Caster Nirvana Talismans Qq V 2.0



  • sachelfunlol
    sachelfunlol Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2012
    Guess what?

    I like my cleric, (SerenityCNB) better. I'm very efficeint on my cleric. My sin...not so much. I shouldn't have to reroll to do a run. My class is fine. However, more semblance of balance is needed to make things really fair...and limiting casters isn't the way to go about it.

    Edit: Too bad you can't see that I'm posting this from my sin. QQ

    Your right you do not have to re-roll to farm, all you have to do is grab a tele and form a squad, difficult isn't it?

    And people keep saying balance, but that is not it at all. It isnt what any aps or non aps class can or cant do, its your own jealousy you cant get around. That is what is sad, not a OP class(s). All these QQ's can not get around their own jealousy that aps's can use tele's to form regular squads and somehow your tele's are limited to wc for caster nirvana squads b:laugh
    Lets troll the forums together b:victory
  • TheDendra - Harshlands
    TheDendra - Harshlands Posts: 222 Arc User
    edited February 2012
    Are we talking to a wall? Didn't we just say it takes us 10times longer to do a normal nirvana than it takes 5aps squad? Just try doing a normal nirvana with r8 people and see how that goes...

    A good caster nirv squad can make 15-20mill coins per hour on average, a good aps squad can make 20-30mill - and you still flame us for being jealous and lazy and what not? We are not asking to be able to solo TT, we are not asking to be able to make as much money as 5aps chars can make, we were PERFECTLY FINE with making the amount of money we did with multiple caster nirvs - and no, we don't magically make 10times more money than aps classes, we still make way less than aps do during 2x drops.

    Can't believe aps classes can be so ignorant and selfish, you seriously expect us to watch you make 30mill coins per hour while we can do...20nirvs in total in a week! WTF is wrong with you people, I guess all you want is everybody to make 5aps chars, stack keys and log those chars when 2x is on - what a ****** wonderful server that would be, we have majority of the players doing that already, by allowing casters to do multiple caster runs you will see a balance among classes that simply cannot exist at the moment.

    You expect us to do normal runs which take us 30-50mins (depending on squad) and then make money from those runs based on the prices on the market dictated by aps classes that do the same in 5-10mins. If you had to do those runs in 30mins of course we would have a point in running normal nirvanas, as it is now, it's pointless because you greedy fckers dictate the prices with your broken damage. (I'm pretty sure the game was never supposed to witness bosses dying in 2seconds)
  • Pyrogasm - Heavens Tear
    Pyrogasm - Heavens Tear Posts: 98 Arc User
    edited February 2012
    Are we talking to a wall? Didn't we just say it takes us 10times longer to do a normal nirvana than it takes 5aps squad? Just try doing a normal nirvana with r8 people and see how that goes...

    A good caster nirv squad can make 15-20mill coins per hour on average, a good aps squad can make 20-30mill - and you still flame us for being jealous and lazy and what not? We are not asking to be able to solo TT, we are not asking to be able to make as much money as 5aps chars can make, we were PERFECTLY FINE with making the amount of money we did with multiple caster nirvs - and no, we don't magically make 10times more money than aps classes, we still make way less than aps do during 2x drops.

    Can't believe aps classes can be so ignorant and selfish, you seriously expect us to watch you make 30mill coins per hour while we can do...20nirvs in total in a week! WTF is wrong with you people, I guess all you want is everybody to make 5aps chars, stack keys and log those chars when 2x is on - what a ****** wonderful server that would be, we have majority of the players doing that already, by allowing casters to do multiple caster runs you will see a balance among classes that simply cannot exist at the moment.

