An Early GM Response to the TW Changes
MOST of MAX lvl players r still playing because THEY LOVE TW
BUT now TW isnt WORTH IT anymore, CHARM cost MORE already
This CREATED DRAMMA and PEOPLE are GIVING UP (quitting game)b:cryb:cry0 -
Only thing that would help small faction compete if if the GAME itself disabled charms in TW. That's what we should be pushing for.0
Siiobhan - Archosaur wrote: »Only thing that would help small faction compete if if the GAME itself disabled charms in TW. That's what we should be pushing for.
Think like PW, everytime you think of a good idea you follow it up with "And how will this make us more money?""Strategy without tactics is the slowest route to victory.
Tactics without strategy is the noise before defeat." ~Sun Tzu
"Lennox Lewis, I'm coming for you man. My style is impetuous. My defense is impregnable, and I'm just ferocious. I want your heart. I want to eat his children. Praise be to Allah!"
~Iron Mike Tyson
With the large amount of level 90+ and 100+ players leaving the game, I don't think their fortune is going to last too long.0
Pattoe - Raging Tide wrote: »With the large amount of level 90+ and 100+ players leaving the game, I don't think their fortune is going to last too long.
I haven't heard anyone quitting because of this on Sanct.100% F2P player. Started PW: March 2007, Quit PW: March 2011. "Pure axe" 8k HP multipath BM, last one of my kind.0 -
Kupuntu - Sanctuary wrote: »I haven't heard anyone quitting because of this on Sanct.
There has been several people quitting on my server, many people i know personally, even some level 100s.
(Perhaps because my server is PVE, Im not sure whether Sanctuary is PVE or PVP, but I think TW is a much bigger thing on PVE servers since the PVP scene is not very lively and many people prefer TW to PVP and thats why they decided to join a PVE server in the first place, thats why I decided to go PVE...)0 -
PVE server dont have so much quits
u said that ppl from pvp server coming to pve cuz tw&pk...nope u are wrong
ppl from pve want to go on pvp server when they reach 80+ or they playing cuz TW and TW pay0 -
Emouse - Archosaur wrote: »PVE server dont have so much quits
u said that ppl from pvp server coming to pve cuz tw&pk...nope u are wrong
ppl from pve want to go on pvp server when they reach 80+ or they playing cuz TW and TW pay0 -
Not true. I don't keep playing because of TW. I can easily ignore the pvp aspect of the game. All it is to me anyway is a small distraction from the main reason I play mmos.Main characters
Celestial Sage Venomancer Zoe - 100
Sage Barbarian Malego - 910 -
Zoe - Heavens Tear wrote: »Not true. I don't keep playing because of TW. I can easily ignore the pvp aspect of the game. All it is to me anyway is a small distraction from the main reason I play mmos.
[Normal] Lenore: Well yes, obviously not everyone on the server can TW or like to play solely because of PvP. But I think it safe to say that many high level people who have advanced in the game a lot faster than you because of the competitive aspect of PvP would care about the wellbeing of TW, no? Because there's nothing BETTER to do when they got the gears, the level, whatever? The world doesn't revolve around people who only think the way you do.0 -
Implementing something that plagues longer versions does nothing for us. It's like an economy. The inflation and deflation periods are unavoidable. Right now, you can view us in a deflationary or equilibrium position. Older versions are in extreme inflation. These new updates are meant to combat insane inflation, aka bringing in huge deflation. In a newer version such as PWI, implementing anti-inflation changes in a non-inflationary period will send us spiraling into chaos away from equilibrium. You can't raise interest rates in a non-inflationary period. That just doesn't work.
Brush up on some economy before you tinker with the game's. Most notably some laissez-faire.0 -
The only thing you've managed to do with this patch is taint all versions with the same brush. It just makes it look like you're incapable of disinguising the difference between the versions. & the difference between the requirements of the players from the different versions. It's incredibly foolish to state you're trying to protect this version, when we obviously don't share the same outlook on your approach. If we did share your view of how to 'protect and save' our version of perfect world. The people that have spent over $100,000 in game wouldn't be turning round quiting, and advising the rest of us to do the same.0
Lenore - Harshlands wrote: »[Normal] Lenore: Well yes, obviously not everyone on the server can TW or like to play solely because of PvP. But I think it safe to say that many high level people who have advanced in the game a lot faster than you because of the competitive aspect of PvP would care about the wellbeing of TW, no? Because there's nothing BETTER to do when they got the gears, the level, whatever? The world doesn't revolve around people who only think the way you do.
