Let your voice be heard

First, a message to the moderators. I am expressing free speech here. I am not breaking the Forum Rules of Conduct, neither am I in violation of the Terms of Service. I have thuroughly read both documents and am complying wholly. All information contained within this post is public knowlege that anyone is free to view.

Secondly, I know this is a massive wall of text. I will break it up with proper punctuation and paragraphs. If you care about the future of the game, and want to have your voice heard, you will continue reading.

Now onto the real meat. So far we, as gamers, pretty much say what we say and voice our complaints through posts in these forums and through the support ticketing system. Our voices are supposedly then relayed to the higher powers that be, who then relay the message to the people in China and it may eventually reach the ears of the Developers. You ever play the game where everyone sits in a long line, someone starts a emssage and whispers it along? It's never the same at the other end. I have a perfect example of where this has happened to us. Players complained that the free Tideborn wings were too small. We wanted them a bit larger to reflect similarities in other classes and so that we didn't look like flys. What happened? The dev's in China hear that we wanted larger Tidebord wings, nearly doubled the size of all the Tideborn wings, with the exception of the free flyspeck wing that we wanted changed in the first place.

We all know frankieraye can't spend all of his time reading the forums, he's got loads of other work to do. We hardly hear from any of the other GM's on an official basis, and the moderators are just that, moderators. So you ask yourself the question, "how do I get in touch with the people that actually make the descisions?" Well I'll tell you right now. It's so freaking simple it's stupid. You send them a letter. Here's how...

My wife did some deep digging and managed to find plublicly posted information on how to contact the COE, the CFO, and other high-level executives withing PWE. (Also, you would be amazed at what they say in some of the financial briefs about the games. I'm already skirting a thin line here in the eyes of some moderators, so I won't go into those details.)

Anyway, without further adieu, here is the list.

Executive Office
Address : Perfect World Plaza, Tower 306, 86 Beiyuan Road, Chaoyang District, Beijing 100101, China
Phone: (86 10) 5780-5000
Email: info@pwrd.com

Investor Relations
Vivien Wang
Vice President, Investor Relations & Corporate Communications
Tel: +86-10-5780-5700
Fax: +86-10-5780-5713
Email: ir@pwrd.com


Mr. Michael Yufeng Chi - Founder, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer
Address: Room 302, Unite 6, Building 5, Yichengdongyuan Community, Haidian District, Beijing, PRC
Fax: 57805730
Tel.: 57805726
Mr. Kelvin Wing Kee Lau - Chief Financial Officer
Mr. Di He - Chief Technology Officer
Mr. Qing Li - Chief Design Officer
Mr. Qi Zhu - Senior Vice President
Mr. Davis Jian Li - Senior Vice President
Mr. Alan Ming Chen - Senior Vice President
Mr. Robert Hong Xiao - Senior Vice President
Mr. Xiaoyin Lu - Senior Vice President

Board of Directors
Mr. Michael Yufeng Chi - Founder, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer
Address: Room 302, Unite 6, Building 5, Yichengdongyuan Community, Haidian District, Beijing, PRC
Fax: 57805730
Tel.: 57805726
Mr. Daniel Dong Yang - Independent Director
Dr. Bing Xiang - Independent Director
Mr. Han Zhang - Independent Director

Much of this information comes from http://www.pwrd.com

I'm guessing that the e-mail system is something like First letter of the first name, followed by the last name @pwrd.com. I will be doing some testing in this regard.

Perfect World Entertainment, Inc.
1001 East Hillsdale Blvd. Suite 800
Foster City, CA 94404
2200 Bridge Pkwy Ste 201
Redwood City, CA 94065
~phone listing for both addresses
(650) 591-1211

P.S. This is information everyone is free to know and is all listed publicly. Should a Moderator, GM, or other PWE staff decide to quench this thread, it will be posted on multiple sites. Because it does not violate the ToS or forum rules, I am free to advertise it as I wish, and will take liberty to do so. If anyone has any questions about any of this, please send me a PM. I also ask that you please keep your posts relevant and clean so that this thread does not get closed.
Post edited by SylenThunder - Twilight Temple on


  • SylenThunder - Twilight Temple
    edited September 2011
    Below is the long version added to my original post. Here is a shortened version. (Also found on post #21.)

