Post your thoughts on them removig Fairy Boxes



  • Deceptistar - Sanctuary
    Deceptistar - Sanctuary Posts: 10,454 Arc User
    edited November 2011
    as a higher lv player i was completely unaware of how fairy boxes affected the earlier levels and tt farmers. The [insert position name] whos asking the devs to tweak this must be even more oblivious lol
    ★"New weekly quests! "Discover the bug in the patch""-Nihillae★"My father would beat me if he found out I was QQing over a virtual pony."-Neurosis★"You're amongst the biggest blobs of fail I've ever seen in my life."-Ninnuam★"A statistic said 3% people of the world get enjoyment primarily from making people upset, and you are trying to discriminate them"-ilystah★["How To Tank Rebirth Order Delta (86+)"-Stickygreen Barb (1)restat. you want full magic, Arcane armour build (2)when mobs come /faceroll on your keyboard and you will one shot all the mobs (3)rinse and repeat]★"I've been spammed with 3 poops for 2 hours."-ColdSteele★"If someone fights learning, I don't bother with them outside of amusement factor."-Telarith★"This thread is a joke right? Please say yes."-eatwithspoons★ "This is why you don't post your opinions on the internet, most of the replies you get will be from people who missed a hug or two sometime in their youth."-Alacol★"Sexy! A post with a Binomial Distribution."-Asterelle★"It's about time PW starts to separate out the noob Sins from the rest."-salvati0n★"Shoo troll >:O"-TheDan
  • Alasen - Heavens Tear
    Alasen - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,874 Arc User
    edited November 2011
    b:angry Yea bring the fariy boxes back or I send a little serious dude to u b:angry and he very serious when he gives u the look b:laugh

    lmao! holy ****
  • Yueliang - Lost City
    Yueliang - Lost City Posts: 16 Arc User
    edited November 2011
    Ya i woulda done nothing but TT in that month long 2X too if i hadn't thought about it till the end.... >.< lucky u Known.... rest of us aren't so much. I dot' see myself getting my sin nirv daggers anymore... not plopping 200 bucks or w/e into a game for one thing (maybe when i get 100 and can farm nirv we'll see how long it'd take but still..... this is a slap in our faces bigger then SP...). I JUST got a alt to 70 so it'd take 6 months to open boxes from another month long 2X instead of a year..... and they take em out lol I mean seriously it takes that long to open them.... how the hell does that make sucha big dent in their pockets they have to remove them? I'd love to see the b.s. explanation for this one.

    And before u tell me to merchant or something.... um nope. Not leaving a pc on 24/7 and trying to worm my way into a niche on something with 50 other catshops sellin the same thing.....

    Sometimes i'm lucky & find things ridiculously underpriced on the AH... but meh.


  • Alasen - Heavens Tear
    Alasen - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,874 Arc User
    edited November 2011
    HEY FRANKIE, i see you just posted..... in another thread.. care to comment here?
  • Bashmaster - Raging Tide
    Bashmaster - Raging Tide Posts: 353 Arc User
    edited November 2011
    Well, now pwi has thouroughly pissed me off, Fairy boxes were the way i made money when i was bored and needed money, now I got nothing to do. It seems to me like their wallets have become their souls... Bring back the damn fairy boxes >.>
  • Mitachi - Dreamweaver
    Mitachi - Dreamweaver Posts: 1,201 Arc User
    edited November 2011
    I stopped reading after you said "you took the only way to make real money away". Your a fish correct? Making money should not be a problem for a fish. I'm a cleric, im the one that should be struggling to make coin. But i don't. I use my intelligence to learn to merchant, and i use my skills to farm coin from tt, fairy boxes isn't my source of coin, gold mats are. Now nirvy is even more profitable ty to this sexy update. So now i have even more options to make money.

