Think venomancers are overpowered? Please read.



  • Saitada - Sanctuary
    Saitada - Sanctuary Posts: 3,220 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    Triple post wtf?
  • Maiya - Lost City
    Maiya - Lost City Posts: 2,686 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    Saitada scares me. b:surrender
  • Prowler - Heavens Tear
    Prowler - Heavens Tear Posts: 121 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    Simple. With your pet heal, keep it healed till the mob is dead. Then unsummon/resummon it. I don't see a problem.

    This amazingly ignorant post begs the question: Won't you please reveal your main, instead of hiding behind an anonymous posting avatar?

    If the pet is debuffed, it dies. Fast. Try Krimson with a lvl 88 herc.
    Prowler (Venomancer) on Heaven's Tear

    Former Leader of QuestSeek: International level 3 faction.
  • Saitada - Sanctuary
    Saitada - Sanctuary Posts: 3,220 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    This amazingly ignorant post begs the question: Won't you please reveal your main, instead of hiding behind an anonymous posting avatar?

    If the pet is debuffed, it dies. Fast. Try Krimson with a lvl 88 herc.
    Prowler, Chipsing1234 knows everything there is to know about Veno's and their pets, he ran one to level 20 and has observed them at higher levels, therefore feels qualified to say what he says.

  • Niamy - Sanctuary
    Niamy - Sanctuary Posts: 269 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    I have think about the antiveno and i get a conclusion...
    The true is just the most part(not all) the antiveno are hypocrites... why i say that? really simply... now u say:
    Veno is overpower, nerf veno, veno can solo bosses, veno can glitch bosses, the bramble guard is unfair, etc etc... but know what? when you get help from veno in that moment the veno is the best, the veno is god, yes thanks DEVS for venos.
    - When u need a boss and can't get squad and a veno offer to you help and he/she glitch the boss in that moment you dont say nothing.
    - When you need bramle and a veno give u bramble is the best.
    - When you need lure, "oh yes, venos re welcome".
    - When u can't do a quest or take long time and a veno offer help u re happy.
    And lots of examples... but when a veno look for a zhen
    - Get out u re useless.
    - A veno? hahaha no thanks.
    - Veno sux in zhen get out.
    - etc etc
    So guys don't be hypocrites, the life of veno is not the more easy...


    PS: if someone feels offended, my apologies, but is the true.
    Venomancer 82
    Cleric 55
    Barbarian 32
    Wizard 54
    Believe me when I tell you will not want to test my anger...
  • Kingpiccolo - Heavens Tear
    Kingpiccolo - Heavens Tear Posts: 419 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    Receiving help from a Veno is not hypocritical unless you are against helping people.
  • Faustinna - Heavens Tear
    Faustinna - Heavens Tear Posts: 176 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    I have think about the antiveno and i get a conclusion...
    The true is just the most part(not all) the antiveno are hypocrites... why i say that? really simply... now u say:
    Veno is overpower, nerf veno, veno can solo bosses, veno can glitch bosses, the bramble guard is unfair, etc etc... but know what? when you get help from veno in that moment the veno is the best, the veno is god, yes thanks DEVS for venos.
    - When u need a boss and can't get squad and a veno offer to you help and he/she glitch the boss in that moment you dont say nothing.
    - When you need bramle and a veno give u bramble is the best.
    - When you need lure, "oh yes, venos re welcome".
    - When u can't do a quest or take long time and a veno offer help u re happy.
    And lots of examples... but when a veno look for a zhen
    - Get out u re useless.
    - A veno? hahaha no thanks.
    - Veno sux in zhen get out.
    - etc etc
    So guys don't be hypocrites, the life of veno is not the more easy...


    PS: if someone feels offended, my apologies, but is the true.

    I can honestly say the life of a veno is easier then a cleric. And btw, for every one time a veno helps me i help 100 veno's. So i think i'm free to comment on that. My veno friends don't spend 1/100 in coins that i do on charms, always have more money then me because it costs them nothing, and once they get herc and phoenix they're pretty much done. I know that costs like 200$, but i've spent 200$ on this game so far and all i have to show for it is clothes. Give me a 200$ spell. One that turns me into a super tank, another pvp massacre. b:victory
  • Niamy - Sanctuary
    Niamy - Sanctuary Posts: 269 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    Receiving help from a Veno is not hypocritical unless you are against helping people.

