Restoring the balance of power.



  • Deadbone - Sanctuary
    Deadbone - Sanctuary Posts: 292 Arc User
    edited December 2008

    their lead never trash talk, they avoid drama, realy few of them pk even...

    PS: im inactive but still take news of my friends in PWI, why i shouldnt have the right to say what i think just because im inactive? since when this forum is a dictatureship?

    The first statement is ********, the second statement is why you believe the first.
  • Oishasan - Sanctuary
    Oishasan - Sanctuary Posts: 217 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    I'm new to the server, and to PWI, but not new to Realm vs Realm and PvP.

    That said, the map currently heavily favors Nefarious.

    Good for them, if you took them PvE-style, even better for you, but here's the deal...
    You need to hold them,
    if you don't think nor planned to actually 'fight' to hold these lands, then you shouldn't have taken them;
    nor should you complain when other guilds are banding together to attempt take them from you.

    You should relish in it, and tempt them to face you...
    that is..if you...
    are worthy of holding the lands in the first place.

    Either way,
    good luck to all the factions in the upcoming battles, which I hope ensue..
    and not just forum banter.
    Light Armor build, Support Cleric

    Barbarian, feral build

    Arcane Veno
    Beetle Wrangler
  • Stickygreen - Heavens Tear
    Stickygreen - Heavens Tear Posts: 2,158 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    I'm new to the server, and to PWI, but not new to Realm vs Realm and PvP.

    That said, the map currently heavily favors Nefarious.

    Good for them, if you took them PvE-style, even better for you, but here's the deal...
    You need to hold them,
    if you don't think nor planned to actually 'fight' to hold these lands, then you shouldn't have taken them;
    nor should you complain when other guilds are banding together to attempt take them from you.

    You should relish in it, and tempt them to face you...
    that is..if you...
    are worthy of holding the lands in the first place.

    Either way,
    good luck to all the factions in the upcoming battles, which I hope ensue..
    and not just forum banter.

    OMG a non carebear.. and hes new... AND hes level 25? OMG WTF? AND ON SANCTUARY!!!

    +1 to you my friend
    Less QQ more Pew Pewb:thanks

    "Don't argue with an idiot. They bring you down to their level, and beat you with experience."

  • Oishasan - Sanctuary
    Oishasan - Sanctuary Posts: 217 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    Don't listen to sticky.

    Well said, Well spoken.
    Light Armor build, Support Cleric

    Barbarian, feral build

    Arcane Veno
    Beetle Wrangler
  • Zero_cool - Sanctuary
    Zero_cool - Sanctuary Posts: 25 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    The first statement is ********, the second statement is why you believe the first.

    deadbone, i know sasaki been talking to you many times to solve problems as a gentleman conversation between 2 guild leaders... so why do you criticise the lead now?

    and dont worry, i know enought my old guild ;)

    also that from someone i saw pk 4 vs 1 and then trash talk to me when i make the remarke ( no matter who you pked), you not on the best position to make comment about people behavor on the server.
  • dorm
    dorm Posts: 41 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    So Nish you do admit you made things completely up to justify more your attack on shockwave? Because it wasnt in a humour way to trash talk another guild indirectly, such things as what godsfear says can be taking humoursly, but not claiming they bribe other guilds when you also have 0 proof.

    And again, your ego can be taken into account, as your officer seems to have nothing to do with contacting outside of your guild, either bad diplomacy or a controlling guild, doesn't matter to me which one you feel saves you more face.

    You do like to avoid the topic of your diplomacy officer, but in my personal opinion, it blackens your entire guild in my eyes, as I said, condone or condemn, you made your choice. Mmo is a LOT about community, be it roleplaying as your character or as the real person you are.

    Next, she never demanded you apoligise to Lietivus, really, getting tired of contradicting your lies, I thought you said you were being kept honest? Anyway, she asked if it was possible for you to just say sorry to him so everything could be ok and he would join, doesn't matter though, after his hissy fit he got over it.