    Sorry if im being harsh, im just sick of people complaining that they can't make coin. It's so easy really.
  • Hazumi_chan - Sanctuary
    Hazumi_chan - Sanctuary Posts: 1,264 Arc User
    edited November 2011
    +1 >.> was already busy lvling another char so I could open more boxes a day.
    Pwi just nerfed my daily income back to about 100k if I can even be bothered to do OHT-daily and it pisses me off. It hardly covers the cost of repairs and pots for a day. Skills and gear? Oo; sorry, gotta do ONLY oht-daily for over a week to have some coin again. b:bye

    TTsquad mode takes forever so time/money wise isn't as profitable. Besides that I don't even have time to sit for 2 hours at the computer while holding down the heal pet key since I also have such a thing as school. I play this game for entertainment. Without having at least enough coin for skills it's hardly able to be called entertainment anymore.
  • Alasen - Heavens Tear
    Alasen - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,874 Arc User
    edited November 2011
    ^this and Mitachi you're over 100... u have ways to make coin other then grind your *** off in 2X for 12 hours cause other then that u dont' get jack **** for drops..... and u know how often i gotten gold mats? 3 times.....

    Earth to Frankie....... b:avoid
  • FatalFem - Heavens Tear
    FatalFem - Heavens Tear Posts: 291 Arc User
    edited November 2011
    I stopped reading after you said "you took the only way to make real money away". Your a fish correct? Making money should not be a problem for a fish. I'm a cleric, im the one that should be struggling to make coin. But i don't. I use my intelligence to learn to merchant, and i use my skills to farm coin from tt, fairy boxes isn't my source of coin, gold mats are. Now nirvy is even more profitable ty to this sexy update. So now i have even more options to make money.

    Sorry if im being harsh, im just sick of people complaining that they can't make coin. It's so easy really.

    Mitachi, those 99 or less don't have Nirvana as an option. Which I must say other than merchant is probably one of the better ways of obtaining in game coin for higher lvl players. During 2x, I lived in there. Its a bit unfair for you to talk about anyone making coins their own way and tell them to suck it up now that its gone. Let me give you a news flash, I'm R8 with a +10 Wep and everything is refined to +6 or above and I still have a hard time getting into squads b/c I'm not 5 aps. You however; should have absolutely NO issue getting into a squad that is NOT 5 aps because you are a cleric. Now, the fair yacht has sailed... time to dock it.
    ^this and Mitachi you're over 100... u have ways to make coin other then grind your *** off in 2X for 12 hours cause other then that u dont' get jack **** for drops..... and u know how often i gotten gold mats? 3 times.....

    Earth to Frankie....... b:avoid

    Alasen, Mitachi is right about one thing. You need to find a way to merchant and make money other than just opening fairy boxes. This is something you really need to do at higher levels because that little bit you get from fairy boxes a day won't even pay your repair bills. Hang in there!
  • Alasen - Heavens Tear
    Alasen - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,874 Arc User
    edited November 2011
    720k a day wont' pay repair bills when i have like... none? LOL And srry i'm too busy to actually play the game on four toons to sit on my *** merchanting.... i pay ten bucks a month jsut to get me through, THIS was going to help alot, now we jsut got slapped in the damn face agian.
  • Ikarium - Dreamweaver
    Ikarium - Dreamweaver Posts: 631 Arc User
    edited November 2011
    Why such sudden outburst? Because this change isn't. We knew this was coming.
    Levelling alts to open more of these when it was already determined this was going to happen long before today?

    Hey, I think it sucks too........but knew well before now, coz its been on the forums more than once before now b:surrender
  • Hazumi_chan - Sanctuary
    Hazumi_chan - Sanctuary Posts: 1,264 Arc User
    edited November 2011
    Alasen, Mitachi is right about one thing. You need to find a way to merchant and make money other than just opening fairy boxes. This is something you really need to do at higher levels because that little bit you get from fairy boxes a day won't even pay your repair bills. Hang in there!

    It really depends on how much you do on a day I gues and what class you play.
    The repair costs on my seeker after running 1 PV are about the same as running TT 3 times a day on my veno. In a month. Which is about 50k. b:surrender

    Those 360k a day helped me a lot. I was able to afford lvling some skills, to refine some ornaments and was saving atm to pay back a fac member who payed the prezzie for a friend.
    Thanks to this change I'll be unable to pay him back in the time I promised him unless I can bribe some friends into running some TT's. Since as said, I don't have much time to play due to school.
  • FatalFem - Heavens Tear
    FatalFem - Heavens Tear Posts: 291 Arc User
    edited November 2011
    720k a day wont' pay repair bills when i have like... none? LOL And srry i'm too busy to actually play the game on four toons to sit on my *** merchanting.... i pay ten bucks a month jsut to get me through, THIS was going to help alot, now we jsut got slapped in the damn face agian.

