Genie Discussion
Mizuoni - Dreamweaver wrote: »what is the affinities on your genie? Channel:
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Adroit - Lost City wrote: »I'm kinda surprised you don't fight any mages/clerics/dph sins/mystics on your server.. but I don't play your server.. so I'll just take your word for it.
I didn't say that, I said wizards, because you said wizards.
As for the other robes? Sure. Not often, but occasionally. Again though, I have never had any problem with them, not even psychics. I either 1 shot them, or we trade hits for 60 seconds until I am out of chi and am not going to out dd them with gush and pyro, so i usually give up. Only one psychic really ever gave me any trouble in pk (darn you, molovo, glad you quit) and that was when i was still in 88 legendary top, etc. and 4 seconds of domain wasn't about to save me.
And dph sins? If an armor charm don't save me, domain sure won't. And I am not sure how domain would help against a dph sin coming out of stealth anyway. Usually they are just *bam "what happened" "oh...."Adroit - Lost City wrote: »I'm not going to argue about who came up with what first ............
I smell an argument coming..........Adroit - Lost City wrote: »I had them both on my genie before I ever saw another person with both on their genie (I figured it out on my own). Yeah, there was probably someone somewhere that was using them both on the same genie, but that's why I was guessing I was one of the first.
ah, there it isAdroit - Lost City wrote: »so it really doesn't matter who came up with what first.
so funny, lol. If you go back and reread what I wrote, I actually give you credit for, as you say, "more wizards than ever" using this type of genie. That fact that you view that very same sentence as an insult says all that need to be said about whether you believe it to be your invention.Adroit - Lost City wrote: »I actually think some noob would benefit more from reading through this thread to get the different viewpoints from all the end game wizards.. than a summary from one person.
and you think someone will? thats so cute. galactically naive, but cute.Adroit - Lost City wrote: »In the 20+ pages of discussion, it also addresses nearly any question about wizards someone could have (that I can think of anyway).. and unless someone were to write a 10 page guide, I don't think it'd do much good.
you think so? I could get it in 3 pages or less. easily, in fact.Adroit - Lost City wrote: »One problem with guides is that you are getting one person's opinion, which is often a little skewed. I really do think just stickying this thread would be more useful than someone trying to summarize it.
well, your wrong.
First and foremost, there are plenty of guides that discuss more than the writer's viewpoint. Different builds that the writer does not and likely has never used, etc. Almost by definition, any guide discussing sage vs demon would meet that test, unless they leveled 2 of the same class, one sage, one demon (not that it is impossible, I have two 100 wizards, but its unlikely that they did or viewed that as necessary prior to writing a guide - or that it was necessary in order to make that guide useful).
In your opinion, someone new to the game should just read through these 200+ posts for genies, another 5000+ posts on demon vs sage, another 2000+ posts on weapon progression, skill priorities, etc, etc, etc, rather than have YOU suffer the indignity of someone else daring to summarize the content of these forums to give them 80% of what they need to know in 1% of the space. No, you would merely reduce that to "just one person's opinion" and since that person isn't you, well, of what value could that possibly be, right?
And as for a sticky, I don't know that I would necessarily object, but suppose we apply your theory universally (with a nod to Immanuel Kant). Let's sticky this thread on genies, a thread on sage skills, one on demon skills, one on choosing sage vs demon, one on running fcc, one on TT, one on nirvana, one on weapon choices, one on farming, one on equipment, one on channeling vs crit, one on sharding, one on tw, one on pk, one on group pk, one on normal skills, one on 79 skills, one on this and one on that.
There are soooo many stickies that the sticky itself becomes meaningless.
Moreover, this doesn't really give EVERYTHING any wizard needs to know about genies. So should we sticky a separate thread for low level genies? Genie gear? Trade state? Decomposing? Choice between zeal or some other? Now, you can say those things are easy, or not important, or everyone knows them, but the new player to this game (you know, the people that would likely come and read a guide in the first place?) wouldn't know them. Moreover, you taking the position that this thread is all anyone need know about genies is "merely giving one person's opinion", which is something you claimed to reject."And as for bragging, I don't need to brag. I am famous, yo. My accomplishments are legendary. I am BLOODMYSTIC, speaker of truth, bane of the Barbarians of Impulse, slayer of the **** of Narla, liberator of all the free peoples of the Archosaur server, former master propagandist for our leader in freedom, Proski, and Archtroll of the PWI Forums. And now? Amiable pve wizard, beloved by all, aka BLUEMYSTIC. Pleased to make your acquaintance."0 -
Not sure what you're going on about, BLOOD, other than to suggest that this thread should not be stickied cause Adroit's theories are in it.
