Restoring the balance of power.

Nishtara - Sanctuary
Nishtara - Sanctuary Posts: 52 Arc User
edited September 2009 in Twilight Temple (West)
No single faction can field as many people as Nefarious on any given TW night, they just have too many active players.

The only way to take down Nefarious is for the smaller, higher level guilds to all attack them at once, forcing Nefarious to either split their resources and defend multiple territories at once, or abandon land and focus on defending against 1-2 attackers.

Something like what ShockWave/Legendary did, except leave out the 20 man level 40 factions. If EPIC, Outlaw, WiccanWay, Seppuku, Knightz, Regicide, Dreaming, The9Kings, and Soviet all declared war on Nefarious at once, then a joint attack would stand a chance.

Not only that, but the non land holders need to get involved as well, before Nefarious owns half the map and the smaller, more focused factions are left fighting over the scraps. Factions like Mythical, Just, etc.

It's like a lottery. You don't have to actually beat 80 Nefarious people in a TW, you just need to hope you get a time slot where they're fighting 2-3 other battles, and crush them before they can move their entire force into your instance.

Once Nefarious does lose ground to a smaller faction, they'll most likely do the rest of the job for us, and implode in a feast of smack talk and in fighting. Not to mention fighting 9-10 battles in a single weekend is incredibly tiring on any fighting force.

All that needs to be done, is for these smaller factions to put aside their petty squabbles with their neighbors for ONE weekend, and work together to defeat a common enemy.

Spread the word.

We were perfectly happy ignoring Nefarious, letting them have their 8 lands and work towards owning the first level 2 territory, however unconfirmed sources (several) have stated that now Nefarious has switched gears and plans on taking out Amplified and Seppuku in the north, before conquering the south western lands.

We also have on good authority that Nefarious wants to completely surround level 2 lands, even though you only need 2 territories (one of which borders the level 2) to attack a city, they don't want to put all the effort into taking it in PvE only to lose it in PvP.

The time is nigh, and the drums of war are beating. Where will you stand?

This is not an attack on Nefarious members. They have several good people still, but Nefarious as a entity has grown fat, flared ego, and they need a leash applied before it's too late.
"Revolution is the creation of new living institutions, new groupings, new social relationships, it is the destruction of privileges and monopolies; it is the new spirit of justice, of brotherhood, of freedom which must renew the whole of social life, the moral level and the material conditions of the masses by calling on them to provide, through their direct and conscious action, for their own future."
Post edited by Nishtara - Sanctuary on


  • Sifow - Sanctuary
    Sifow - Sanctuary Posts: 47 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    Sounds more like..."Help Seppuku takes Nefarious down so we can capture all the land while Nefarious tries catching up again."

    You're forgetting some small things, some factions don't hate Nefarious like yours might; Also some factions probably hate you and your faction. You can't assume people will want to help you and your faction rise to the top just because you try to say some speech.

    Your true intention is to get these other factions to help take Nefarious down then you go and take their land later on. Whether you admit to it or not, it's clearly in your mind from this topic.
  • Nishtara - Sanctuary
    Nishtara - Sanctuary Posts: 52 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    Sounds more like..."Help Seppuku takes Nefarious down so we can capture all the land while Nefarious tries catching up again."

    You're forgetting some small things, some factions don't hate Nefarious like yours might; Also some factions probably hate you and your faction. You can't assume people will want to help you and your faction rise to the top just because you try to say some speech.

    Your true intention is to get these other factions to help take Nefarious down then you go and take their land later on. Whether you admit to it or not, it's clearly in your mind from this topic.

    I can imagine why you would think that, however if you read our guild charter, or speak with any of our members, you'll find we have no intentions of progressing past a level 1 faction. In fact, before Nefarious attacked Amplified, we were working on a peace treaty with them that involved us moving through Avalanche Canyon to take Thousand Wood from Rebel. That would have left us each with 3 territories, and let us put our backs to our allies in Legendary.

    We have nothing to hide, our intentions have always been made clear. DeadBone asked if we planned on attacking them, we expressed an interest in Avalanche Canyon and Thousand Wood, and we worked out a compromise.

    We don't 'hate' Nefarious. We see a problem, we're working to rectify it. If Nefarious wants to sit down and talk, they're more than welcome to.
    "Revolution is the creation of new living institutions, new groupings, new social relationships, it is the destruction of privileges and monopolies; it is the new spirit of justice, of brotherhood, of freedom which must renew the whole of social life, the moral level and the material conditions of the masses by calling on them to provide, through their direct and conscious action, for their own future."
  • Sifow - Sanctuary
    Sifow - Sanctuary Posts: 47 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    Do you mind telling everyone why you left Nefarious? Was it not because your ego was too big? You tell people Nefarious has an ego when almost none of the members go around boasting about superiority. You see leaders of other factions going around acting all high and mighty while Nefarious stays quiet.

    People dislike Nefarious just because of what they have accomplished. Telling everyone to gang up on a hard working faction is all good but really what would it accomplish? It is never seen as something good later on and is usually frowned upon. Ganging up to win also doesn't show strength and honor, is that was Seppuku is about? Perhaps because many are close to being heretics. Hmm, perhaps that is too rude to say....I apologize.