    i meant those ppl just criticizes the venos and after they go and ask for veno's help.
    And no, im not against help ppl... i always help and always just i can offer help, not only for FB.
    I can honestly say the life of a veno is easier then a cleric. And btw, for every one time a veno helps me i help 100 veno's. So i think i'm free to comment on that. My veno friends don't spend 1/100 in coins that i do on charms, always have more money then me because it costs them nothing, and once they get herc and phoenix they're pretty much done. I know that costs like 200$, but i've spent 200$ on this game so far and all i have to show for it is clothes. Give me a 200$ spell. One that turns me into a super tank, another pvp massacre. b:victory

    well u must be unlucky with the venos u know... i alway help to everyone who ask me help(except if im in other party off course... meybe with a clon).
    And im agree with that just must be implemented any power item for other classes.

    One of the things just ppl don't understand is just ALL venos re agree with fix the phoenix... so don't insist more with that.
    Venomancer 82
    Cleric 55
    Barbarian 32
    Wizard 54
    Believe me when I tell you will not want to test my anger...
  • Foxx_trott - Heavens Tear
    Foxx_trott - Heavens Tear Posts: 802 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    I can honestly say the life of a veno is easier then a cleric. And btw, for every one time a veno helps me i help 100 veno's. So i think i'm free to comment on that. My veno friends don't spend 1/100 in coins that i do on charms, always have more money then me because it costs them nothing, and once they get herc and phoenix they're pretty much done. I know that costs like 200$, but i've spent 200$ on this game so far and all i have to show for it is clothes. Give me a 200$ spell. One that turns me into a super tank, another pvp massacre. b:victory

    I think it is pretty close minded, to say just because maybe you help more than some others help you. So therefore it must be the same game wide, making your own single experience the rule for the game in general.

    Hell, I'm a veno, and 90% of the help I've gotten has been from other venos, lol. But I'm not ignorant enuf to stand here and say, just because this is the way it's been for me. It is the way it is for everyone else. Who died and made you king of the rest of us?

    And how in the hell can you sit here and say how much money others have and make? Not all venos play the same. Yeah some farm rare pets and make cash. But those are not the majority. if this was the case, rare pets would exceed venos 10 to 1. And the costs of them would be nill.

    Yes there is some venos who farm zones, and make some cash. But not all do this either. Some sit in the cube day in and day out. We all play differently. Some have cash, some don't. Some spend hundreds of dollars of real money to play. Others don't. Don't sit here and act all knowing, all seeing, and pretend you know the most intimate detail of other peoples accounts.

    You might be a nice guy, I dunno. I'm not gonna accuse you of anything other than maybe sitting on a horse too high. Earlier tonight, I seen you call someone pure evil on another thread. I think your starting to cross over the line a bit into lunacy. You might wanna take a step back, and rethink your zealousness a tad.
    You will never do anything in this world without courage.
    It is the greatest quality of the mind next to honor.
  • Saitada - Sanctuary
    Saitada - Sanctuary Posts: 3,220 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    Some More Facts for you.

    TT 1-2 Solo Mode Drops (from 24 mobs and 2 Bosses, time averaged for each run... 1 hour, including time outside of TT, putting stuff in bank, repairing armor, NPCing DQ and running back to do another TT after resetting the instance... and bathroom breaks.[I drink a lot of coffee])

    Run 1:

    Initial Cost -55000 for Ultimate Substance
    Repairs: -308

    Chientiens Armor Shard (+15000ea - lowest offer on server): 1
    Framework of Drum (+250000ea - lowest offer on server): 1
    Mirage Celestones (+20000ea - What I sell them for): 3
    Mysterious Skull (+3000ea - lowest offer on server): 2
    Seele Token (+2900): 1
    Element Diamond (+2900): 0
    Strong Venom (+2900): 1
    Flat Peach (+2900): 1
    Element Core (+3350): 0
    Lethal Venom (+3350): 1
    Jade Juyi (+3350): 1
    Broken Cyan Jade (+1080): 0
    Glaze (+500): 1
    Crusade Order III:A (+20000): 0
    Azureworm Silk (+500): 0

    Total Profit for the run: 291592 coin

    Run 2:

