Who is the best Pker's in HT



  • Scrubby - Heavens Tear
    Scrubby - Heavens Tear Posts: 257 Arc User
    edited April 2011
    I'm a fail PKer. I know all about me is gear and no skill, but I live with it....

    Well, now... for real. I don't give a damn about being the best or being fail. I don't consider myself either of them. I know I have good gear but I also know I did a lot of PK even when I didn't and I didn't do bad at all. I just play and PK for fun. I kill people (which happens most of the time), it's cool. I get killed, it's cool too. Unlike some people there's no need naming who think PK is serious business, I do it just for the luls. Anyway, were I so fail people wouldn't want to play with me at all even with the gear I have. Take "norberto" (U know who I'm talking about) as an example. I wouldn't squad with him for PK even if I was alone out there... I did it a couple times and I regretted it. People who would rather see you die while flying to sz than helping you and running the risk of dying aren't worth playing with. And everyone who squads with me does it because they know I'll rather get myself killed while trying to tank 5 r9's at the same time than getting them killed. PK now is about collaboration and team play. 1vs1's are not what they used to be. Calling someone fail because you managed to kill them in a 1vs1 doesn't mean anything since it's all relative: who had more genie stamina to avoid the attack, who had apoth or what apoth u had, who 3 sparked, who didn't, blah blah blah. I can't help but loling at people who start mouthing off someone out of a 1vs1 and when it gets to team play they run away or fly up high... like beating someone in a 1vs1 in a game will make u a better person... who knows.

    There are a lot of people to PK with and against who are really fun, respectful and worth wasting time trying to win. Naming some of them, mostly, "opponents" I can say Scrubby (we see each other and we PM "fight?" and we LOL at it... I dont know how he feels about me but he's respectful at least). I kill him, he kills me, we even double KO'd the other day and it was all in good fun. Alpha and Sano are a difficult couple to fight against... mostly when they duo me >_> but I still have fun cause it's a challenge to try and take them both (Dont know if I managed to do it yet... tho' I know I've killed Sano and then got killed by Alpha a lot xD), sliverberg's demon spark is a ****... he's one of the only people to have managed to kill me that fast (along with KT's demon spark). If Brandonsan didn't have such a big mouth it'd be fun playing against him also... but you know he'll always have something to say either after he gets killed or he kills so it makes it boring... but still, leaving that aside, I like fighting him... I never know when he'll land a crit arma on me and one shot me or when he'll get one shot by me... still it's fun. There aint really other people I find it fun fighting against. Some either die too fast or they do manage to live and kill me but then you have to endure an hour of mouthing as if killing Gorgonnia makes them win the game... I sometimes feel like I'm the final boss and killing me makes them get the final prize... xD And of course, if they mouth me off, I answer... and so drama bomb explodes :P When it comes to Mystic, I think he's a great PKer but I liked him more as a veno than a wizard, just my personal appreciation.

    All in all, PK and PVP are now related to team work... if you can't know and achieve your role in your squad then that's when you're not a good PKer.

    yeaaa hitting u'reself for almost 1k on soul force with a will of the phoenix not so much fun -.- was very humerous though haha

    and iunno i'll have to slightly disagree with the people who say 1 v 1 doesn't mean much, as a pk thread i'd say that's rather important in many respects ofc apart from a sin. being able to manupulate 1 v 1 's to u're favour whether with apoth or not shows great understanding generally of u're own class and the opposing class.
  • Aesthor - Heavens Tear
    Aesthor - Heavens Tear Posts: 3,845 Arc User
    edited April 2011
    I can't take this thread seriously.

    And no it's not because of the trolling or whatever. It's because the title of the thread has bad bad grammar.
    ಥ_ಥ MOAR.
    SkyKoC - How long is yours?
  • Scrubby - Heavens Tear
    Scrubby - Heavens Tear Posts: 257 Arc User
    edited April 2011
    I can't take this thread seriously.

    And no it's not because of the trolling or whatever. It's because the title of the thread has bad bad grammar.

    stop trolling noob.
  • Aesthor - Heavens Tear
    Aesthor - Heavens Tear Posts: 3,845 Arc User
    edited April 2011
    stop trolling noob.

    Because I can't get r9 anymore I have to resort to trolling. Please try to understand.
    ಥ_ಥ MOAR.
    SkyKoC - How long is yours?