    This whole Seppuku vs Nefarious thing is nothing but personal vendettas with each other. Members in each faction have grudges against each other and it became ugly. I find it saddening that it's being dealt with in an dishonorable way.

    I'm not arguing or flaming you and I'm not trying to tell you and the factions what to do, nor to not attack Nefarious. I merely wanted to voice my opinion, that your tactics are very low and sad.
  • XAsch - Sanctuary
    XAsch - Sanctuary Posts: 855 Arc User
    edited December 2008

    I'm not trying to take either side here; but I do agree with Nishtara, far enough to the fact, that if there is a large enemy, you need to work together (if you can't do it alone); to defeat them. I don't have anything against Nefarious, nor any guild, but as they're the reigning guild, people will obviously want to try to take them down.

    Regardless of whether or not Nishtara has some kind of personal vendetta against Nefarious or not ~ the fact still stands, that Nefarious wants to take over more and more of the map, as I'm sure alot of others do, and that's a problem for alot of us. Like anything, if you can't beat something, you bring more people to help. This is one of those instances, and I'm sure it would also apply regardless of which guild was reigning.

    Just my 2 cents.
    Take it as you will.

  • Sifow - Sanctuary
    Sifow - Sanctuary Posts: 47 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    The funny part is that all of the people who say the server is "unbalanced" would NOT feel that way if their faction owned the most land. People say they just want to help balance the server when that is not the true intention. Players would really like to take it down to be on top themselves. Doing just that would be the thing they are complaining about, would it not?.

    Lets say all the factions do work together to take Nef down. What happens after? Nefarious could just as easily attack the factions again and get land back if they wanted to.
  • Kelebek - Sanctuary
    Kelebek - Sanctuary Posts: 95 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    Lets say all the factions do work together to take Nef down. What happens after? Nefarious could just as easily attack the factions again and get land back if they wanted to.

    As with all zerg factions, they'll more than likely break down when they lose territories. It happened to ShockWave, and I'm told something like that happened to Legendary too.

    Most Seppuku members are Ex-Nef, and still have a lot of friends in there. Granted there are people we don't like, but we're fighting against Nefarious as an entity, not single people. We're fighting against the idea that it's bad to have 1 faction own half the map.

    Nefarious will never stop, they'll steamroll over everyone, so it's in everyone's best interest to take some off of Nef. Even if you aren't particularly close to them, like ShockWave/Legendary/Outlaw, Nef will get to them eventually and destroy them.

    And you're wrong about us wanting to take down Nef so we can take their place. As Nish said, we don't intend on getting above a level 1 faction, and we're going to stop at 3/4 territories. Any more, and we simply can't field the players to defend them, and we don't want to own the map like Nef is. If any other faction gets as big as Nef, which will certainly happen at some point, then I'm sure we will fight them too.
  • WindGaurdian - Sanctuary
    WindGaurdian - Sanctuary Posts: 326 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    I agree. That's what I was thinking. I'll attack Nefarious, if even if no one does. I just want to see their power myself. Even if we lose, it'll just be to analyze their tactics.

    The time is coming...

    *Edit: But first I need to level up first hehehe..
    Flying to continue my journey..
  • Aedril - Sanctuary
    Aedril - Sanctuary Posts: 69 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    We have nothing to hide, our intentions have always been made clear.
    We don't 'hate' Nefarious.

    Nishtara, do you deny that you dislike a majority of the officers in Nefarious? Regardless of the few people you do like, your inability to disguise your true actions has finally been revealed. You hate SasakiSayuri, therefore you hate Nefarious. You will stop at nothing to prove to yourself and others that you are better than him and the faction he leads. Do you not remember what you typed in whispers when you ragequit from Nef during that TW almost 2 months ago? You have done nothing but work towards that goal (exposing how crappy you feel the leader is) since the day you left.

    Additionally, most people that are reading this know how you gank anyone white named you see, even if they are 10-40 levels below you. You care nothing for honor and valor in PvP, so please do not attempt to disguise your intentions with such words. You will have no second thoughts when you attack the weaker guilds - you are just waiting for the opportunity. You will say it is their fault for owning land next to you, just like you say it is their fault for going white.

    I want you to know that I have nothing personal against you, but I am merely defending my faction from blatant lies and false rumor mongering.
    However unconfirmed sources (several) have stated that now Nefarious has switched gears and plans on taking out Amplified and Seppuku in the north, before conquering the south western lands.
    This is almost entirely wrong. We received screenshots of several conversations between you and other guild leaders before Nefarious "switched gears". You were attempting to bribe (through the promise of coin payments) other guild leaders to attack us. After we found out about that, we decided to cut off the head of the dragon. We have no intention of wiping you off the map; that would make absolutely no sense at all, since you could move to a different location and gain more territory. The leadership in Nefarious did plan however, to confine you to the NW corner of the map to limit your ambitious goals.
    We also have on good authority that Nefarious wants to completely surround level 2 lands, even though you only need 2 territories (one of which borders the level 2) to attack a city, they don't want to put all the effort into taking it in PvE only to lose it in PvP.
    Once again, you attempt to distort the truth you know for political purposes.
    Yes, I reckon Nefarious will eventually plan to take a L2 territory, and we will want to shield that territory from attack. But your logic makes NO sense at all. The only people who could threaten a L2 territory are those who have 2 or more territories. We feel absolutely no threat whatsoever from our neutral neighbors around us that only control 1 territory, even if it borders Lost City.

