Is this game better before or after the implement of tideborns?



  • Posts: 1,526 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    Ok seriously what the hell. Assassins are like the squishy version of BMs. Instead of an AOE stun they get a silence. They have others like sleep & paralyze but those are not nearly as QQed about as the stun+silence combo.

    Lemme tell you something. Sins are freaking supposed to do higher damage than BMs. What the hell do you expect, they are much more squishy than you. Why the hell do BMs expect to have good DPS, it's already imbalanced with the 5aps fists that they have. BMs are half-tanks, and SHOULD be half-melee-damage dealers, but ofc they can have one of the highest DPS and stun lucks to top it off.

    No, I'm not "QQing" about BMs. I'm comparing them to sins, because both are melee classes. If you ask me I think any kind of stun locks are kinda OP, but for goodness sake if you are gonna nerf sins about it might as well nerf the BM stun locks. End of story.
    Oh and if you'll complain, and for those people that do complain about the fact that sins can start the fight prepared with every buff possible slowly in stealth etc... I'm tired of this ****. Tbh yes it may be OP but that's no reason to nerf our fighting capabilities because we'll be gimped in PvE as well.

    I'm tired of all the QQs about random unorganized PK from stealth (because sin is prepared while victim is not). I'd really like that ALL buffs even genies used in stealth, to unstealth you, like in many other games I played, so all of you can shut up with this already.
    +1 you hit the nail on the head and the problem at hand.
  • Posts: 579 Arc User
    edited May 2010

    "Ah I know what you mean but also why take genie skills into consideration and blame the sin when nobody talks about anti-sin like stun prevention skills for the victim? Kinda unfair imo."

    wait, i get it. i should remain antistunned at all times, since a sin up to 30 lvls under mine is completely invisible to me.

    also, by psychic stuns do you mean the 1 second from soul of retaliation, or the 6 seconds from earth vector, wich have a chance to fail?

    for an easy example of why sins shouldnt even be able to stun/silence as much as they can; archer dps and sin dps (no skills) are just about the same. archers get only a 3 seconds stun, wich can fail, because if we had anything longer, it would be a disaster. dex melee classes have TOO MUCH DMG to be allowed to chain stun, and that is why archer cant. if you cant kill an archer/arcane your lvl in 8 seconds, you're failing. I've 1shot arcanes with Take Aim, and on one memorable occasion, i 1shot a psy with stunning arrow. if you cant take out an arcane with a demon sparked headhunt, you're worthless. L2P and restat mag to dex.


    sins have 2 channeling interrupt skills.
  • Posts: 69 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    A small addition. BMs should not [and smart ones do not] use alter marrow magical against venos and clerics, who have nixes and physical damage spells, respectively. Not sure about wizards, since blade tempest is half physical; that could kill them too.

    The marrows are very hit or miss in pvp. Used with caution.

    With decent gear and a low leveled magic marrow, you can actually achieve a healthy balance of both magical and physical defense.
  • Posts: 579 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    With decent gear and a low leveled magic marrow, you can actually achieve a healthy balance of both magical and physical defense.

    perhaps, if the fight is short enough, you could alternate phys and mag marrow with stuns to beat a cleric
  • Posts: 4,843 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    @Longknife: chill out O.o you sound like you've been beaten by some sin or something lol

    The damage you said, 25k, is reduced to 1/4 because of PvP damage reduction AND physical defense. Still think it's that great?

    Your skill damage is not WAAAAAY less than what those skills do, you're just theory crafting from ecatomb and didn't even think there's PvP reduction + physical resistance? >.>

    No wtf, I'm saying that 25k damage MINIMUM (that's no weapon damage bonuses factored in, which is a HUGE bonus) is still a big chunk in PVP.

    So, do me a favor and take one fourth of 25k? Well, how about that: it's ~6250 damage, and we haven't even factored in the weapon damage bonuses yet. Furthermore, that's not including any hits done between stuns. Let's also not forget that Sins crit fairly often, and it's likely that one of those five hits will crit. See where I'm going with this? Damage just keeps stacking up...
    The reason I compared with psy's is that sins are NOT the only classes with lots of stuns and tricks to avoid damage for some time. Oh my, you even mentioned yourself about BMs (versus psy), well done I guess. You figured out sins are not the only ones with a lot of stun locks, hmm?

    So... about your quote: "see there?! The enemy will have a 2 second window to attack! The sin is TOTALLY F***ed." You whine for this exact same reason tbh. You can stun sins during this time yourself, then attack them when they're vulnerable (and we're squishy)

    Oh wait OH NOES!!! When your stun lock wears off you're toasted because you give sin time to act!!! While when sin's stun lock falls apart for 2 sec, it's nothing like you said eh?