    Initial Cost -55000 for Ultimate Substance
    Repairs: -299

    Chientiens Armor Shard (+15000ea - lowest offer on server): 1
    Framework of Drum (+250000ea - lowest offer on server): 0
    Mirage Celestones (+20000ea - What I sell them for): 2
    Mysterious Skull (+3000ea - lowest offer on server): 5
    Seele Token (+2900): 0
    Element Diamond (+2900): 3
    Strong Venom (+2900): 2
    Flat Peach (+2900): 1
    Element Core (+3350): 1
    Lethal Venom (+3350): 2
    Jade Juyi (+3350): 0
    Broken Cyan Jade (+1080): 1
    Glaze (+500): 0
    Crusade Order III:A (+20000): 0
    Azureworm Silk (+500): 0

    Total Profit for the run: 43231

    Run 3:

    Initial Cost -55000 for Ultimate Substance
    Repairs: -918

    Chientiens Armor Shard (+15000ea - lowest offer on server): 0
    Framework of Drum (+250000ea - lowest offer on server): 0
    Mirage Celestones (+20000ea - What I sell them for): 3
    Mysterious Skull (+3000ea - lowest offer on server): 4
    Seele Token (+2900): 0
    Element Diamond (+2900): 3
    Strong Venom (+2900): 3
    Flat Peach (+2900): 1
    Element Core (+3350): 1
    Lethal Venom (+3350): 1
    Jade Juyi (+3350): 0
    Broken Cyan Jade (+1080): 0
    Glaze (+500): 0
    Crusade Order III:A (+20000): 1
    Azureworm Silk (+500): 0

    Total Profit for the run: 63082

    Run 4:

    Initial Cost -55000 for Ultimate Substance
    Repairs: -167

    Chientiens Armor Shard (+15000ea - lowest offer on server): 1
    Framework of Drum (+250000ea - lowest offer on server): 1
    Mirage Celestones (+20000ea - What I sell them for): 2
    Mysterious Skull (+3000ea - lowest offer on server): 4
    Seele Token (+2900): 0
    Element Diamond (+2900): 2
    Strong Venom (+2900): 2
    Flat Peach (+2900): 0
    Element Core (+3350): 1
    Lethal Venom (+3350): 0
    Jade Juyi (+3350): 0
    Broken Cyan Jade (+1080): 0
    Glaze (+500): 0
    Crusade Order III:A (+20000): 1
    Azureworm Silk (+500): 1

    Total Profit for the run: 277283

    Run 5:

    Initial Cost -55000 for Ultimate Substance
    Repairs: -436

    Chientiens Armor Shard (+15000ea - lowest offer on server): 1
    Framework of Drum (+250000ea - lowest offer on server): 0
    Mirage Celestones (+20000ea - What I sell them for): 4
    Mysterious Skull (+3000ea - lowest offer on server): 4
    Seele Token (+2900): 1
    Element Diamond (+2900): 0
    Strong Venom (+2900): 1
    Flat Peach (+2900): 0
    Element Core (+3350): 0
    Lethal Venom (+3350): 2
    Jade Juyi (+3350): 0
    Broken Cyan Jade (+1080): 0
    Glaze (+500): 0
    Crusade Order III:A (+20000): 0
    Azureworm Silk (+500): 0

    Total Profit for the run: 64064

    running TT 1-2 profit total: 739252 coins = 147850.4 coins per hour

    I think that is hardly a significant amount of coin per hour. I will grant that other Veno's can run the TT faster if they choose to ignore 7 of the mobs I kill. I'm more cautious and clear anything that might possibly agro me in the TT.

    This is 5 runs. I can make more grinding mobs in an hour, than I make doing TT runs. Again, this is only from my experience. Others experience will vary, some slower, some faster. some will get better drops, some worse. I would say though that on average, in a 10 run series, based on my experience in TT 1-2, I make between 120k - 150k per hour. Hardly the super uber earning power so many claim Veno's have by doing TT runs (maybe higher level runs that improves, but not 1-1 & 1-2 runs). Oh and on a side note, The two Framework of Drums... I kept for my own armor. I didn't sell them.


    *edit* I purchased the Ultimate subs. Had I farmed the matts for them, you could add 3 more hours at least to this. So lets see. 5+3=8 hours... that would mean... 126781.5 coin per hour earned doing TT 1-2 solo mode.

    hmmm doesn't look so good for Veno's Uber Earning ability through TT runs......
  • Saitada - Sanctuary
    Saitada - Sanctuary Posts: 3,220 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    I freely admit the above may or may not be the average time Veno's my level go through TT 1-2. I tend to be a bit more cautious in instances and single pull each mob, even though my Herc can handle a double or triple pull easy enough. If I were more aggressive in TT 1-2, I'm sure I could shorten the time to 45 minutes or less for each run, but I'd also end up with higher repair bills and a few deaths here and there by managing to **** off the wrong mobs at the wrong times. My current repair bills are because some mobs will walk right past my pet, ignoring it completely, and then agro on me after doing so.