    Dear PWE Staff:

    I have been a loyal customer of your games for a few years now. It's been especially frustrating seeing loads of new content coming out, and not seeing any of the old bugs fixed. Most recently, we've had our world turned upside down because of the PvP changes in Secret Passage. As a group, we (the players) don't really feel that you guys are listening to us. A while back this was even brought up in the forum. We were basically told that because only 5-10% of the players visit the forums, we're a minority and our opinions don't make a difference.

    I am writing this letter in an attempt to make a difference. We are tired of not being listened to. We are tired of feeling like you guys don't care about us, as players, and as your primary source of income. In this letter, I will specifically state the issues with the change in Secret Passage, how it affects us, and why it should be immediately returned to its former state. Afterwards, I am going to write a list, (although not complete by any means), of the many things that we have been asking to be fixed since closed beta, and have not seen any improvement, which I will attach on the second page. I ask that you please bear with me and continue reading this thoroughly.

    The first reason as to why forcing PvP in SP is a bad idea is because of the quests. There are 6 quests that I can think of just off the top of my head that require killing mobs that exist solely in Secret Passage. Secondly, Blue names should absolutely not be forced into PvP mode. This has long been discussed about the glitch in Room 1 of the Cube of Fate and it is no different when discussing its value in Secret Passage. Particularly when some of the mentioned 'Blue Names' are under level 30 and should be under protection from PvP that is supposed to be accommodating their growth.. Additionally, if you happen to play on a PvE server, you chose this because it means you are protected from being PK'ed unless you make the choice to change your PvP settings. In Secret Passage this is no longer the case and is an affront to our play style.

    We are aware that the client originates in China, gets filtered down here, and we get what we get. We are also aware, that you have direct contact with the staff in China and are able to voice our concerns. We don't feel that you are acting in our best interests and intentions by supporting this recent change in the Secret Passage.


    Here is a list of the bugs, that I am aware of, that we have asked to be changed. For most of these it was either completely ignored, tried-failed-and given up, fixed and then broken again, or was apparently made for the sole purpose of scamming us, (the players), out of our hard earned money, (whether it be real life money, or coin earned in-game).

    Monthly Dungeon Race (broken since beta)
    PvP Arenas (broken since beta, was attempted to be fixed and then dropped)
    Corner of Cube room 1 being a PvP area where you teleport in.
    Wardrobe stones quick-change slots reduced. (This was an obvious effort to force us into purchasing more.)
    Amount of duration gain reduced for all chi stones when dropping on aerogear. (This happened slowly over time. I did open a couple of tickets and they were never adequately answered. Previously a mirage Celestone would add 30 to the duration. Now it adds only 2 to the duration.
    Being killed by mobs when you use the Illusion Stone to teleport into the Hall of Deception. (Now you have the additional ability to be killed by anyone using an AoE attack in the general vicinity.)
    The quest "Percussion Master" that required the Earthquake Drum Fragment. All they ever had to do was fix it so that the quest item dropped consistently. Luckily they finally turned it off so that people would stop trying to do it. It didn't complete even if you were lucky enough to get the item.
    Hercules pet nerf. This was done a couple of years ago. Not sure what exactly got changed because I was busy with other projects at the time, but I do know that the herc does not hold agro as well as it used to, nor is its defense as good as it was before. Many Venomancers have been very upset over this. They spent a lot of money for those pets.
    Rubberbanding. I think this is mostly caused by a glitch from the load of new content not being balanced properly with the aging client's game engine. It's better now, but still causes a lot of trouble for many people.
    Cleric buff skill Aegis Spirit does not get properly over-written when re-buffed as the others do. Magic shell used to have the same problem but it got fixed.
    The boss, Gluttonix, in FB 59 is glitched. If you spark while fighting him it can cause the tab and/or quest to fail. There are other reasons that it may fail, this is the only sure one I have been able to discover so far. It was fixed once a couple of years ago, and then a new patch releasing new content not only re-broke it, but affected some other bosses as well. (I do not recall the other bosses, but I believe one was in 99 and another in 89.)
    Genie skill descriptions are still not correct and do not properly line up with the required attribute points, or usage costs. The list of these is too large to describe individually.