    There's a big freaking difference between a Psy that has absolutely no stun resistance and a Sin that has high evasion and can Shadow escape in the middle of battle. That 2 second window you were complaining about? Shadow escape. Hell, the game rewards you with chi for it. Hell, I wish I got chi for casting Psychic Will or Soulburn....
    And if stun is your only worry and not actually getting hit once, then Maze steps will cut it too.

    Why does it feel like every other class has ONE skill to deal with a specific situation or problem, whereas a sin has two?

    What now, are you gonna complain sins kill anyone 1v1 without any stuns from both parts? You think we have god DPS and at the same time survival? We just got nice stuns + high DPS but are squishy, which makes us natural predators of other squishies, while BMs have good survivability and stuns but less DPS (unless a fist BM - now tell me how to kill 5 atk/sec BM, k?) which means they are good versus sins or other heavies and not that great against casters... actually wait I think they're decent versus casters too with the mdef skill up.

    Yeah, and there's the problem.

    NO AA target is gonna survive that combo I named. A sin gets the first hit EVERY battle and no arcane caster has the durability to survive the duration of the stuns and silences.
    The ones who might survive are those that you can use your evasion against. Just like Psychic Will is my perfect defense against physical attackers, stealth is your perfect defense against magic casters. The difference is that I can still be hit with status ailments like stun and silence while I have Psychic will on to stop my attacks; you're just freaking untouchable.

    And lol I kinda guess from your tone of your post you got ***** by a good geared sin, or some friends of yours, while you didn't see great geared psy's or other classes in action. Fist BMs with lots of -int would rip apart someone more than a sin, and powerful psy's soulburn 1-2 shots most others, not like you said like "it's nothing"

    Again, where are your arguments? I'm sitting here countering every argument you've provided, and you simply resort to pointing the finger at someone else. Hell, I even answered your finger pointing. What's sad is, no, I wasn't inspired by dying to sins to make this argument. I read others complaining about sins, decided to read up on their skills, and was shocked by how easy I found that deadly combo I named. What's sad is it's just one of many.

    Now, for the third or fourth time: I wanna hear a flaw with that strategy I just named. I wanna hear it be countered with a skill from another class. If a class uses stun immunity against Headhunt, the sin STILL has silence and sleep and the ability to Shadow escape, where they can easily wait out the stun immunity. I don't wanna hear a "BUT CLERICS MAKE PEOPLE SLEEP REALLY LONG OMG GUYS LET'S FORGET WHAT WE WERE TALKING ABOUT AND DISCUSS CLERICS" or something.

    Oh and if you'll complain, and for those people that do complain about the fact that sins can start the fight prepared with every buff possible slowly in stealth etc... I'm tired of this ****. Tbh yes it may be OP but that's no reason to nerf our fighting capabilities because we'll be gimped in PvE as well.

    I'm tired of all the QQs about random unorganized PK from stealth (because sin is prepared while victim is not). I'd really like that ALL buffs even genies used in stealth, to unstealth you, like in many other games I played, so all of you can shut up with this already.

    For one, I'm not even talking about PK. The sin will get the jump NO MATTER WHAT. TW, PK, a duel...anywhere. Hell, the only place the sin won't always start the fight is PK, and that's only if someone decides to jump a sin.

    And yeah, maybe now you're getting it. It IS overpowered that the Sin can go buck-wild with buffs in stealth. Furthermore, they need to stop giving Sins chi out the **** as if it were some kind of cocaine addiction. I mean ffs, you guys receive a spark for Shadow Escape. That's the type of move I'd expect to PAY a spark for. And Rising Dragon Strike? I'd love to hear the argument for that one giving chi. "Gee, this skill DOESN'T have a nice ailment attached to it for a change. I guess we better make it up to the sins by making it reward a ton of chi."

    If they made those two changes, it would make a world of difference.
    I <3 AGOREY
  • Posts: 830 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    RSD is supposed to give chi since it has no additional bonus like any other skill. That's what it's made for so I dunno what you're talking about.

    Also you're obsessed with Shadow Escape and overestimate it badly. Unless you QQ that a sin can run away from a lost battle, you're talking as if Shadow Escape stuns you forever. Guess what? While sin uses it to escape the battle you can freaking run around and eat pots or whatever and regenerate (or heal yourself if you're cleric). So no it did not really help the actual previous battle at all, it's mostly used in emergencies where sin will get owned shortly. You QQ about this or I misunderstand? That the sin can evade ownages shortly?

