Common Misconceptions



  • Kiyoshi - Heavens Tear
    Kiyoshi - Heavens Tear Posts: 2,385 Arc User
    edited September 2010
    I have never encouraged anyone to lie to get into a squad nor would aprove of such behaviour, let's be clear on that. Is any veno's call wether he/she wants to take a chance and ask for a spot on a squad even when not conforming to the requested profile, as long as this is done in an upfront and honest manner. For example pming "96 veno, no herc but experienced" (the asumption being the experience is real) may lead to an invite if an herc'ed veno cannot be found. Personally i would never apply to a squad which specifically requires an herc'ed veno however...

    And yes, a capable herc'ed veno can do anything an unherc'ed veno can do, and then more. The relevant question however would be wether more is needed, are you expecting the run to fail so disastrously that you want a plan B? Other than tanking bosses or singlehandedly holding 4 or more elites at a time, there's nothing an herc'ed veno can do an unherc'ed veno can't. Let's look at this two points closely; If an herc cannot tank the boss it makes no difference wether the veno has an herc or no, a regular pet skilled with Tough and Threaten may hold out for longer than an herc on this scenario, so i would say they're about even. This is where skill comes into play, for instance to use survival skills such as Bramble Hood and try to lead the boss away while the squad gets back on their feet. And this has nothing to do with wether you have an herc or not. If you want the herc to tank then my argument about efficiency does apply. If you want it as back up then this is an unreasonable demand. Some tanks can handle bosses without a Cleric but this would be a rather unreasonable bar to set on all Barbs and BMs. But let's say you do because you can get away with it, then a) a veno will be forced to act inefficiently since he/she must use an herc, not the best pet for any given job and b) given hercs have no room for skills such as Roar, your party may very well be wiped out before he/she can grab aggro. A more humble pet with an appropiate skill set could certainly be of better use on this scenario, although once again i would point out this would depend on the skill of the veno, regardless of the pet being used.

    As for multiple mobs, either you foresee this use for the pet or you don't. Outside of relatively few cases a veno shouldn't be in this position in the first place (especially as a luring class) and while an herc will allow for greater chances of success it comes down to skill in the end. Sometimes the regular pet will succeed where the herc fails. I haven't done RB so i cannot comment on it, but it would seem strange to me that an herc's reflect is able to hold multiple mobs through other classes AoEing...

    My point is your argument is on the same vein as a squad rejecting someone perfectly capable of doing the job on the chance someone 10 levels higher will decide to join them later on... You can rationalize it all you want, but outside a small handful of scenarios you probably can't provide a solid and uncontroverted reason to require an herc. It's just that you've become so used to it you probably expect someone to come up with an answer that you obviously can't. You're too set in your ways to even consider that yours may not be the safest or most efficient way of doing a run. And your arguments are simplistic, having no bearing on real game mechanics or scenarios. You ask for herc'ed venos simply because you were told to, you don't even know the real reason for it...

    Nobody is going to predict what'll happen on a run... so if there is a herc veno... why not take the herc veno. If **** hits the fan... a herc is that much better then a none herc when its come to holding mobs for the squad to rez. You keep on saying that the herc is not the best pet for certain jobs... but yet you have to agree with me there is certain things a herc-less veno can't do... while a herc veno can. And since there is nothing stopping a herc veno from having the same pets as a herc-less veno. Having herc is that extra layer of protection that some squad may want.
    You yourself brought up the question "would be wether more is needed". so consider this... if more is available... why not take more? venos are probably the most abundance class out there... and a good portion of them will have a herc. so its really no lost (for the squad) when it comes to rejecting a herc-less veno cause a herc veno will just come by in the next second or two.
    and finally there is really no point saying that a skilled herc-less veno can outperform a herc veno. there are skill-less venos everywhere (herc or no herc). so comparing skilled herc-less veno to skill-less herc veno is like comparing the best member of group A to the ****test member of group B. If you really want to compare... go take the best herc veno and the best herc-less veno... and i'll guarantee you that the herc veno will have better gear and more adept at pvp and pve.
    1. If I kill you; do something about it yourself, don't go complaining to my wife.
    2. If you have less kill counts then me, don't expect me to take pk advice from you.
    3. If you are hiding behind an alt, don't expect me to acknowledge your existence.