    This is just a short list of the issues that I am able to think of right off the top of my head. I am quite certain that there are others that I have either forgotten, or cannot think of right this moment without doing some research. I didn't even mention things like DQ prices getting nerfed and NPC prices increasing. We've supposedly been compensated for that, although personally it was only a lackluster effort on your part. We're still waiting for the TT instances to be returned to normal. Another item that, while we hear from frankierae that they plan to revert it, we have not seen any such effort in a very long time. I would also mention the lack of implementation of the guild bases. We are given extremely little information from you, so we go looking on our own. From people that we know that play the PW-CN version, or from those that can translate Chinese, we learn about new instances for leveling, experience building daily quests, and the new TW system. You guys even promoted the new 40 vs. 40 TW system and we were all waiting expectantly for it.

    But then it was released. We worked hard and spent a lot of time and money to get the bases, only to find out that all of your promises were empty. Now we even find out that the developers in China have totally tossed the idea of base TW out the window and are working on an instance attached to the base. (Both are items that were previously mentioned to be a part of the bases and some of the reasons that we fought so hard to get them.

    For the extreme profit margin that you are making for these games, one would think that you would spend more time making sure that they work properly. Instead we just see pack sale after pack sale, a game economy that is in tatters, and more new content with new and improved bugs while never bothering to fix what was already broken. We recently heard from a moderator in the forum "that PWE has compiled a list of complaints and is going to pass it on to the Chinese team for review. They will work to make the appropriate changes and will keep you updated as soon as something comes up". One thing I know for certain, we won't be kept updated. Hell, we can't even get the list that you are supposedly talking about. I would also be willing to bet that nothing I listed above is on the list, with the possible exception of the current status of Secret Passage. (The forum thread frankierae started on that grew to 72 pages in a mere 24 hours. It is also where I got that quote that ChaoticShelly said.)

    I know this is a long letter, and I'll shorten it some by avoiding discussion of the complete failure of the web development team. Your customers are tired of putting up with the failed efforts to placate us with new content. This is evident in the forums every day and has been for well over a year. Many of the seasoned players have left the game and a lot of the players we see now are just kids, or people that like to slap down their credit cards for being on top. Leveling is too easy, there is a total lack of end-game content, and the bugs are not getting fixed. Please tell me what it is that you plan to do to fix this. Do you even see that this is a problem? Do you care about those of us that actually play the game, or are you more interested in the profit margin?

    Thanks for listening.
  • JeffProbst - Heavens Tear
    JeffProbst - Heavens Tear Posts: 53 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    ****'s about to go down. Now someone give me an english to mandarin chinese translator then I will have some fun.
  • _Nuriko_ - Lost City
    _Nuriko_ - Lost City Posts: 1,004 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    Dear PWE Staff:

    I have been a loyal customer of your games for a few years now. It

    He accidentally his post.

    If your using certain symbols the forum will cut off the majority of the post. Try altering where it's getting cut off.
    Ahira is a spyb:cryb:cryb:cry
  • Vidish - Sanctuary
    Vidish - Sanctuary Posts: 90 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    ****'s about to go down. Now someone give me an english to mandarin chinese translator then I will have some fun.



  • JeffProbst - Heavens Tear
    JeffProbst - Heavens Tear Posts: 53 Arc User
    edited September 2011

    Drat you kids and your highfalutin technology and your flying machines.
  • Dethprowl - Raging Tide
    Dethprowl - Raging Tide Posts: 411 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    Wonder if anything will change if ole Mike Chi starts getting mail bags of letters about how is devs and GMs are completely **** his flagship.
  • Alsiadorra - Sanctuary
    Alsiadorra - Sanctuary Posts: 1,004 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    ...Well I'm more concerned about the Board of Directors. That's where the decisions are made.. So that would be a nice start I think.
  • Nowitsawn - Heavens Tear
    Nowitsawn - Heavens Tear Posts: 4,864 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    So y'all need to hide yo GM's, hide yo developers and hide yo directors cuz 'erryone gonna get raped in heah.
  • chaoticshelly
    chaoticshelly Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    If I can give my two cents, I'd advise you to make your letter as short as possible and very straight to the point. The way it looks now, it's highly unlikely to be reviewed by a Chinese team member. Heck, I will even get someone to translate it to Mandarin if it'll be reasonably long (but not long so it's more than 5 paragraphs), that way you could guarantee that it is indeed understood by whoever reads it.
  • SylenThunder - Twilight Temple
    edited September 2011
    ok, finally got the letter fixed. sorry it's so long, but damnit spread the word. We have the power to make a difference.
  • Fulcanelli - Raging Tide
    Fulcanelli - Raging Tide Posts: 385 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    good job OP: that's being proactive!