This is why I don't get the best gear and the top level. I always have something to do as I work to get them.
It's up to the players to pace themselves so they don't finish everything fast and get bored.Main characters
Celestial Sage Venomancer Zoe - 100
Sage Barbarian Malego - 910 -
I actually one of the few that likes the TW changes, i think it's a step in the right direction toward making sure one faction doesn't own the whole map and as such gets so much coin and charms per week that none of the smaller factions ever have a chance of catching up. I don't care as much about the gold prices, I just want it to be so that everyone has a legitimate chance of winning instead of one or two factions owning the ENTIRE MAP and only a handful more ever having a chance of even winning a territory. To me, the reason I feel that way is that the only reason to get gold is either make cosmetic changes to your character and increasing your odds of WINNING and make your character better. If no matter how much gold, coin and time you spend on the game you'll never be able to win then really what is the point? Although please do not read this as me saying I'm against one specific faction or another. I'm not, and if you win all those territories in a fair fight where both people had the same opportunities to make just as much gold as you and it all comes down to effort and skill instead of a weekly allowance, then more power to you. Great job. You rock. You should be allowed to keep as much as you can defend in a fair fight. I think this update may work to make sure one faction isn't too overpowered. I'm sure the skills of the major player factions will make defending a non issue anyway and they'll continue to dominate because they are sweet but at least it's fairer to the smaller factions.
Or could just end up **** everyone, who knows. At least this is a shot at addressing the issue, we should all just give it a chance.0 -
[Forum] Aelric: Yeah the TW Changes and UI Font Changes are pretty much epic FAIL.
bee-tee-dubs the style and size of this post is to protest the horrid UI font changes.[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]
Thanks XRipetidex for the awesome sig!
"I like nonsense, it wakes up the brain cells. Fantasy is a necessary ingredient in living, it's a way of looking at life through the wrong end of a telescope and that enables you to laugh at life's realities."
-Dr. Seuss
b:victory0 -
Kohai - Lost City wrote: »The Tw remkae is quite good. With one less Coin source they prizes will drop and since im playing on a pvp server with the biggest pk faction there will be no coinfarmerbot whatsoever and i finaly can buy stuff from the boutique with less than 500k ea gold = =
Do you have characters on harshland or something?
The ONLY time gold on LC has gone up over 500k has been during event pack mad rushes.
As far as all this extreme QQing and ragging on Essence has went about how all they get is mirages now haha, I would like to point out almost EVERY faction on our server has tried their hand at TW. I am sick to death of all the raging and razzing you people are doing in world chat on the server behind this. Elayne put a good faction together, he obviously is a good enough leader, that even though many have tried, Essence still had the majority of the board. CQ had already taken it once, Athran wanted to pull them off and force Kami and Essence to merge and fight them as a group again,and look what happend. Spec almost got wiped off the board for his tactic, and now everyone is trying to demonize "Big Bad Essence".
Essence's core group of people had their armor in game long before event packs started. They worked that faction from the ground up after over a year of others being established.
The people in that faction have went well out of their way to help all of us in this game,making walk throughs, posting hints, farming mats(I assure you the others servers have no where near the farmers we do), killing bosses etc. And I think they proved their point during the last Summer event, if they were as wicked as people make them out to be NOTHING would get done on our server.. They would see to it. And for Gawd's sake will the gm's PLEASE start monitoring our WC. I think priorities are way off here. Developers are eager to protect the American market from gold farmers and bots, because this is a major source of capitol for the company right now, but good grief. They are changing the game we know and love, without fixing glitches, bugs, exploits, or even the gms monitoring our server enforcing the TOS even just in our WC.
TBH, I am sick to death of people's insane obsession with Elayne's head, NyKage and Amour's relationship, and the ton of other trolled trash we are subjected to day in day out. My blacklist is not big enough to block all of these idiots out, and when you are in an instance where you have to watch for a boss to speak, we have to sort through pure ignorance.