    You expect us to do normal runs which take us 30-50mins (depending on squad) and then make money from those runs based on the prices on the market dictated by aps classes that do the same in 5-10mins. If you had to do those runs in 30mins of course we would have a point in running normal nirvanas, as it is now, it's pointless because you greedy fckers dictate the prices with your broken damage. (I'm pretty sure the game was never supposed to witness bosses dying in 2seconds)

    Did you ever play a aps based char? do you even know what kind of gear you gotta have to be able to do a run in 5- 10 min ?
    are caster nirvana drops bad ? .. you know that 1 rapture = 5 cannies. do the math.

    if you want to get rich make a farm char (if you really think that aps is really that good and that worthy and that OP) and farm ur *** out. Why not asking for 1 hit bosses in nirvana. That would make it fair huh ? If you are lazy to make urself a farm char then suck it up and run whatever you can run.
    - my personal signature -
    - the one who bashes all Caster Nirvana QQers -
  • TheDendra - Harshlands
    TheDendra - Harshlands Posts: 222 Arc User
    edited February 2012
    If you are lazy to make urself a farm char then suck it up and run whatever you can run.

    Once again, why should we be forced to make an aps char just so we can enjoy the game? Where is the problem if we make 50-60% of what aps classes make in an hour of nirvanas during 2x drops.

    Mind you, our nirvana has a chance to drop 0 chests while yours has a chance to spawn rare boss.

    Seriously you expect the whole server to reroll sins? Will there ever be good casters then if they can't do anything in this game?
  • SerenityCNB - Dreamweaver
    SerenityCNB - Dreamweaver Posts: 1,225 Arc User
    edited February 2012
    I would ask ya whut kind of gear you have, but you might say its irrelevant. I'm not into bashing, but hmm .. you can do both nirvanas right ? we cant. Do you get better drops ? you do.
    You are a cleric, huh ? well its ur job to "take one for the team" , waste pots, waste chi - you picked that class cuz you like it so, stop complaining about that.

    I stated that casters is harder than regular nirvy. I'm not QQ'ing about my class. Also, you're wrong. A clerics job isn't to just take one for the team. All classes need to be doing everything that they can to support one another. A cleric taking one for the team is something that I wholeheartedly disagree with. I do my best to keep my squad alive, and its why I have a good reputation as a cleric...but just take one for the team, its not. I use my skills properly, and my items as well. I use apoth, skills, chi, genie skills, etc., but I'm not going to derail the thread with that.

    Im a sin, i am squishy, i hit hard, im 4aps, i got more chances to find nirvana squad than you and i can do nirvana more than you. Yes, I know, it seems unfair, but it comes with the class you choose. That besides the fact that ur prolly r8 and i worked my *** out for r9, a scrool of tome and all that ****.

    Congrats on R9, and the scroll of tome too. I'm not yet R8, though I am working on it. My gear is modest. Again, I'm not QQ'ing on your killspeed. I'm talking about casters nirvana being nerfed in how much it can be well as mentioning how its unfair compared to regular, in terms of talismans.

    You should not turn this caster-nirvana QQ thread into a class fight cuz its not.

    Reread my post. I mentioned talismans vs keys, and casters nirvana vs regular nirvana. What mention did I make of sins, bm's, clerics, or other classes? Thus, how can I be turning it into a class fight?

    You got an opinion, ok, i do respect it. In MY opinion (i should have one too right?) the single thing that is unfair is that the caster nirvana talismans are time-limited and non-stackable. PWI already gave you a chance ( implementing caster nirvana ) to be able to farm even if ur not an aps based class.

    Your opinion is respected by me as well. In my opinion it is the fact that it is time limited, non stackable, and now the amount of runs that we can now do that is unfair. Nonetheless, I do respect your opinion.

    Besides that, 5 min nirvana runs ? lol .. there are many +12 ppl, yes, but most of the ppl are not even close (i strugle myself to refine my r9 dagger - its +3 atm - after spending 1.2b coins to get it ) to that nor to 5 min runs.
    You should take a moment to do the math on how "easy" it is to get to 5 aps and then to get +12 and then to be able to survive and ONLY then to even think at 5 min runs.

    I didn't mention anything about 5 aps, or your refines. My point is that regular nirvy runs are done much quicker than caster nirvana runs...hence our higher drop rate. You more than make up for it with the speed in which you complete your runs vs the speed in which we complete ours.

    Learn To Play Your Class, with all its good sides and bad sides. Bashing me wont solve a thing.

    First, I did not bash you. I merely pointed out the viewpoint of a caster. However, with you saying that I should learn my class, I'll tell you that I know mines full well. Funny thing about having wrote a guide on my that when people tell me to learn my class, I can always refer to it as a link to prove that I do know it.