    About counters... be a high defense char, like BM or Barb, or a squishy with good refines on armor not just weapon. Survive sin's combos and when you get a chance between gaps or when lock ends, kill sin with your own stun locks or whatever tricks you got. A fist BM would both probably survive AND own the sin with 5 atk/sec. Barb could easily survive, and after that invoke and own sin with arma.

    Also I wouldn't mind removing the spark given from Shadow Escape tbh I also find it a bit stupid, but it's not game breaking either.

    But alas there will always be QQers against sins and you know why? Because as I said once our stun lock ends we're kinda dead, unless the target has around 25% hp (if charmed, charm has to be on cooldown also) we're dead unless we shadow escape. So by your logic if sins wouldn't kill people with the stun lock, or not bring them to low HP either, then we wouldn't be able to win any fights. You find that balanced?

    It's something I call "own fast, or get owned yourself". It will always appear to be an extreme result (one person "owning" the other) because you can't get it closer.

    @Sint: Well I don't even have triple spark yet. But also, for the love of God, I thought we're talking about the new balanced sins which can't triple spark while stealthed -.- In other words forget triple spark + stuns since enemies will be able to see your spark and react fast.

    So to Longknife again, and others who get owned by sins from stealth too fast when they triple spark... can you guys not blame it on sin's skills and damage but on spark while stealth instead?
    First 103 on Raging Tide 30 Oct 2010
  • Posts: 1,235 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    While sin uses it to escape the battle you can freaking run around and eat pots or whatever and regenerate (or heal yourself if you're cleric).
    Which is exactly what he was talking about. you can't kill a sin if he shadow escape.
    A fist BM would both probably survive AND own the sin with 5 atk/sec.
    You talk like sin can't reach 5 atk/s o.oa <insert A_Noob character info>
    ye....5aspd and wat...50 attack lvl ijs
  • Posts: 771 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    Which is exactly what he was talking about. you can't kill a sin if he shadow escape.

    You talk like sin can't reach 5 atk/s o.oa <insert A_Noob character info>
    ye....5aspd and wat...50 attack lvl ijs

    What? b:puzzled
  • Posts: 304 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    Which is exactly what he was talking about. you can't kill a sin if he shadow escape.

    You talk like sin can't reach 5 atk/s o.oa <insert A_Noob character info>
    ye....5aspd and wat...50 attack lvl ijs

    Wont CoD slow down your attack speed O_O

    Pretty sure you cant get 5aps with +50 attack lvl CoD up lol. But sins can get 5 aps relatively easy however compared to the amount of money most big cash shopper spends on their chars to be OP.

    Just need:
    interval cloak
    nirvana pants
    rank top
    rank6 or nirvana daggers
    2 pieces of HH99 heavy
    9 pieces of HH 99 LA

    There you go auto win the game. Obviously not easy to get for casual players but anyone that actively pvp and cash shops will have it eventually.Than you can out DDs anyones charm before it ticks b:chuckle.

    Sins also get attack from dex wich makes it kinda broken. If you look at a fist BM with 5 aps he gets his attack from strength, but he has to sacrifice around 200 stat points into dex to carry fists and therefor does less dmg. Which i think its rather fair since he still hits so ridiculously fast and can still out damage a 20k barbs charm.

    But assassins dont have to sacrifice 200 stat points just to carry a weapon. They only have to spend like 100 on strength to carry gear, rest can go into pure dex for max dmg. Than the crit buff and rage dmg and the fact that daggers have higher base dmg than fists. So yeah pvp in general will suck for any AA or LA class once 5 aps gets more average for 100+ sins b:surrender
  • Posts: 1,235 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    you was saying?
  • Posts: 17 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    As I said on another topic, I'd like this game a lot more if there were actual quests after level 70, not just dailies. I'm so sick of doing the same dailies every day, it's not a game anymore but a boring routine that you have to follow. That's 1 of the reasons why I'm quitting after Forsaken World comes out. I just don't see the fun in doing same old stuff over and over again. In my opinion, there should be more quests and less dailies after level 70.

    To stay on the topic, game was better before the tideborn for me at least, because a lot of people just oracled to level 90 and they have no real game experience. Most of the people who play tideborn and who I've met are bit of noobs and act really bossy, I don't know why it's that way but I've noticed that only with the tideborns. Also, I just liked the game more before with just 3 races, and I'm not that kind of a person who likes all those big changes and additions to game, I'd like to keep it the same it was in the first place.