  • SylenThunder - Twilight Temple
    edited September 2011
    If I can give my two cents, I'd advise you to make your letter as short as possible and very straight to the point. The way it looks now, it's highly unlikely to be reviewed by a Chinese team member. Heck, I will even get someone to translate it to Mandarin if it'll be reasonably long (but not long so it's more than 5 paragraphs).

    Where the '~' symbol is was my initial cutoff for the letters I am sending via Postal. The other I sent via e-mail.
  • chaoticshelly
    chaoticshelly Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    Where the '~' symbol is was my initial cutoff for the letters I am sending via Postal. The other I sent via e-mail.

    You are better off narrowing it to two-three paragraphs and compiling a list of issues (no more than 10 of the the most urgent ones) with a brief (and I do mean brief) explanation of their affect for the email - especially if you want the community to email the letter as well.

    And like I said, I will get it translated for you if you could do that.
  • SylenThunder - Twilight Temple
    edited September 2011
    You are better off narrowing it to two-three paragraphs and compiling a list of issues (no more than 10 of the the most urgent ones) with a brief (and I do mean brief) explanation of their affect for the email - especially if you want the community to email the letter as well.

    And like I said, I will get it translated for you if you could do that.

    mmkay working on it now.
  • SuddenSanity - Heavens Tear
    SuddenSanity - Heavens Tear Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    I really hope to see some changes, this looks like a good step forward and I hope it works out.
  • Mumintroll - Heavens Tear
    Mumintroll - Heavens Tear Posts: 3,393 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    First, a message to the moderators. I am expressing free speech here. I am not breaking the Forum Rules of Conduct, neither am I in violation of the Terms of Service. I have thuroughly read both documents and am complying wholly. All information contained within this post is public knowlege that anyone is free to view.

    Secondly, I know this is a massive wall of text. I will break it up with proper punctuation and paragraphs. If you care about the future of the game, and want to have your voice heard, you will continue reading.

    Now onto the real meat. So far we, as gamers, pretty much say what we say and voice our complaints through posts in these forums and through the support ticketing system. Our voices are supposedly then relayed to the higher powers that be, who then relay the message to the people in China and it may eventually reach the ears of the Developers. You ever play the game where everyone sits in a long line, someone starts a emssage and whispers it along? It's never the same at the other end. I have a perfect example of where this has happened to us. Players complained that the free Tideborn wings were too small. We wanted them a bit larger to reflect similarities in other classes and so that we didn't look like flys. What happened? The dev's in China hear that we wanted larger Tidebord wings, nearly doubled the size of all the Tideborn wings, with the exception of the free flyspeck wing that we wanted changed in the first place.

    We all know frankieraye can't spend all of his time reading the forums, he's got loads of other work to do. We hardly hear from any of the other GM's on an official basis, and the moderators are just that, moderators. So you ask yourself the question, "how do I get in touch with the people that actually make the descisions?" Well I'll tell you right now. It's so freaking simple it's stupid. You send them a letter. Here's how...

    My wife did some deep digging and managed to find plublicly posted information on how to contact the COE, the CFO, and other high-level executives withing PWE. (Also, you would be amazed at what they say in some of the financial briefs about the games. I'm already skirting a thin line here in the eyes of some moderators, so I won't go into those details.)

    Anyway, without further adieu, here is the list.

