TW Schedule August 19th - 21st



  • LadyofReal - Heavens Tear
    LadyofReal - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,993 Arc User
    edited August 2011
    Enrage is stronger than GoldDigrz atm but i dont think that you guys understand true concept of FUN TW...and i really must say that we have much more fun on our vent and squad than this what i saw here:

    "Fun" is something that differentiates from person to person; what is fun for one may not be fun for another. So who are you to say that the way that we do TW is not fun? It is fun for us, or else we would not do it the way that we do.

    And FYI, you do not have the right to free speech on these forums. That right was designed to protect the American citizen from oppression by the government, not private organizations. PWE is a private organization and therefor has the right to basically tell you, or anyone else for that matter, to **** and GTFO.
    Not motivated enough to make another PWI siggy
  • kaiowas
    kaiowas Posts: 24 Arc User
    edited August 2011
    So much love between hojuKen and Andro :O

  • Vallenion - Heavens Tear
    Vallenion - Heavens Tear Posts: 868 Arc User
    edited August 2011
    "Fun" is something that differentiates from person to person; what is fun for one may not be fun for another. So who are you to say that the way that we do TW is not fun? It is fun for us, or else we would not do it the way that we do.

    And FYI, you do not have the right to free speech on these forums. That right was designed to protect the American citizen we have that too in Croatia, even noone was opressed by gouverment from oppression by the government, not private organizations. PWE is a private organization and therefor has the right to basically tell you, or anyone else for that matter, to **** and GTFO.

    Ah, so you have to be an Enrage member or atleast suitable to Enrage to have freedom of speech and to be able to get your private "Sticky" on this forum.

    Ok no problem, "QQ" i can kiss goodbye to my own "Sticky" then, oh how sad, oh what a cruel world
  • sundaymonday
    sundaymonday Posts: 149 Arc User
    edited August 2011
    all this spam, jeez.

    he's at least an asset to GD when it comes to actual PLAYING.

    If by asset you mean a female donkey, then he sure qualifies.

    Enrage is stronger than GoldDigrz atm but i dont think that you guys understand true concept of FUN TW...and i really must say that we have much more fun on our vent and squad than this what i saw here:

    I didn't know roadkill was in Enrage vent and squad before.
  • Gryphyyn - Heavens Tear
    Gryphyyn - Heavens Tear Posts: 150 Arc User
    edited August 2011
    all this spam, jeez.

    he's at least an asset to GD when it comes to actual PLAYING.
    If by asset you mean a female donkey, then he sure qualifies.

    First of all, I think this was uncalled for and so then I guess it makes you a bigger one considering this warning was already given earlier:
    KrittyCat wrote: »

    Because of that, I'm not going to warn about the off-topic-ness... Instead, I'm going to warn against the seeming real issue here, the flaming and name-calling that's going on. Just to clear something up, I never told anyone that name-calling was okay. No matter what anyone says to the contrary, I absolutely hate name-calling of any sort. Therefore, I'm going to ask you guys nicely to cut it out.


    Second of all, your signature is flamebait troll material; another warning was given already about that, in addition to what is already in the ToS:
    KrittyCat wrote: »
    Dvorak wrote:
    7. No trolling, or flaming.
    Any form of personal insult will not be tolerated. General rule of thumb: if you think that what you are about to post is insulting, don't post it.

    Please follow the forum Code of Conduct while posting.

    This applies to all posters in this forum and board in general, and I have made a decision to enforce this rule (and others) where necessary.
    Dvorak wrote:

    21. Graphical & Text Signatures.
    If you choose to utilize the signature function (graphical & text) please keep it in good taste. All of the above mentioned rules also applies to your signature. To clarify, please be respectful and avoid any content that can be deemed as questionable (eg - violent, disturbing, obscene, sexual, racist, etc). Also prohibited are signatures with advertorial content. Exceptions to this rule may be made if related to business arrangements with PWE or for PWI Community Fansites. Admins of PWE reserve the right to remove or alter any signatures deemed inappropriate.

