Guild Base wars never coming?



  • Retsuko - Heavens Tear
    Retsuko - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,016 Arc User
    edited August 2011
    Lol Kritty owned by Pressa. GG.

    Go Pressa b:victory

    playing Faction Wars Again.
  • SylenThunder - Twilight Temple
    edited August 2011
    I have half a mind to start writing articles for mmorpg that show just how shameful PWE really is towards it's clients. It's not like we don't have a lot of ammo. I seriously doubt that the bad press would push them to actually do anything other than placate us with another lame Facebook contest or some stupid **** like the Core system yet again.

    I know you try Frankie, but seriously, you or another GM has GOT to give us more timely information on matters like this. We need GM's that are actually out here and trying to answer the issues the players bring up. I've applied a few times, and have the experience to do it, but cannot because I "can't attend meeting in the office" because I don't live in Cali. Ever hear of telecommuting? And for an "International" game to have Pacific coast bankers hours for support is just stupid. That's leaving 80% of your community without any in-game support and leaves what little support you have, seriously overloaded.
  • Heartstone - Dreamweaver
    Heartstone - Dreamweaver Posts: 1,338 Arc User
    edited August 2011
    Sangodoc wrote: »
    Well, you don't see Mirages as TW rewards anymore, do you?

    someone have to say it.

    well why? isnt that an easy question. they was monitoring Tw's and saw way too few happening and was like oh nooo charm sales down by this danm much!! QQ. then wanted back so they could sell more charm again? b:laugh

    a fix for the money :P, was a thing making less profit.
    I'm sorry for misspelling / mistyping and grammar b:surrender

    102 - Archer - Heartz
  • DEATHJOKER - Heavens Tear
    DEATHJOKER - Heavens Tear Posts: 66 Arc User
    edited August 2011
    KrittyCat wrote: »
    There is a story line... Don't tell me you were too busy FCing your levels that you ignored it entirely? They aren't going to add a story line for FC, if that's what you're asking for...

    Seriously and you call your self a mod ??? dude PWI lack story in every way possible i played every single/multi/MMO RPG ever PWI is the most lacking story game ever no cool quests no plot unfinished story's for half of the quests

    even FC story **** and **** is to much for it to be honest lol....

    this game need new staff members new mind's new mentality

    and plz plz stay on topic vol had a point if u dont have anything to say just seriously dont reply god lame lame lame............
  • chaoticshelly
    chaoticshelly Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2011
    i played every single/multi/MMO RPG

    Every shred of truth in your post was completely erased thanks to the following statement.

    PWI doesn't have a story? It does. Is it consistent? Is it good? Is it to your liking? Possibly not. But it does in fact have a story.
  • DEATHJOKER - Heavens Tear
    DEATHJOKER - Heavens Tear Posts: 66 Arc User
    edited August 2011
    Every shred of truth in your post was completely erased thanks to the following statement.

    PWI doesn't have a story? It does. Is it consistent? Is it good? Is it to your liking? Possibly not. But it does in fact have a story.

    hehe do u think ur smart or ur being a smart *** ?? who said pwi didn't have a story i said PWI lack story lack smart mod's who can know what people are talking about
    Seriously im sure u played some MMO's or single RPG's compare story of this game to any other game are you satisfied ???

    and my statement of me playing every RPG its true since i was a 12 years old i played every RPG that come to my country or i can play online don't pull that BS on me

    and again stay on topic don't be a smart pants k

  • Vitenka - Dreamweaver
    Vitenka - Dreamweaver Posts: 4,125 Arc User
    edited August 2011
    and my statement of me playing every RPG its true since i was a 12 years old i played every RPG that come to my country or i can play online don't pull that BS on me

    So... you've been playing since 2018 then? Impressive.

    Yeah, the storyline in this game isn't exactly wonderful, I'll agree with you there.

    I also point out that there was, and still is, massive opposition to implementing base wars. Reconciling that is going to be interesting.
  • DEATHJOKER - Heavens Tear
    DEATHJOKER - Heavens Tear Posts: 66 Arc User
    edited August 2011
    So... you've been playing since 2018 then? Impressive.