I think its a great thread that should be stickied. It can always be added to...there are always alternatives to conventional wisdom. One for instance can be presented in a question: Why have Badge if you have Faith? Another is Weakness; ever see an APS sin attack with 20% of his speed? Another is Chi Siphon; ever see a channelling interrupt when you take their chi for yourself? Ever see a wizard with Alpha Male? Very tricky stuff but if well timed the results can be hysterical. Ever see Dragon Fire one shot by itself?
Neah, BLOOD, stop QQing this thread simply cause Adroit is so much a part of it. Instead, add your novel theories to make it more interesting please.
peace out0 -
lol, return of the jock sniffer. I thought you quit when your account got **** or something? You and Adroit, both qq rage quiters that don't have the guts to actually leave. Or did you, as he, think noone would remember?Pearlwood - Lost City wrote: »Not sure what you're going on about, BLOOD, other than to suggest that this thread should not be stickied cause Adroit's theories are in it.
First, assuming thats what I was going on about, I would have company. Adroit is the one that said only 1 person's, as you say, "theories" is not worthy of a post, let alone a sticky. So your post fails immediately under its own, bloated weight.
Second, I said no such thing. Once again you comment without reading. I specifically said I didn't care if it were stickied or not.
English simply MUST be your second language. Any 7 year old wouldn't come to the stupid conclusions you have. Or are you 6?Pearlwood - Lost City wrote: »I think its a great thread that should be stickied.
Well, that does it then, right?Pearlwood - Lost City wrote: »Ever see this? ever see that?
cool story, broPearlwood - Lost City wrote: »Neah, BLOOD, stop QQing this thread simply cause Adroit is so much a part of it.
I didn't qq this thread at all, certainly not for the reason you've cited. And have said so earlier in this thread. Oh, thats right. My apologies, you can't read, can you?Pearlwood - Lost City wrote: »Instead, add your novel theories to make it more interesting please.
There is very little new when it comes to this game, simply **** that is lost in obscure threads in these forums that noobs like you are simply unable to search.
When there is something new, even if not unique, I acknowledge it. As I have done here, had you taken the time to read before you opened your useless, flapping gums. b:shutup"And as for bragging, I don't need to brag. I am famous, yo. My accomplishments are legendary. I am BLOODMYSTIC, speaker of truth, bane of the Barbarians of Impulse, slayer of the **** of Narla, liberator of all the free peoples of the Archosaur server, former master propagandist for our leader in freedom, Proski, and Archtroll of the PWI Forums. And now? Amiable pve wizard, beloved by all, aka BLUEMYSTIC. Pleased to make your acquaintance."0 -
BLOODMYSTIC - Archosaur wrote: »lol, return of the jock sniffer. I thought you quit when your account got **** or something? You and Adroit, both qq rage quiters that don't have the guts to actually leave. Or did you, as he, think noone would remember?
Remember what?
I like the word "bloated" ..thas good. But the rest of your post is pure nerd rage.
If you have some interesting genie methods the just post em. Adroit not the only person out there with interesting ideas on genies.
pearl do me a favor and just ignore blood, he is going to make this 20 page thread a 200 page thread full of total nonsense. Blood you learned from this thread like everyone else.. don't spoil it for anyone that hasn't read it yet (as in just stop posting in this thread). If you hadn't noticed, most people see your QQrage posts about nothingness and just move on to another thread.. and I'd prefer that not happen to this thread. So being that blood has an ego the size of trump tower and will do w/e I say not to do.. I'm going to ask everyone else to flat out ignore him in this thread so he doesn't have anything to respond to. Sad we have such a pest/rodent in our section.. but we all know the reality b:sadYoutube Channel:
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Adroit - Lost City wrote: »and I'd prefer that not happen to this thread.
Derail a thread? Your preferences in that regard are meaningless to me, and for good reason.
But that aside, go back to my original post and tell me what in my post was improper?
It is your rat-like tendency to pounce on any post of mine like so much swiss cheese, trying to root out with your rodent snout even the slightest bit of basis for criticism, that has turned what was originally a complimentary post into what you now would seem to abhor.
Perhaps it was not as complimentary as your ego would require, but I'll not apologize for that. There is nothing derrogatory in my original post whatsoever.