TW does not affect me personally as far as game play because I am not in a faction that actively TW's, but event packs, glitches, people who have **** the game,trolling children in WC, bugs, and constant game play change does affect me.0 -
[Forum] Kitkate: Yeah I'm a lvl 3 faction leader. It's a small faction but we liked to jump in and TW every now and again even if we lost because it wasn't a ton of money and you got a refund. With no refund, I'm not gonna risk 500K+ in coins and not get to participate cause someone outbid me. TW sucks now. I'm not gonna waste that kind of money either just for some mirage celestones even in the odd chance we did win.
Btw everyone join in on the fun of large fonts and colors.[SIGPIC] stuff/allcharsig1-1.jpg [/SIGPIC]
Jealous?~❤~0 -
frankieraye wrote: »The reason is this: The patch just came out, and some time really has to pass before any of us truly knows the effects of it.
I'm reading all of your concerns and I've thrown in some of my own opinions about the patch. Kantorek has done the same. I read you loud and clear; the TW pay has been decreased and you're worried about not being able to afford charms anymore. You feel like we're ruining a beautiful part of the game. I understand that; this is a pretty big change to the system, so it's normal that you're worried about it.
I love TW. It and the Gold Trade system are my two favorite parts about PWI; TW brings factions together for a hardcore, team-oriented endgame event. The Gold Trade system makes it so that no player is excluded from the Cash Shop, as long as they're willing to put time and effort into the game. These two systems are what differentiate PWI from every other F2P out there.
Let me just assure you that we do NOT want to ruin the TW system. From what I understand, these changes were implemented to combat problems that have plagued longer-running versions of PW -- those in Malaysia and China. I have to say that I do like the idea of taking what we know about those versions and using it to try to protect this version.
What I'm asking is that we give this system some time before condemning it for good. There has been a lot of speculation, and the majority of you are very much against it, and that's been noted, believe me.
But for now, this is the game, and these are the changes that have been made to it. We will be closely monitoring what happens with TW over this next month, and Konari, Aryanna, and myself will be on these boards to hear you out during the process.
You ppl at PWE are so full of ****ing ****. Its funny really. I bet the board of directors all sit at a table each monday after they come back from work and say "What should we name this weeks pack?"
Why are all the players of PWI" blaming the GMs and the Developers? Pretty sure its what the board of directors tells them to do. The Developers just do there job and develope the game that they probably know is being ruined every... single.... Tuesday. Why don't PWE just come out and say that they are now a private server, out to gain money for them selves.
TL;DR Version.
**** you PWE, way to get your whole player base to put a **** storm of tickets and make you guys work harder for a change that won't even do what you say its going to do.[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]0 -
@Morainine: Thank you for gods sake on knowing what PWE's doing. PWE's distracting us to think the TW change was to improve the game's economy, but what they're actually doing is making this game even worse. They blame the TW rewards, and not the packs, which is obviously a mistaken causal relationship fallacy that they are making on purpose. Therefore, due to PWE's evilness, I have left the game, leaving my great guild.
Here's what a mistaken causal fallacy is: of my territory war videos:
ht tp:// -
Zoe - Heavens Tear wrote: »This is why I don't get the best gear and the top level. I always have something to do as I work to get them.
It's up to the players to pace themselves so they don't finish everything fast and get bored.
[Forum] Lenore: Good for you. If you like to intentionally be mediocre and simply HAVE WORK to do then you should work for PWE because they will always need names for new packs coming out as well as new excuses for the ways the **** up the game. If you like your slow pace, good for you! I know you are slow cuz I've been playing this game since it was out and I've definitely seen your nonsense around the forums, and I somehow got farther than you even though I didn't play for 10-12 months. However, that does not mean it's okay to **** over players who advance at a fast or even NORMAL pace. Because honestly, people who have been playing on and off a little at a time would be finished with all the reasonably achievable non-PvP content in the game in a matter of a few months.0 -
Sorry if it's posted allready, but DO NOT USE "Eye of Observation"!!!
Text overlapping makes it impossible to see all targets attributes b:surrender
Edit: Sorry posted in wrong thread.. Please delete as the forum gives me error when I try to delete it myself[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]0 -
Moranine - Lost City wrote: »Were the Pack implimented too to combat the problems with the Chinese and Malysaian Versions of the game? Pretty sure those are what completely and 100% ruined this what used to be a great F2P game.
You ppl at PWE are so full of ****ing ****. Its funny really. I bet the board of directors all sit at a table each monday after they come back from work and say "What should we name this weeks pack?"