    That said, understand that I'm not QQ'ing about my class or yours. My post was in regards to regular nirvy vs casters, and the disadvantage that casters has when compared to regular nirvy.
    "Male Player using female toon. Please don't flirt with me."

    Need to see the cleric guide for questions, comments, or concerns? Just copy and paste the link.

    (Ignore the quotation marks. URL isn't allowed, so I had to do it that way.)
  • sachelfunlol
    sachelfunlol Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2012
    Are we talking to a wall? Didn't we just say it takes us 10times longer to do a normal nirvana than it takes 5aps squad? Just try doing a normal nirvana with r8 people and see how that goes...

    A good caster nirv squad can make 15-20mill coins per hour on average, a good aps squad can make 20-30mill - and you still flame us for being jealous and lazy and what not? We are not asking to be able to solo TT, we are not asking to be able to make as much money as 5aps chars can make, we were PERFECTLY FINE with making the amount of money we did with multiple caster nirvs - and no, we don't magically make 10times more money than aps classes, we still make way less than aps do during 2x drops.

    Can't believe aps classes can be so ignorant and selfish, you seriously expect us to watch you make 30mill coins per hour while we can do...20nirvs in total in a week! WTF is wrong with you people, I guess all you want is everybody to make 5aps chars, stack keys and log those chars when 2x is on - what a ****** wonderful server that would be, we have majority of the players doing that already, by allowing casters to do multiple caster runs you will see a balance among classes that simply cannot exist at the moment.

    You expect us to do normal runs which take us 30-50mins (depending on squad) and then make money from those runs based on the prices on the market dictated by aps classes that do the same in 5-10mins. If you had to do those runs in 30mins of course we would have a point in running normal nirvanas, as it is now, it's pointless because you greedy fckers dictate the prices with your broken damage. (I'm pretty sure the game was never supposed to witness bosses dying in 2seconds)

    Your an idiot and a great example of my previous post and LOL at 30m coins an hour. You have any idea how many raps/cannies would have to drop per run for each squad member to make 30m coins an hour. The longest normal run I have been in took 20mins. They were all R8 or lower.

    If you only get 20 nirvanas a week thats your problem and you lack of ability to buy a tele. The only time I even go in Nirvana is during 2x and most of the people I know only go then as well. So while you do your 20 Nirvana runs a week in and out of 2x, most other classes are leveling alts or farming other instances.

    So yes it is balanced, you do your casters every day all week in and out of 2x. How much do you make a week? Even if I burn up every of my 200 Nirvana keys(which is not going to happen) I bet I can not even catch up to what you have already earned doing caster since the last 2x so stop crying and grab a tele.

    That is the thing with you casters, you think the whole aps population which represents just about every class is doing Nirvana's 24/7 and that is not the case. If you pay attention to chat you will see it is you casters not us that do Nirvana 24/7
    Lets troll the forums together b:victory
  • sachelfunlol
    sachelfunlol Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2012
    Once again, why should we be forced to make an aps char just so we can enjoy the game? Where is the problem if we make 50-60% of what aps classes make in an hour of nirvanas during 2x drops.

    Mind you, our nirvana has a chance to drop 0 chests while yours has a chance to spawn rare boss.

    Seriously you expect the whole server to reroll sins? Will there ever be good casters then if they can't do anything in this game?

    I would like to point out it was you casters that destroyed the market on Raps and Cannies in the first place. Raps and Cannies dropped in price the same day when the glitch was found out on RT's server, mainly because heavy farming was generaly only done during 2x. So you can thank yourselves.
    Lets troll the forums together b:victory
  • sachelfunlol
    sachelfunlol Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2012
    Mind you, our nirvana has a chance to drop 0 chests while yours has a chance to spawn rare boss.

    That is your main problem rigt there, the Regular Nirvana is not melee's, its everyones unlike caster Nirvana.
    Lets troll the forums together b:victory
  • Pyrogasm - Heavens Tear
    Pyrogasm - Heavens Tear Posts: 98 Arc User
    edited February 2012
    " Your opinion is respected by me as well. In my opinion it is the fact that it is time limited, non stackable, and now the amount of runs that we can now do that is unfair. Nonetheless, I do respect your opinion. "

    This is what i said in an earlier post.