    Yeah, the storyline in this game isn't exactly wonderful, I'll agree with you there.

    I also point out that there was, and still is, massive opposition to implementing base wars. Reconciling that is going to be interesting.

    2018 ??? since i was 12 years old that's back at 2001

    ops i gave my age up hope u cant calculate o_o
  • Daedallus - Sanctuary
    Daedallus - Sanctuary Posts: 554 Arc User
    edited August 2011
    blah,blah, blah

  • chaoticshelly
    chaoticshelly Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2011
    hehe do u think ur smart or ur being a smart *** ?? who said pwi didn't have a story i said PWI lack story lack smart mod's who can know what people are talking about
    Seriously im sure u played some MMO's or single RPG's compare story of this game to any other game are you satisfied ???

    and my statement of me playing every RPG its true since i was a 12 years old i played every RPG that come to my country or i can play online don't pull that BS on me

    and again stay on topic don't be a smart pants k


  • ResMePls - Heavens Tear
    ResMePls - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,349 Arc User
    edited August 2011
    Seeing mods get owned is the highlight of my forum days :3.
    [SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]I know what your thinking.
  • chaoticshelly
    chaoticshelly Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2011
    Seeing mods get owned is the highlight of my forum days :3.

    You use that term way to easily, my friend!
  • ResMePls - Heavens Tear
    ResMePls - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,349 Arc User
    edited August 2011
    You use that term way to easily, my friend!

    Is there something you would like to say in mods defense that would add further to my pleasure???
    [SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]I know what your thinking.
  • chaoticshelly
    chaoticshelly Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2011
  • ResMePls - Heavens Tear
    ResMePls - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,349 Arc User
    edited August 2011

    Not what I had in mind but um....I guess that will have to do b:thanks.
    [SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]I know what your thinking.
  • Vitenka - Dreamweaver
    Vitenka - Dreamweaver Posts: 4,125 Arc User
    edited August 2011
    2018 ??? since i was 12 years old that's back at 2001

    ops i gave my age up hope u cant calculate o_o

    Nope, sorry, you're quite obviously a five year old.
  • SashaGray - Heavens Tear
    SashaGray - Heavens Tear Posts: 3,765 Arc User
    edited August 2011
    You use that term way to easily, my friend!

    stop getting trolled and go get us our bases, ty.
  • Dethprowl - Raging Tide
    Dethprowl - Raging Tide Posts: 411 Arc User
    edited August 2011
    I think the Mod response to this thread is an example of whats wrong with this game. Instead of taking this as a que that Mod/Gm performance needs improvement and the game in general needs improvement the Mods have just circled the wagons and in at least one case became at least a bit insulting to posters.

    Instead of making these types of threads a Mod/Gm excusefest why dont the Mods/Gms have a dedicated forum where you actually show interest in the complaints and ideas of the players? Translate the input weekly and send it to the Devs so they can see how their "baby" is actually being recieved by the players and how perhaps they don't always know whats best for it. At least do your part on this end to show the players that somebody, ANYBODY in this organization gives a damn.
  • chaoticshelly
    chaoticshelly Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2011
    stop getting trolled and go get us our bases, ty.

    Sasha, you know better than to confuse a moderator with a GM or a Dev. I did bring this to Frankie's attention, but my hands are bound when it comes to the big decisions.


    @Dethprowl - the mods are just here to moderate the forums. We bring every concern we possibly can to the GMs attention, when we can. At the end of the day we're members of the community and play the game just like everyone else does, we have our own concerns about the game and we try our best to serve both the Community and PWE. Finding that balance isn't easy, but we can't stress enough that we do not work for or make any decisions in PWE. We're volunteers.
  • DeffyNature - Archosaur
    DeffyNature - Archosaur Posts: 1,400 Arc User
    edited August 2011
    [..] but my hands are bound [...]