    I suppose its up to KrittyCat or FrankieRaye, but IMHO this poster has violated quite a few of the said warnings/rules and should see penalization.

    Besides, I'm just defending myself and my faction against your disingenuous accusations, much like what you are kissing VanillaOnion's *** for. I don't have to be a mod to post do I? Even I haven't told VanillaOnion he didn't have the right to reply to posts. That makes you more of an arrogant snob than me doesn't it?

    If there's anything that looks stupider than a person acting stupid, it's a person preaching against something they are doing in the same post.

    Again, name calling?
    my guildies running rampant thru the threads trolling others have you upset? good, they are living up to the name "Enrage". Please, the day someone tries to control enrage members is the day i will personally laugh them off the server.
    in all seriousness though, you are sooo not in a league to even comprehend what she says let alone be able to have a battle of wits with her. bow out gracefully now, and all will be forgiven, for now...
    Lets just say that your boat floats... and your car moves... and you actually do have a house within walking distance of the beach. And yet you are still here... running the same old instance for a few million coins/hour. I can't even buy (enough) gas to drive for the hour with the amount of coins farmed (when converted to USD) in the same time frame.

    That's like me driving to work today and spots... say spots Buffet as I pull off the freeway asking for change. Why? Because he gets "bigger pleasure" to feel every penny he earns. The whole deal with I am proud of my gear because I farm it... is totally ****. Just like everyone's money is just as green... everyone's gear works the ****ing same. But hey... I'll let you know when I do spot Buffet asking for change.
    To val saying there's always somebody better than you, I do believe there's no wizzy better than me on the ht server. So pretty much there is always somebody on top.

    For the people looking for damage logs I will take care that if i see Val alive I will post rather large number for you guys. If I break 100k I think I deserve a prize.

    Btw if you think all caps makes it easier to read posts, it's actually alot easier when you break up your thoughts such as what I'm doing regardless if I have poor style in terms of english.

    Oh and on a last thought I've seen such valuable advice given to archers from val so if possible WTB wizzy lessons on not kiting plz and ty. pm me ig to tell me when.
    LOL caps don't make your font size bigger. This is how you edit font size. Let's learn basic posting skills!

    Thank you for what? Padding Enrage's kill stats in TW? Although I don't even think I can thank you for that, I saw you ONCE the entire TW last time. I hit you for 4K with a normal autoattack shot but you died so quickly to whoever else who was also hitting you that I can't tell how much my metal attacks would do. I have the crappiest gear in my squad, I can't imagine what huge numbers other people are hitting you for. So you probably spend most of your time walking from base and thus there is not even the cause to thank you for padding our stats.

    And I am quite happy we won; I get to have Sexygesis table dance for me for a week b:laughb:laugh

    For someone who is too busy to reply to my posts you sure seem to stalk every one of them. Good thing for you I got bored of reading your same repetitive bull so I just skipped most of your posts. You should thank me, because if I replied more you would have to expend so much brainpower to edit more quotes into your replies, and you must already be nearing the limit seeing as how you double posted not too long ago AGAIN after telling Kritty you wouldn't. b:laughb:laugh

    Hubris is a dangerous entity. If these above posts dont stench of being an "arrogant snob" as Aesthor put it, then I dont know what is. And she has the audacity to tell me that I'm one? Lol, thats preposterous!