    You just said it yourself... you are too busy to actually play the game on four toons. This is why you have money issue, if you are trying to support 4 toons. I must remind you, this is a game and is meant to actually be played. It isn't supposed to be so easy that after a month you are totally maxed out on gear, refines and lvl. You don't have to sit on your rear to merchant. Leave your shop up when you aren't playing... that is what most ppl do. Or now that you are able to dual client a lot of ppl have their shop going while they play. You are making this harder than it is honestly. I don't agree with it either.. but even 720k coin a day isn't that much for someone lvl 100+. It barely pays for anything. If this was your strategy to get to end game, you are going to be sorrowfully disappointed.
  • Hazumi_chan - Sanctuary
    Hazumi_chan - Sanctuary Posts: 1,264 Arc User
    edited November 2011
    You just said it yourself... you are too busy to actually play the game on four toons. This is why you have money issue, if you are trying to support 4 toons. I must remind you, this is a game and is meant to actually be played. It isn't supposed to be so easy that after a month you are totally maxed out on gear, refines and lvl. You don't have to sit on your rear to merchant. Leave your shop up when you aren't playing... that is what most ppl do. Or now that you are able to dual client a lot of ppl have their shop going while they play. You are making this harder than it is honestly. I don't agree with it either.. but even 720k coin a day isn't that much for someone lvl 100+. It barely pays for anything. If this was your strategy to get to end game, you are going to be sorrowfully disappointed.

    Not everyone makes a good merchant. Just like how not everyone makes a good musician or artist.
    I personally suck at merchanting. When I think I found a way to make money I'm losing on it. When I think something won't make me money it seems to be "the" item that people will buy later. By running TT's I get money.
    Slowely in comparison to what good merchants make...But I'm gaining money.
    And by that I won't leave my comp on while I'm gone >_> do you have any idea how much THAT costs?
    720k coin isn't much for someone lvl 100+ you say. If you can't play much anyway it's a good income though. It depends for each player how much they spend on a day and how long they're willing to save for something...
  • Alasen - Heavens Tear
    Alasen - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,874 Arc User
    edited November 2011
    if u bothered reading what i said before, i'm not leaving a pc on 24/f'ing 7, and ya gl finding a niche in catshops now with 50 shops sellin the same packs.. tokens, or w/e...... and i dont' care about having R8 or R9, in fact i dont' care about TW or PK'ing...

    Like i said i pay 10 bucks a month to get by..... and yes if i dot' splurge that's enough.... but i was going to use fairy boxes to get nirv daggers for sin at least..... maybe a couple other things (like i want a Fallen Roc lol). ALOT OF PEOPLE used the boxes for income, cause solo TT's are fast and we dont' play 24/7.... and we just got slapped in the face yet again. If ya can't understand that idk what to tell you.

    btw..... if there was another month long 2X i'd make like 160 mil (after U sub cost) or maybe 170 with them down to like the time i opened the boxes. Not a huge dent in pw's pocket esp over the time frame to open that many boxes.... but if u think that wont' pay for much (to someone not caring if their e-peen's the bigggest anyway) in the long run you're deluded.
  • Mitachi - Dreamweaver
    Mitachi - Dreamweaver Posts: 1,201 Arc User
    edited November 2011
    Mitachi, those 99 or less don't have Nirvana as an option. Which I must say other than merchant is probably one of the better ways of obtaining in game coin for higher lvl players. During 2x, I lived in there. Its a bit unfair for you to talk about anyone making coins their own way and tell them to suck it up now that its gone. Let me give you a news flash, I'm R8 with a +10 Wep and everything is refined to +6 or above and I still have a hard time getting into squads b/c I'm not 5 aps. You however; should have absolutely NO issue getting into a squad that is NOT 5 aps because you are a cleric. Now, the fair yacht has sailed... time to dock it.