  • Dethprowl - Raging Tide
    Dethprowl - Raging Tide Posts: 411 Arc User
    edited August 2011

    @Dethprowl - the mods are just here to moderate the forums. We bring every concern we possibly can to the GMs attention, when we can. At the end of the day we're members of the community and play the game just like everyone else does, we have our own concerns about the game and we try our best to serve both the Community and PWE. Finding that balance isn't easy, but we can't stress enough that we do not work for or make any decisions in PWE. We're volunteers.

    Thanks for the explanation and Im sorry you have to take so much **** for a volunteer position.
    But since you guys have basically no input then, why don't we have a GM forum to listen to this type of input? Ive, looked at the idea forum here and it gives me the feeling of being the suggestion box that empties into a trash can. No responses from anyone connected to the game, threads locked with no explanation etc. There is just no feeling at all that anyone cares what the paying customer wants.
    If you can pass something along to the Gms pass along that no one thinks they do anything ingame already, at least start a forum where we can get answers and pass along ideas here.
  • ResMePls - Heavens Tear
    ResMePls - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,349 Arc User
    edited August 2011
    Thanks for the explanation and Im sorry you have to take so much **** for a volunteer position.
    But since you guys have basically no input then, why don't we have a GM forum to listen to this type of input? Ive, looked at the idea forum here and it gives me the feeling of being the suggestion box that empties into a trash can. No responses from anyone connected to the game, threads locked with no explanation etc. There is just no feeling at all that anyone cares what the paying customer wants.
    If you can pass something along to the Gms pass along that no one thinks they do anything ingame already, at least start a forum where we can get answers and pass along ideas here.

    Obvious solution is to bring Spoons backb:surrender.
    [SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]I know what your thinking.
  • drjiggle
    drjiggle Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2011
    Last year there was a big expansion for Heroes of Three Kingdoms (another PWE game). The single biggest and most advertised feature was "Redcliff War" -- a weekly 2 hour 200 vs. 200 vs. 200 PvP war. In fact, the expansion was called the Redcliff expansion. Unfortunately and inexplicably, the Redcliff War wasn't actually included in the Redcliff expansion.

    Three months of questioning and complaining ensued. There was no response from PWE. Not even a "We're looking into it."

    Eventually, after three months of waiting, we got another expansion where the big new feature was ... Redcliff War! No comment at all about why it wasn't in the previous expansion. In fact, they actually advertised the new expansion as a "content expansion" and tried to re-sell the idea that Redcliff War was a new feature rather than a bug fix to a previously broken expansion.

    tl;dr version: This is how PWE operates. If you don't like it, play another game.
  • frankieraye
    frankieraye Posts: 250 Arc User
    edited August 2011
    I did read Frankieraye's post, of course. It took a ticket, denied ticket response, PM to a Mod, PM to Frankie, and bumping this thread a bunch to get a response. Why would I ignore/not read his response.

    "Something is coming in the future"

    Do you know what I have to say to that statement? Sorry, it's against the forums rules to post what I really have to say about that statement. Nothing is coming in the future. If anything DOES come, it hasn't even been implemented in PW-CN yet (I keep up w/ the PW-CN BBS and website). Now, people have done base quests for their faction base, put millions of coins in, time, energy, effort, etc... For what?

    This is BS, and anyone who has 2% of a effing brain can see it. If I'm the only one to stand up and shout at the top of my lungs that this is wrong, I'll do it until I die.

    Edit: Just wanna say... If people would have known that the faction base served nothing more than base buffs and apoth, do you honestly think that they would spend 200m + subs + warsong items, etc + daily quests + upgrading to all the pillers (millions of coins to do that)? If anyone has this kind of coin and was willing to spend it JUST for apoth and base buffs, they are mentally re.tarded and extremely rich.

    Edit again: Quick question to PWE (Frankie, or another GM): Are people getting refunded the coin/reverted faction base, now that they we're scammed/lied too?

    One more edit: If anything was in the works as of present in PW-CN... Seeing as how it hasn't been on BBS or the website's news, we wouldn't get it in PWI for at least 7-10 months. At least. That's if it came out in the next month, lolol.