    I want it to be known that I am not an officer of Nefarious and thus do not have any say or knowledge of future plans. I do however have friends in guilds that have informed me of the course of events and provided documentation.

    To the rest of you reading this, you are more than free to attack Nefarious as you see fit, any time you like, for any reason you like. Just think however of the financial repercussions to you and your guildmates if your attack does fail. You are sacrificing 10m next week in order to help Nishtara accomplish a personal vendetta, when you could have attacked someone else and had much higher odds for success. Nefarious intends only to confine Seppuku to the northwest corner of the map, before we take on a L2 territory
  • Nishtara - Sanctuary
    Nishtara - Sanctuary Posts: 52 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    Aedril, I have nothing against you, so I'll respond to your post.

    A) I don't *hate* Sasaki. I disliked his form of leadership. I disliked how his response to faction arguments was to tell people to simply blacklist the faction members you had issues with. I disliked the fact that when I was in Nefarious many people said whatever the hell they wanted (Sinangel) without fear of repercussion, except for the one time when someone cussed at Bely and Bely kicked them (MoBD). I disliked the fact that we recruited anyone based on their level alone, and how no matter how bad someones reputation was (Psihi), they had no issues with them being in the faction. I have PK'd Sasaki *once* during the GM event, when I was attacking Geogaddi and Sasa and a 70+ Wizard jumped in, the same day I PK'd 40 other people. I'm not going to get into a PK/gank ethics discussion here.

    Over the past 3 days, I have tried no less than 3 times to PM Sasaki to invite him to have an open and frank discussion about our plans and theirs, to quell the rumor mongering. All I've gotten is his auto reply, I don't know if he has me blacklisted.

    The only 2 people I have a grudge against in Nefarious is Geogaddi and AraIyn, since apparently they had absolutely nothing nice to say about me immediately after I left the faction, and I dislike their constant smack talk in PvP, which is something I have no tolerance for.

    We had absolutely NO intention of forcing a confrontation with Nefarious, we chose land away from them to begin with. You can ask anyone who was around during our attack on Sanctuary 3 weeks ago when we decided whether we actually wanted to take that land, or move somewhere else on the map. I made it quite clear neighboring Nefarious would be a drama fest and I had no intention of provoking hostilities.

    B) You have ONE screenshot of a conversation I had with a faction leader, this one here. At no point have I EVER offered any financial support of any kind to any faction who wishes to participate in the attack. I've told people that for a 500k bid to attack a territory, they have a chance to get 10 million in return if Nef fails to defend 3 territories at once. I've told people that if they don't make a stand, and Nefarious *does* decide they want their land, it will be too late at that point to organize people. If you have documentation supporting your claims (which I doubt are yours, most likely someone else is saying they have proof), please feel free to have them post it here publicly.

    C) Earlier this week, after our first battle with NWO, I received PM's from a random person claiming that "Nefarious is coming north to squash you, you would be wise to move out of there, or intentionally lose your land so you can come in somewhere else on the map." At the time I believed them to be a NWO alt, trying to get us to lose the next battle, so I blacklisted them. The next day, I received the exact same information from several faction members who still had close friends in Nefarious. Absolutely NO action was taken on my part to formulate a plan, or talk to other faction leaders, until Nefarious bid on Amplifieds land on Thursday. Once that happened I began to realize that the information coming in could be nothing more than the truth. It's at that time, and that time alone, I began talking with various faction leaders to co-ordinate an attack on Nefarious lands.

    I have already made our previous plans public. We talked with Amplified, they were concerned with us attacking them after NWO. We had no intention of taking their southern two lands, because we did not want to border with you. Instead we were going to take Avalanche Canyon and then Thousand Woods, and give the Canyon back to Amp, thus each of us settling with 3 territories.

    Again, if you have any further questions, feel free to contact me. Also, anyone who attends our twice weekly faction meetings can attest to what I've said here, as far as our 'ambitious goals'.
    "Revolution is the creation of new living institutions, new groupings, new social relationships, it is the destruction of privileges and monopolies; it is the new spirit of justice, of brotherhood, of freedom which must renew the whole of social life, the moral level and the material conditions of the masses by calling on them to provide, through their direct and conscious action, for their own future."
  • Aedril - Sanctuary
    Aedril - Sanctuary Posts: 69 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    B) You have ONE screenshot of a conversation I had with a faction leader, this one here. At no point have I EVER offered any financial support of any kind to any faction who wishes to participate in the attack.

    I am not really into nit picking, but I know of 3 additional conversations (4 different people, including the one you have linked to) that were screenshotted and either posted to a public hosting server, or sent directly to my personal email address by someone who doesn't wish them to be made public.

    One of the screenshots sent to my email has a date time stamp from almost a week ago, well before any plans for attacking Amp to blockade Seppuku were made, at least to my knowledge.