    You did not answer to dirty underhanded tricks, was shockwave perfectly legit in their attacks? or are you being underhanded, matters little to me which you choose, but again, be consistent for gods sake, your members aren't doing such a good job at "keeping you honest" in your main body of text.

    I said again, it's a reasonable stance to wish to band against nefarious, and asking people is the way a smaller guild would hope to defend against such a larger guild. However, your portrail of yourself is still incredibly infuriating and filled with such spin I find it necessary to post here even if I am also inactive.

    There is also speculation as to whether nefarious attacked you first, or you began your resistance first, if this speculation would be allowed, we just speculate you are paying everyone and their dogs to attack nefarious, rumours are easy to come up with and propagate.
  • dorm
    dorm Posts: 41 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    OMG a non carebear.. and hes new... AND hes level 25? OMG WTF? AND ON SANCTUARY!!!

    +1 to you my friend

    Lot of people in sanctuary are from PvP games, and quite a few from high positions, I fail to see why sanctuary is carebear compared to heaven tears? This is a thread about propaganda, I am sorry there are not enough your mum jokes or whatever is your staple usage of insults.
  • Zero_cool - Sanctuary
    Zero_cool - Sanctuary Posts: 25 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    When you left, you were welcome back, right up until you decided that your private and personal matter with Ami_ was something that needed to be broadcast over world chat, and ridiculed in Nefarious faction chat.

    yes it was personnal and i didnt get your guild involve in that.
    i just explained when i left the guild, that i didnt understand him, neither the position you have toward it..

    i said in world chat "ami is a dude and not a girl, dont believe if he say so" that is the truth.. i dont see where saying the truth is a drama?

    i add no other comment about it, but for ppl that ami dupe by saying he is a girl, i feel like i dont want them behing lie to like me.
  • psihi
    psihi Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    I am EVIL so EVIL fear my Evil Evil ways and run in terror.
    Nishtara guy when you decide to come out of your huge ego shell talk to me. Because when you dislike me for making *dirty* money but have no problem whatsoever taking that *dirty* money from me you CANNOT act all high and mighty and accuse me of anything.

    I DARE any past or current Nefarious member to accuse me of taking money unfair from them.But for **** sake bring some damn proof.
    Until then keep my name out of your childish posts please.
    Over and Out.
  • bobzilla21
    bobzilla21 Posts: 694 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    well, if you're so evil, doesn't that mean we shouldn't listen to you?
    I figured I should do something with my sig, so I made this for fun. My very first (poorly made) animation. b:victory
    As for why Luffy is murdering Naruto, I have no idea either, but it looks cool.b:laugh
  • Oishasan - Sanctuary
    Oishasan - Sanctuary Posts: 217 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    word on the street is:

    Psihi is actually ...

    Zhu Khang.
    Light Armor build, Support Cleric

    Barbarian, feral build

    Arcane Veno
    Beetle Wrangler
  • Deadbone - Sanctuary
    Deadbone - Sanctuary Posts: 292 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    deadbone, i know sasaki been talking to you many times to solve problems as a gentleman conversation between 2 guild leaders... so why do you criticise the lead now?

    and dont worry, i know enought my old guild ;)

    also that from someone i saw pk 4 vs 1 and then trash talk to me when i make the remarke ( no matter who you pked), you not on the best position to make comment about people behavor on the server.