    Anyway. There you go.


    P.S. You can actually make more by purchasing Ultimate Subs already made, than you can by farming the matts for them because you have to take into consideration the time it took you to farm the matts for the subs, when you calculate your profit margin. Failing to do that throws your calculations off significantly and gives a falsely elevated profit margin.
  • Torsay - Sanctuary
    Torsay - Sanctuary Posts: 210 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    You can make more than 147850.4 coins per hour because you are a veno.

    I am light armored cleric so i can't farm money that fast. Maybe if I had spirit charm then I could but that's just waste of money.

    So I just meditate a lot to gain mana. Meditating time and fighting time are almost the same for me. That means I fight only for half time the other half I just sit. I sit when you fight, get it?

    Does a veno need mana charm while farming? No.

    So in that way you are overpowered.

    I am not gonna talk about soloing TTs. You've got the possibility to solo TTs. I don't.

    Nothing about that is gonna change. Devs aren't watching this forum. They are propably busy making another pieces of clothes.

    Why is this thread so long?
  • Saitada - Sanctuary
    Saitada - Sanctuary Posts: 3,220 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    You can make more than 147850.4 coins per hour because you are a veno.

    I am light armored cleric so i can't farm money that fast. Maybe if I had spirit charm then I could but that's just waste of money.

    So I just meditate a lot to gain mana. Meditating time and fighting time are almost the same for me. That means I fight only for half time the other half I just sit. I sit when you fight, get it?

    Does a veno need mana charm while farming? No.

    So in that way you are overpowered.

    I am not gonna talk about soloing TTs. You've got the possibility to solo TTs. I don't.

    Nothing about that is gonna change. Devs aren't watching this forum. They are propably busy making another pieces of clothes.

    Why is this thread so long?

    You missed the entire point of what I posted above completely. NM it doesn't matter anyway.

  • Obsessed - Heavens Tear
    Obsessed - Heavens Tear Posts: 670 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    You can make more than 147850.4 coins per hour because you are a veno.

    I am light armored cleric so i can't farm money that fast. Maybe if I had spirit charm then I could but that's just waste of money.

    So I just meditate a lot to gain mana. Meditating time and fighting time are almost the same for me. That means I fight only for half time the other half I just sit. I sit when you fight, get it?

    Does a veno need mana charm while farming? No.

    So in that way you are overpowered.

    I am not gonna talk about soloing TTs. You've got the possibility to solo TTs. I don't.

    Nothing about that is gonna change. Devs aren't watching this forum. They are propably busy making another pieces of clothes.

    Why is this thread so long?
    Grab a mount, go mat farming, ---> 100~ mats per hour ---> 250~300k an hour.
  • Kodioko - Sanctuary
    Kodioko - Sanctuary Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    My main character's a Veno and I don't think its over powered at all =/

    Sure, a pet is a huge help but if I walk into a giant mob I'm toast. A pet can only live for so long, especially if its taking most the arggo. Even then you are still getting you butt whooped by the enemies your pet can't fight.

    Sure veno's have some advantages but so do all the other classes.
    Personally I think my archer is way better than my Veno b:laugh

    Sorry if I'm just babbling nonsense.

    I just really dont understand why everyone is hating on the veno's so much XD
  • Zoe - Heavens Tear
    Zoe - Heavens Tear Posts: 3,814 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    Here I made a poster about this topic.

    I died 4 times trying to pull him.
    Main characters
    Celestial Sage Venomancer Zoe - 100
    Sage Barbarian Malego - 91
  • Eternalnub - Heavens Tear
    Eternalnub - Heavens Tear Posts: 393 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    You can make more than 147850.4 coins per hour because you are a veno.

    I am light armored cleric so i can't farm money that fast. Maybe if I had spirit charm then I could but that's just waste of money.

    So I just meditate a lot to gain mana. Meditating time and fighting time are almost the same for me. That means I fight only for half time the other half I just sit. I sit when you fight, get it?

    Does a veno need mana charm while farming? No.

    So in that way you are overpowered.

    I am not gonna talk about soloing TTs. You've got the possibility to solo TTs. I don't.

    Nothing about that is gonna change. Devs aren't watching this forum. They are propably busy making another pieces of clothes.