    Sincerely yours,

    Gryphyyn b:kiss
    Karma | ex-GoldDigrz | ex-xWaRx | ex-Reunited | ex-Tao
    Status: Semi-Active | Mood: Apathetic
    Gryphyyn (10x Archer) | Tyyphoon (10x Assassin) | Ryyft (8x Seeker)

    Fearless. |
  • Aesthor - Heavens Tear
    Aesthor - Heavens Tear Posts: 3,845 Arc User
    edited August 2011
    Here comes Gryphyyn again with his massive quoting of rules and ignoring all the obvious misconduct of a certain VanillaOnion. You said yourself it takes two to tango. VanillaOnion's "defending himself" has crossed the line into "attacking others" a LOOONG time ago. I don't give a damn who that sundaymonday guy is but he did nothing more than VanillaOnion, and if he gets banned then VanillaOnion should get banned too. However, personally, I don't really think getting people banned will help anything or anyone except satisfy your own selfish sense of butthurt. But I think it's ironic that someone, I forgot who, accused me of raging that VanillaOnion didnt' get banned when I'm the one who doesn't care and you're the one pointing fingers hoping to get people banned.

    Secondly, you're gonna call me out for VanillaOnion but you're not going to call him out for Grapefruit, SgtHillBilly, and all that other good stuff he's been calling us? I doubt he even cares that we're calling him VanillaOnion.
    Hubris is a dangerous entity. If these above posts dont stench of being an "arrogant snob" as Aesthor put it, then I dont know what is. And she has the audacity to tell me that I'm one? Lol, thats preposterous!

    Sincerely yours,


    Indeed it is and I agree. Enrage is a prideful faction and we're proud of it. You're the one with the audacity to deny your arrogance when it is quite obvious to everyone else. I am pretty arrogant on the forums, this no one can deny, but wow, attacking my right to post on the forums, trying to get people banned, calling people audacious for not flattering your every post, THAT sure surpasses me. So yes, you are an arrogant snob, sadly more so than I am.

    I don't know what Enrage member stole your lunch money when you were a child but the pompousness and bias in your post is obvious. This pretentiousness about rules fools no one; everyone can tell you just have some nonsense grudge against Enrage. I suggest you borrow some GD member's +12 pickaxe, mine some lumber, build yourself a bridge, and get over it.
    ಥ_ಥ MOAR.
    SkyKoC - How long is yours?
  • Duckingtiger - Heavens Tear
    Duckingtiger - Heavens Tear Posts: 2,305 Arc User
    edited August 2011
    Are you really this dense Val?No where in LoR's post did she say no one outside enrage had freedom of speech. What she stated was sense this is a private entity in AMERICA(not coratia) That no one has freedom of speech hear based on AMERICAN laws. Its doesn't matter what you law states in croatia as far as rights and liberties because PWI is an American based company. The mods could very well ban every one on hear and stop them from speaking about anything if they wanted to. Get your head out of your *** and stop trying to flip what people say.

    As for Gryph, I don't normally say much to you,mostly due to the fact that you don't normally post nonsense, but Aesthor is right. You just pulled out post from the enrage members showing only one side when neither side is innocent of name calling and flamebaiting.
    You mean thread where group of Enrage trolls & Co. got owned by one Croatian ??? That was easy, but still fun...

    We all know who called Aura like that, and we all know how Kritty "reacted" (ahem...did not reacted) on that one...
    Guess low blow insults are popular sport here, so why not to adapt !!!

    And Gorg****nia i dont recall that you ever killed me on TW so feel free to target me at saturday...
    A.Marrow Phi on maq class ??? LOL maybe some BM from RAD did that, it would be my guess.

    See ya on forums at Monday my "dear" trolls & Co. b:bye
    Kritty was kind and helpful so I will do the same thing.

    I hope you will be this comptetitive at Saturday too...

    See ya Grapefruit b:bye

    Start with sundaymonday off to bed anyway b:bye

    TC Kritty
    As long as you get tip for not to make your goat girlfriend pregnant correctly, its all good.

    As it is for the clip, feel free to ignore it since your negative IQ does not allow you to figure it out.