    Tokichiro - Heavy Armor Fish / Kiyoshi - Dual Blade Elf
  • Redmenace - Heavens Tear
    Redmenace - Heavens Tear Posts: 908 Arc User
    edited September 2010
    So is a herc isn't considered a gear to a veno... then what is a herc. And why would an archer hold back just so the barb can have aggro... archer these days can tank all but tt bosses. Holding back in other situtions just so the barb can have his aggro and pride is just stupid. Thats like telling a 5aps user to hold back so a tiger form barb can have his aggro... stupid and slow things down.

    Great Idea. You just keep that up.

    It's not "pride", you jackass - if you can't learn how to play well with others, then you'll be back to trolling the forums, 'cause no one wants to squad with you in the game.

    Get over yourself.

    If you want to tank, then tank it yourself.

    If you want the barb to tank, then you'd best work *with* your squad to cause the most damage without dragging the ^&%#$&# boss all over the instance and causing a party-wipe.


    \pointless argument anyway
    \\if you're too stupid to work with your squad, then I appreciate you alerting us now <blacklisted>
    A human being should be able to change a diaper, plan an invasion, butcher a hog, conn a ship, design a building, write a sonnet, balance accounts, build a wall, set a bone, comfort the dying, take orders, give orders, cooperate, act alone, solve equations, analyze a new problem, pitch manure, program a computer, cook a tasty meal, fight efficiently, die gallantly. Specialization is for insects.
    Robert A. Heinlein
  • Cocobelle - Sanctuary
    Cocobelle - Sanctuary Posts: 960 Arc User
    edited September 2010
    Its fun to still see some people saying so much nonsense about veno with or without herc.

    A veno without herc is, for almost all of you, an undergeared veno! thats your opinion right?

    For all of you, what is the herc for? best DDing pet? best tank pet? both?

    Ill be honest : for me the herc is the best tank pet but thats all. Its not the best DDing pet. Almost all pet are pretty good for DDing (maybe im wrong here but i dont think Herc over DD all the other pet).

    You all see venomancers as something it wasnt ment to be. Venomancer are a DDing class wich has some powerful debuffs. And? and thats all. Of course Herc can tank but this way the veno has to heal his pet almost all the fight and cannot help the squad as it should with its debuff and spells.

    My opinion : Barb are getting lazy everywhere. They all want to let the herc tank cause they are afraid they cant tank properly. I think those kind of barbs should start to learn to play and let the veno do the job they are made for. Ive seen a lot of barbs very bad at tanking (i mean keeping aggro) in 80-90+ squad (not lvl 100+ with crazy bm/sin with -int gear) but the good barbs exist. Some know when they have to ask a spark from the veno in the squad, they know how to use their skills, they simply know how to play.

    To say it fast : barbs are now lazy to tank and cause of that they are getting badder and badder at keeping aggro so they let their veno friend with so powerfull herc doing the job while they afk auto attack on bosses. Itsd sad but thats what i see most of the time.

    Now unless i find a barb prooving me im wrong in game (im not interested in reading things like "im very good, i dont have problem, etc...") I will think that about almost all high lvl barbs who enjoy the laziness of letting a herc tanking.

    If my herc can tank, I usually let it tank because of the barb's repair bills compared to mine and I don't think that makes them lazy. In BH69 where my herc can tank Pyro, I let my pet tank it usually since it saves the barbs from having costly repair bills. The only time I don't do this is when I know there's people who can pull aggro from my herc in a snap. Sure it's mostly all the classes but they should know they need to give time to make the herc build aggro.