    Why is this thread so long?

    why u didnt make veno when u started playing ? stop crying...make that damn superpower veno and come then cry here that blaa why veno's pet skills cost so much and why every1 can 1 hit me why noone wana party with me after lvl60 etc.. :)
    EDIT: what comes to soloing TT its not worth anymore last 3 solo 2-1 runs i got mirages and skulls and each run cost 2x subs

    EDIT2: lolz Zoe ^^
  • dieseasily
    dieseasily Posts: 166 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    ****Sarcasm Alert****

    Ok I went and made a Veno. And I am now almost as knowlegable as chip is since my veno is now lvl 15. And CLEARLY he is right. Im mean so far I have not had to spend any money on my character other then for some skills. I have had armor given to me, and I have found pots to use and keep my mp up when it gets low, and I mobs keep droping money when I attack them.
    ****Sarcasm Alert****

    Can we let this thread die please? Its a dumb arguement. Venos are not the best at anyone thing. They are designed to be a soloing class, so the are proficient at everything. And since they do not have to share their drops with a party, they make a little more money overall because they do not need to buy as many pots as mage classes or repair as often as melee classes, but they do have more expensive skills and other equipment that those classes do not have to buy. They do not need to be nerfed at all. The only thing I will agree with as far as complaints is the flesh ream skill bug. I am not going to agree with the need to nerf pheonix or herc as they are legendary pets that should do legendary damage. $200 is alot to spend so they should be alot stronger then any free pet that can be captured in game.
    Dumb people are blissfully unaware of how dumb they really are. - Patrick Starfish
  • raven
    raven Posts: 241 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    i got high lvl barbarian archer cleric and venomancer on 2 server

    i can say

    1)venomancer spend nothing for lvling with 3 skill for recover 100% mp and hp and with cheap pet heal(consume almost no mp) all drops that you pick up turn in coins

    2)venomancer is faster pve class..kill all mobs in no time flying or land meele or magical doesnt matter ur build light/heavy/robe

    3)venomancer is best pvp class...with or whitout phoenix venomancer is best class has 2 godly debuff skill(amplify and scarab) purge(remove all enemy buff)..with phoenix is only unkillable 1 vs 1(with decent gears) you can kill destroy players 10 level more high with bleed.

    4)hercules tank better than barbarian and spend nothing(no repair or hiero cost) with hercules there is really no point to train 1 barbarian.

    venomancer is only a OP class dev team of this game dont want to nerf this class and ther eis no reason....compared to other online games PW is game with class more unbalanced of ever(veno)

    who defend venomancer class saying it isnt op known nothing about pw or never plyed another class different from veno.
  • Airugon - Lost City
    Airugon - Lost City Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    it seems like archers are pretty much useless for anything besides TW and suprise pvp and thats not coolb:angry
  • Jrudora - Lost City
    Jrudora - Lost City Posts: 445 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    it seems like archers are pretty much useless for anything besides TW and suprise pvp and thats not coolb:angry

    Beg to differ.
    Sharpened Tooth does wonders in world boss parties :P
    Or any fbs / hh runs really.
  • Eternalnub - Heavens Tear
    Eternalnub - Heavens Tear Posts: 393 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    raven wrote: »
    i got high lvl barbarian archer cleric and venomancer on 2 server

    i can say

    1)venomancer spend nothing for lvling with 3 skill for recover 100% mp and hp and with cheap pet heal(consume almost no mp) all drops that you pick up turn in coins

    2)venomancer is faster pve class..kill all mobs in no time flying or land meele or magical doesnt matter ur build light/heavy/robe

    3)venomancer is best pvp class...with or whitout phoenix venomancer is best class has 2 godly debuff skill(amplify and scarab) purge(remove all enemy buff)..with phoenix is only unkillable 1 vs 1(with decent gears) you can kill destroy players 10 level more high with bleed.