    Last edit, I swear: I just sent another ticket. I'm asking on behalf of the community -- will people who bought faction bases under the false pretense of having "base wars", now get a refund for the materials and coin used to create the base and upgrade the pillers inside.

    From what I've been told, the new faction base feature will actually be coming much sooner than 7-10 months from now.

    I would also like to say that you were not scammed or lied to. The devs had a development plan to make the 40v40 wars, but the schedule was changed as can happen in any video game, particularly an MMO. At no point did we ever tell you about that feature without believing that it was going to be released ourselves, and at no point did we ever make some sleazy plan of "Oh let's tell them this feature is coming, that way they will spend money and upgrade their bases!!"

    We do what we can with the information we get straight from the developers, and I agree that it sucks that this feature has been pushed aside. The good news is that PWI still has a lot of dev support and a lot of new content coming out, and from what I've heard so far, Faction Bases will not be left out of those plans.
  • Tremblewith - Heavens Tear
    Tremblewith - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,558 Arc User
    edited August 2011
    From what I've been told, the new faction base feature will actually be coming much sooner than 7-10 months from now.

    I would also like to say that you were not scammed or lied to. The devs had a development plan to make the 40v40 wars, but the schedule was changed as can happen in any video game, particularly an MMO. At no point did we ever tell you about that feature without believing that it was going to be released ourselves, and at no point did we ever make some sleazy plan of "Oh let's tell them this feature is coming, that way they will spend money and upgrade their bases!!"

    We do what we can with the information we get straight from the developers, and I agree that it sucks that this feature has been pushed aside. The good news is that PWI still has a lot of dev support and a lot of new content coming out, and from what I've heard so far, Faction Bases will not be left out of those plans.

    How we're the players not scammed? If you walk into a pizza resturant, you expect to (with money), recieve some pizza. When you get home with your order and look inside, it's spaghetti. You walk into the store, asking for a refund or pizza... They simply say, the sign on the store is false, and they only serve spaghetti now. No refunds allowed.

    If it's not being scammed/lied too, what is it then? 99.9% of anyone who now has a faction base, only bought it in the first place for base wars. After weeks, they we're told base wars we're coming, but not actually implemented in the client as of yet. (Okay seriously, why does this feel I've stated this stuff 10+ times in this thread now...?) No responses in a timely manner when threads we're presented via the forums (that's your job Frankie)... Until now.

    Now, base wars are canceled with a new feature "maybe coming" in the future. I know that we don't get content before Wanmei's Perfect World China version of this game. I've kept a very close eye on the BBS of PW-CN (forums) and the news bulletin on PW-CN's website. Things that we're implemented in PW-CN 6 months ago still aren't here. (As I've stated 10 times in this thread)

    So, how we're players not scammed?

    Players bought faction bases because they we're something that they aren't. This was subjugated by several news posts stating that base wars was an implemented feature of the faction bases.
  • HardToThink - Lost City
    HardToThink - Lost City Posts: 967 Arc User
    edited August 2011
    How we're the players not scammed? If you walk into a pizza resturant, you expect to (with money), recieve some pizza. When you get home with your order and look inside, it's spagetti. You walk into the store, asking for a refund or pizza... They simply say, the sign on the store is false, and they only serve spagetti now. No refunds allowed.

    If it's not being scammed/lied too, what is it then? 99.9% of anyone who now has a faction base, only bought it in the first place for base wars. After weeks, they we're told base wars we're coming, but not actually implented in the client as of yet. (Okay seriously, why does this feel I've stated this stuff 10+ times in this thread now...?) No responses in a timely manner when threads we're presented via the forums (that's your job Frankie)... Until now.

    Now, base wars are canceled with a new feature "maybe coming" in the future. I know that we don't get content before Wanmei's Perfect World China version of this game. I've kept a very close eye on the BBS of PW-CN (forums) and the news bulliten on PW-CN's website. Things that we're implemented in PW-CN 6 months ago still aren't here. (As I've stated 10 times in this thread)

    So, how we're players not scammed?