    Executive Office
    Address : Perfect World Plaza, Tower 306, 86 Beiyuan Road, Chaoyang District, Beijing 100101, China
    Phone: (86 10) 5780-5000
    Email: info@pwrd.com

    Investor Relations
    Vivien Wang
    Vice President, Investor Relations & Corporate Communications
    Tel: +86-10-5780-5700
    Fax: +86-10-5780-5713
    Email: ir@pwrd.com


    Mr. Michael Yufeng Chi - Founder, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer
    Address: Room 302, Unite 6, Building 5, Yichengdongyuan Community, Haidian District, Beijing, PRC
    Fax: 57805730
    Tel.: 57805726
    Mr. Kelvin Wing Kee Lau - Chief Financial Officer
    Mr. Di He - Chief Technology Officer
    Mr. Qing Li - Chief Design Officer
    Mr. Qi Zhu - Senior Vice President
    Mr. Davis Jian Li - Senior Vice President
    Mr. Alan Ming Chen - Senior Vice President
    Mr. Robert Hong Xiao - Senior Vice President
    Mr. Xiaoyin Lu - Senior Vice President

    Board of Directors
    Mr. Michael Yufeng Chi - Founder, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer
    Address: Room 302, Unite 6, Building 5, Yichengdongyuan Community, Haidian District, Beijing, PRC
    Fax: 57805730
    Tel.: 57805726
    Mr. Daniel Dong Yang - Independent Director
    Dr. Bing Xiang - Independent Director
    Mr. Han Zhang - Independent Director

    Much of this information comes from http://www.pwrd.com

    I'm guessing that the e-mail system is something like First letter of the first name, followed by the last name @pwrd.com. I will be doing some testing in this regard.

    P.S. This is information everyone is free to know and is all listed publicly. Should a Moderator, GM, or other PWE staff decide to quench this thread, it will be posted on multiple sites. Because it does not violate the ToS or forum rules, I am free to advertise it as I wish, and will take liberty to do so. If anyone has any questions about any of this, please send me a PM. I also ask that you please keep your posts relevant and clean so that this thread does not get closed.
    I mailed them couple times looooong time ago. They NEVER wrote back. Useless.
  • Krel - Heavens Tear
    Krel - Heavens Tear Posts: 178 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    dear game people,

    make packs 20 silver and we will forget about any bug and pvp in sp..well till sale ends.

    I luv my luvsalotb:dirty

    Fear Me:I will and can unleash my true demon forum troll from at anytime..so beware.

    Im A wizzie with godly looks and your all jealousb:bye
  • Asone - Raging Tide
    Asone - Raging Tide Posts: 792 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    I'm defiantly gonna send my letter in. Love the game. Hate the way it's being run.

    Retired PWI veteran. 06/26/2010-2014.
  • Dethprowl - Raging Tide
    Dethprowl - Raging Tide Posts: 411 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    Better than sending letters would be a week or two of reduced server traffic and cash flow.

    I know itll never happen, but a lock out and a good hit at the bottom line usually gets somebody's attention.
  • SylenThunder - Twilight Temple
    edited September 2011
    You are better off narrowing it to two-three paragraphs and compiling a list of issues (no more than 10 of the the most urgent ones) with a brief (and I do mean brief) explanation of their affect for the email - especially if you want the community to email the letter as well.

    And like I said, I will get it translated for you if you could do that.

    I think this still encapsulates the overall view and wishes of my earlier message, but slimmed it down to where it fit on one page in Word instead of three.

    Dear PWE Staff:

    I am writing this letter in an attempt to make a difference. We are tired of not being listened to. We are tired of feeling like you guys don't care about us, as players, and as your primary source of income. In this letter, I will specifically state the issues with the change in Secret Passage, how it affects us, and why it should be immediately returned to its former state.

    The first reason as to why forcing PvP in SP is a bad idea is because of the quests. There are 6 quests that I can think of just off the top of my head that require killing mobs that exist solely in Secret Passage. Secondly, Blue names should absolutely not be forced into PvP mode. This has long been discussed about the glitch in Room 1 of the Cube of Fate and it is no different when discussing its value in Secret Passage. Particularly when some of the mentioned 'Blue Names' are under level 30 and should be under protection from PvP that is supposed to be accommodating their growth.. Additionally, if you happen to play on a PvE server, you chose this because it means you are protected from being PK'ed unless you make the choice to change your PvP settings. In Secret Passage this is no longer the case and is an affront to our play style.

    We are aware that the client originates in China, gets filtered down here, and we get what we get. We are also aware, that you have direct contact with the staff in China and are able to voice our concerns. Here is a short list of the bugs that I am aware of that we have asked to be changed. For most of these it was either completely ignored, tried-failed-and given up, fixed and then broken again, or was apparently made for the sole purpose of scamming us, (the players), out of our hard earned money, (whether it be real life money, or coin earned in-game).