    Sasaki is fine, the other two parts of that statement are incorrect. Almost your whole guild is in pk mode, and cry when i kill them. I don't fight 4v1, unless its against higher lvls. Do you remember when i killed your executor, and she brought 4 lvl 80s to fight me? Being just barely lvl 70 myself. Don't judge me, your not around to see me. Last time you did, you were crying that i was grinding in your grind spot, even though i was far off in my own section of mobs. Its quite obvious you aren't very mature, thus my arguement with you is over. Please save this thread for current active members, because your QQ is worthless. b:bye
  • Zero_cool - Sanctuary
    Zero_cool - Sanctuary Posts: 25 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    Sasaki is fine, the other two parts of that statement are incorrect. Almost your whole guild is in pk mode, and cry when i kill them. I don't fight 4v1, unless its against higher lvls. Do you remember when i killed your executor, and she brought 4 lvl 80s to fight me? Being just barely lvl 70 myself. Don't judge me, your not around to see me. Last time you did, you were crying that i was grinding in your grind spot, even though i was far off in my own section of mobs. Its quite obvious you aren't very mature, thus my arguement with you is over. Please save this thread for current active members, because your QQ is worthless. b:bye

    thats strange, you complening about nefarious that are in pk mode.. and when i wasnt (as im never in pk mode), you call me a ***** cause i was in blue lol.. thats for sure a realy mature attitude from you..

    i think that ask you to move a bit form the spot when there is 2 ppl on exp scroll is not a big deal lol especialy when you come after and start to grind on the spot... its not crying.. its strange how seppuku members always turn simple fact and truth into a drama..

    and you have nothing to tell me about expressing myself when im inactive, here is not seppuku dictatureship..
  • Deadbone - Sanctuary
    Deadbone - Sanctuary Posts: 292 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    thats strange, you complening about nefarious that are in pk mode.. and when i wasnt (as im never in pk mode), you call me a ***** cause i was in blue lol.. thats for sure a realy mature attitude from you..

    i think that ask you to move a bit form the spot when there is 2 ppl on exp scroll is not a big deal lol especialy when you come after and start to grind on the spot... its not crying.. its strange how seppuku members always turn simple fact and truth into a drama..

    and you have nothing to tell me about expressing myself when im inactive, here is not seppuku dictatureship..

    Not complaining about you pvp wise, never called you a *****. But again you judge a person you don't know off of actions that never happened. And its strange how you think I'm a Seppuku member just by posting in this thread. Don't you have something better to do than troll these forums, like oh i don't know...Play the game?
  • AraIyn - Sanctuary
    AraIyn - Sanctuary Posts: 9 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    Nishtara you contedict yourself with every sentence you say, you claim you want to stop the evil nefarious for acomplishing somthing. when you only wish you could do the same. you ditched eve because you were unsucsessful, so now you come here and make the same mistake? that remains your own fault. b:laugh
    you burned all your bridges already, you dont get 109 kills on a pve server fighting people your level. oops did i notice that?b:chuckle if people forget so quickly who actually oposes them then so be it.b:victory

    *not on behalf of nefarious*
    this is my opinion, not the opinion of nefarious
  • Astoru - Heavens Tear
    Astoru - Heavens Tear Posts: 822 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    You know, this thread actually made me curious enough to make a character in Sanctuary just to see what's going on. All I have to say is this:


    You think that there is an inbalance of power? Go take a look in Heavens Tear; we have 4 ENORMOUS super-factions that control the ENTIRE map, and no outside faction even stands a chance against them. Just do in your server what factions have been trying on our server against RoC; get a bunch of guilds to gang-bang on a single faction. RoC had like, 7-8 TW's in a single weekend, granted that they only lost against my guild (Radiance). That's the only way to get things done against powerful guilds, unless you can just overpower them.
    ●Wizard (Male) - Fasditious and pretentious, carries the arrogance of intellectual superiority. Feels the need to remind everyone of his world-ending power, but grows a little manic and unhinged when he finally is allowed to unleash it. "Ahh-hahahahaha!! NOW YOU ALL BURN!!!!"
  • AraIyn - Sanctuary
    AraIyn - Sanctuary Posts: 9 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    another thing nishtara you bring my name up in here for smack talking lmfao. smacktalking ? really? have you sunk that low as to try and discredit me? maybe the reason i had nothing good to say about you after you left is THERE WAS NOTHING GOOD TO SAY! after you left the guild had no regret whatsoever, you complain about anything that moves. and your not happy unless you are on top (which right now you are not) and you will inlist the help of any faction that will be baught off to help you. while in nefarious you said that voting was a joke! you said it was only to make the members of the guild belive that they have a say in what the leaders do! and do you not have a voting system in your faction at the moment? hm that seems kind of stange does it not? your lies twist your out of your mouth as ivy grows.. i think that anyone who truely belives your garbage can remain on *your side* of this war YOU have created
    again my opinion no afiliation with the opionion of nefarious as a whole
  • Earcher - Sanctuary
    Earcher - Sanctuary Posts: 36 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    Sasaki is fine, the other two parts of that statement are incorrect. Almost your whole guild is in pk mode, and cry when i kill them. I don't fight 4v1, unless its against higher lvls. Do you remember when i killed your executor, and she brought 4 lvl 80s to fight me? Being just barely lvl 70 myself. Don't judge me, your not around to see me. Last time you did, you were crying that i was grinding in your grind spot, even though i was far off in my own section of mobs. Its quite obvious you aren't very mature, thus my arguement with you is over. Please save this thread for current active members, because your QQ is worthless. b:bye
    The first statement is ********, the second statement is why you believe the first.

    deadbone, u should seriously reconsider what u have said here. there are 200 of us and less than 10 of us are active in pking. did any of us laugh like mad when we killed someone? or did we sell their dropped items? we go to pk just for fun and not to cause any problem or what. and that 4 lv80s to gank u is totally untrue. only 2 of the lv80+ here are white names and i dont remb any of us went to gank u.
    Elfen Lied is my life
  • Zero_cool - Sanctuary
    Zero_cool - Sanctuary Posts: 25 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    Not complaining about you pvp wise, never called you a *****. But again you judge a person you don't know off of actions that never happened. And its strange how you think I'm a Seppuku member just by posting in this thread. Don't you have something better to do than troll these forums, like oh i don't know...Play the game?

    i dont think you are in seppuku, i know you are in seppuku cause i saw you 2 days ago ;)

    i dont troll the forum, i actually barely write on it, this is the 2nd thread im taking part of.. and if you think that taking a part of a discussion is trolling, then you wrong..

    and about playing the game, i have done it already a lot, i was already lvl 60+ that you were not even lvl 30..

    so yeah i talk here cause i think its important to have all the informations in hand, and not only a biased part of the situation that nishtara want make us believe to serve his own interests
  • Nishtara - Sanctuary
    Nishtara - Sanctuary Posts: 52 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    Just do in your server what factions have been trying on our server against RoC; get a bunch of guilds to gang-bang on a single faction. RoC had like, 7-8 TW's in a single weekend, granted that they only lost against my guild (Radiance). That's the only way to get things done against powerful guilds, unless you can just overpower them.

    And that's what will happen shortly, and why this thread was started. It's funny, read the first post, then the 4 pages of irrelevant smack talk from Nefarious' current (and previous) members.

    Too funny.
    "Revolution is the creation of new living institutions, new groupings, new social relationships, it is the destruction of privileges and monopolies; it is the new spirit of justice, of brotherhood, of freedom which must renew the whole of social life, the moral level and the material conditions of the masses by calling on them to provide, through their direct and conscious action, for their own future."
  • Deadbone - Sanctuary
    Deadbone - Sanctuary Posts: 292 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    deadbone, u should seriously reconsider what u have said here. there are 200 of us and less than 10 of us are active in pking. did any of us laugh like mad when we killed someone? or did we sell their dropped items? we go to pk just for fun and not to cause any problem or what. and that 4 lv80s to gank u is totally untrue. only 2 of the lv80+ here are white names and i dont remb any of us went to gank u.