    Players bought faction bases because they we're something that they aren't. This was subjugated by several news posts stating that base wars was an implemented feature of the faction bases.
    Mhm I think the moral of the story is just not to trust pwi at all. "Buy guild bases for 40vs40 wars!, lol just kidding" "Buy rank 9 for your earthguard now it will be out soon! lol just kidding"
    Siggy from bellefleurs.
  • Mendolin - Sanctuary
    Mendolin - Sanctuary Posts: 1,092 Arc User
    edited August 2011
    i think the main problem here is lack of communication....

    i am in no way attacking you frankie but using tremblewith's example and phrasing it better... when we ordered our pizza xD (rofl) from the waiter; the waiter totally thinking that they still served pizza took the order and when brought spaghetti, there was no communication. and then the waiter not being able to do anything about it... and saying well.. you just have to wait/deal with it. you might not have meant to make people feel this way... but obviously you have by looking at this thread.

    food is a bad example and that is a horrible analogy but... communication seems to be the real problem.

    people also need to understand that this is how PWI operates... has anyone really read their terms of service? there are really no rights to the player and by using ANY medium of PWI (forums, playing the game etc.) you are automatically agreeing with what they are doing.
    getting mad at frankie isnt the solution... he is doing the best he can with what he has... he is just the messenger :/ dont shoot him
  • Aikidou - Lost City
    Aikidou - Lost City Posts: 123 Arc User
    edited August 2011
    ......why are you complaining about this. o_o it'll come when it comes. you can keep saying "when will it come out" but in the end they'll be the ones releasing it. and i can guarantee the week it comes out, people will be complaining about the little problems there too. ._. so really it's just "when can we B**** about this new addition?" It might be principles that you have a problem with, but that's really YOUR problem. ._.
  • Tremblewith - Heavens Tear
    Tremblewith - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,558 Arc User
    edited August 2011
    ......why are you complaining about this. o_o it'll come when it comes. you can keep saying "when will it come out" but in the end they'll be the ones releasing it. and i can guarantee the week it comes out, people will be complaining about the little problems there too. ._. so really it's just "when can we B**** about this new addition?" It might be principles that you have a problem with, but that's really YOUR problem. ._.

    Drop/farm ~300m coins total for a fully upgraded faction base that serves no purpose. How are you feeling after this?
  • Michael_Dark - Lost City
    Michael_Dark - Lost City Posts: 9,091 Arc User
    edited August 2011
    How we're the players not scammed? If you walk into a pizza resturant, you expect to (with money), recieve some pizza. When you get home with your order and look inside, it's spaghetti. You walk into the store, asking for a refund or pizza... They simply say, the sign on the store is false, and they only serve spaghetti now. No refunds allowed.

    If it's not being scammed/lied too, what is it then? 99.9% of anyone who now has a faction base, only bought it in the first place for base wars. After weeks, they we're told base wars we're coming, but not actually implemented in the client as of yet. (Okay seriously, why does this feel I've stated this stuff 10+ times in this thread now...?) No responses in a timely manner when threads we're presented via the forums (that's your job Frankie)... Until now.

    Now, base wars are canceled with a new feature "maybe coming" in the future. I know that we don't get content before Wanmei's Perfect World China version of this game. I've kept a very close eye on the BBS of PW-CN (forums) and the news bulletin on PW-CN's website. Things that we're implemented in PW-CN 6 months ago still aren't here. (As I've stated 10 times in this thread)

    So, how we're players not scammed?

    Players bought faction bases because they we're something that they aren't. This was subjugated by several news posts stating that base wars was an implemented feature of the faction bases.


    Yeah, you can link as much as you want but you really need to learn what the word scam means.

    The real truth?

    Some guy in marketing said "hey these features would be neat", some guy in upper management said "cool, get it done". The devs who play... oh wait, there aren't any. The high school swim team dropout programmers they hire for pennies a day say "oh, we can do that". And after a few months of trying realize they can't do what the marketing team wanted so they give up on it.

    I'm no fan of PWE or the horrible mismanagement of our version of the game, but to call it a scam? You should realize what you're doing. Look up the word fallacy.

    I post in forums. This one and others. That's why I post.
This discussion has been closed.