    Very well said... I notice most tideborn players are total snobs like they're just children of rich parents who just oracle their way to "success". Then have the nerve to front like they're the greatest players..

    Again very well said.
  • Posts: 17 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    bubble of life is an AOE heal, something comparable would be chromatic healing beam, which costs 475 mana from lvl 1. lvl 10 party heal would be 970 mana

    you don't see clerics using THAT much mp? or you never played a cleric? do you know that the 4 party buffs together cost 3300 mana? or that lvl 10 revive is 950 mana?

    lvl 10 ironheart is 229. this is what may cost a cleric at 6x when their party buffs are available and ress, IH are maxed, you think their mana pool is much bigger than yours is at lvl 64? i mean it's one thing to take all this for granted, it's another to just claim things that are completely wrong and use that to argue with.

    if you take the time to explore other classes, ALL of psychics nukes have similar manacosts to wizard/clerics nukes of similar caliber.

    Well theres an invention called "MANAPOTS"and their cousins the "SPIRITCHARMS" ever heard of em?

    sry for double post..
  • Posts: 516 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    It's worse because low-lifes like you(altipaca) steal people's molds and drops on bh's and then leave the clan.
  • Posts: 406 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    About counters... be a high defense char, like BM or Barb, or a squishy with good refines on armor not just weapon. Survive sin's combos and when you get a chance between gaps or when lock ends, kill sin with your own stun locks or whatever tricks you got. A fist BM would both probably survive AND own the sin with 5 atk/sec. Barb could easily survive, and after that invoke and own sin with arma.

    I'm a squishy, and I focus alot on being able to survive. And I can often survive (not necissarily kill, but at least survive) the regular class's that kill me (i.e. bm's, archers, nix venos) if they are similarly geared, even if they get the surprise attack on me. I'm not all crazy cash shopped out, but I have above average non-cashshopper gear imo. Now when fighting sins, If I know they're going to attack (something you should never know about a sin) and get all prepared and have a full IH stack going on myself. They can often still kill me within the stun period with lower grade/refined gear to mine. The only one that couldn't kill me while I had ih stack was a sin with a pair of tt80 daggers (and he still got dam near close). That is why I think sins are op'd. Every other class at least needs to have pretty decent gear to kill me. sins don't seam to have that requirement.

    And on your comparison of bm and barb to the sin, remember equally geared. if bm has 5 atk/s to kill sin, sin should also have the 5 atk/s in which case bm very likely may not survive... And on the barb, invoke and arma both cost 2 sparks. not to mention invoke is a tiger form skill while arma is human, which not only takes half health but can miss... which against you, I'd guess isn't too unheared of.
  • Posts: 1,946 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    But alas there will always be QQers against sins and you know why? Because as I said once our stun lock ends we're kinda dead, unless the target has around 25% hp (if charmed, charm has to be on cooldown also) we're dead unless we shadow escape. So by your logic if sins wouldn't kill people with the stun lock, or not bring them to low HP either, then we wouldn't be able to win any fights. You find that balanced?

    You know there's this other dex class called archer that has less DPS ( not to mention skill dmg ) than you , less survivability and can't stunlock at all . You don't see them instantly vanishing from a battle in order to instantly escape now do you ?

    Ijs > . >
    It's all about LoL,yo.
  • Posts: 4,843 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    RSD is supposed to give chi since it has no additional bonus like any other skill. That's what it's made for so I dunno what you're talking about.

    I just addressed this.

    Did you know that for other classes, it's very NORMAL to have skills without ailments on them? Like, if the devs decide to give a class an attack without an ailment, it doesn't mean they owe that class chi at all? Amazing, isn't it?

    Also you're obsessed with Shadow Escape and overestimate it badly. Unless you QQ that a sin can run away from a lost battle, you're talking as if Shadow Escape stuns you forever. Guess what? While sin uses it to escape the battle you can freaking run around and eat pots or whatever and regenerate (or heal yourself if you're cleric). So no it did not really help the actual previous battle at all, it's mostly used in emergencies where sin will get owned shortly. You QQ about this or I misunderstand? That the sin can evade ownages shortly?