    Or the numerous times he calls sgt Hillbilly or Kiyoshi, Usain Kiyoshi Bolt(honestly I am not sure where that comes from)

    Next time don't make yourself look like an *** by only showing one side of a coin.
    mmmmmm tacos mmmmm

    Retired for good.
  • LadyofReal - Heavens Tear
    LadyofReal - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,993 Arc User
    edited August 2011
    Ducky, it's "here" not "hear."
    Not motivated enough to make another PWI siggy
  • LadyofReal - Heavens Tear
    LadyofReal - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,993 Arc User
    edited August 2011
    Secondly, you're gonna call me out for VanillaOnion but you're not going to call him out for Grapefruit, SgtHillBilly, and all that other good stuff he's been calling us? I doubt he even cares that we're calling him VanillaOnion.

    It's OK Aesthor, he's trying to defend his guildmate. Apparently name calling is only OK if you're in GoldDigrz.

    /end sarcasm
    I don't know what Enrage member stole your lunch money when you were a child but the pompousness and bias in your post is obvious. This pretentiousness about rules fools no one; everyone can tell you just have some nonsense grudge against Enrage. I suggest you borrow some GD member's +12 pickaxe, mine some lumber, build yourself a bridge, and get over it.

    ^this made me giggle
    Not motivated enough to make another PWI siggy
  • Duckingtiger - Heavens Tear
    Duckingtiger - Heavens Tear Posts: 2,305 Arc User
    edited August 2011
    what if i wanna listen to my freedom of speech? maybe I miss worded it on purpose...ok I didnt but thats besides the point :P
    mmmmmm tacos mmmmm

    Retired for good.
  • Kiyoshi - Heavens Tear
    Kiyoshi - Heavens Tear Posts: 2,385 Arc User
    edited August 2011
    Hubris is a dangerous entity. If these above posts dont stench of being an "arrogant snob" as Aesthor put it, then I dont know what is. And she has the audacity to tell me that I'm one? Lol, thats preposterous!

    Lets go over my first post...

    "Everything aside... you are a horrible BM. I never saw you during the first half of the TW... only to figure out that you are always in the air... trying to claw people on the ground from the air... 436 damage on a light armor is pretty ****. (Sorry I have no other hit to compare your damage to... since that is the only hit you got off on me before one of GD archers killed me). You do nothing a BM am suppose to do... no roars or even hf. And am always standing toward the back... advancing maybe 10 meters ahead of ranged classes. On the other hand... 3 hits from an archer on the ground kills you with ~5k damage per hit."

    I called him a horrible bm... back it up with...
    1. stay in the air.
    2. attack from air.
    3. low damage on la.
    4. no hf.
    5. no stun.
    6. low def (aka heavy damage taken)
    7. no crowd control

    and he responded with...

    "Why to waste an HF on IRRELEVANT target like you are lol, or to stun you when you were "sleepy" allready so you couldnt run away like you usualy do LOL, no point in doing that...

    And my sq killed lots of Enrage wankers last night tyvm for fun, cant wait for next weekend.
    You chase kill score as individual...i preffer team work.

    It was nice replying to FAIL archer, see ya next week "

    He doesn't deny any of those... and return with me being irrelevant/fail... backed it up with i holy path. followed by making **** out of my name and calling me a coward. but you'll notice never once did i outright butcher his name.

    I don't mind people calling me fail or squishy... but at least back it up with something other then random useless ****. Call me fail... fine. better make sure you are at least better then me in stats/gear. call me squishy... fine. better make sure you have more hp/def levels then me.

    my first pve/pvp tw was during when the rad days... both probably before he even started to play. and he wants to come and criticize my skills without any real evidence? for god's sake i even posted ss of his damage. skills aside lets just look at gear comparison. on one hand you have the longest range r9 dd with 20k+ base damage and 10k+ hp. on the other hand you have a bm with less hp... who probably can't even out dd me perma-sparked. yea... whos the fail one here.
    1. If I kill you; do something about it yourself, don't go complaining to my wife.
    2. If you have less kill counts then me, don't expect me to take pk advice from you.
    3. If you are hiding behind an alt, don't expect me to acknowledge your existence.