    4)hercules tank better than barbarian and spend nothing(no repair or hiero cost) with hercules there is really no point to train 1 barbarian.

    venomancer is only a OP class dev team of this game dont want to nerf this class and ther eis no reason....compared to other online games PW is game with class more unbalanced of ever(veno)

    who defend venomancer class saying it isnt op known nothing about pw or never plyed another class different from veno.

    uhm u fail at all u lie that u have high lvl veno u dont know anything except yea hercules is good but it cost alot + need buy skills and remember that after lvl60 veno is not welcome to any party except for some fb's and in pvp veno sux even with nix..and if u cant kill veno who has nix u dunno how to play :)
  • Jrudora - Lost City
    Jrudora - Lost City Posts: 445 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    uhm u fail at all u lie that u have high lvl veno u dont know anything except yea hercules is good but it cost alot + need buy skills and remember that after lvl60 veno is not welcome to any party except for some fb's and in pvp veno sux even with nix..and if u cant kill veno who has nix u dunno how to play :)

    Easier said than done.
    The range the pets can be sent to attack is enormous, even further than the range of an archer's attack.
    Why don't you give us some tips on how to win in a pvp situation when the venomancer is farther than your attack range, flying the opposite direction from you while sending their phoenix at you, FROM the air... while the phoenix's bleed does not suffer any damage penalties (even air to ground penalties).

    If you can tell us how a class can win... then I'll accept the fact that people who can't kill venos with a nix really lack sense about the game.
  • mbrunestud
    mbrunestud Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    Beg to differ.
    Sharpened Tooth does wonders in world boss parties :P
    Or any fbs / hh runs really.

    ok so r u saying we lvl up to the 60's before any party considers us? i don't think thats very convincing. i know sharpened tooth gets learned b4 that but at lvl 1 its like 2.5%. (10% at lvl 69...something i've yet to experience)
  • raven
    raven Posts: 241 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    uhm u fail at all u lie that u have high lvl veno u dont know anything except yea hercules is good but it cost alot + need buy skills and remember that after lvl60 veno is not welcome to any party except for some fb's and in pvp veno sux even with nix..and if u cant kill veno who has nix u dunno how to play :)

    this post is soooo stupid lol

    hercules cost nothing can buy for only 20m and farm 100m in 1 week using hercules

    i got archers 97 on oracle cleric 100 on oracle lvl 95 barbarian on lost city lvl 75 venomancer on lost city

    lol you are a total idiot but ok i realized now you play on heaven tear so you cant speak about pvp....
  • dieseasily
    dieseasily Posts: 166 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    PLEASE let this dumb thread die. Everyone who is saying that Venos are overpowered, nerf them have yet to post REAL facts. And the real facts, the rankings showing that Archers are highest level and highest at PVP are ignored because it doesn't suit your needs. The only VALID complaint I can see is that 1 Veno pet skill is bugged.
    Dumb people are blissfully unaware of how dumb they really are. - Patrick Starfish
  • Eternalnub - Heavens Tear
    Eternalnub - Heavens Tear Posts: 393 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    raven wrote: »
    this post is soooo stupid lol

    hercules cost nothing can buy for only 20m and farm 100m in 1 week using hercules

    i got archers 97 on oracle cleric 100 on oracle lvl 95 barbarian on lost city lvl 75 venomancer on lost city

    lol you are a total idiot but ok i realized now you play on heaven tear so you cant speak about pvp....

    i have friends lvl 80-101 on delphi server and they lol'd at this topic and u after reading 100mil in 1 week wow u must be very pro :)
  • xxxdsmer
    xxxdsmer Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    Archers spam criticals on everything, though for some odd reason they do miss a lot. They also have the largest attack range of any class and a very high attack speed.

    Wizards have some crazy as heck damage but long casting times as a result. They tend to die fast.

    Well, thats my contribution. Should be interesting to see what this topic leads to.

    since when is only .6 something attacks per second a very high attack speed? lol
    i'm pro all classes, and against none in particular..
    but the age old QQ about venos is just that. OLD.
    QQ'd about a nix lately? check out this thread n tell me who's "OP" lol..
    (copy and paste this to address bar):
  • OMGLAZERZ - Heavens Tear
    OMGLAZERZ - Heavens Tear Posts: 2,327 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    Easier said than done.
    The range the pets can be sent to attack is enormous, even further than the range of an archer's attack.
    Why don't you give us some tips on how to win in a pvp situation when the venomancer is farther than your attack range, flying the opposite direction from you while sending their phoenix at you, FROM the air... while the phoenix's bleed does not suffer any damage penalties (even air to ground penalties).

    If you can tell us how a class can win... then I'll accept the fact that people who can't kill venos with a nix really lack sense about the game.

    All venos send nixs to attack from max range.

    Is this what you are saying?
  • Aesthor - Heavens Tear
    Aesthor - Heavens Tear Posts: 3,845 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    Why did someone zombie-res this thread?
    ಥ_ಥ MOAR.
    SkyKoC - How long is yours?
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