    Yes they did, just not you. You are very respectful in pvp as is blackybetty. Other members such as Bloodrose, Geog, and Saya are not. And yes they did gank me, you wouldn't know because you weren't there.
    i dont think you are in seppuku, i know you are in seppuku cause i saw you 2 days ago ;)

    i dont troll the forum, i actually barely write on it, this is the 2nd thread im taking part of.. and if you think that taking a part of a discussion is trolling, then you wrong..

    and about playing the game, i have done it already a lot, i was already lvl 60+ that you were not even lvl 30..

    so yeah i talk here cause i think its important to have all the informations in hand, and not only a biased part of the situation that nishtara want make us believe to serve his own interests

    Zero Cool you have no clue about anything, two days ago i was in Amplified. My point about playing the game is, you aren't there to witness live events. You hear bias rumors and drama stories, and make judgments upon them. You don't see or hear about everyone's point of view, just Nefarious's.

    And if you are inactive, how did u see me 2 days ago?
  • Nishtara - Sanctuary
    Nishtara - Sanctuary Posts: 52 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    did any of us laugh like mad when we killed someone? or did we sell their dropped items? we go to pk just for fun and not to cause any problem or what.

    That may be true with you earcher, but it's not true for all the other red names in Nefarious.

    Some of them like to laugh if you don't engage 1v3, saying "Better watch your back punk, mwahahahaha", and then keel over dead 30 seconds later. Then their 70+ wizard dies, then their faction leader dies. I had over 40 kills that day with 0 deaths, but you didn't see me laughing or calling anyone names.

    Still others feel the need to tell me about how they killed my faction members, like somehow that's supposed to make me care about them or their actions.

    There are some members in Nefarious who PvP that I have respect for, and some I just couldn't care less about. The same probably goes for any faction.

    It's funny how AraIyn brings up EVE, it's fairly obvious he has absolutely no clue what he's talking about. I know there's one CCCP corporation member in Nef, who knows the name of the Alliance that I co-habitate space with when I play EVE Online, in my 3 player corp (me and 2 alts). Of course, anyone who has any clue of EVE knows how minuscule one persons actions are in that Universe, except AraIyn.

    GG. QQ.
    "Revolution is the creation of new living institutions, new groupings, new social relationships, it is the destruction of privileges and monopolies; it is the new spirit of justice, of brotherhood, of freedom which must renew the whole of social life, the moral level and the material conditions of the masses by calling on them to provide, through their direct and conscious action, for their own future."
  • Geogaddi - Sanctuary
    Geogaddi - Sanctuary Posts: 15 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    "You must acquire the trick of ignoring those who do not like you. In my experience, those who do not like you fall into two categories: The stupid and the envious. The stupid will like you in five years time. The envious, never."

    You will not benefit from helping Seppuko. I spoke with Nishtara on GSC (when he was in Nefarious), he is out for conquesting the whole map just like everyone else. You think if we lose land we will be less powerful - or it will slow us down? We are the strongest because we work hard, we strategize, we synchronize. I bust my **** as to make sure we are successful.

    Even if you take some of our Territory this week, what does that change?

    So you bring everyone together to take down Nefarious, you still have all the other people trying to insert themselves on the map. You still have the other Guilds already on the map. You still have to deal with Seppuko trying to Conquest the whole map. Deal with us on your OWN Seppuko, stop trying to conspire.

    I have never seen, on any other Server for Perfect World, such cheap tactics. I have never seen the pathetic propaganda attempts like this.

    Nefarious NEVER works together with other Guilds to take down others, and don't you dare say it is because of our power. It is because it is wrong! The pathetic thing about this whole situation is that this is what Nishtara, weeks ago, accused Shockwave of doing to Legendary. Yet he is doing it to us and no one has said anything about this.

    You want to bring balance, honor, and dignity back to the Server? Get this flaming propagandist (Nishtara) off of it.

    I hope while Seppuko still had access to our Private Forums (our own stupidity), you looked at the Sign Ups. The past two weeks we had well over 150 wanting to attend TW over the weekends. Our average level is 71 ranging from 54 to 88 (go MisTi duo).