    Perhaps the truncated nature of text in the screenshots has unfairly portrayed your true meaning, but it sure reads like you were offering to pay coin to a faction in order for them to attack us. Based on recent conversations with a guild leader that personally stated you never offered to pay them, you are either not extending that offer to all guilds, or indeed a critical portion of the conversation is missing and you were referring to the promise of future tw payments instead. If the latter scenario is true, then I apologize for that allegation.

    The good news for me at least, is that this server has a long way to go before we can even come close to rivaling the amount of drama present on the lost city server.
  • Nishtara - Sanctuary
    Nishtara - Sanctuary Posts: 52 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    I am not really into nit picking, but I know of 3 additional conversations (4 different people, including the one you have linked to) that were screenshotted and either posted to a public hosting server, or sent directly to my personal email address by someone who doesn't wish them to be made public.

    One of the screenshots sent to my email has a date time stamp from almost a week ago, well before any plans for attacking Amp to blockade Seppuku were made, at least to my knowledge.

    Perhaps the truncated nature of text in the screenshots has unfairly portrayed your true meaning, but it sure reads like you were offering to pay coin to a faction in order for them to attack us. Based on recent conversations with a guild leader that personally stated you never offered to pay them, you are either not extending that offer to all guilds, or indeed a critical portion of the conversation is missing and you were referring to the promise of future tw payments instead. If the latter scenario is true, then I apologize for that allegation.

    The good news for me at least, is that this server has a long way to go before we can even come close to rivaling the amount of drama present on the lost city server.

    Obviously at the end of the day, it all boils down to trust. I may intentionally withhold information, such as the names of the people I've talked to, but that's for their security, not mine. I'll state it again. At no time have I mentioned transferring resources (coin, people, etc) to anyone (faction, person) to initiate hostile actions against Nefarious.

    Nor have we received any. In the interests of full disclosure, during the Legendary defense I personally donated a 5 pack of Bronze HP Charms to Templari to help them a little in their attack, and we have purchased a number of catapult scrolls from Milari (at cost, 20k each) since she has no more use for them after stepping down as the Legendary leader.

    I've also tried to make it clear that these are not alliances, or non aggression pacts (NAP) that we're looking to form. When Nefarious attacks a territory and no one shows up to defend it, obviously the only way they can be stopped is via a coalition of forces.

    If Nefarious wants to instigate action, we will respond in force, and I have no issues being open about this.

    Think about it Aedril.

    Why would a faction of < 30 people (last week) even contemplate attacking a faction that routinely has to turn away people because there's a 80 man limit to enter the TW instance?

    Why would a group of 7 people spend over 3 million coins of their own personal money to attack a faction such as ShockWave out of disgust at their backdoor dealings and hired thugs, turn around and attempt to do the same thing?

    It's just not even logical. All my discussions with factions leaders to attack Nefarious began on or after the 18th. You're being lied to, and so am I. Looks like I'll have to start fraps'ing my private conversations as well.
    "Revolution is the creation of new living institutions, new groupings, new social relationships, it is the destruction of privileges and monopolies; it is the new spirit of justice, of brotherhood, of freedom which must renew the whole of social life, the moral level and the material conditions of the masses by calling on them to provide, through their direct and conscious action, for their own future."
  • Nishtara - Sanctuary
    Nishtara - Sanctuary Posts: 52 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    I can imagine why you would think that, however if you read our guild charter, or speak with any of our members, you'll find we have no intentions of progressing past a level 1 faction.

    Sorry, this was incorrect, and one of our officers caught it. The meeting notes from the 29th state "At this time, no plans exist for expanding past a level 2 faction unless the membership (unanimous) feels the need to expand", though we're still level 1 and plan on staying that way until we actually need to expand.

    Thanks Jeran for keeping me honest :)
    "Revolution is the creation of new living institutions, new groupings, new social relationships, it is the destruction of privileges and monopolies; it is the new spirit of justice, of brotherhood, of freedom which must renew the whole of social life, the moral level and the material conditions of the masses by calling on them to provide, through their direct and conscious action, for their own future."
  • Stickygreen - Heavens Tear
    Stickygreen - Heavens Tear Posts: 2,158 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    OMG LOL.... HAHAHAHAH this is pathetic... LOL. no wonder they call u the super carebare and tea party server..
    Less QQ more Pew Pewb:thanks

    "Don't argue with an idiot. They bring you down to their level, and beat you with experience."

  • quoll
    quoll Posts: 26 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    Why? Because we actually think before we act and aren't afraid of open discussion of problems?
  • Hookgirls - Sanctuary
    Hookgirls - Sanctuary Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    nice! we want to see more high lvl pvp tws like this.
    hope u guys will enjoy it.

    but just one small problem here.

    if nefarious is always the big threat to all small factions, why didnt this thread appear earlier? and only when seppuku is under pressure before it came out?
  • Nishtara - Sanctuary
    Nishtara - Sanctuary Posts: 52 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    but just one small problem here.

    if nefarious is always the big threat to all small factions, why didnt this thread appear earlier? and only when seppuku is under pressure before it came out?

    Because up until last week there were still PvE territories to fight over. Now that all of the level 3 territories are claimed, you're going to see nothing but PvP battles from now on until the level 2 lands are claimed.