    Alasen, Mitachi is right about one thing. You need to find a way to merchant and make money other than just opening fairy boxes. This is something you really need to do at higher levels because that little bit you get from fairy boxes a day won't even pay your repair bills. Hang in there!

    If you're below lvl 100 then you have merchanting for an option. I started merchanting at lvl 80 all i needed is 1mil. I worked my way up with money by buying rep badges and selling them, 1 week later and i hit the 30mil mark, then i started with packs. 1 week without hypers wont hurt low lvls assuming thats all you spend your coin on. Im saying to suck it up cause i had no help, i merchanted all my gear that i could on my own. Before i joined a tw faction, this is what i did. The main problem in my opinion is people don't want to use alot of time on one thing, for example duo-ing tt with a friend etc. We can still grind mobs for dq, i do that sometimes if im having a black fashion withdrawel and need dq points for dyes.

    before merchanting i went with my bm i spent 70k on 2 subs and solo'd tt 2-1's to make coin, sometimes i'd lose money sometimes i'd make money. you can buy subs for what 10-20k now? hardly a loss at all assuming you can sell first bosses mats for 10k. Forshura's 100k+? Many ways to make money, you just have to think and calculate. Hell my math skills became top notch thanks to pwi always making me work out stuffb:surrender

    Oh and i get in 5aps squads its a little thing i learned from pwi. "How to make friends"

    So yeah i've provided a number of ways to make coin.

    And that excuse of "im too busy to sit on my *** to merchant" I only spend 5min on my shop. If i sell out another 5min etc. It doesn't take time really. If you can play the game you can spend 5min on your shop.
  • Alasen - Heavens Tear
    Alasen - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,874 Arc User
    edited November 2011
    great.... you're good at merchanting....... NOT EVERYONE IS, or can find a niche to do it in, or wants to constanly f'ing merchant blah blah blah, damn u people don't get **** do u?
  • SoulkillerX - Raging Tide
    SoulkillerX - Raging Tide Posts: 12 Arc User
    edited November 2011
    lol 720k is not gd for 100+ a day well if u get 720k daily u will propaply get rank 9 in farming for couple of months and rank8 in like wht 3 weeks lol well if its not enouph to 100+ people it works perfect to me all i need now is the damn fairy boxes backb:angry
  • Mitachi - Dreamweaver
    Mitachi - Dreamweaver Posts: 1,201 Arc User
    edited November 2011
    great.... you're good at merchanting....... NOT EVERYONE IS, or can find a niche to do it in, or wants to constanly f'ing merchant blah blah blah, damn u people don't get **** do u?

    You obviously ignored my other ways to make money. Only thing that you are making yourself sound like now is lazy. You can't expect everything to be handed on a plate of gold to you. This game has become harsh on lower lvls i won't deny that, but we have to adapt.
  • Alasen - Heavens Tear
    Alasen - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,874 Arc User
    edited November 2011
    i'm not lazy at all..... every 2X i grind my *** off almost 12 hours straight. But ya know what? When u put something like fairy boxes in and give people a way to easily make some coin... then slap them in the face by taking it away..... THAT"S WHAT THIS IS ABOUT.

    I DO"T GIVE A **** HOW U MAKE COIN. I DONT" LIKE MERCHANTING, get it yet? not everyone does..... and that last post of yours i didnt' see anything other then that..... o ya the post before that... nirvana, BH's..... YOU"RE 100+ GENIUS, WE CAN"T DO THAT YET! I didnt' ognore the other ways.. i gnored the fact you're a moron and thinks everyone is 100 and can do all that... >.<
  • Ikarium - Dreamweaver
    Ikarium - Dreamweaver Posts: 631 Arc User
    edited November 2011
    You obviously ignored my other ways to make money. Only thing that you are making yourself sound like now is lazy. You can't expect everything to be handed on a plate of gold to you.