    " First, I did not bash you. I merely pointed out the viewpoint of a caster. However, with you saying that I should learn my class, I'll tell you that I know mines full well. Funny thing about having wrote a guide on my that when people tell me to learn my class, I can always refer to it as a link to prove that I do know it. "

    This was not for you. It was a general point. Because alot of ppl complain about their class being bad (happens with that many plvled chars)

    " That said, understand that I'm not QQ'ing about my class or yours. My post was in regards to regular nirvy vs casters, and the disadvantage that casters has when compared to regular nirvy. "

    And again here, i agree with the fact that being a caster limits you ( "caster community" ) in certain way, BUT you should agree that "it comes with the job " and that everything has to have a bad side.

    I am dissapointed to see the pride that keeps some ppl from making farm char. Guys, really its nothing bad in having a farm char. Its for your own good.
    - my personal signature -
    - the one who bashes all Caster Nirvana QQers -
  • sachelfunlol
    sachelfunlol Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2012
    Yes your right on opinions, just a lot of people based it off their own feelings instead of fact, but that is how the ball bounces.

    On another note I cant wait to get my barb to 95 to try the new gear, going to save me tons of farming time I can redirect at questing.
    Lets troll the forums together b:victory
  • Pyrogasm - Heavens Tear
    Pyrogasm - Heavens Tear Posts: 98 Arc User
    edited February 2012
    Once again, why should we be forced to make an aps char just so we can enjoy the game? Where is the problem if we make 50-60% of what aps classes make in an hour of nirvanas during 2x drops.

    Mind you, our nirvana has a chance to drop 0 chests while yours has a chance to spawn rare boss.

    Seriously you expect the whole server to reroll sins? Will there ever be good casters then if they can't do anything in this game?

    Nobody "forces" you to do anything. Its called a "FARM CHAR" and the name comes from "FARM" - short for FARMING - which means its (the char) used to farm mats or whatever you need - nobody said it has to be ur main.

    And yes, i would expect every one to roll a sin or whatever, if they want to do something for their MAIN char. Otherwise just go in west arch and beg ppl for coins.
    - my personal signature -
    - the one who bashes all Caster Nirvana QQers -
  • sachelfunlol
    sachelfunlol Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2012
    That is the whole reason I made a Sin, to support my farming for my cleric and the Faction I was in. Ended up liking better than my cleric, so cleric took a back seat for a while. The same with the other 4 or 5 other chars. This one character can farm for them all, as I love all the classes so far.
    Lets troll the forums together b:victory
  • SerenityCNB - Dreamweaver
    SerenityCNB - Dreamweaver Posts: 1,225 Arc User
    edited February 2012
    Thats alot of words for not even answering the question. k

    1. Ok so being a caster you are saying you do not get Nirvana Keys.
    2. OMG your charm is *****. Guess what my barbs gets ***** all the time b:cry
    3. "Caster is hard on me" awe, thats just so sad, its hard on my cleric too but guess what I keep going because that is the way it is being a cleric.
    4. I have no irritation of playing my casters, you know why. Because I know their place and what they can and cant do, something it seems none of you will ever understand. You say you like your class over others but all you do is QQ about them.
    5. I did 5 nirvana runs yesterday, 12 on the first day. WoW I am just totaly working my 230+ keys for so much profit. I could have bought tokens and made tele's and made as much coins in a few hours.
    6. Caster have their own Nirvana that they do not take melee classes to, so should I qq because silly clerics won't take my archer with them. My cleric gets more regular Nirvana runs than caster runs because its not R8+10 and never will be, should I qq?
    7. You say you have been to regular nirvana and qq about one hit bosses and mobs, that tells me you have not been to regular nirvana as the same applies there.
    APS squads ask for specific classes/weapons for the specific reason of doing a fast nirvana. What is wrong with that. Why should they take someone with "THEIR" squad, not because they don't like them, only because they don't want the class. What is stopping "YOU" from making a regular nirvana squad, is that a difficult concept? I have been in more slowerTraditional squad Nirvana runs than the quick 5-7 min squads, should I qq? No it was my choice to go in what squad I wanted to go in.