    It would be very difficult to justify a coordinated attack on any mega-faction who remained neutral with it's neighbors and was only attacking PvE lands, but once they start to roll over the smaller guilds, people realize where their priorities need to be.
    "Revolution is the creation of new living institutions, new groupings, new social relationships, it is the destruction of privileges and monopolies; it is the new spirit of justice, of brotherhood, of freedom which must renew the whole of social life, the moral level and the material conditions of the masses by calling on them to provide, through their direct and conscious action, for their own future."
  • Hisui - Heavens Tear
    Hisui - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,369 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    Don't listen to sticky.
    私の番ですよ。- Sig by Symour

    Check out ForsakenX 's sig thread O_O
    Enrage - We Eat.
  • Zero_cool - Sanctuary
    Zero_cool - Sanctuary Posts: 25 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    No single faction can field as many people as Nefarious on any given TW night, they just have too many active players.

    The only way to take down Nefarious is for the smaller, higher level guilds to all attack them at once, forcing Nefarious to either split their resources and defend multiple territories at once, or abandon land and focus on defending against 1-2 attackers.

    Something like what ShockWave/Legendary did, except leave out the 20 man level 40 factions. If EPIC, Outlaw, WiccanWay, Seppuku, Knightz, Regicide, Dreaming, The9Kings, and Soviet all declared war on Nefarious at once, then a joint attack would stand a chance.

    Not only that, but the non land holders need to get involved as well, before Nefarious owns half the map and the smaller, more focused factions are left fighting over the scraps. Factions like Mythical, Just, etc.

    It's like a lottery. You don't have to actually beat 80 Nefarious people in a TW, you just need to hope you get a time slot where they're fighting 2-3 other battles, and crush them before they can move their entire force into your instance.

    Once Nefarious does lose ground to a smaller faction, they'll most likely do the rest of the job for us, and implode in a feast of smack talk and in fighting. Not to mention fighting 9-10 battles in a single weekend is incredibly tiring on any fighting force.

    All that needs to be done, is for these smaller factions to put aside their petty squabbles with their neighbors for ONE weekend, and work together to defeat a common enemy.

    Spread the word.

    We were perfectly happy ignoring Nefarious, letting them have their 8 lands and work towards owning the first level 2 territory, however unconfirmed sources (several) have stated that now Nefarious has switched gears and plans on taking out Amplified and Seppuku in the north, before conquering the south western lands.

    We also have on good authority that Nefarious wants to completely surround level 2 lands, even though you only need 2 territories (one of which borders the level 2) to attack a city, they don't want to put all the effort into taking it in PvE only to lose it in PvP.

    The time is nigh, and the drums of war are beating. Where will you stand?

    This is not an attack on Nefarious members. They have several good people still, but Nefarious as a entity has grown fat, flared ego, and they need a leash applied before it's too late.

    nefarious start attacking amplified cause they knew long ago that you wanted to crush them ( writings always stay and you write too much maybe)
    they just go ahead of it

    its not nefarious fault if no other faction are that big, legendary and shockwave were on good way but then, they had then some troubles

    point is that you hate sasaki cause he told you to stop pk ppls and you just pk everyone like crazy.. i agree that not everyone like sasaki but you just doing a vendetta to sasaki and all a guild is paying for it...

    also you winning about them attacking amplified.. but isnt it a game were you can pvp in TW? lol
    at least nefarious attack 1vs 1 and dont ask other guild to help them..

    now i remember when you did this post about " defending" legendary to the vicious attack of SW lol and when i pmed " oh thats nice that you help legendary" you said " nah we just took the occasion that other ppls attack SW too to have some fun pvping" lol.. i agree its a good reason; but then dont lie on your attentions.

    also the fact that you want nefarious down is realy pittyfull cause like you said you still have friends in.. and the fact is that you just want to vendetta sasaki; i remember when i was in seppuku before i left, you were laughing when some nefarious left .. is it the attitude of a friend? i think you just blind by your vengeance. i think you should more focuse on your guild members like Ami_ that fake to be a girl when he is actually a dude and that you KNOW AND ACCEPT IT, over than focus on sasaki..

    i was realy neutral between your 2 guilds cause i have good friends in both.. but now i just have pitty for you nishtara you realy desapoint me...
  • Zero_cool - Sanctuary
    Zero_cool - Sanctuary Posts: 25 Arc User
    edited December 2008

    A) I don't *hate* Sasaki. I disliked his form of leadership. I disliked how his response to faction arguments was to tell people to simply blacklist the faction members you had issues with. I disliked the fact that when I was in Nefarious many people said whatever the hell they wanted (Sinangel) without fear of repercussion, except for the one time when someone cussed at Bely and Bely kicked them (MoBD). I disliked the fact that we recruited anyone based on their level alone, and how no matter how bad someones reputation was (Psihi), they had no issues with them being in the faction. I have PK'd Sasaki *once* during the GM event, when I was attacking Geogaddi and Sasa and a 70+ Wizard jumped in, the same day I PK'd 40 other people. I'm not going to get into a PK/gank ethics discussion here.