Why are all the players of PWI" blaming the GMs and the Developers? Pretty sure its what the board of directors tells them to do. The Developers just do there job and develope the game that they probably know is being ruined every... single.... Tuesday. Why don't PWE just come out and say that they are now a private server, out to gain money for them selves.
TL;DR Version.
**** you PWE, way to get your whole player base to put a **** storm of tickets and make you guys work harder for a change that won't even do what you say its going to do.JiEunxD - Archosaur wrote: »@Morainine: Thank you for gods sake on knowing what PWE's doing. PWE's distracting us to think the TW change was to improve the game's economy, but what they're actually doing is making this game even worse. They blame the TW rewards, and not the packs, which is obviously a mistaken causal relationship fallacy that they are making on purpose. Therefore, due to PWE's evilness, I have left the game, leaving my great guild.
Here's what a mistaken causal fallacy is:
I agree with you here, mainly because this game was running very smoothly the first year, the glitches and bugs and what ever else was fixed in a timely manner, now we have not seen a fixed glitch or bug in almost a full year since the first Anniversary Packs shown up in Cash Shop. Ever since then PWE couldn't go 1 week without a new pack to increase money and to destroy something that was fun.
GMs and Mods and Devs, I mean you no disrespect, but the first generation players that built this game, YOU ROYALLY **** THEM OUT OF A GAME THEY LOVED.
I lost alot of friends from these packs, they got tired of busting their asses for stuff they wanted, and still can't afford because of the insane prices of gold. 480k per gold is ****ing ridiculous.
My Opinion: How about getting a NPC for people that can't afford gold to buy from there. Make it fair for everyone, or do you guys just cater to the people that dump thousands of dollars a month into the game? A real answer would be nice, not "We are working on fixing this problem." Like the DQ price drops. If you really want to fix it, increase drop rate for them. That way it's fair to those that work for their stuff not just pull out a capital one, mastercard, visa or what ever people use.I do as the Romans do, I wash my hands of thee.0 -
Oh i happen to agree as well. I started this game before TB, before Bounty Hunter, and made it to 80. Noone had really awesome gear. then pack came out and ruined entire game.
Had to retire my 93BM for the time being because I cant afford pots/charms/BH wine splits/etc
TW had nothing to do with inflation at all. Packs do. Im almost tempted to go back to a P2P MMO. least there i didnt have to deal with 300 million messages a day about what some ****** in his parents basement got using his mommy's credit card.0 -
So long so very long and you all are still complaining at that which is futile find some dam materials and build a ****ing super highway over or through or around it whatever you have to do just get past it. Packs aren't bad they didn't ruin things players did players just had the mindset to ruin it at the time. Hammers if they were reduced or removed would make gold drop like a dam rock you all think its the packs but the culprit is actually the hammers.
Oh by the by there was no fun time before the packs people complained just as much about just as stupid **** as they do now its no different so I really don't see why PWE staff should even listen to you all since you really are just complaining to hear yourselves after all. b:kiss I do think we could use some more decent content though I rather like the new content even the mirages I think it will balance out TW quite a bit as people won't be so willing to spend that 500k on the bids since mirages are the only option and big factions don't have more momentum that people were always complaining about.
~Pressa a veno since a 2 weeks after HT started.[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]0 -
Kitkate - Dreamweaver wrote: »Btw everyone join in on the fun of large fonts and colors.
I'm pretty sure I stopped playing with crayons and construction paper when I was like.. 8 or so.I post in forums. This one and others. That's why I post.0 -
Michael_dark - Lost City wrote: »/facepalm
I'm pretty sure I stopped playing with crayons and construction paper when I was like.. 8 or so.
:O i love crayons and construction paper[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]
Thanks XRipetidex for the awesome sig!
"I like nonsense, it wakes up the brain cells. Fantasy is a necessary ingredient in living, it's a way of looking at life through the wrong end of a telescope and that enables you to laugh at life's realities."
-Dr. Seuss
b:victory0 -
Michael_dark - Lost City wrote: »/facepalm
I'm pretty sure I stopped playing with crayons and construction paper when I was like.. 8 or so.
[Forum] Darksylph: Why so serious?0 -
Darksylph - Heavens Tear wrote: »[Forum]blahblahblah
Why so stupid?I post in forums. This one and others. That's why I post.0
This discussion has been closed.
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