And as for your instructing others what to do, lol. You really think alot of yourself, don't you? You can command your pups and butt buddies all you like, and although they certainly have the biggest mouths, I assure you they are the vast minority. The majority of readers here don't need you to make up their minds for them, or tell them what to read and what not to."And as for bragging, I don't need to brag. I am famous, yo. My accomplishments are legendary. I am BLOODMYSTIC, speaker of truth, bane of the Barbarians of Impulse, slayer of the **** of Narla, liberator of all the free peoples of the Archosaur server, former master propagandist for our leader in freedom, Proski, and Archtroll of the PWI Forums. And now? Amiable pve wizard, beloved by all, aka BLUEMYSTIC. Pleased to make your acquaintance."0 -
Adroit - Lost City wrote: »pearl do me a favor and just ignore blood, he is going to make this 20 page thread a 200 page thread full of total nonsense. Blood you learned from this thread like everyone else.. don't spoil it for anyone that hasn't read it yet (as in just stop posting in this thread). If you hadn't noticed, most people see your QQrage posts about nothingness and just move on to another thread.. and I'd prefer that not happen to this thread. So being that blood has an ego the size of trump tower and will do w/e I say not to do.. I'm going to ask everyone else to flat out ignore him in this thread so he doesn't have anything to respond to. Sad we have such a pest/rodent in our section.. but we all know the reality b:sad
Yes, my master.[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]0 -
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The **** happened to your capitalization?[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]0
Recently got a lvl 101 Discipline-82 LP-seven slots:
3 Str
70 Dex
58 Mag
60 Vit
1. Windforce 1
2. Frenzy 10
3. Spark 10
4. AD 10
5. Fortify 1
6. Badge 10 75%
7. Holy Path 10
I'm happy with it for pvp but not sure about Windforce. Haven't used it, yet, and could replace with Windshield. ? Any suggestions? (and don't say replace Frenzy...that not happening)
0 -
yo Pearl
I suggest you to move some vit/mag to pump to 90dex
Just use the base 40stat points(no reduction) for magic/vit then pump up dex
I think a good dex genie must have 90 or 100+ depends on your style.
Personally, I would say replace wind force, but domain is kinda useless if you have badge, fortify and ws. All depends on how good your gear is.
Join ChinaTown and pk with us!0 -
Why so many good pvp mages? We need more good pvp BMs! xxx the pve and demon 5.0 bms! I need BM guide please.b:cry0
Pearlwood - Lost City wrote: »Recently got a lvl 101 Discipline-82 LP-seven slots:
3 Str
70 Dex
58 Mag
60 Vit
1. Windforce 1
2. Frenzy 10
3. Spark 10
4. AD 10
5. Fortify 1
6. Badge 10 75%
7. Holy Path 10
I'm happy with it for pvp but not sure about Windforce. Haven't used it, yet, and could replace with Windshield. ? Any suggestions? (and don't say replace Frenzy...that not happening)
I really like windforce as a convenience factor, mostly to get back into a fight quickly (only like 40 energy). It's also nice chasing down runners or running from ganks (and flying around archo lol). Usually I'd say just drop a skill if you don't use it, but wind force is one of those that can't be learned back if you do.. so I'd suggest you wait at least a few weeks until you are 100% confident that you have a better alternative. If I were you I'd probably drop frenzy for wind shield (well I did on nearly the same genie haha) and have a second genie for TW/pve (where frenzy/ce are more useful). Overall a nice genie though.. being that I used one with the same exact skills and similar stats (although I put more into dex), I can say you should be set against 90% of the opponents you come across.. but a skill like wind shield would definitely help against other magic classes. Gratz & gl with the new genie though!Youtube Channel:
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Calvin - Lost City wrote: »Why so many good pvp mages? We need more good pvp BMs! xxx the pve and demon 5.0 bms! I need BM guide please.b:cry
make some videos, show bms what they should be doing XD!Youtube Channel:
Current gear:
me dunno how, me need a pro bm to teach me
WASSSUP u on forum active, y no farm farm gearz, join ChinaTown me helpz u make $$+++gears we pkpkpk and make videoz
me bored at schoooooooool b:cry going to watch horrible bosses with frandz laterz0 -
tbh, most open world pvp now is fighting sin, which they just stealth away to escape when they don't kil you. wf can't kick in as much, and you can use fuel boost to fly faster. Frenzy is an important skill for world pvp/TW. For a dex genie, domain takes all your energy, after you use domain you have nothing left tbh. Domain is good for avoiding purge(venos extincted), immue an ulti(if you have good gears, ws with high dex can tank most), immue some other negative effects(u wann immue seal? um..ok, 135 energy to immue a few sec seal. maybe r9 sin paralyze u in air, u can't shrink/pot/do anything, then u can't domain and tank a bit of dmg I guess@@)
MY PICK IS.....GET A 91+ GENIE!!!!!!