    I cannot for the life of me name a time that an HP pot saved my life. Most that does is buy time. Also, have you checked the cast time on cleric heals? Again, that two second window is like one spell. Hell, against a cleric you wouldn't even have to shadow escape; you could use your interrupt channeling spell in that two second window and viola: you've stopped whatever the cleric planned on doing.
    About counters... be a high defense char, like BM or Barb, or a squishy with good refines on armor not just weapon. Survive sin's combos and when you get a chance between gaps or when lock ends, kill sin with your own stun locks or whatever tricks you got. A fist BM would both probably survive AND own the sin with 5 atk/sec. Barb could easily survive, and after that invoke and own sin with arma.

    The bolded is bull****. You have to look at the situation as if both classes have equal refinement levels. You can't say "the key to beating a sin is level 12 refines," cause wtf that stops working when the sin has level 12 refines.
    And if I were a Barb I would NEVER cast arma on a sin. You're implying that the physical attacker class with the lowest accuracy of them all should use one of his most expensive, all-in skills against the class with the highest evasion....Wtf is wrong with you?
    Also I wouldn't mind removing the spark given from Shadow Escape tbh I also find it a bit stupid, but it's not game breaking either.

    There's a start, but honestly Sins should lose 90% of their chi bonuses, imo. Like I said, buffing in stealth and all the chi bonuses: do away with those and you're on your way to a balanced class.
    But alas there will always be QQers against sins and you know why? Because as I said once our stun lock ends we're kinda dead, unless the target has around 25% hp (if charmed, charm has to be on cooldown also) we're dead unless we shadow escape. So by your logic if sins wouldn't kill people with the stun lock, or not bring them to low HP either, then we wouldn't be able to win any fights. You find that balanced?

    Since when? I see fights between BMs/Barbs and Sins all the time where the sin just melees the **** out of them. Very often the Sin wins. You guys have such high evasion that you're still very capable of surviving a couple hits; your HP isn't bad either. You guys have average HP.

    And as I've said, your debate skills suck balls. You barely ever make good points. All you do is:

    A) Point the finger at someone else.

    B) Try to label your debate partner a noob, saying that the only reason they're complaining is because they got owned by a sin. Since no one wants to be a noob, surely we'll withdraw from the argument to save our own honor, right?
    @Sint: Well I don't even have triple spark yet. But also, for the love of God, I thought we're talking about the new balanced sins which can't triple spark while stealthed -.- In other words forget triple spark + stuns since enemies will be able to see your spark and react fast.

    So to Longknife again, and others who get owned by sins from stealth too fast when they triple spark... can you guys not blame it on sin's skills and damage but on spark while stealth instead?

    Sint factored in the spark. I did not. That doesn't change my strategy whatsoever. You know what does? Taking away all your chi bonuses AND the ability to buff in stealth. Chi is supposed to restrict the classes, so why does Chi not apply to Sins?

    And so far, what having you offered as ways to beat the strategy I named?

    -Healing pots. (Lol. And btw, that means that your sin can use them and survive a couple hits too. Then the one with the highest DPS will probably win, and 9/10 times your sin will have higher DPS)

    -Armageddon (It's very apparent why you didn't make a barb)

    -Cleric heal (your exact same complaint about 2 seconds only being enough for one attack works here. The cleric would only get one heal in. Now again, go compare what maxed ironheart heals compared to the damage of one of your skills. 30% weapon damage and 714 additional HP =/= 6717 + 100% weapon damage. And again, just interrupt the cleric's channeling.

    -Refines (ya cause sins are incapable of refining)

    And is it just me, or are you the one that's QQing? I'm just offering my objective opinion; I saw an argument, read up on the class and named my opinion. You're the one that has been defending sins to no end and seems offended when people bring up good points. I've beaten sins and have nothing to lose here; hell, I offered my opinion on what Psys, MY OWN CLASS, need nerfed a couple pages back.
    I <3 AGOREY
  • Posts: 4,377 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    And if I were a Barb I would NEVER cast arma on a sin. You're implying that the physical attacker class with the lowest accuracy of them all should use one of his most expensive, all-in skills against the class with the highest evasion....Wtf is wrong with you?

    Just want to say class with highest evasion gain is BM (10) second is Barb. (8)
    Sin, Archer, and Veno (6) is in the third place. b:chuckle
    While the rest is at 4th place. (2)

    The number in "()" mean evasion they get for each dex, barb with 100 dex will gain 800 evasion while sin get 600 evasion.
    Sorry i speak engrish b:chuckle
    Nickname doesn't have anything to do with sailor but related to a folklore
    Use search, it was your best friends to avoid many suffering in internet...
  • Posts: 4,843 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    Just want to say class with highest evasion gain is BM (10) second is Barb. (8)
    Sin, Archer, and Veno (6) is in the third place. b:chuckle
    While the rest is at 4th place. (2)

    The number in "()" mean evasion they get for each dex, barb with 100 dex will gain 800 evasion while sin get 600 evasion.