    Tokichiro - Heavy Armor Fish / Kiyoshi - Dual Blade Elf
  • Duckingtiger - Heavens Tear
    Duckingtiger - Heavens Tear Posts: 2,305 Arc User
    edited August 2011
    Kiyo you are fail,I say so cause I am bigger then you mwahahahaha. *hugs*its ok I <3 our squishy little archer
    mmmmmm tacos mmmmm

    Retired for good.
  • Kiyoshi - Heavens Tear
    Kiyoshi - Heavens Tear Posts: 2,385 Arc User
    edited August 2011
    Kiyo you are fail,I say so cause I am bigger then you mwahahahaha. *hugs*its ok I <3 our squishy little archer

    yea... if a barb calls me squishy... nothing much i can do about it. after all he has more hp/def then me. fail... probably... he can one shot me with arma... i probably can't 1 shot him even with sparked metal.
    you may say he's a fail BM, yet we think he's a darned good one. you may think you're a great <insertclasshere>, yet we think you're utterly fail. get my point?

    fair enough.... its all in the perspective. I just hope gd's "darned good" bm doesn't get owned by enrage's "fail" archer. after all it would be pretty embarrassing for gd's best to get own by enrage's worse. won't you agree?
    1. If I kill you; do something about it yourself, don't go complaining to my wife.
    2. If you have less kill counts then me, don't expect me to take pk advice from you.
    3. If you are hiding behind an alt, don't expect me to acknowledge your existence.

    Tokichiro - Heavy Armor Fish / Kiyoshi - Dual Blade Elf
  • SashaGray - Heavens Tear
    SashaGray - Heavens Tear Posts: 3,765 Arc User
    edited August 2011
    There's gold in them thar butts!!!
  • CROassassin - Heavens Tear
    CROassassin - Heavens Tear Posts: 156 Arc User
    edited August 2011
    Lets go over my first post...

    "Everything aside... you are a horrible BM. I never saw you during the first half of the TW... only to figure out that you are always in the air... trying to claw people on the ground from the air... 436 damage on a light armor is pretty ****. (Sorry I have no other hit to compare your damage to... since that is the only hit you got off on me before one of GD archers killed me). You do nothing a BM am suppose to do... no roars or even hf. And am always standing toward the back... advancing maybe 10 meters ahead of ranged classes. On the other hand... 3 hits from an archer on the ground kills you with ~5k damage per hit."

    I called him a horrible bm... back it up with...
    1. stay in the air.
    2. attack from air.
    3. low damage on la.
    4. no hf.
    5. no stun.
    6. low def (aka heavy damage taken)
    7. no crowd control

    and he responded with...

    "Why to waste an HF on IRRELEVANT target like you are lol, or to stun you when you were "sleepy" allready so you couldnt run away like you usualy do LOL, no point in doing that...

    And my sq killed lots of Enrage wankers last night tyvm for fun, cant wait for next weekend.
    You chase kill score as individual...i preffer team work.

    It was nice replying to FAIL archer, see ya next week "

    He doesn't deny any of those... and return with me being irrelevant/fail... backed it up with i holy path. followed by making **** out of my name and calling me a coward. but you'll notice never once did i outright butcher his name.

    I don't mind people calling me fail or squishy... but at least back it up with something other then random useless ****. Call me fail... fine. better make sure you are at least better then me in stats/gear. call me squishy... fine. better make sure you have more hp/def levels then me.

    my first pve/pvp tw was during when the rad days... both probably before he even started to play. and he wants to come and criticize my skills without any real evidence? for god's sake i even posted ss of his damage. skills aside lets just look at gear comparison. on one hand you have the longest range r9 dd with 20k+ base damage and 10k+ hp. on the other hand you have a bm with less hp... who probably can't even out dd me perma-sparked. yea... whos the fail one here.