    Also, they're not getting "badder and badder" at keeping aggro. Try keeping aggro from a 5aps BM, sins or a -50% chanelling wizard, psychic. b:shutup
  • Silest - Sanctuary
    Silest - Sanctuary Posts: 816 Arc User
    edited September 2010
    So is a herc isn't considered a gear to a veno... then what is a herc. And why would an archer hold back just so the barb can have aggro... archer these days can tank all but tt bosses. Holding back in other situtions just so the barb can have his aggro and pride is just stupid. Thats like telling a 5aps user to hold back so a tiger form barb can have his aggro... stupid and slow things down.

    You archers rip hate even from herc.

    You all see venomancers as something it wasnt ment to be. Venomancer are a DDing class wich has some powerful debuffs. And? and thats all. Of course Herc can tank but this way the veno has to heal his pet almost all the fight and cannot help the squad as it should with its debuff and spells.
    That's generally how it is when a class/job has an item/ability that is far more powerful than it's standard stuff.

    Also having one makes another squad members IQ drop 50%.
  • vristion
    vristion Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2010
    Originally Posted by Kiyoshi - Heavens Tear
    So is a herc isn't considered a gear to a veno... then what is a herc. And why would an archer hold back just so the barb can have aggro... archer these days can tank all but tt bosses. Holding back in other situtions just so the barb can have his aggro and pride is just stupid. Thats like telling a 5aps user to hold back so a tiger form barb can have his aggro... stupid and slow things down.

    lol waitwut?
  • Michael_Dark - Lost City
    Michael_Dark - Lost City Posts: 9,091 Arc User
    edited September 2010
    vristion wrote: »
    lol waitwut?

    He was pretty clear.. what's your point?
    I post in forums. This one and others. That's why I post.
  • Kiyoshi - Heavens Tear
    Kiyoshi - Heavens Tear Posts: 2,385 Arc User
    edited September 2010
    Great Idea. You just keep that up.

    It's not "pride", you jackass - if you can't learn how to play well with others, then you'll be back to trolling the forums, 'cause no one wants to squad with you in the game.

    Get over yourself.

    If you want to tank, then tank it yourself.

    If you want the barb to tank, then you'd best work *with* your squad to cause the most damage without dragging the ^&%#$&# boss all over the instance and causing a party-wipe.


    \pointless argument anyway
    \\if you're too stupid to work with your squad, then I appreciate you alerting us now <blacklisted>

    touched a nerve there didn't i. any boss a dd can tank... a dd should tank... it speeds things up that much more since the barb can focus on dd instead on aggro. of course there are still several bosses where a dd can't tank... and in those instances the dd should watch their dmg output.

    metal is the perfect example. when doing the non-glitch way... the barb should move over and let the dd tank and finish that much faster instead of having the entire squad hold back so the barb can tank until the boss goes berzerk and wipe everything. while in 3-3... dds can't tank bosses and should hold back and let the barb do his thing. its all about the most time efficient way of doing things... and in some cases... bm/arch/sin makes better tanker then the traditional barb.

    and don't you worry about me getting squads... my gear speaks for themselves when it comes to making or getting into squads.
    1. If I kill you; do something about it yourself, don't go complaining to my wife.
    2. If you have less kill counts then me, don't expect me to take pk advice from you.
    3. If you are hiding behind an alt, don't expect me to acknowledge your existence.

    Tokichiro - Heavy Armor Fish / Kiyoshi - Dual Blade Elf
  • KategoryC - Lost City
    KategoryC - Lost City Posts: 7 Arc User
    edited September 2010
    but yet you have to agree with me there is certain things a herc-less veno can't do... while a herc veno can.