81+ then take off wf imo.
I am a bm tho, ask the pro mages.^.^0 -
@Calvin - I haven't logged in for a few weeks now, maybe taking a break.. maybe quitting for good.. I guess time will tell :P If I do come back, I'd need some real gear and we could go pking + making videos
If they gave sins a real nerf, that'd probably be enough reason to get me to log in and try AGAIN to get some real gear. Anyway, you are right with the genie stuff, but domain is nice for when someone is **** and like triple sparks + no channel pot + genie spark for ex.. just those odd situations where not much else will save you. It's just one of those general skills that covers anything your genie is lacking.. you just don't want to rely on it very often :P Also if your gear is as bad as mine, wind shield isn't usually enough
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Calvin - Lost City wrote: »yo Pearl
I suggest you to move some vit/mag to pump to 90dex
Just use the base 40stat points(no reduction) for magic/vit then pump up dex
I think a good dex genie must have 90 or 100+ depends on your style.
Personally, I would say replace wind force, but domain is kinda useless if you have badge, fortify and ws. All depends on how good your gear is.
Join ChinaTown and pk with us!
I hear ya Cal and Adroit. Ima testing the recharge rate/spammability v. the spark damage/higher%Badge (cause its nice having a fast genie...too). I may well go with less recharge and higher Dex, not sure yet. As to AD, I left that on for magic sleep>ult cause I won't be using the Badge-Fort combo to defend against them (and it's just nice to have an invincibility on there, lets face it).
I'll report back later with results. May take awhile.
peace out
edit to agree to Adroit's comment: since me gear is r 8 developing, the AD is definitely a security measure cause i think windshield would be insufficient at the moment. TBH I kinda like r 8 in spite of the r 9 adds. Costs notwithstanding, the 10+ r8 sword and 525 mag can be devastating even compared to the r 9 wep. Now if I could only luck into the Alms Bowl....0 -
I'm statting a new genie is it true the difference between 45 magic 1.9/sec and 50 magic 2/sec isn't alot?Siggy from bellefleurs.
HardToThink - Lost City wrote: »I'm statting a new genie is it true the difference between 45 magic 1.9/sec and 50 magic 2/sec isn't alot?
You will be regenerating energy ~5% faster, whether that is "alot" or "isn't alot" is kinda up to you :PYoutube Channel:
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How much energy will I be gaining every 10 seconds from a 1.9/sec? It would be 20 for a 2/sec but 1.9/sec will be 15?
Edit: nvm I got questums help in gameSiggy from bellefleurs.
HardToThink - Lost City wrote: »How much energy will I be gaining every 10 seconds from a 1.9/sec? It would be 20 for a 2/sec but 1.9/sec will be 15?
1.9 would give you 19 energy in 10 seconds. The way it displays is every second you gain 2 energy, but every 10th second you only gain one energy.Youtube Channel:
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So after questers help it looks like its gonna be
(He just explained the magic thing you did)
strength 5
dex 100
vit 58-60
magic 43
Holy path
But I cant even wear it yet yayy 9x forever x/xSiggy from bellefleurs.
HardToThink - Lost City wrote: »So after questers help it looks like its gonna be
(He just explained the magic thing you did)
strength 5
dex 100
vit 58-60
magic 43
Holy path
But I cant even wear it yet yayy 9x forever x/x
Good choices xD I'm interested in your stats though. It looks to me like you can get 5str/84dex/46vit/43mag without gear. With medal gear you could pull off 5str/100dex/62vit/43mag. Were you planning on using like 3 pieces of medal gear and then one +4dex gear? lol
The only thing I think you should consider is just an all encompassing skill to cover any odd situations that your current skills might not save you from (like domain/faith etc). So for example.. I've had other wizards sleep -> triple spark -> 2spark pot -> sutra -> CE -> BT. Ya it's stupid, but if you have nothing on your genie to save you from that.. you'd be hitting the go to town button. Imagine that same situation again when you have domain to save you (or faith so you can seal them/use your own apoth/etc etc).. you'd be at a huge advantage. I mean the situations are endless, but I think you get the point. You do have 3 amp skills already, you might consider dropping one of them, but it's really up to you :P
Time to hit 100 so you can use your awesome genieb:victory
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Adroit - Lost City wrote: »Good choices xD I'm interested in your stats though. It looks to me like you can get 5str/84dex/46vit/43mag without gear. With medal gear you could pull off 5str/100dex/62vit/43mag. Were you planning on using like 3 pieces of medal gear and then one +4dex gear? lol
The only thing I think you should consider is just an all encompassing skill to cover any odd situations that your current skills might not save you from (like domain/faith etc). So for example.. I've had other wizards sleep -> triple spark -> 2spark pot -> sutra -> CE -> BT. Ya it's stupid, but if you have nothing on your genie to save you from that.. you'd be hitting the go to town button. Imagine that same situation again when you have domain to save you (or faith so you can seal them/use your own apoth/etc etc).. you'd be at a huge advantage. I mean the situations are endless, but I think you get the point. You do have 3 amp skills already, you might consider dropping one of them, but it's really up to you :P
Time to hit 100 so you can use your awesome genieb:victory
Siggy from bellefleurs.