    Vall lives two blocks away from me, and since I know him personally, I can tell you that he's a very good person.
    I'm sure he can out DD you in any instance, but your r9 against his regular 5.0 gear can't be compared in pvp. That is to be expected since you spent a few thousand dollars and he spent zero real life money on gear.
    FYI, I am not a troll or very active in the game like I was before while i was in TE.

    Kiyoshy, you were the one that provoked Vall first in this thread and you did it two times.
    In this SS, we can see that you are alone, so why to waste an HF on one person?
    A GD archer with +10/r8 bow from Vall's squad killed you with one shot. That is what I heard from them.
    You created a bash fest for no reason based on few times you saw him in TW and Vall gave you back what you dished out in return. You get what you give, is that not how the saying goes?
    The biggest difference between the two bashings is that Vall laughs about all of it and you take it personally and freak out about every bit of it. It does say a lot about you and your personality though. It shows how weak you are, and how child like you are to go and QQ and freak out at the bash boomerang that comes flying back at you. Grow a set and deal with it.

    Just so you know, Vall is an exelent BM, a loyal friend to the ones he respects and he can do things with his BM that you can't even imagine. Sort of easy to stand up on the hill and proclaim yourself king while wearing uber gear. You may look the part, but your use of skills is sorely lacking according to many people in your own faction. I do have friends in there and they love to talk.
    Apparently, your ego took a big hit with all of this, and you probably started acting like this guy:

    Vall, good job at throwing the **** they dish out back into their own yard. When I get back from holiday I will apply to GoldDigrz.

  • Cotto - Heavens Tear
    Cotto - Heavens Tear Posts: 373 Arc User
    edited August 2011
    New gen players getting soft with the thrash talking. :(

    Old day agruements were epic. All I read is fail this and that. Substance plz!
  • LadyofReal - Heavens Tear
    LadyofReal - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,993 Arc User
    edited August 2011
    +1 Cotto

    (Wow, did I just do that?)
    Not motivated enough to make another PWI siggy
  • Duckingtiger - Heavens Tear
    Duckingtiger - Heavens Tear Posts: 2,305 Arc User
    edited August 2011
    Cro, Val is just as guilty as acting like a child as anyone else involved. I haven't seen a single piece of maturity come from him since he started posting. How he is in person does not reflect how he is in game. I honestly don't know for sure who started everything, don't really care to go back and double check, but regardless as the saying goes 'it takes 2 to tango'. You think val is a good bm,so be it. Some of us think Kiyo is a good archer. In both cases there will be 3 kinds of people. Those that agree,those that disagree and those that are impartial.

    Why is it that we 'enrage mobs' are the only ones that seem to be able to admit fault on both sides?
    mmmmmm tacos mmmmm

    Retired for good.
  • LadyofReal - Heavens Tear
    LadyofReal - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,993 Arc User
    edited August 2011
    Some people would rather live in denial than admit a painful truth.
    Not motivated enough to make another PWI siggy
  • Mystic-Night - Heavens Tear
    Mystic-Night - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,619 Arc User
    edited August 2011
  • SgtSIaughter - Heavens Tear
    SgtSIaughter - Heavens Tear Posts: 2,225 Arc User
    edited August 2011
    "Strategy without tactics is the slowest route to victory.
    Tactics without strategy is the noise before defeat." ~Sun Tzu

    "Lennox Lewis, I'm coming for you man. My style is impetuous. My defense is impregnable, and I'm just ferocious. I want your heart. I want to eat his children. Praise be to Allah!"
    ~Iron Mike Tyson
  • CROassassin - Heavens Tear
    CROassassin - Heavens Tear Posts: 156 Arc User
    edited August 2011
    Are you really this dense Val?No where in LoR's post did she say no one outside enrage had freedom of speech. What she stated was sense this is a private entity in AMERICA(not coratia) That no one has freedom of speech hear based on AMERICAN laws. Its doesn't matter what you law states in croatia as far as rights and liberties because PWI is an American based company. The mods could very well ban every one on hear and stop them from speaking about anything if they wanted to. Get your head out of your *** and stop trying to flip what people say.