    Ok, you beat me to it. Tell me one thing a herc veno can do that I cant do, I dare you.
    Soloing TT? lol
    I say it once more, again. Hercs dont tank. You buy a herc, you waste your money. Thats what? 100 gold or w/e blown out your ****. Dont get me wrong thats not much nowadays, my gear is worth a herc or two or some. I simply refuse to invest in a thing that is of no use to me. I might as well buy a Lunar bow. lmao
    A year ago you could llike, help in your fac with I dunno, krixxix or something. Do you really want to tell a new (lol) player in PW to buy a herc to be helpful? To get in squads? There is such an abundance of venos that it wont really matter.

    The comparison to the equips of an archer or the like is nonsense of course. A lunar equip is vastly superior I suppose, while a non-tanking herc either deals LESS damage than the other pet, or marginally more. Im too lazy to give you numbers. DYOR
  • Yishuin - Sanctuary
    Yishuin - Sanctuary Posts: 153 Arc User
    edited September 2010
    Also, they're not getting "badder and badder" at keeping aggro. Try keeping aggro from a 5aps BM, sins or a -50% chanelling wizard, psychic. b:shutup

    yeah nice try. then try again after reading all my post b:bye.
  • Rawrgh - Raging Tide
    Rawrgh - Raging Tide Posts: 6,790 Arc User
    edited September 2010
    Now unless i find a barb prooving me im wrong in game (im not interested in reading things like "im very good, i dont have problem, etc...") I will think that about almost all high lvl barbs who enjoy the laziness of letting a herc tanking.

    Barbs don't tank at high levels, it's impossible to hold aggro from all the +10 lunar wep archers and the 5.0 aps BMs
    "My understanding of women only goes as far as the pleasure. When it comes to the pain, I'm like any other bloke - I don't want to know."
  • Kiyoshi - Heavens Tear
    Kiyoshi - Heavens Tear Posts: 2,385 Arc User
    edited September 2010
    Ok, you beat me to it. Tell me one thing a herc veno can do that I cant do, I dare you.

    from the looks it... they get in to squads... lol.
    1. If I kill you; do something about it yourself, don't go complaining to my wife.
    2. If you have less kill counts then me, don't expect me to take pk advice from you.
    3. If you are hiding behind an alt, don't expect me to acknowledge your existence.

    Tokichiro - Heavy Armor Fish / Kiyoshi - Dual Blade Elf
  • Yishuin - Sanctuary
    Yishuin - Sanctuary Posts: 153 Arc User
    edited September 2010
    Dammit guys are you all stuck in your little space of end gear players?

    Im talking about 80-90 squads here. You remember that? before you got all your awesome gear with charging zhen like machine. There is absolutely no 5.0 aps sins or bm or -50% channeling wizard or psy at these lvl.

    I am talking of laziness barb in the lvl 80-90... well under lvl 100 who are absolutely uncapable of tanking with a squad of normal player with normal attack rate :

    1.43 fist bm
    1.25 assassin
    15-20% channeling wizard and psy.

    Am i clear enough now? or should i give up on you?
  • DeadRaven - Sanctuary
    DeadRaven - Sanctuary Posts: 407 Arc User
    edited September 2010

    5. A herc is a sign of a good veno, at higher levels if a veno still doesn't have a herc it's probably because the veno is bad.

    Firstly, thanks to the OP for the thread. While I do not agree 100% with everything you posted, it provides some valuable insight and has prompted a useful discussion (minus the ubiquitous trolls).

    Secondly, I could not help myself but respond to the above quote as it insults every (higher-level) veno that does not have a herc. It is simply ridiculous to think there is an innate correlation between how well a player knows their class with that of owning a herc. Having a herc depends on one thing only - money, whether it be real life money or in-game coins... nothing else!