    Again re-roll a new farming class or start making your own squads instead of expecting everyone else to hold your hand.

    I started to comment on this, but it seems that you totally took what I said, and went in your own direction with it, so let me it to you like this...

    I mentioned casters vs normal...our drop rate, difficulty, the fact that our talismans don't stack, and are timed. I also mentioned the amount that we get. At no point in that post do you see me begging to get into someone's squad, or QQ'ing about their weapons, and me linking mines. I'm not QQ'ing about my weapons, gear, who takes me and who doesn't. Also, casters do take archers and seekers sometimes, so lets not play that game.

    Me mentioning the charm was in regards to the degree that casters hurts my charm compared to regular.

    That said, don't tell me that I've never been to regular nirvana before when I know for a fact that I have. I don't deny any of your accomplishments, but by telling me that I have not been, you're calling me a liar blatantly, and that I'm not just going to stand by and take. I have been to both casters and regular. As you know...since you go there on your cleric...regular nirvana has areas where you can be one shot... Enhanced version of runewolf that hits for 5k, the first boss that spawns circles that hit for 5k, the bird boss that can hit for up to 7.5k if all three flames spout beneath your character, the golem boss that if you choose wrong hits you for 5k, the boss that you have to run to the npc with absolute domain for, and the last boss that hits you for 10k if you choose the wrong element, or take too long, and that is still not the same as mobs that spawn on the third boss from nowhere, and hit for absurd damage with physical attacks to robe classes...while the boss steadily knocks down BB.

    That said, I have a sin. I prefer my cleric, and at what point did I ask for my hand to be held? I run instances regularly, and am often requested. I'd hardly call that begging for my hand to be held. (Don't forget that as your sin leveled up, it was a cleric that held your hand through it when bp couldn't keep you alive, and even that is besides the point.)

    All that said, I'm not whining about what my class can or cannot do. I'm pointing out how regular nirvana has more advantages than casters, and why this nerf on casters is BS.

    Funny how you mentioned me writing a lot of words, when my post was related to the topic, and your post went over the river and around the curb about things that I didn't even state in my post.
    "Male Player using female toon. Please don't flirt with me."

    Need to see the cleric guide for questions, comments, or concerns? Just copy and paste the link.

    (Ignore the quotation marks. URL isn't allowed, so I had to do it that way.)
  • Pyrogasm - Heavens Tear
    Pyrogasm - Heavens Tear Posts: 98 Arc User
    edited February 2012
    That is the whole reason I made a Sin, to support my farming for my cleric and the Faction I was in. Ended up liking better than my cleric, so cleric took a back seat for a while. The same with the other 4 or 5 other chars. This one character can farm for them all, as I love all the classes so far.

    Myea, the point of this thread should be only to make caster nirvana talismans stackable (and not time limited) but instead it transformed into an caster vs aps war.
    I am sorry for ppl who understand what a farm char means because these threads will always be ignored since they mostly sound like class wars not like suggestions for future.
    - my personal signature -
    - the one who bashes all Caster Nirvana QQers -
  • SerenityCNB - Dreamweaver
    SerenityCNB - Dreamweaver Posts: 1,225 Arc User
    edited February 2012
    I have a sin, but the discussion is not about what we casters can or cannot farm normally. Its about the fact that we are now even more limited in nirvy runs.
    "Male Player using female toon. Please don't flirt with me."

    Need to see the cleric guide for questions, comments, or concerns? Just copy and paste the link.

    (Ignore the quotation marks. URL isn't allowed, so I had to do it that way.)
  • Pyrogasm - Heavens Tear
    Pyrogasm - Heavens Tear Posts: 98 Arc User
    edited February 2012
    I have a sin, but the discussion is not about what we casters can or cannot farm normally. Its about the fact that we are now even more limited in nirvy runs.