HardToThink - Lost City wrote: »I cant wear m genie yet so i just guessed how many points it had. Just mashing my own sleep would save me from that. By the time spark is done casting and everthings done being clicked he wouldnt even hit me! x/x
if he pulled it off right (however unlikely.. someone that is actually somewhat skilled probably wouldn't be using a combo like that in the first place) you wouldn't get off your sleep until after the BT landed (more like same time). But there are many examples. Probably one of my favorite times fighting Arenaceous.. it was only a duel but it still stands out. We had been at in for a while (using hp pots and whatnot to keep it going), and I saw my opportunity and blinked at him -> sleep -> started channeling BIDS. He was at like 40% hp if memory serves, and I knew he hadn't used his genie for a while so he had faith ready.. I waited like 1 second into the channeling and used faith on my own (nearly the same time that he used his) and I resisted the FoW I had predicted was coming.. and BIDS landed to finish the duel. Now other than faith, there is nothing else really on my genie I could have used in a situation like that.. and it gives me many more options (i.e. harder to predict) than someone without an all encompassing skill like that. I can't really use it often because of the energy cost, but it's still amazing to have.
When I think about opponents, I can often just look at an opponent's genie and already have a good feel for what the fight is going to be like. The great thing about faith is that you can foil anything that comes at you.. if you are free from amps/debuffs/control skills.. you should be able to live through just about anything (you can use apoth, fow/sleep, pdef/mdef charms, even kite or drop.. etc etc).. but what I really like about it is you can turn a fight around. Somebody commits themself going for a kill.. somehow get close enough so we can't get out of range (perhaps holy path?) you see the sleep -> ulti and perhaps some kind of amp (poison/frenzy/spark) and you can just faith -> fow -> sutra and unload on them while their genie is dead, possibly at half resists.. and right up next to you where they can't possibly get away in time. After a few fights, your opponents will have to think twice before trying their cookie-cutter strategies that work on everyone else.. you can foil any one strategy every 1.5mins or so.. and not many people have a backup plan when it fails (if they do.. you are in for a treat.. that's when the real fun starts imo). Domain is also nice.. but it's every 3 mins.. and you would need to use it before you got in a spot (like resist the sleep in said example) if you wanna throw it back at them.
I don't mean to keep using wizard examples as opponents, there are situations with every class you might fight (I particularly like faith -> sutra on **** sins.. they sit there trying to interrupt you with throatcut/headhunt/deep sting/occult/tele stun.. w/e and you destroy them before they know what happened.. obv won't work on a good sin, but nothing will so.. ya -.-) Just from thinking of ways to skip around an opponent's genie.. it really shows me how vulnerable many of these skills are, and why it is important to have at least one skill that will foil anything. Where people go wrong is using that one skill (domain being a great example) for everything.. which I think is wrong. You use fortify/badge/wind shield/w.e cheap defensive skills you have as much as you can, and have faith/domain for those odd situations where your cheap skills won't work. It's really up to you, but I think you should at least consider putting faith or domain on your genie :PYoutube Channel:
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Adroit - Lost City wrote: »if he pulled it off right (however unlikely.. someone that is actually somewhat skilled probably wouldn't be using a combo like that in the first place) you wouldn't get off your sleep until after the BT landed (more like same time). But there are many examples. Probably one of my favorite times fighting Arenaceous.. it was only a duel but it still stands out. We had been at in for a while (using hp pots and whatnot to keep it going), and I saw my opportunity and blinked at him -> sleep -> started channeling BIDS. He was at like 40% hp if memory serves, and I knew he hadn't used his genie for a while so he had faith ready.. I waited like 1 second into the channeling and used faith on my own (nearly the same time that he used his) and I resisted the FoW I had predicted was coming.. and BIDS landed to finish the duel. Now other than faith, there is nothing else really on my genie I could have used in a situation like that.. and it gives me many more options (i.e. harder to predict) than someone without an all encompassing skill like that. I can't really use it often because of the energy cost, but it's still amazing to have.