    And in response to the argument that, a good player will know how to make money, this neglects to take into consideration that making money is also contingent on a) time and b) inclination. I enjoy playing PWI to socialize, help other people, and to quest with friends. However, quite frankly, I consider my time too valuable to waste grinding mindlessly on mobs or standing around AH. I accept the consequence that it will take me a long time to afford a herc (if ever) but my lack of interest with merchandising or to waste my time (and brain cells) grinding does not affect my ability to play my character well. Knowing how to play one's character, and knowing how to make money are not mutually exclusive fields of knowledge, but nor are they inseparable. There are a lot of good players out there that are poor, and a lot of bad players that are rich - I doubt anyone would disagree with that lol.
  • MANray_ - Sanctuary
    MANray_ - Sanctuary Posts: 2,311 Arc User
    edited September 2010
    Nobody is going to predict what'll happen on a run... so if there is a herc veno... why not take the herc veno. If **** hits the fan... a herc is that much better then a none herc when its come to holding mobs for the squad to rez. You keep on saying that the herc is not the best pet for certain jobs... but yet you have to agree with me there is certain things a herc-less veno can't do... while a herc veno can. And since there is nothing stopping a herc veno from having the same pets as a herc-less veno. Having herc is that extra layer of protection that some squad may want.

    Granted some squads may want that "extra layer of protection". Some squads may also want an extra Cleric. How about two tanks? You can't be too safe. And a BM always comes in handy for crowd control, you know, just in case the herc'ed veno can't take on all mobs in the dungeon coming at you all at once. Sorry, no room for DDs or any other classes, they'd be stealing aggro anyway... How about you have your mom sit next to you while you're doing a run? Yes, an herc'ed veno can manage some things hercless venos can't and yes they can also have any of the other pets but it's all a matter of proportion and where you choose to draw the line. I can handle 2-3 mobs by myself on instances that are level appropiate for me, if you think that's not good enough then you hold venos to a very different standard than other classes. If you're planning on doing your runs with the expectation everything will go wrong then there are 4 utterly useless classes on the game... That's your standard, not mine.
    You yourself brought up the question "would be wether more is needed". so consider this... if more is available... why not take more? venos are probably the most abundance class out there... and a good portion of them will have a herc. so its really no lost (for the squad) when it comes to rejecting a herc-less veno cause a herc veno will just come by in the next second or two.

    As i've said before, you do it because you can. I'm not getting on an ethics debate but that's a poor excuse... It's no loss for a squad? I've seen people spamming wc for an herc'ed veno for well over a full hour, but hey, it's only time right? Yeah, venos are a populated class and at higher levels most will have an herc however. And be my guest, do take more. This thread was meant to clarify misconceptions, not convince you to take unherc'ed venos in your squads. If you know better but still would rather do things inefficiently or exclude players from the game based on arbitrary standards by all means go ahead. But don't try to sell me on an herc being needed because it might just turn out things may all go wrong and apparently the rest of the squad will be useless and defenseless, placing all responsability on a veno's pet...
    and finally there is really no point saying that a skilled herc-less veno can outperform a herc veno. there are skill-less venos everywhere (herc or no herc). so comparing skilled herc-less veno to skill-less herc veno is like comparing the best member of group A to the ****test member of group B. If you really want to compare... go take the best herc veno and the best herc-less veno... and i'll guarantee you that the herc veno will have better gear and more adept at pvp and pve.

    You're misquoting me, that i would state sometimes a regular pet will prevail where the herc fails has no bearing on the level of skill of either herc'ed or hercless venos. I don't think hercless venos are generally more competent or experienced than their counterparts and have several times stated not just such view, but also that herc is without a doubt the best overall land pet available to the class. You see, this isn't herc'ed vs unherc'ed venos (and judging by avatars i would have to say venos vs other classes who apparently know pets better...) i have no issue with an herc'ed veno getting a place in a squad for legitimate reasons (such as a cleric not being found) and actually i like being in squads with hercs since i do believe different pets work well together. What i have a problem is people grabbing at straws trying to justify noobish theories out of thin air. Once again, you have not presented nor countered arguments as they pertain to actual gameplay but simply worked out variations on the idea an herc'ed will always be better regardless of actual circumstances. My point was about pets, not players, and an herc'ed veno can also work with other pets. The point is wether having an herc does provide a significant advantage and i have already provided various arguments on that respect. A veno's skill will always prove a more important factor that what's on his/her petbag.