    Yeah yeah ok, Ms. Technical. xD

    I actually knew about a barbs evasion, but the reality is that no barb is gonna focus on dex.
    It's also not a barb's evasion that's being discussed here, but rather his accuracy against the Sin.
    I <3 AGOREY
  • Posts: 1,526 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    -Cleric heal (your exact same complaint about 2 seconds only being enough for one attack works here. The cleric would only get one heal in. Now again, go compare what maxed ironheart heals compared to the damage of one of your skills. 30% weapon damage and 714 additional HP =/= 6717 + 100% weapon damage. And again, just interrupt the cleric's channeling.
    While I certainly see your point you have to understand that ALL damaging skills are always way higher than healing skills. Reason for this is that the damaging skills get a pvp reduction of 1/4 (divide their damage by 4, if you want to know) and the respective resistances, also known as physical defense (in this case) and other buffs.

    I mean gee, by your logic, Crown of Flame (wizard **** DoT) would be so awesome it would outdamage an ironheart by far. Unfortunately a bit of math would show you it's total rubbish if you factor the reduction(s).
  • Posts: 83 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    I only like the chain TB quest and that assassins can tank some bosses just like bm..
  • Posts: 151 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    but surely Clercie you would choose an axe/fist bm over an assassin to tank? or am i wrong...
    Level 100 Blademaster - Diverse (Harshlands)
    Level 97 Cleric - ManeK (Harshlands)
    Level 91 Wizard - lnnocent (Harshlands)
    Level 86 Archer - AimLow (Harshlands)

    May The Force Not Be With You!! b:victoryb:laugh
  • Posts: 5,787 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    Just want to say class with highest evasion gain is BM (10) second is Barb. (8)
    Sin, Archer, and Veno (6) is in the third place. b:chuckle
    While the rest is at 4th place. (2)

    The number in "()" mean evasion they get for each dex, barb with 100 dex will gain 800 evasion while sin get 600 evasion.

    you're not factoring in assassin's innate evasion skill, the one that makes anything have a chance to do 1 damage. while some classes can have more evasion per dex, it's offset by accuracy, high accuracy items, and skills that give high accuracy or are 100% hit.
    Elena Costel: I wash my hands of this affair.
    Legerity: *drags you back* *stains your hands with said affair*
    Elena Costel: Noooo... I don't want to have a dirty affair with Lady Legerity...
    Qui: b:dirty
  • Posts: 4,843 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    While I certainly see your point you have to understand that ALL damaging skills are always way higher than healing skills. Reason for this is that the damaging skills get a pvp reduction of 1/4 (divide their damage by 4, if you want to know) and the respective resistances, also known as physical defense (in this case) and other buffs.

    I mean gee, by your logic, Crown of Flame (wizard **** DoT) would be so awesome it would outdamage an ironheart by far. Unfortunately a bit of math would show you it's total rubbish if you factor the reduction(s).

    Wow I love you guys. xD

    This and the comment about barb's accuracy...When I was typing it out, I thought "technically it's a bit different, but I'm sure everyone will get my point."

    And I got called out on both. xD
    I <3 AGOREY
  • Posts: 5,787 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    Your skill damage is not WAAAAAY less than what those skills do, you're just theory crafting from ecatomb and didn't even think there's PvP reduction + physical resistance? >.>

    wait...what? aren't you the one who wanted to claim this?
    Barb could easily survive, and after that invoke and own sin with arma.

    ...arma against a fully buffed...even archer endgame prolly does like 5k-6k max for a really well-geared barb. endgame light armor users with 3 vit can have 8k+ hp buffed with average refines. plus assassins have innate evasion and a skill to recover from being 1 shot. it's a lot harder than "invoke then own w/ arma"...and besides, that's not how you would go about setting up arma...
    Elena Costel: I wash my hands of this affair.
    Legerity: *drags you back* *stains your hands with said affair*
    Elena Costel: Noooo... I don't want to have a dirty affair with Lady Legerity...
    Qui: b:dirty
  • Posts: 830 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    You know there's this other dex class called archer that has less DPS ( not to mention skill dmg ) than you , less survivability and can't stunlock at all . You don't see them instantly vanishing from a battle in order to instantly escape now do you ?