    Fairy boxes were nice......but even if they were back tomorrow, they're not really the most viable option for Nirvana Daggers, or paying for any end game gear. The raptures alone would take 416 days to pay for at 12 boxes a day, dual clienting. Even if you were getting them on all 4 characters, 208 days for raptures is just not realstic in any way, and you can't expect us or anyone at PWE to believe you were using fairy boxes as a main source of funding for endgame gear.
    They were great for funding other things : repairs, HP/MP food, hypers, and so forth....but not endgame.

    You can yell in caps all you like. Its just not plausible.
  • Alasen - Heavens Tear
    Alasen - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,874 Arc User
    edited November 2011
    12? try more like 100 boxes a day genius ya u can only open like 12 a day.... but in 2X i avg ten boxes a run, ten runs dont' take long...... imagine me doing that daily in that last 2X then going out for some fresh air in RL rather then sitting here grinding 24/7 >.< 170 mil in 6 months opening them on two diff toons.

    and since the nirv daggers were all i wanted, ya i was going to do that. other then buying a little rank here and there for R8 body on sin.
  • Mitachi - Dreamweaver
    Mitachi - Dreamweaver Posts: 1,201 Arc User
    edited November 2011
    i'm not lazy at all..... every 2X i grind my *** off almost 12 hours straight. But ya know what? When u put something like fairy boxes in and give people a way to easily make some coin... then slap them in the face by taking it away..... THAT"S WHAT THIS IS ABOUT.

    I DO"T GIVE A **** HOW U MAKE COIN. I DONT" LIKE MERCHANTING, get it yet? not everyone does..... and that last post of yours i didnt' see anything other then that..... o ya the post before that... nirvana, BH's..... YOU"RE 100+ GENIUS, WE CAN"T DO THAT YET! I didnt' ognore the other ways.. i gnored the fact you're a moron and thinks everyone is 100 and can do all that... >.<

    lol relax its just a game. My bm was lvl 80 when she solo'd 2-1 (solo mode) so don't come with lvl 100 bs. It's time to adapt to the fairy box situation, QQ-ing about it wont bring it back.
  • Ikarium - Dreamweaver
    Ikarium - Dreamweaver Posts: 631 Arc User
    edited November 2011
    12? try more like 100 boxes a day genius
    Now I wonder if you know what fairy boxes even were. You were opening 100 a day were you? Doesn't matter how many you accumulate in day, when you can only open 6 per day, per character. Will still take you about 16 days to open those 100 boxes. So my numbers are still correct.
  • Alasen - Heavens Tear
    Alasen - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,874 Arc User
    edited November 2011
    funny, i soloed tTT's too, farmed every mat i need, and with ythe prices they are NOW, the extra stuff i got over the days and days of spamming i didnt' make jack **** to even make it worth doing..... then the boxes came out...... but ya who's raging, you're being mental. besides u soloing TT on BM everythign else was 100+ stuff, plz... tell me how anyone w/o a 100 toon is supposed to farm nirvy or do BH100 or any of that?

    And in case your'e f'ing blind.... i'm not the only one pissed off here. I smell another 500 page thread, and u saw what happened from the QQ about SP (or did you? u been gone awhile?)..... so telling me being mad about them slapping us in the face with this and speaking up about it wont' bring it back is just plain stupid.
    Now I wonder if you know what fairy boxes even were. You were opening 100 a day were you? Doesn't matter how many you accumulate in day, when you can only open 6 per day, per character. Will still take you about 16 days to open those 100 boxes. So my numbers are still correct.

    Might want to go back to my post and learn to read......
  • Olbaze - Sanctuary
    Olbaze - Sanctuary Posts: 4,242 Arc User
    edited November 2011
    12? try more like 100 boxes a day genius ya u can only open like 12 a day.... but in 2X i avg ten boxes a run, ten runs dont' take long...... imagine me doing that daily in that last 2X then going out for some fresh air in RL rather then sitting here grinding 24/7 >.< 170 in 6 months opening them on two diff toons.

    It doesn't matter how many boxes you get per day, you can still only open 6 per account. And with the new account rules, that's 12 boxes a day.

    There was some Psychic on the forums who had enough boxes for, I think, 70m coins or so and he was complaining that they're a waste of space since it takes like 7 months to open them.