    first of all as i have been an ex officier of nefarious;we never ever told ppl to blacklist each other, we tried ( and sometime for A LONG TIME ) to solve issues and make them " make piece" and if it didnt work, as we didnt want to kick anyone, we tell them to either ignore ordo what they want.. its their issue; not an issue with the guild... for MoBD you got no clue what happen, he was drunk and just start to insult everyone, so after bely told him to clam and talk with him he was even worst,then i talked with him and all he could do was insulting so we had to kick... in this case you would have done exactly the same in your guild lol
  • Nishtara - Sanctuary
    Nishtara - Sanctuary Posts: 52 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    Zero_Cool's Report Card

    Drama: A+
    Grammar and Spelling: D
    Reading Comprehension: F

    Not having a clue what's actually going on ... priceless.
    "Revolution is the creation of new living institutions, new groupings, new social relationships, it is the destruction of privileges and monopolies; it is the new spirit of justice, of brotherhood, of freedom which must renew the whole of social life, the moral level and the material conditions of the masses by calling on them to provide, through their direct and conscious action, for their own future."
  • Zero_cool - Sanctuary
    Zero_cool - Sanctuary Posts: 25 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    Zero_Cool's Report Card

    Drama: A+
    Grammar and Spelling: D
    Reading Comprehension: F

    Not having a clue what's actually going on ... priceless.

    oh sorry that i write quick so my english is not enough perfect for you

    about the comprehension i think i have talk enough with you and sinanju and also with nefarious members to be in the exact position of middle.. and like i said i was neutral before that and friend with most ppl in seppuku ( except ami)

    i have also read all your screenshots, know your position about TW and i know enought what happen with you and sasaki ( form sinanju tell and YOURSELF)

    im not making drama, you are making drama here by posting on this forum

    you are making the drama by saying how generous and juste you are compare to the evil nefarious lol

    nefarious never did any drama on the server ( for the head leading at least, for their members, i will not judge as you can never control all the ppl in a faction) and thats why so many ppl stay or join nefarious..

    you are saying that they always wanted to go for seppuku, but that is realy wrong, as i talk still with some in nefarious, that wasnt they first goal before they learn what happen...

    stop making things up and stay straight.. you said it yourself, its a pvp game, so attack nefarious all you want and enjoy the big war, but please, stop try to manipulate peoples =) and under estimate their intelligence

    PS: i would like to add that im not defending nefarious, im not in nefarious, im actually guildless and inactive.. the reason i say all of that is because i dont like lie and manipulation
  • dorm
    dorm Posts: 41 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    Zero_Cool's Report Card

    Drama: A+
    Grammar and Spelling: D
    Reading Comprehension: F

    Not having a clue what's actually going on ... priceless.

    First of, never insult someone from grammer and spelling, as I am 100% sure that if you were to type anything in French, it would look much worse. You are just showing another piece of yourself picking up on someone who is not a native english speaker.
    Then again, this comes from someone who I had to explain basic things why you made people angry in nefarious, your comprehension of anything beyond basic level of human interactions was staggering - leaving me either feeling you live in a box, or you just fail to understand anyone in real life too.

    Also, never claim yourself to be an honest person, as a guild leader, you are responsible for the actions of your members, you either are in support of them by keeping them, or they are not in your faction. With your diplomacy officer trying to do a blatant faced lie to anyone he comes into contact with in text on the game, your faction is for from honest anything.

    For this coordination of attacks, first of, you blasted shockwave for trying underhand dirty tricks of getting other factions to all attack legendary, how dare they! Then you claimed to be the defender of justice or any such phantasy that you see yourself as. The only problem is, that you are now trying such a tactic, which leaves the question, you are doing the dirty underhand trick? Or you were just trying to spin events to build yourself as defender of the right.

    This is your exact quote on your press release:
    "One mega-faction against another is the kind of politics we would have hoped to stay clear of" responded Nishtara, Seppuku's currently elected leader, "but when a faction as large as ShockWave needs to call on so many smaller factions to assist them in battle, we felt honor bound to take up arms and assist Legendary in any way possible."
    Now, you are instigating mega-faction politics, and you are now the one asking everyone to attack.

    I don't condemn your idea to attack nefarious, if other people wish to do that as well with you, it's as people feel that they want to do.

    Just drop the **** and say it straight, you felt completely threatened by nefarious and want everyone to help you out. It's a reasonable stance as a small guild against a larger one, but you are not honour bound to do anything of this. Even the title of this post describes your intention -restoring the balance of power? you mean trying to bring down other large factions so that you are all on same level, you are not a large guild, but you are a guild of only higher levels. You have also said that you took the top left hand corner due to ability to expand and only have one-two territories to defend, with level advantage this means you do not need a much larger guild.

    We have also yet to hear from a diplomacy officer, making me feel that you do not delegate responsibility, you are just another person who acts like he does, but can't bare things to be out of his control. Power hungry much?
  • Sifow - Sanctuary
    Sifow - Sanctuary Posts: 47 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    dorm wrote: »
    "One mega-faction against another is the kind of politics we would have hoped to stay clear of" responded Nishtara, Seppuku's currently elected leader, "but when a faction as large as ShockWave needs to call on so many smaller factions to assist them in battle, we felt honor bound to take up arms and assist Legendary in any way possible."
    Now, you are instigating mega-faction politics, and you are now the one asking everyone to attack.
    Lolz dorm...Brilliant~b:dirty
  • Nishtara - Sanctuary
    Nishtara - Sanctuary Posts: 52 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    dorm wrote: »
    First of, never insult someone from grammer and spelling, as I am 100% sure that if you were to type anything in French, it would look much worse. You are just showing another piece of yourself picking up on someone who is not a native english speaker.