    Ijs > . >
    Archer is ranged, Sin is melee, ranged has advantage over melee's for obvious reasons (except 1v1)

    So for the last time guys stop thinking of 1v1 because this game, nor any other, is not balanced for that. There's ALWAYS classes that can own others in 1v1, but in a group every enemy move can be countered with a combination of different class skills. I wouldn't be surprised if devs say that stealth is balanced because a sin can detect, which implies devs balanced it for groups, groups with other classes and including a sin there.

    In 1v1 AoEs are useless as AoEs, does that mean they shouldn't be considered AoEs when talking about a class's power? Or BoA, is it a useless skill because of 1v1 situations? Don't make me laugh.
    I just addressed this.

    Did you know that for other classes, it's very NORMAL to have skills without ailments on them? Like, if the devs decide to give a class an attack without an ailment, it doesn't mean they owe that class chi at all? Amazing, isn't it?
    All BM skills except AoEs/ranged and the first one, have an extra effect.

    Same for barb

    Same for sin

    Stop talking bull**** pls. We're talking about melee classes of course, casters are way different anyway since they don't even use normal attacks.
    I cannot for the life of me name a time that an HP pot saved my life. Most that does is buy time.
    I cannot for the life of me figure what you don't understand. Is that how you or most others you saw play, staying static in PvP? How about, you know, when sin shadow escapes... start running and jumping around AND using pots to recover (or event food btw pots kinda suck). I don't know if this is too brilliant for you but you know, jumping around like mad away from sin prevents him from doing any harm to you except a very weak Knife Throw.

    Shadow Jump wouldn't help because of lag, you can't use a skill instantly after you 'port', if the enemy jumps non stop, it won't help.

    The only skill that can be used in this case is Shadow Teleport, but it has 180 second CD and the sin wasted before for the stun lock, as we discussed.

    And is it just me, or are you the one that's QQing? I'm just offering my objective opinion; I saw an argument, read up on the class and named my opinion. You're the one that has been defending sins to no end and seems offended when people bring up good points. I've beaten sins and have nothing to lose here; hell, I offered my opinion on what Psys, MY OWN CLASS, need nerfed a couple pages back.
    Yeah I didn't name nerf for sins, like the no-buff-in-stealth or no spark-from-shadow-escape /sarcasm

    And you're not really saying your opinion when you start naming what this game is about and what devs planned, as if you're 100% right and that's a fact. Like when you say that chi is supposed to be gotten hard just because of other classes.

    Mana isn't supposed to be this easy obtainable like the venomancer who uses 0 pots because of transfusion! QQ

    Health shouldn't be this easy obtainable like the cleric healing himself! QQ

    That's how the sin class is supposed to be, which is why they added those chi skills in the first place. Saying that it's a FACT they should be removed only makes you look ridiculous. Your opinion is that they are OP, which is ok, but you also mention as a FACT that CHI IS SUPPOSED TO BE HARD TO GET, therefore you call the devs stupid that they gave this class chi skills to make it easy to obtain? Get real.

    not to mention invoke is a tiger form skill while arma is human
    I saw smart barbs using Invoke and turning to human for damage.

    Again be smart and develop strategies instead of QQing, they are there. I'm sure most people who can't be arsed to think a bit, would use Invoke and then tiger form only, because hey you can't mix and match the skills.

    And of course I think it's obvious that a barb in open PvP area should start as tiger form because of extra defense if you get attacked from surprise.
    First 103 on Raging Tide 30 Oct 2010
  • Posts: 830 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    wait...what? aren't you the one who wanted to claim this?
    Claim what? I'm confused
    ...arma against a fully buffed...even archer endgame prolly does like 5k-6k max for a really well-geared barb. endgame light armor users with 3 vit can have 8k+ hp buffed with average refines. plus assassins have innate evasion and a skill to recover from being 1 shot. it's a lot harder than "invoke then own w/ arma"...and besides, that's not how you would go about setting up arma...
    Depends on HP of barb obviously.

    I saw a 20k HP barb in tiger form (not sure of human) one shot a sin without deaden nerves, dealt like 9k damage.

    Another barb dealt 272k damage in delta, I'm not sure with what but am guessing arma with HF... if you take 1/4 of it and 1/2 again for possible HF you still get enough to one shot anything in PvP.

    EDIT: btw about group fights, explain how a sin can kill a brambled barb. Does the fact that it's impossible mean bramble is OP? Or barb is OP? Or sin is weak? No because you have counters for that, obviously not the sin though.