    Personally, I don't like the removal of the Fairy Boxes, just because it was something for me to do.
    I am Olba. Not Ol, not Baze nor Blaze. And even less would I go by Olblaze. Please, take a second to read a person's username.
    If you see b:cute be sure to take a second, calm look at anything I said.
  • Kokki - Harshlands
    Kokki - Harshlands Posts: 267 Arc User
    edited November 2011
    you have any idea how many mirages came into the game this way? i've seen shops with over 60K mirages.....

    that's 600 mil right in 1 shop. Fairy boxes cause a huge inflation to the economy, so they take em out. Which is a step in the right direction to get gold prices lower.

    For those who are blind, gold prices have been dropping slowly since they are slowly chipping away at the big money influxes.

    Even now they are introducing more and more coin sink. the 20K for the ranking NPC? might not seem like much, but i've seen over 100 people trying for at least 20 times for a top place. 100x20x20000 =40 mil within an hour down the drain for just a ranking.

    I'm from the old days, where i had to grind 1 FREAKING FULL HOUR to get 200K worth of coins and drops. And as far as i know that did the game much more good then anything else what is available now. Yes i know i'm already end game geared, but that is what merchanting did for me.

    and for a merchant that invested into a 4 APS toon, 720K a day turns into 1.2 mil a day easily through investing it into more merch items. and i ran 3-2 solo mode in like 30 mins, getting enough boxes for two toons to open them.

    you don't WANT to grind on mobs to get coins? better get used to it, because i predict PWI taking out more grand money schemes soon.
    I'm famous! i'm on ecatomb
  • Alasen - Heavens Tear
    Alasen - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,874 Arc User
    edited November 2011
    having a nice chunk of coin eventually isn't a waste of space when they stack....... and ya 6 months for like 70 boxes if u only picked em up on one toon.... IT'd take me 8 months to open..... 3100 boxes but u know what? idc how long it'd take.... cause by then i woulda made more coin other ways, plus the ten a month i charge, and sin would've been close to 100 by then. Nirv daggers.... and prolyl a fallen roc and w/e i wanted

    Now... forget it lol
  • Ikarium - Dreamweaver
    Ikarium - Dreamweaver Posts: 631 Arc User
    edited November 2011
    I'm not disagreeing with you or anyone else here on the crappiness of the removal of the fairy boxes.
    I am pointing out the extreme invalidity of your argument for using them as endgame funding. Its not feasible or believable.
    As a supplement, yes they were nice, but its that kind of ridiculous claim that you are using them as the main source of Nirvana and endgame funding that makes these topics look the playerbase is just plain dumb.
    I may as well claim that the cube is my main source of income for my endgame gear. Multiple chars getting pages of fate a day to sell at 400k each. Funding my rank9, they are.
    Realistic complaints would probably serve better here.

    And for the record, I don't even have a BM. The avatar is a Seeker.
  • Mitachi - Dreamweaver
    Mitachi - Dreamweaver Posts: 1,201 Arc User
    edited November 2011
    funny, i soloed tTT's too, farmed every mat i need, and with ythe prices they are NOW, the extra stuff i got over the days and days of spamming i didnt' make jack **** to even make it worth doing..... then the boxes came out...... but ya who's raging, you're being mental. besides u soloing TT on BM everythign else was 100+ stuff, plz... tell me how anyone w/o a 100 toon is supposed to farm nirvy or do BH100 or any of that?

    And in case your'e f'ing blind.... i'm not the only one pissed off here. I smell another 500 page thread, and u saw what happened from the QQ about SP (or did you? u been gone awhile?)..... so telling me being mad about them slapping us in the face with this and speaking up about it wont' bring it back is just plain stupid.

    Might want to go back to my post and learn to read......

    Actually you're the one raging, calling me names, oh and is that stars i see? Im only pointing out the facts, and you press your QQ button. Do you even read what i say? I said back then as opposed to like almost a year ago i did tt SOLO MODE as in NO SQUAD NEEDED. Understand now? >.> I got my toon to this lvl after 3years, i only hypered from lvl 90. Read before you post, you're only twisting my words.