    Monthly Dungeon Race (broken since beta, was attempted to be fixed and then dropped)
    PvP Arenas (broken since beta, was attempted to be fixed and then dropped)
    Corner of Cube room 1 being a PvP area where you teleport in.
    Amount of duration gain reduced for all chi stones when dropping on aerogear. (This happened slowly over time. I did open a couple of tickets and they were never adequately answered. Previously a mirage Celestone would add 30 to the duration. Now adds only 2 to the duration.
    Hercules pet nerf. This was done a couple of years ago. Not sure what exactly got changed because I was busy with other projects at the time, but I do know that the herc does not hold agro as well as it used to, nor is its defense as good as it was before. Many Venomancers have been very upset over this. They spent a lot of money for those pets.
    Rubberbanding. I think this is mostly caused by a glitch from the load of new content not being balanced properly with the aging client's game engine. It's better now, but still causes a lot of trouble for many people.
    Cleric buff skill Aegis Spirit does not get properly over-written when re-buffed as the others do. Magic shell used to have the same problem but it got fixed.
    The boss, Gluttonix, in FB 59 is glitched. If you spark while fighting him it can cause the tab and/or quest to fail. There are other reasons that it may fail, this is the only sure one I have been able to discover so far. It was fixed once a couple of years ago, and then a new patch releasing
  • SylenThunder - Twilight Temple
    edited September 2011
    Better than sending letters would be a week or two of reduced server traffic and cash flow.

    I know itll never happen, but a lock out and a good hit at the bottom line usually gets somebody's attention.

    This is plan B. The problem is coordinating it with enough people to make a difference.
  • chaoticshelly
    chaoticshelly Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    I'll forward it to my friend for translation. I might edit it a bit to make it shorter and still to the point. When I do have the translation, I will post it for download in case some characters don't work on the forums.
  • SylenThunder - Twilight Temple
    edited September 2011
    I'll forward it to my friend for translation. I might edit it a bit to make it shorter and still to the point. When I do have the translation, I will post it for download in case some characters don't work on the forums.

    Thank you very much Shelly
  • Fip - Dreamweaver
    Fip - Dreamweaver Posts: 84 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    PerfectWorld people are all getting high in Amsterdam thats why nothing is fixed
  • SylenThunder - Twilight Temple
    edited September 2011
    PerfectWorld people are all getting high in Amsterdam thats why nothing is fixed

    Ummm our developers are all in China, not Amsterdam.
  • Dethprowl - Raging Tide
    Dethprowl - Raging Tide Posts: 411 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    PerfectWorld people are all getting high in Amsterdam thats why nothing is fixed

    Here is also perfectworld Address and Phone number in usa california.http://www.bbb.org/greater-san-francisco/business-reviews/internet-gaming/perfect-world-entertainment-in-foster-city-ca-375623

    I always pictured them playing BongMaster in their moms basement at best, at worst huffing fumes from a paper bag in a skidrow alleyway.
  • Fip - Dreamweaver
    Fip - Dreamweaver Posts: 84 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    Here is the PWI bosses social network contacts http://www.quarkbase.com/people/perfectworld.com

    All them in there. Final boss is Jason Park. Need 6 5APS class to message him.
  • VenusArmani - Dreamweaver
    VenusArmani - Dreamweaver Posts: 6,009 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    This is great and I'll definitely mail this out. Thanks! b:victory
    Thanks Silvy for the superb sig <3

    VenusArmani's word of the moment: Expand your Vocabulary, Expand your horizons!
    1) lacking courage or resolution; cowardly; faint-hearted
    2) Proceeding from or indicating a cowardly spirit
  • Fip - Dreamweaver
    Fip - Dreamweaver Posts: 84 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    Development Manager facebook,i guess you guys should ask him to fix the game lol, i dont know but here
  • Dethprowl - Raging Tide
    Dethprowl - Raging Tide Posts: 411 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    Good catch on Hao Chen.

    Need to spam his facebook account with messages asking for improvements. At least get to see if the Development Manager gives a ****.

    I just left Hao Chen a message on facebook.

    Now we wait and see.