    Thats the mentality all should have for this matter to be taken serious.
    - my personal signature -
    - the one who bashes all Caster Nirvana QQers -
  • sachelfunlol
    sachelfunlol Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2012

    That said, I have a sin. I prefer my cleric, and at what point did I ask for my hand to be held? I run instances regularly, and am often requested. I'd hardly call that begging for my hand to be held. (Don't forget that as your sin leveled up, it was a cleric that held your hand through it when bp couldn't keep you alive, and even that is besides the point.)

    Yes I think everyone including me got a bit out of hand, but I just wanted to comment on this one part. Outside of squads(fb/bh) or for doing quest related bosses, Sins(atleast I) never needed the extra help. By the time a sin can take agro from a barb, they should not need extra heals mainly because of the slowness the bosses hit. I can solo FC with just crabs and no bp or charm, bp just cuts the cost down.

    The only class I feel bad for is the Barb. Alot of barbs have rerolled to other classes because they feel they are no longer needed. Just another char to do pulls or Delta Warsong ect. There is no other class I feel bad for, and one of the main reasons I made a barb. But at the same time the dev's could have tweek skills to ajust for this on the barb. There is nothing wrong with the Sin skill based class. 99% of the OP'ness comes from smaller requirments for gear and PRE-EXISTING gear.

    Aside from R9 gear, it takes alot to build a sin that can solo and tank alot of things, even more so to the few that can solo 3-2/3-3. Being able to solo Nirvana is a bad example because it doesnt take much for a aps build to solo it. I could do it on my 6200 hp sin, it would be agrivating but I could do it, as I usualy tank on traditional squads even without clerics or healers.
    Lets troll the forums together b:victory
  • sachelfunlol
    sachelfunlol Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2012
    Myea, the point of this thread should be only to make caster nirvana talismans stackable (and not time limited) but instead it transformed into an caster vs aps war.
    I am sorry for ppl who understand what a farm char means because these threads will always be ignored since they mostly sound like class wars not like suggestions for future.

    Yes very true, and I do not beleive they should be stackable on the basis it is balanced out. Casters do Caster Nirvana all year around while most melees do Nirvana only during 2x, which is every 2-3 months, even without the now fixed caster glitch, the earnings even out. Maybe Raps/Cannies will return to their previous levels seeing caster nirvana is fixed now which dropped the prices about 1/3 to 1/2 when merchants caught wind of it on RT.
    Lets troll the forums together b:victory
  • Nareeah - Lost City
    Nareeah - Lost City Posts: 81 Arc User
    edited February 2012
    Yes very true, and I do not beleive they should be stackable on the basis it is balanced out. Casters do Caster Nirvana all year around while most melees do Nirvana only during 2x, which is every 2-3 months, even without the now fixed caster glitch, the earnings even out. Maybe Raps/Cannies will return to their previous levels seeing caster nirvana is fixed now which dropped the prices about 1/3 to 1/2 when merchants caught wind of it on RT.

    stupidest thing i ever heard

    with 2x and all those r9 sins ******** out and 5 min runs u SERIOUSLY believe caster NV would influence the price?

    and FYI even last time it was cnv fault it was A MONTH OF 2X DROPS
    u srsly believe a month of 2x drops didnt effect the prices but cnv did?
  • Pyrogasm - Heavens Tear
    Pyrogasm - Heavens Tear Posts: 98 Arc User
    edited February 2012
    Yes very true, and I do not beleive they should be stackable on the basis it is balanced out. Casters do Caster Nirvana all year around while most melees do Nirvana only during 2x, which is every 2-3 months, even without the now fixed caster glitch, the earnings even out. Maybe Raps/Cannies will return to their previous levels seeing caster nirvana is fixed now which dropped the prices about 1/3 to 1/2 when merchants caught wind of it on RT.