    This is why Seppuko is afraid, this is why they want to conspire. With 150+ people we can defend 3 Territories a day (only three can attack per day I hope you all know) easily and still attack once a week. The great thing about this is if you do attack, all together, you'll make our Guild members that aren't able to attend due to max capacity happier. It all works out in the end because some of our members are growing impatient and would like to PvP.

    Just keep it clean and stop this.

    NOTE TO Nishtara: SasakiSayuri doesn't respond to you because he is inactive most of the time due to having a life. SasakiSayuri never said blacklist people in the Guild. The Rules STATE deal with issues in PMs, if they cannot be resolved PM an Executor, if intervention cannot resolve the issue take it to higher rankings. If the problem ends up in the Director's lap a decision will be made decisively and the resolution will not be favorable.

    Nefarious has came a long way with a lot of hard work on it's infrastructure. Do NOT make allegations you cannot back up.

    For those who do not know us well - base your opinion on what you know first hand with us, not from propaganda attempts.
  • Zero_cool - Sanctuary
    Zero_cool - Sanctuary Posts: 25 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    Yes they did, just not you. You are very respectful in pvp as is blackybetty. Other members such as Bloodrose, Geog, and Saya are not. And yes they did gank me, you wouldn't know because you weren't there.

    Zero Cool you have no clue about anything, two days ago i was in Amplified. My point about playing the game is, you aren't there to witness live events. You hear bias rumors and drama stories, and make judgments upon them. You don't see or hear about everyone's point of view, just Nefarious's.

    And if you are inactive, how did u see me 2 days ago?

    i saw you in seppuku, comon, dont lie, i even said to you on local chat " lol you left amplified" .. and yes im still doing daily quest lol... seriously stop saying i got no clue.. cause i still log each day on the game, im just not playing it..

    this is funny how i speak about nistara true will and say the truth about things that you transform to your advantage and you got no arguments about it but just attack me by lying or by my inactivity...

    oh and remember deadbone, i was in seppuku too before you even know about it.. and i talked a lot with nishtara as we were friends before and sinanju... so its not about rumors =)
  • dorm
    dorm Posts: 41 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    And that's what will happen shortly, and why this thread was started. It's funny, read the first post, then the 4 pages of irrelevant smack talk from Nefarious' current (and previous) members.

    Too funny.

    My first post was in response to you picking up on someones language.

    The rest of my body of text is against your inconsistancies and, annoying to me, blatant propaganda, claiming honesty when you are bare faced lying.

    You have yet to address any of my last post, for instance, shockwave were legit in their attacks and you were saying lies? or you are now saying lies? doesn't matter to me which you choose.

    I personally have stated that it is a reasonable stance against a larger guild, but your projection of the situation is ridiculous, and your motives, questionable.

    People are mostly smack talking you, for your threads, as they are full of inconsistancies, taking rumours as facts, and an obvious attempt to gain yourself as a position of honesty and right. This is not the case, you have yet to drop the ****.
  • Nishtara - Sanctuary
    Nishtara - Sanctuary Posts: 52 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    dorm wrote: »
    My first post was in response to you picking up on someones language.

    The rest of my body of text is against your inconsistancies and, annoying to me, blatant propaganda, claiming honesty when you are bare faced lying.

    You have yet to address any of my last post, for instance, shockwave were legit in their attacks and you were saying lies? or you are now saying lies? doesn't matter to me which you choose.

    Please re-read response #25.
    dorm wrote: »
    I personally have stated that it is a reasonable stance against a larger guild, but your projection of the situation is ridiculous, and your motives, questionable.

    People are mostly smack talking you, for your threads, as they are full of inconsistancies, taking rumours as facts, and an obvious attempt to gain yourself as a position of honesty and right. This is not the case, you have yet to drop the ****.