    As for Gryph, I don't normally say much to you,mostly due to the fact that you don't normally post nonsense, but Aesthor is right. You just pulled out post from the enrage members showing only one side when neither side is innocent of name calling and flamebaiting.

    Or the numerous times he calls sgt Hillbilly or Kiyoshi, Usain Kiyoshi Bolt(honestly I am not sure where that comes from)

    Next time don't make yourself look like an *** by only showing one side of a coin.

    I belive this will explain your Usain Bolt dilema:
  • Aesthor - Heavens Tear
    Aesthor - Heavens Tear Posts: 3,845 Arc User
    edited August 2011

    Vall lives two blocks away from me, and since I know him personally, I can tell you that he's a very good person.
    I'm sure he can out DD you in any instance, but your r9 against his regular 5.0 gear can't be compared in pvp. That is to be expected since you spent a few thousand dollars and he spent zero real life money on gear.
    FYI, I am not a troll or very active in the game like I was before while i was in TE.

    Kiyoshy, you were the one that provoked Vall first in this thread and you did it two times.
    In this SS, we can see that you are alone, so why to waste an HF on one person?
    A GD archer with +10/r8 bow from Vall's squad killed you with one shot. That is what I heard from them.
    You created a bash fest for no reason based on few times you saw him in TW and Vall gave you back what you dished out in return. You get what you give, is that not how the saying goes?
    The biggest difference between the two bashings is that Vall laughs about all of it and you take it personally and freak out about every bit of it. It does say a lot about you and your personality though. It shows how weak you are, and how child like you are to go and QQ and freak out at the bash boomerang that comes flying back at you. Grow a set and deal with it.

    Just so you know, Vall is an exelent BM, a loyal friend to the ones he respects and he can do things with his BM that you can't even imagine. Sort of easy to stand up on the hill and proclaim yourself king while wearing uber gear. You may look the part, but your use of skills is sorely lacking according to many people in your own faction. I do have friends in there and they love to talk.
    Apparently, your ego took a big hit with all of this, and you probably started acting like this guy:

    Vall, good job at throwing the **** they dish out back into their own yard. When I get back from holiday I will apply to GoldDigrz.


    If you really think VanillaOnion is such a great person then you of all people should know that how people act on the forums does not reflect the way they are in real life. I think it's quite stupid of you to make that statement and then go ahead making assumptions about other people's lives off PW. Kiyo is and was a merchant, he doesn't spend cash, much less a few thousand dollars of it. Also, it's pretty LOL of you to assume anyone takes this shet more seriously than anyone else. You think VanillaOnion just laughs at all of it? Well I think he's raging. You think Kiyoshi is serious about it? Well I think he's laughing at it. Kiyoshi is a great archer and a loyal friend to people he actually likes. See what happened there?

    Kiyo wasn't the one who provoked VanillaOnion. He joined in when VanillaOnion's panties were already in a twist. Vanilla certainly did NOT dish out what he received, but if you can't tell the difference, I lol but not my problem.
    ಥ_ಥ MOAR.
    SkyKoC - How long is yours?
  • CROassassin - Heavens Tear
    CROassassin - Heavens Tear Posts: 156 Arc User
    edited August 2011
    If you really think VanillaOnion is such a great person then you of all people should know that how people act on the forums does not reflect the way they are in real life. I think it's quite stupid of you to make that statement and then go ahead making assumptions about other people's lives off PW. Kiyo is and was a merchant, he doesn't spend cash, much less a few thousand dollars of it. Also, it's pretty LOL of you to assume anyone takes this shet more seriously than anyone else. You think VanillaOnion just laughs at all of it? Well I think he's raging. You think Kiyoshi is serious about it? Well I think he's laughing at it. Kiyoshi is a great archer and a loyal friend to people he actually likes. See what happened there?