    Edit; And well said DeadRaven, we all play at our own pace and for our own reasons.
  • Lenore - Harshlands
    Lenore - Harshlands Posts: 1,201 Arc User
    edited September 2010
    Great Idea. You just keep that up.

    It's not "pride", you jackass - if you can't learn how to play well with others, then you'll be back to trolling the forums, 'cause no one wants to squad with you in the game.

    Get over yourself.

    If you want to tank, then tank it yourself.

    If you want the barb to tank, then you'd best work *with* your squad to cause the most damage without dragging the ^&%#$&# boss all over the instance and causing a party-wipe.


    \pointless argument anyway
    \\if you're too stupid to work with your squad, then I appreciate you alerting us now <blacklisted>


    Obviously you have a hard time thinking flexibly from the usual tank tanks, healer heals, DD sit there and look pretty mindset. I actually like partying with Kiyo, but I bet I'd fall asleep partying with you.
  • Kiyoshi - Heavens Tear
    Kiyoshi - Heavens Tear Posts: 2,385 Arc User
    edited September 2010
    And in response to the argument that, a good player will know how to make money, this neglects to take into consideration that making money is also contingent on a) time and b) inclination. I enjoy playing PWI to socialize, help other people, and to quest with friends. However, quite frankly, I consider my time too valuable to waste grinding mindlessly on mobs or standing around AH. I accept the consequence that it will take me a long time to afford a herc (if ever) but my lack of interest with merchandising or to waste my time (and brain cells) grinding does not affect my ability to play my character well. Knowing how to play one's character, and knowing how to make money are not mutually exclusive fields of knowledge, but nor are they inseparable. There are a lot of good players out there that are poor, and a lot of bad players that are rich - I doubt anyone would disagree with that lol.

    Well... here is the thing. What you consider good might not be what other consider to be good. no offense... but you can consider yourself the best thing since sliced bread... but to me you could just be average.
    you sound like you are just a casual player... not really trying to be the best or challenge the existing best. that to me speaks of being average. the players that i consider good have more way to make money then they have time for. which in turn strengthen their gears... its a forever loop of positive reinforcement.
    1. If I kill you; do something about it yourself, don't go complaining to my wife.
    2. If you have less kill counts then me, don't expect me to take pk advice from you.
    3. If you are hiding behind an alt, don't expect me to acknowledge your existence.

    Tokichiro - Heavy Armor Fish / Kiyoshi - Dual Blade Elf
  • MANray_ - Sanctuary
    MANray_ - Sanctuary Posts: 2,311 Arc User
    edited September 2010
    its a forever loop of positive reinforcement.

    It's a forever loop of vitamin D defficiency as well. b:victory
  • vristion
    vristion Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2010
    He was pretty clear.. what's your point?

    No actually he wasn't.

    Had he said

    "Archer at end game gear and level can tank anything except TT" Then He would have been clear...

    But this discussion isn't all about the endgame zone dwellers revisiting old content.
  • SylenThunder - Twilight Temple
    edited September 2010
    Dammit guys are you all stuck in your little space of end gear players?

    Im talking about 80-90 squads here. You remember that? before you got all your awesome gear with charging zhen like machine. There is absolutely no 5.0 aps sins or bm or -50% channeling wizard or psy at these lvl.

    I am talking of laziness barb in the lvl 80-90... well under lvl 100 who are absolutely uncapable of tanking with a squad of normal player with normal attack rate :

    1.43 fist bm
    1.25 assassin
    15-20% channeling wizard and psy.

    Am i clear enough now? or should i give up on you?

    My Psy's not end-game and most of his gear is stuff I used to use. He's currently level 70 and has -32% chan. He's a full MAG build so he hits like a freaking freight train. Also because I did a LOT of grinding and holding back at the lower levels, 90% of his skills are maxed right now. Cost me a freaking fortune I tell you and I had to give up playing my cleric for a few months.