    You are welcome to your opinion of the situation. I'm still awaiting this supposed evidence of me trying to bribe factions into attacking Nefarious.
    "Revolution is the creation of new living institutions, new groupings, new social relationships, it is the destruction of privileges and monopolies; it is the new spirit of justice, of brotherhood, of freedom which must renew the whole of social life, the moral level and the material conditions of the masses by calling on them to provide, through their direct and conscious action, for their own future."
  • Zero_cool - Sanctuary
    Zero_cool - Sanctuary Posts: 25 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    nishtara, all the peoples that know you and read this know that we are true..

    so now friends might come defending you.. but you see, we were friends before(at least i saw you as friend), and im not defending you..
  • WindGaurdian - Sanctuary
    WindGaurdian - Sanctuary Posts: 326 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    Everyone know's to be able to attack a powerful group is to allie with each other and take each other down. Its not wrong. Look at WWI or WWII. Alliance is key to taking someone powerful down.

    Have you ever as a little kid, examined an ant colony? Ants work together to take down big things. (I know lame analogy)

    Well, just look at it this way Nefarious. Be glad someone is trying to take you guys down it shows your powerful. Just rise up and take any kind of challenge.


    (I take no sides. I did say I will attack Nefarious, but thats because I just wanna see for myself how strong are they b:pleased )
    Flying to continue my journey..
  • Ami_ - Sanctuary
    Ami_ - Sanctuary Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    Hello, i am Ami_ , the one you have read about in this thread smack talked by Zero_Cool and Dom. I would like to post a little about myself so all know whats happened and to what they are refering to in thier continued attacks in world chat about me. Please read and keep an open mind, ty.

    First of all, for the record, i did tell some friends that i am a woman in real life when in fact i am not. I am a single parent of 4 children i raised for over 10 yrs alone and thus HAVE been thier MOM and DAD. I do not Cyber, Nor try to have any Relationships of any kind beyond simple friendships. This has never been a sexual or perverted thing < thou i am sure some of you must have thought so not knowing me and hearing or reading what zero_cool keep bantering about , i was only a friend.......supportive, caring, kind, a shoulder to vent off on when needed , helpfull to others needs, spending my time assisting friends as needed............FRIEND > Why these people HATE me so much i do not honestly know as i was only a good friend.

    Furthermore to explain myself, as i have played online games for over 10 yrs now, i have found that my personality when expresed as a male character is assumed ****, and when i play a female it seems assumed i must be a female in real life due to how i chat and what i say and think and do < even thou its never anything sexual, period! > So i have come to express myself in these games as a female and dispose of the other problems i get when people think me a **** male, which i am not. I am 44, been married twice and a single father of 4 kids at home for over 10 years. I have one of my child still at home where the others have grown on to thier own lives. I know i am a good person, i dont intentionally do anyone wrong, i am helpfull and kind. So if all this makes me such a horrible person, then i guess i am.

    As for this zero_cool and DomB Continuing to suggest like i have done something HORRIBLY wrong , the only thing i can find i really did wrong was to consider them my friend.

    On another note, I am an officer in Seppuku. I have discussed all these issues openly with the rest of seppuku and its at rest. As for my performance as a Communications Officer for Seppuku, I have Abstained thus far to be involved with all this unnessisary drama. Its simply not my style of play. I do my Job as i feel its needed to be done. The fact i am not making tons of posts or sending tons of emails does not mean i am not doing my job, it just means i am doing it in ways you might not openly see yourself less you are involved with it!

    So to all who took the time to read this, Thank You! Make your own judgements about me as you like. As for the comments about my Communication officer abilities.........why would a non active member of another faction even be concerned with why they dont see what i am doing for my Job? They arent even leaders of thier faction and yet judge what they do not understand for my ability < or maybe it was yet just another chance for them to try and say some smartelic comment twords me again? like thier continued use of World chat in game to belittle me....truely thier loss of telecoustics, not mine >

    Thank You all and HAPPY HOLIDAYS!!
  • Zero_cool - Sanctuary
    Zero_cool - Sanctuary Posts: 25 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    Hello, i am Ami_ , the one you have read about in this thread smack talked by Zero_Cool and Dom. I would like to post a little about myself so all know whats happened and to what they are refering to in thier continued attacks in world chat about me. Please read and keep an open mind, ty.