    Well, if you think back, there wasnt that much drama when they were glitchin the talismans and yes, the price dropped like crazy. When i got my nirvana chest, pants and weapon( when nirv was launched) cannies were like 600k each and raptures 2.5m ...
    - my personal signature -
    - the one who bashes all Caster Nirvana QQers -
  • Pyrogasm - Heavens Tear
    Pyrogasm - Heavens Tear Posts: 98 Arc User
    edited February 2012
    stupidest thing i ever heard

    with 2x and all those r9 sins ******** out and 5 min runs u SERIOUSLY believe caster NV would influence the price?

    and FYI even last time it was cnv fault it was A MONTH OF 2X DROPS
    u srsly believe a month of 2x drops didnt effect the prices but cnv did?

    you talk about R9 sins like .. well its that easy to get r9. and 5 min runs ? did you even read this thread ?

    fyi: r9 sin = 108g + 220g + 525g + refine cash (GOF fcks you really hard if ur wep is not refined high).
    - my personal signature -
    - the one who bashes all Caster Nirvana QQers -
  • sachelfunlol
    sachelfunlol Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2012
    stupidest thing i ever heard

    with 2x and all those r9 sins ******** out and 5 min runs u SERIOUSLY believe caster NV would influence the price?

    and FYI even last time it was cnv fault it was A MONTH OF 2X DROPS
    u srsly believe a month of 2x drops didnt effect the prices but cnv did?

    Actualy it did, because the prices dropped drastically before the month of 2x drops, which correlated with "A certain Unamed faction on RT finding it out". Then dropped even lower to their current prices when 2x started.

    As stated before you are using emotion and jealousy and not fact to make your arguments, any other questions? Oh yeah learn basic merchanting, price and demand.
    Lets troll the forums together b:victory
  • Pyrogasm - Heavens Tear
    Pyrogasm - Heavens Tear Posts: 98 Arc User
    edited February 2012
    Actualy it did, because the prices dropped drastically before the month of 2x drops, which correlated with "A certain Unamed faction on RT finding it out". Then dropped even lower to their current prices when 2x started.

    As stated before you are using emotion and jealousy and not fact to make your arguments, any other questions? Oh yeah learn basic merchanting, price and demand.

    this is not about the fact they cant get items for their gear. this is about the fact that they CANT get RICH by selling those mats. its about cash, money, gold or whatever.
    <- got "rich" merchanting and im proud of it
    - my personal signature -
    - the one who bashes all Caster Nirvana QQers -
  • sachelfunlol
    sachelfunlol Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2012
    this is not about the fact they cant get items for their gear. this is about the fact that they CANT get RICH by selling those mats. its about cash, money, gold or whatever.
    <- got "rich" merchanting and im proud of it

    I dont do caster daily and not that often actualy on my cleric. I think it needs to put in context. Take normal casters that do caster nirvana every day, outside of 2x. Add all that up then compare it to the coins made by most aps classes during 2x. I bet its pretty close, just because they cant save coins does not mean it does not even out. You can not compare a month of 2x as that was quite odd from my time in pwi, it was usualy a week or two. They can get rich, they just need to be smart which obviously they have not

    Being that you merchanted you should have a good idea on this, you wont have coins to reinvest ect if you spend it on something else. As with my merchanting all my profit is dumped into gold, when I get enough will resale the gold or get items to get my wanted gear on my barb(full recast r8 tank) and cleric(r8 or r9), maybe even sin(full r9) too.

    To the responce about R9 OP sins watch this video, maybe barbs should get nerf'd next (joke)
    Lets troll the forums together b:victory
  • TheDendra - Harshlands
    TheDendra - Harshlands Posts: 222 Arc User
    edited February 2012
    Take normal casters that do caster nirvana every day, outside of 2x. Add all that up then compare it to the coins made by most aps classes during 2x.

    2caster runs per day - 360runs in 6months (+you have 360keys left)
    aps - easily 300+ runs in a week, so tell me, how does that compare?

    So you basically want us to grind for a year what aps classes can grind in a week or two on 2x drops while we get to do 2% of the runs they can while 2x is on - in that case, why the hell should we even have 2x on? Make 2x drops work only for aps classes because it is f*** useless for us when we are limited to 20 runs in a week.
  • Deant - Raging Tide
    Deant - Raging Tide Posts: 143 Arc User
    edited February 2012
    We need change in nirvana, i dunno how to suggest and get some response. Merge the 2 nirvanas and ppl will merge too. Remove caster nirvana and make 1/2 of the bosses in normal nirvan phys immune. so the squad cant be aps only. u will need at least half caster squad . the phys imune bosses can spown mob or minibosses for meleers to kill. make it a bigger chalange and a teamwork.
    WE seriosly need to quit splitin like APS and Catsers we need to rejoin and be a community!
  • FayHumming - Dreamweaver
    FayHumming - Dreamweaver Posts: 325 Arc User
    edited February 2012
    Should also limit normal nirv atless 2 per day. Unfair for people are caster.b:chuckle
    the survival of the fittest