    What he does do is wait till the boss is at 50% HP with a barb holding aggro the whole time, then attacks, takes aggro within about 10%, and tanks the remainder of the boss. I play smart though, I don't pull shat like this when I'm in a Pole or Nob squad. I also tell the cleric ahead of time that it's very likely I will get aggro if I think I'm going to play that way.

    I can't wait to get him into the 80's or 90's to start PKing because at 42, he was taking down BM's in the early 70's and Wizzies in the early 80's. Haven't tried any archers or venos yet, but it will certainly be interesting.

    Right now I'm focusing on TT99 gold gear. I've got the weap already made and sharded with some minor refines. Gear and hitting 99 is my current project. I don't cash shop, and I run short on coin a lot, but I get by just fine. I have the Demon skills that matter the most except Rez, still working on that one.
  • Lenore - Harshlands
    Lenore - Harshlands Posts: 1,201 Arc User
    edited September 2010
    vristion wrote: »
    No actually he wasn't.

    Had he said

    "Archer at end game gear and level can tank anything except TT" Then He would have been clear...

    But this discussion isn't all about the endgame zone dwellers revisiting old content.

    I think it's pretty clear for anyone with half a brain to figure out that he means high end archers. I suppose it wouldn't make sense to the stupid or the trolls, since they would deliberately imagine a level 80 archer in TT80 gear +2 tanking TT3-3 for the sake of being stupid or being a troll. Honestly is there a point in clarifying the obvious and insisting that something that only requires a tiny bit of extra inference doesn't 'make sense' besides trolling?
  • Kiyoshi - Heavens Tear
    Kiyoshi - Heavens Tear Posts: 2,385 Arc User
    edited September 2010
    Granted some squads may want that "extra layer of protection". Some squads may also want an extra Cleric. How about two tanks? You can't be too safe. And a BM always comes in handy for crowd control, you know, just in case the herc'ed veno can't take on all mobs in the dungeon coming at you all at once. Sorry, no room for DDs or any other classes, they'd be stealing aggro anyway...

    As i've said before, you do it because you can. I'm not getting on an ethics debate but that's a poor excuse... It's no loss for a squad? I've seen people spamming wc for an herc'ed veno for well over a full hour, but hey, it's only time right? Yeah, venos are a populated class and at higher levels most will have an herc however. And be my guest, do take more. This thread was meant to clarify misconceptions, not convince you to take unherc'ed venos in your squads. If you know better but still would rather do things inefficiently or exclude players from the game based on arbitrary standards by all means go ahead. But don't try to sell me on an herc being needed because it might just turn out things may all go wrong and apparently the rest of the squad will be useless and defenseless, placing all responsability on a veno's pet...

    here is the thing... veno with or without herc always takes 1 spot... which any duplicate char would take 2 or more spots. so if you can get a better fill for that 1 spot... why not get a better fill. there is no placing all responsibility on a pet... there is if we can get a veno with a better pet... why not get a veno with a better pet.
    i personally don't give a rat's furry *** if my veno have or don't have a herc... cause my squad or aleast the people i run with will make up for any incompetent or short comings the veno or any other squad member may have. but until you or any other reach this stage... a veno's pet is genuine concern. if you don't want to get a herc cause you don't want to blend in... or its too expensive... or you don't need it... or whatever other reason. then you can sit on the sidelines like all the archers who refuse to get cv or refine pass +5. while people like me... who have no problem getting a herc... and cv... and refines... gets invited to squad and enjoy the game without being rejected cause of my short comings.
    1. If I kill you; do something about it yourself, don't go complaining to my wife.
    2. If you have less kill counts then me, don't expect me to take pk advice from you.
    3. If you are hiding behind an alt, don't expect me to acknowledge your existence.