    First of all, for the record, i did tell some friends that i am a woman in real life when in fact i am not. I am a single parent of 4 children i raised for over 10 yrs alone and thus HAVE been thier MOM and DAD. I do not Cyber, Nor try to have any Relationships of any kind beyond simple friendships. This has never been a sexual or perverted thing < thou i am sure some of you must have thought so not knowing me and hearing or reading what zero_cool keep bantering about , i was only a friend.......supportive, caring, kind, a shoulder to vent off on when needed , helpfull to others needs, spending my time assisting friends as needed............FRIEND > Why these people HATE me so much i do not honestly know as i was only a good friend.

    Furthermore to explain myself, as i have played online games for over 10 yrs now, i have found that my personality when expresed as a male character is assumed ****, and when i play a female it seems assumed i must be a female in real life due to how i chat and what i say and think and do < even thou its never anything sexual, period! > So i have come to express myself in these games as a female and dispose of the other problems i get when people think me a **** male, which i am not. I am 44, been married twice and a single father of 4 kids at home for over 10 years. I have one of my child still at home where the others have grown on to thier own lives. I know i am a good person, i dont intentionally do anyone wrong, i am helpfull and kind. So if all this makes me such a horrible person, then i guess i am.

    As for this zero_cool and DomB Continuing to suggest like i have done something HORRIBLY wrong , the only thing i can find i really did wrong was to consider them my friend.

    On another note, I am an officer in Seppuku. I have discussed all these issues openly with the rest of seppuku and its at rest. As for my performance as a Communications Officer for Seppuku, I have Abstained thus far to be involved with all this unnessisary drama. Its simply not my style of play. I do my Job as i feel its needed to be done. The fact i am not making tons of posts or sending tons of emails does not mean i am not doing my job, it just means i am doing it in ways you might not openly see yourself less you are involved with it!

    So to all who took the time to read this, Thank You! Make your own judgements about me as you like. As for the comments about my Communication officer abilities.........why would a non active member of another faction even be concerned with why they dont see what i am doing for my Job? They arent even leaders of thier faction and yet judge what they do not understand for my ability < or maybe it was yet just another chance for them to try and say some smartelic comment twords me again? like thier continued use of World chat in game to belittle me....truely thier loss of telecoustics, not mine >

    Thank You all and HAPPY HOLIDAYS!!

    sorry ami, but friends dont lie to each others..i stoped to see you as friend when i knew you lied to me...

    cause it wasnt just the fact you just fake being a girl... it was all those conversations we had about being girls in game, about sharing girls feelings and about all those private stuff you talk with only girls.. this is were i reproache you the fake

    its also the fact that you said that sasaki was sexist cause he is asian.. im a girl and i can say that sasaki never been sexist toward me ..

    how dare you to take girl position about sexism when you not even a girl and have no experience of it!!!!!! you think this is sexism?? lol you never experienced it.. doing a man job and being refused cause you a girl.. that is what i experience..
    add on:
    and how dare you to act like you being oppressed for something you are not! and act like a victime when here only your personnality was the matter

    the fact that sasaki didnt listen to you, is cause you extremly not tackfull when you talk.. and offence ppl many times..
    and you know that fact, cause you had to appologize to me in the past for your words..

    this is something rather bad to not be tactful for a diplomatie officier isnt it?

    dont say you were my friend, cause if you realy were, you would not have play with me for 2 months with a lie.. after all i helped you..

    add on:
    btw wasnt it rascist when you said that asian are sexist?
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