    -Thx all suport sell me SoW for 5M b:thanks tome/ring
  • Takeva - Heavens Tear
    Takeva - Heavens Tear Posts: 359 Arc User
    edited February 2012
    That is your main problem rigt there, the Regular Nirvana is not melee's, its everyones unlike caster Nirvana.

    Anyone can go into caster nirvanas. You have the talismans. You will just know what it feels like to be just a waste of space. But anyway it was made for us because 90% of us couldn't get a squad. Ask friends? You think all my friends are at the same time zone as me? And when we do get a time together to do regular nirvana runs it most likely gets messed up because life happens. Ask faction? Faction is nice and all but I can't force them to let me join their squad if they want to do 3.33+ runs or whatnot. Then what am i suppose to do? WC won't accept me. So I should just be happy with the 3 caster runs a get to do today? You think that's right?
    Nobody "forces" you to do anything. Its called a "FARM CHAR" and the name comes from "FARM" - short for FARMING - which means its (the char) used to farm mats or whatever you need - nobody said it has to be ur main.

    And yes, i would expect every one to roll a sin or whatever, if they want to do something for their MAIN char. Otherwise just go in west arch and beg ppl for coins.

    That is the whole reason I made a Sin, to support my farming for my cleric and the Faction I was in. Ended up liking better than my cleric, so cleric took a back seat for a while. The same with the other 4 or 5 other chars. This one character can farm for them all, as I love all the classes so far.

    Yes it is basically forcing me to make a character I don't like being on. So what if it will only be for farming? Its boring and I fail at playing a sin and a BM. You really want another one of those running around?

    If its suppose to be your farming class then why are you still on it? Your other character isn't your main anymore. Why? Because you obviously like your sin better. I like my wizard and I'd like to do more casters. Nirvana is an instance for everyone. I should be able to do the same amount as many as I want on any of my characters.

    Anyway why are we arguing with them? They obviously don't understand why we are QQing. They gave up on whatever class they use to play. Yes I'm QQing about something I find unfair. So? I don't care if the glitch is gone. That gltich was just a way to even the playing flied between casters and aps folk for a while. We start making some money and we were the ones breaking the market. lmao ok. It was broken the day sins were able to do 10 mins runs saving their keys for 2x. Don't blame us. Getting sick of that little joke.

    Anyway like I'll keep on writing everyday here if I have to. Take the time limit off of talismans and make them stackable or make Nirvana limited to all.
  • Takeva - Heavens Tear
    Takeva - Heavens Tear Posts: 359 Arc User
    edited February 2012
    We need change in nirvana, i dunno how to suggest and get some response. Merge the 2 nirvanas and ppl will merge too. Remove caster nirvana and make 1/2 of the bosses in normal nirvan phys immune. so the squad cant be aps only. u will need at least half caster squad . the phys imune bosses can spown mob or minibosses for meleers to kill. make it a bigger chalange and a teamwork.
    WE seriosly need to quit splitin like APS and Catsers we need to rejoin and be a community!

    +1 I like this idea.
  • BurnWhenIWiz - Heavens Tear
    BurnWhenIWiz - Heavens Tear Posts: 289 Arc User
    edited February 2012
    Ok, so that's the ovious fix, let's just all roll sins/bm's, spend more coin to the existing APS elites to power lvl them, dump a bucket of coin on it to gear it to 3.33+, and then watch them QQ because we killed their canny/rap economy by having everyone doing 5-10min std nirv runs. Watch them rage quit because they can't find people to buy keys off of to do 1, 2, 3, etc man runs.

    Wonder how many of them made coin 'glitching' wraithgate trophy mode, or 'glitching' frost?

    Why did nobody come to this conclusion before? Just abandon every other class.