    Kiyo wasn't the one who provoked VanillaOnion. He joined in when VanillaOnion's panties were already in a twist. Vanilla certainly did NOT dish out what he received, but if you can't tell the difference, I lol but not my problem.

    I doubt it after all QQ Kiyo did here
  • SgtSIaughter - Heavens Tear
    SgtSIaughter - Heavens Tear Posts: 2,225 Arc User
    edited August 2011
    If you really think VanillaOnion is such a great person then you of all people should know that how people act on the forums does not reflect the way they are in real life. I think it's quite stupid of you to make that statement and then go ahead making assumptions about other people's lives off PW. Kiyo is and was a merchant, he doesn't spend cash, much less a few thousand dollars of it. Also, it's pretty LOL of you to assume anyone takes this shet more seriously than anyone else. You think VanillaOnion just laughs at all of it? Well I think he's raging. You think Kiyoshi is serious about it? Well I think he's laughing at it. Kiyoshi is a great archer and a loyal friend to people he actually likes. See what happened there?

    Kiyo wasn't the one who provoked VanillaOnion. He joined in when VanillaOnion's panties were already in a twist. Vanilla certainly did NOT dish out what he received, but if you can't tell the difference, I lol but not my problem.

    VanillaOnion is the "Black Knight" of PWI.
    "Strategy without tactics is the slowest route to victory.
    Tactics without strategy is the noise before defeat." ~Sun Tzu

    "Lennox Lewis, I'm coming for you man. My style is impetuous. My defense is impregnable, and I'm just ferocious. I want your heart. I want to eat his children. Praise be to Allah!"
    ~Iron Mike Tyson
  • Aesthor - Heavens Tear
    Aesthor - Heavens Tear Posts: 3,845 Arc User
    edited August 2011
    I doubt it after all QQ Kiyo did here

    VanillaOnion posted a lot more than Kiyo, ijs.
    VanillaOnion is the "Black Knight" of PWI.

    LOL That is so appropriate xDD
    ಥ_ಥ MOAR.
    SkyKoC - How long is yours?
  • CROassassin - Heavens Tear
    CROassassin - Heavens Tear Posts: 156 Arc User
    edited August 2011
    VanillaOnion is the "Black Knight" of PWI.

    Speaking of fail BM' favorite customer in the cube comes in late as usual....SgtLaughter
    VanillaOnion posted a lot more than Kiyo, ijs.

    ikr Vall sure made him cry like a baby
  • Scrubby - Heavens Tear
    Scrubby - Heavens Tear Posts: 257 Arc User
    edited August 2011
    Speaking of fail BM' favorite customer in the cube comes in late as usual....SgtLaughter

    ikr Vall sure made him cry like a baby

    i dunno but i'm pretty sure val is a non factor bm in tw ijs

    I've never noticed his name till the forums which means he tends to be a tab 1-2 shot bm :>

    Don't really know how good of a bm you can be in tw if you can't take hits from one person let alone the squad you wanna stun lol

    But if he really is that great I'll be happy to 1 v 1 him with my +0 weapon and we shall test his stun locks :>
  • SashaGray - Heavens Tear
    SashaGray - Heavens Tear Posts: 3,765 Arc User
    edited August 2011
    I belive this will explain your Usain Bolt dilema:

    who cares if kiyo is black or not? why so racist?
  • CROassassin - Heavens Tear
    CROassassin - Heavens Tear Posts: 156 Arc User
    edited August 2011
    i dunno but i'm pretty sure val is a non factor bm in tw ijs

    I've never noticed his name till the forums which means he tends to be a tab 1-2 shot bm :>

    Don't really know how good of a bm you can be in tw if you can't take hits from one person let alone the squad you wanna stun lol

    But if he really is that great I'll be happy to 1 v 1 him with my +0 weapon and we shall test his stun locks :>

    He's better than 1 shot SgtLaughter i know that much, but that isn't a big challenge
This discussion has been closed.