    Yes it was low, but the content of her post angered me, and that was the nicest thing I could respond with.

    I'm not interested in getting into a pissing match with your girlfriend Dorm. She caused drama when she was in our guild (demanding I apologize to Lietuvis for PK'ing him after I left Nefarious), when she left our guild (with respect to Ami_, which has NO place in this thread to begin with), and even though she's not even playing anymore, feels the need to come here and tell me how I feel about various people and factions.
    dorm wrote: »
    Also, never claim yourself to be an honest person, as a guild leader, you are responsible for the actions of your members, you either are in support of them by keeping them, or they are not in your faction. With your diplomacy officer trying to do a blatant faced lie to anyone he comes into contact with in text on the game, your faction is for from honest anything.

    Honestly, Ami_'s real life is really none of anyone's business, and it's certainly not mine. Ami_ is a valued member of our faction, works hard, helps people, and doesn't run around shooting their mouth off.
    dorm wrote: »
    For this coordination of attacks, first of, you blasted shockwave for trying underhand dirty tricks of getting other factions to all attack legendary, how dare they! Then you claimed to be the defender of justice or any such phantasy that you see yourself as. The only problem is, that you are now trying such a tactic, which leaves the question, you are doing the dirty underhand trick? Or you were just trying to spin events to build yourself as defender of the right.

    This is your exact quote on your press release:
    "One mega-faction against another is the kind of politics we would have hoped to stay clear of" responded Nishtara, Seppuku's currently elected leader, "but when a faction as large as ShockWave needs to call on so many smaller factions to assist them in battle, we felt honor bound to take up arms and assist Legendary in any way possible."
    Now, you are instigating mega-faction politics, and you are now the one asking everyone to attack.

    ShockWave and Legendary are both level 3 factions, equal (in our eyes) in manpower. They both own a similar amount of land, and as has been proven twice now, both stand as equals on the field of combat.

    The fact that ShockWave (as we are told, but like you, have ZERO proof) paid other factions to attack Legendary in order to gain the upper hand (and paid D'Gamers to try to outbid us), is what we responded to in our 7 man attack, and our press release.

    Nefarious and Amplified, are not equal adversaries. Nefarious and Seppuku are not (were not) equal adversaries. Whether this is still true will be seen shortly I'm sure. The fact that Nefarious felt so threatened by a < 30 man faction that they had to steam roll over an ally of ours to get to us, is reason enough for us to plan a preemptive attack plan.
    dorm wrote: »
    I don't condemn your idea to attack nefarious, if other people wish to do that as well with you, it's as people feel that they want to do.

    Just drop the **** and say it straight, you felt completely threatened by nefarious and want everyone to help you out. It's a reasonable stance as a small guild against a larger one, but you are not honour bound to do anything of this. Even the title of this post describes your intention -restoring the balance of power? you mean trying to bring down other large factions so that you are all on same level, you are not a large guild, but you are a guild of only higher levels. You have also said that you took the top left hand corner due to ability to expand and only have one-two territories to defend, with level advantage this means you do not need a much larger guild.

    We have also yet to hear from a diplomacy officer, making me feel that you do not delegate responsibility, you are just another person who acts like he does, but can't bare things to be out of his control. Power hungry much?

    Ami_ is indeed our diplomat, but honestly, I wouldn't wish this kind of drama on any of my faction members. Nothing in my original post had personal attacks on any Nefarious members or its leadership, yet somehow that's all you and your allies have managed to come up with.

    I have dropped the ****, as you asked. We didn't want anything to do with Nefarious, they felt compelled to head our way in an effort to pin us down, and we realize the only way to fight back is via a resistance effort.

    Yes, our plan over the past few weeks was to settle with 3 lands, and be allied with Amplified who would also%2
    "Revolution is the creation of new living institutions, new groupings, new social relationships, it is the destruction of privileges and monopolies; it is the new spirit of justice, of brotherhood, of freedom which must renew the whole of social life, the moral level and the material conditions of the masses by calling on them to provide, through their direct and conscious action, for their own future."
  • IronCleric - Sanctuary
    IronCleric - Sanctuary Posts: 118 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    I like the idea and concept. But I'm not too sure about your motive.
    1 Corinthians 13:4-13
  • Zero_cool - Sanctuary
    Zero_cool - Sanctuary Posts: 25 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    Yes it was low, but the content of her post angered me, and that was the nicest thing I could respond with.