When I think about opponents, I can often just look at an opponent's genie and already have a good feel for what the fight is going to be like. The great thing about faith is that you can foil anything that comes at you.. if you are free from amps/debuffs/control skills.. you should be able to live through just about anything (you can use apoth, fow/sleep, pdef/mdef charms, even kite or drop.. etc etc).. but what I really like about it is you can turn a fight around. Somebody commits themself going for a kill.. somehow get close enough so we can't get out of range (perhaps holy path?) you see the sleep -> ulti and perhaps some kind of amp (poison/frenzy/spark) and you can just faith -> fow -> sutra and unload on them while their genie is dead, possibly at half resists.. and right up next to you where they can't possibly get away in time. After a few fights, your opponents will have to think twice before trying their cookie-cutter strategies that work on everyone else.. you can foil any one strategy every 1.5mins or so.. and not many people have a backup plan when it fails (if they do.. you are in for a treat.. that's when the real fun starts imo). Domain is also nice.. but it's every 3 mins.. and you would need to use it before you got in a spot (like resist the sleep in said example) if you wanna throw it back at them.
I don't mean to keep using wizard examples as opponents, there are situations with every class you might fight (I particularly like faith -> sutra on **** sins.. they sit there trying to interrupt you with throatcut/headhunt/deep sting/occult/tele stun.. w/e and you destroy them before they know what happened.. obv won't work on a good sin, but nothing will so.. ya -.-) Just from thinking of ways to skip around an opponent's genie.. it really shows me how vulnerable many of these skills are, and why it is important to have at least one skill that will foil anything. Where people go wrong is using that one skill (domain being a great example) for everything.. which I think is wrong. You use fortify/badge/wind shield/w.e cheap defensive skills you have as much as you can, and have faith/domain for those odd situations where your cheap skills won't work. It's really up to you, but I think you should at least consider putting faith or domain on your genie :PSiggy from bellefleurs.
HardToThink - Lost City wrote: »Sorry i've still never been in a situation where i thought gosh i wish i had faith. Badge fortify keeps me out of most trouble then what ever trouble i get into after that is windshield + switch blessing. for like 42% less damage which my hp can usually handle with a charm. **** sins are kinda easy to handle with just badge and fortify if you're watching your icons so you dont waste them on sleep, freeze. The odd situations you find yourself in I don't very often and when I do I try and cope with my own genie skills. Like lets say I was dueling arc instead. If he broke sleep with faith and fow'd me I could have used windshield and switched to o'mally (42% less damage) to live what ever he wants to bring at me during my seal time since he cant genie amp me for any crazy damage or holy pathed and ran away (which you can do while sealed) away to kill off his faith. He wouldnt be able spark or really do incredible damage for the next little bit because he just used like 150 energy from his genie. So after faith I could go in and spark combo. Plus using your genie even once before you find yourself in an odd situation means you cant use it anyways, its just there looking pretty.
lol it was just a suggestion. In the above situation faith is useful because it ends the fight.. kiting back again would have left me in the same situation as we started, a long stalemate where we couldn't finish each other off. You'd just need to be there and see our fights I guess. Anyway, if you don't think it'd fit your style for whatever reason, by all means keep the skills you have now, it is just one of those skills I have found very very useful and was trying to share my experiences with it. Good luck with your genie :PYoutube Channel:
Current gear:
Adroit - Lost City wrote: »lol it was just a suggestion. In the above situation faith is useful because it ends the fight.. kiting back again would have left me in the same situation as we started, a long stalemate where we couldn't finish each other off. You'd just need to be there and see our fights I guess. Anyway, if you don't think it'd fit your style for whatever reason, by all means keep the skills you have now, it is just one of those skills I have found very very useful and was trying to share my experiences with it. Good luck with your genie :P
Oh! i wasn't trying to be rude about it! x/x But it wouldnt have left you on a long stale mate, he would have no genie and you would still have enough for a spark and the 2 sparks left from when he cancelled your ulti. You finish most of your fights with ultis? From what I saw in the pvp vids anyways. Most of my fights end because I kite them until I manage to tick them then I seal,sutra,spark combo.Siggy from bellefleurs.
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