    Tokichiro - Heavy Armor Fish / Kiyoshi - Dual Blade Elf
  • Rawrgh - Raging Tide
    Rawrgh - Raging Tide Posts: 6,790 Arc User
    edited September 2010
    Dammit guys are you all stuck in your little space of end gear players?

    Im talking about 80-90 squads here. You remember that? before you got all your awesome gear with charging zhen like machine. There is absolutely no 5.0 aps sins or bm or -50% channeling wizard or psy at these lvl.

    I am talking of laziness barb in the lvl 80-90... well under lvl 100 who are absolutely uncapable of tanking with a squad of normal player with normal attack rate :

    1.43 fist bm
    1.25 assassin
    15-20% channeling wizard and psy.

    Am i clear enough now? or should i give up on you?
    What the hell is a barb even going to tank at 8x? Frost and BH69.

    Last I checked, people were still pretty dependent on barbs to tank the pulls in FC. So let me get this straight, you expect every 8x barb to pull all the mobs, tank all the mobs in the instance, at some points tanking more than 50 mobs at a time, tanking mobs and a boss at the same time, and why? So you can save hyper time. And THEN you expect the barb to tank the bosses after he's already done every pull and burnt an easy 200k on repairs, 50k on chi stones, and 50k on crab meat? When we could just as easily have a herc veno do it? I know that there are 8x venos with hercs out there and I'd much rather run with one of them than someone that will expect me to spend even more money tanking.
    "My understanding of women only goes as far as the pleasure. When it comes to the pain, I'm like any other bloke - I don't want to know."
  • vristion
    vristion Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2010
    I think it's pretty clear for anyone with half a brain to figure out that he means high end archers. I suppose it wouldn't make sense to the stupid or the trolls, since they would deliberately imagine a level 80 archer in TT80 gear +2 tanking TT3-3 for the sake of being stupid or being a troll. Honestly is there a point in clarifying the obvious and insisting that something that only requires a tiny bit of extra inference doesn't 'make sense' besides trolling?

    Do you blow his arrows?
  • Lenore - Harshlands
    Lenore - Harshlands Posts: 1,201 Arc User
    edited September 2010
    vristion wrote: »
    Do you blow his arrows?


    I'm his squad leader, if anything, he should blow mine b:laugh
  • vristion
    vristion Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2010

    I'm his squad leader, if anything, he should blow mine b:laugh

    Then its obvious WHY you would know in this MASS clutter of a discussion what RANGE of play he was talking about in regards to level gear etc.
  • Lenore - Harshlands
    Lenore - Harshlands Posts: 1,201 Arc User
    edited September 2010
    vristion wrote: »
    Then its obvious WHY you would know in this MASS clutter of a discussion what RANGE of play he was talking about in regards to level gear etc.

    Of course; it's because I have at least half a brain b:laugh
  • vristion
    vristion Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2010
    Of course; it's because I have at least half a brain b:laugh

    Or like you said, you're both in group compareing bows.
  • Lenore - Harshlands
    Lenore - Harshlands Posts: 1,201 Arc User
    edited September 2010
    vristion wrote: »
    Or like you said, you're both in group comparing bows.


    I thought you were talking about arrows =P When it comes to bows, I have the better arch, I'm sure, but he might have better range. b:laugh
  • vristion
    vristion Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2010

    I thought you were talking about arrows =P When it comes to bows, I have the better arch, I'm sure, but he might have better range. b:laugh

    kk-kewl what You guys do in group stays in group... Don't ask don't tell type thing..

    Carry on gentlemen.
  • Lenore - Harshlands
    Lenore - Harshlands Posts: 1,201 Arc User
    edited September 2010
    vristion wrote: »
    kk-kewl what You guys do in group stays in group... Don't ask don't tell type thing..

    Carry on gentlemen.

    I wasn't the one who brought it up. If you don't care to know, don't ask. I hope you've learned your lesson young man.

    I'm a girl