    I'm not interested in getting into a pissing match with your girlfriend Dorm. She caused drama when she was in our guild (demanding I apologize to Lietuvis for PK'ing him after I left Nefarious), when she left our guild (with respect to Ami_, which has NO place in this thread to begin with), and even though she's not even playing anymore, feels the need to come here and tell me how I feel about various people and factions.

    i didnt cause any drama and you know it , and you can ask to any seppuku of this epoque.

    we were then just forming and lietuvis was a friend of most ppl in seppuku and we wanted him in, but he wouldnt join if you dont apologize to him(for pking him on the GM event many times,and then sell the priced item he droped), so i had a lot of conversations with you 2 to try to match you up...
    as i ask him to forget about that, i ask you if you would not talk to him and try to apologize.. this is call DIPLOMATIE.... so now tell me where i did make drama in it?

    when i left seppuku, it was because of ami only.. he was faking be my best friend girl like me, a courageous mom of 4 childs.. and i have been dupe for like 2 months ( after defending her so much to all the other people that she was annoying).

    so like i said when i left seppuku: "the guild rule is : no blacklist between players in the guild. i couldnt pass over it, so i left the guild without making any drama, explaining in the guild chat the reason why i leave, and i wished you all the best... everyone in the guild can say that i left the guild in a lot better way that most personne on the game ( i think of those who rage quit without saying a word).
    even after i left you told me that you were sad i left and that i was welcome anytimes if i wanted back...

    so now why are you lying again?

    all your argument are just made up one..
  • Stickygreen - Heavens Tear
    Stickygreen - Heavens Tear Posts: 2,158 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    this thread should be closed, im still loling at the original post
    Less QQ more Pew Pewb:thanks

    "Don't argue with an idiot. They bring you down to their level, and beat you with experience."

  • Nishtara - Sanctuary
    Nishtara - Sanctuary Posts: 52 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    even after i left you told me that you were sad i left and that i was welcome anytimes if i wanted back...

    so now why are you lying again?

    all your argument are just made up one..

    When you left, you were welcome back, right up until you decided that your private and personal matter with Ami_ was something that needed to be broadcast over world chat, and ridiculed in Nefarious faction chat.

    Once again, wish it wasn't a topic of discussion in this thread. If you'd like to move this conversation elsewhere I'm more than happy to have it, but I don't want to dilute the issue at hand.
    "Revolution is the creation of new living institutions, new groupings, new social relationships, it is the destruction of privileges and monopolies; it is the new spirit of justice, of brotherhood, of freedom which must renew the whole of social life, the moral level and the material conditions of the masses by calling on them to provide, through their direct and conscious action, for their own future."
  • Zero_cool - Sanctuary
    Zero_cool - Sanctuary Posts: 25 Arc User
    edited December 2008

    ShockWave and Legendary are both level 3 factions, equal (in our eyes) in manpower. They both own a similar amount of land, and as has been proven twice now, both stand as equals on the field of combat.

    The fact that ShockWave (as we are told, but like you, have ZERO proof) paid other factions to attack Legendary in order to gain the upper hand (and paid D'Gamers to try to outbid us), is what we responded to in our 7 man attack, and our press release.

    Nefarious and Amplified, are not equal adversaries. Nefarious and Seppuku are not (were not) equal adversaries. Whether this is still true will be seen shortly I'm sure. The fact that Nefarious felt so threatened by a < 30 man faction that they had to steam roll over an ally of ours to get to us, is reason enough for us to plan a preemptive attack plan.

    you dont understand i think.. the problem here is not nefarious multiple attack.. that is realy fine, nefarious can hold it even if they loose some lands...
    but at least that will be good pvp

    the problem is about the way you talk about it...
    YOU show yourself as the white justicer that will defence little factions to the EVIL one that is NEFARIOUS .. that is clearly what you say there..

    so now there is few questions:
    what did nefarious to be so evil?
    their lead never trash talk, they avoid drama, realy few of them pk even...
    they attacked a territory in pvp.. but isnt it the purpose of this game? the end goal?... you want them to have a egal opponant?.. i dont think any of the nearby guild would be able to attack or defend against nefarious anyway..

    so what they should do? die of borederom, grind and wait until a big guild come to defeat them?? lol

    please, its not their fault if they are the most active populate high lvl guild..

    you build up something and hope for it and when you get it people are blaming you for succeding where they fail lol

    Then my second question:
    why you, nishtara, want to defend little guild? why do you want to be their advenger? dont you trust them on doing good by themselves?

    be honest, when you said you dont want to rule the server, that you are a rank 1 guild and dont want to expand, everyone know its false.
    when we had our guild meeting and that i ask you if we would stay for ever rank 1; your reply to me was that seppuku will even end up being a rank 3 guild, but with a lot of time and after choosing carefuly every members.

    i think everyone that knows you also know that you have a huge ego and that you will not reject the idea of owning the server. you did the same thing in previous games.. why not this one?

    you just working on your image and that is what i dont like.

    attack nefarious, and have fun it in, but dont post on the forum your propaganda.

    PS: im inactive but still take news of my friends in PWI, why i shouldnt have the right to say what i think just because im inactive? since when this forum is a dictatureship?
  • Nishtara - Sanctuary
    Nishtara - Sanctuary Posts: 52 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    i think everyone that knows you also know that you have a huge ego and that you will not reject the idea of owning the server. you did the same thing in previous games.. why not this one?

    Classic b:chuckle

    ****, now that I'm found out, whatever shall I do? b:sad You just can't argue with logic like that.
    "Revolution is the creation of new living institutions, new groupings, new social relationships, it is the destruction of privileges and monopolies; it is the new spirit of justice, of brotherhood, of freedom which must renew the whole of social life, the moral level and the material conditions of the masses by calling on them to provide, through their direct and conscious action, for their own future."
This discussion has been closed.