON. :)

    yes ALL the mages are BAAAAAAAAAAAD players and ALL the venos are GOOOOOOOOOD players..
    formerly known as mosabi-heaven's tear..

    you know that wizard that kicked your **** b:victory..

    now I just own wizards at the new servers b:victory
  • OMGLAZERZ - Heavens Tear
    OMGLAZERZ - Heavens Tear Posts: 2,327 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    #3) I am on a PvE server, because I have NO interest in proving I am Billy
    Bad-**** or Susie Shrapnel.

    ZOMG 2 funny b:chuckle

    I can has for sig, yes? b:pleased
  • Criticalhitz - Heavens Tear
    Criticalhitz - Heavens Tear Posts: 190 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    Phoenix isnt just a PVP Pet, its very good for grinding also so it is a PvE pet..Most of it seem not even relavent to this topic because this is OVER-POWERED Venos not Sister_Chalis life story and her friends and such..I see some relevance but most of it wasnt worth it to read..IMO
    Making new char..Which one? I have a BM..but I want more damage and stuff to do..

    Experienced players contact with the cons n pros of there class and where to put points n what skills to up ASAP thanks..
  • sephere
    sephere Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    err, they are not overpowered
    they have less attack/defense on they're own than any of the other characters

    if arcane, if they get hit once or twice, they are dead, very squishy
    if melee they're damage and defense is still subpar compared to blademaster's attack or barb's defense

    they're pets are supposed to compensate for these weaknesses, and with total pet+veno damage, equals the total damage of the other classes

    Though the cash shop pets are another thing altogether.
    I think that if the veno has a phoenix or herc, than yes probably overpowered. But with a regular pet, not so much.
  • Criticalhitz - Heavens Tear
    Criticalhitz - Heavens Tear Posts: 190 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    I think the people that complain bout them being over powered - should re roll and get a phoenix then.

    If your complaining bout A PHOENIX skill glitch then say that instead of 'venomancers are OP'..Complain bout a glitched skill thats it.
    Making new char..Which one? I have a BM..but I want more damage and stuff to do..

    Experienced players contact with the cons n pros of there class and where to put points n what skills to up ASAP thanks..
  • Miatemaro - Heavens Tear
    Miatemaro - Heavens Tear Posts: 700 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    She is more than able to face blademasters and barbs of her own level, you know why? because none of them have a buged skill that will do pve damage in pvp (please check what hell shield does and why 9x mages pwn as robe)

    Make it easier for me? I got a nix, I can use this bug, I have used it.
    I know how easy and unfair it is, I admit it and I want it fixed coz it's **** lame and ruins pvp.

    You on the other hand like it with the bug and defend it, pathetic.

    The usual tips suck and are not viable, spend a lot of resources getting an inmunity pot for EVERY veno you'll fight? somehow outrun a 10 m/sec pet and kill the veno before it catches up to you? ooookkk....

    Sorry little missy, but you dont know jack.

    1.You dont fight barbs and BMs the the same way as a veno, so no neither of you know what the hell you're doing.
    2.Where did I say I happen to like it. OH that rights I didnt nice fail. Again where did I say I didnt want it fixed, Oh thats right again I didnt another fail.
    3. Yes the usual tips are viable, just because you or your friends are to fail to use them. No they are not impossible to get in the least.
    4. You got your proof that there is ways to beat them you just want to ignore it. Once again there are ways to out run a phoenix. Stop being lazy and maybe you figure it out.
    working it Q_Q
  • Zoe - Heavens Tear
    Zoe - Heavens Tear Posts: 3,814 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    I outran a phoenix in a very odd way in TW last night. I had a phoenix on me, but all it did was follow me around and never attack for some odd reason. It was from the other guild too so it could have killed me but never did.

    The only time veno pets killed me was when I had a fowl, a bee and one other pet all on me at once along with the venos nukeing me. Funny since I still run in arcane and have pretty crappy gear. Venos don't seem so overpowered to me. :p
    Main characters
    Celestial Sage Venomancer Zoe - 100
    Sage Barbarian Malego - 91
  • Miatemaro - Heavens Tear
    Miatemaro - Heavens Tear Posts: 700 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    I think the people that complain bout them being over powered - should re roll and get a phoenix then.

    If your complaining bout A PHOENIX skill glitch then say that instead of 'venomancers are OP'..Complain bout a glitched skill thats it.

    Yet the funny thing is its not even the skill that is glitched. Its the damage reduction that is glitched. They are just to damn **** to learn anything.
    working it Q_Q
This discussion has been closed.