    Or you'll start saying bramble is balanced only used on a veno? Are you that closed minded? Then the lending spark skill of veno was made for nothing? I mean, it's all about 1v1 and using buffs only on yourself right? That's what skills are balanced/based on.
    First 103 on Raging Tide 30 Oct 2010
  • Posts: 1,235 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    lawl damage in delta where there is an +attack aura ijs
  • Posts: 4,843 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    Archer is ranged, Sin is melee, ranged has advantage over melee's for obvious reasons (except 1v1)

    So for the last time guys stop thinking of 1v1 because this game, nor any other, is not balanced for that. There's ALWAYS classes that can own others in 1v1, but in a group every enemy move can be countered with a combination of different class skills. I wouldn't be surprised if devs say that stealth is balanced because a sin can detect, which implies devs balanced it for groups, groups with other classes and including a sin there.

    In 1v1 AoEs are useless as AoEs, does that mean they shouldn't be considered AoEs when talking about a class's power? Or BoA, is it a useless skill because of 1v1 situations? Don't make me laugh.

    So your argument is basically that I should get a friend to help me kill a sin, and/or Sins have every right to be the uncontested kings of duels and PK?

    Oh man, you told me....

    All BM skills except AoEs/ranged and the first one, have an extra effect.

    Same for barb

    Same for sin

    Stop talking bull**** pls. We're talking about melee classes of course, casters are way different anyway since they don't even use normal attacks.

    LOL I love how you just coincidentally leave out the fact that over half of a BM's skills are AOE/ranged. So what you're basically saying is, yes, BM's and Barbs have plenty of attack skills that have no ailments, and yet they don't get the chi bonuses a sin does. Thank you for agreeing with me.

    I cannot for the life of me figure what you don't understand. Is that how you or most others you saw play, staying static in PvP? How about, you know, when sin shadow escapes... start running and jumping around AND using pots to recover (or event food btw pots kinda suck). I don't know if this is too brilliant for you but you know, jumping around like mad away from sin prevents him from doing any harm to you except a very weak Knife Throw.

    Shadow Jump wouldn't help because of lag, you can't use a skill instantly after you 'port', if the enemy jumps non stop, it won't help.

    The only skill that can be used in this case is Shadow Teleport, but it has 180 second CD and the sin wasted before for the stun lock, as we discussed.

    You do realize that the only class that could effectively run from a Sin is an Archer? And before you say "fly away," Wind Push works for flight, from what I hear. Sins also swim the fastest. They're the fastest overall class.

    And no actually, Tackling Slash has range on it. It also immbolizes the target AND.....



    Yes!! That's exactly what every class needs! An attack skill with a 9 second immobilize and a 50 chi reward!.....Cept sins are the only class that have a skill that lets them immobilize for so long, gain chi and do damage all at the same time. Hell, I want chi on Glacial shards; that'd be badass. I could freeze the target, and immediately afterwards, I could stun them. Y'know, like you guys.

    Yeah I didn't name nerf for sins, like the no-buff-in-stealth or no spark-from-shadow-escape /sarcasm

    And you're not really saying your opinion when you start naming what this game is about and what devs planned, as if you're 100% right and that's a fact. Like when you say that chi is supposed to be gotten hard just because of other classes.

    Mana isn't supposed to be this easy obtainable like the venomancer who uses 0 pots because of transfusion! QQ

    Health shouldn't be this easy obtainable like the cleric healing himself! QQ

    That's NOT an opinion. I'm naming a fact that Sins get far more free chi than any other class. The closest anyone comes to such a free ride is Veno, and their free MP/HP skills have huge cooldowns.

    Can you not see that a Cleric who spams heal on himself is both paying with mana and preventing himself from attacking?

    Can you not see that a veno that uses transfusion is paying 100 chi and their HP?

    This is the problem:

    Normal class:

    Chi + Mana = Cast attack skill


    Mana = Cast attack skill + Chi

    That's how the sin class is supposed to be, which is why they added those chi skills in the first place. Saying that it's a FACT they should be removed only makes you look ridiculous. Your opinion is that they are OP, which is ok, but you also mention as a FACT that CHI IS SUPPOSED TO BE HARD TO GET, therefore you call the devs stupid that they gave this class chi skills to make it easy to obtain? Get real.

    Again, I'd love to see where I said it's a FACT they should be removed. I said it was a fact they get a buttload of chi, whereas other classes work their butts off to get chi as fast as possible. I'd also love to know where I named the devs stupid. Now, if you wanna talk opinionated....
    That's how the sin class is supposed to be, which is why they added those chi skills in the first place.

    I'd love to hear your source on this.
    I saw smart barbs using Invoke and turning to human for damage.

    Again be smart and develop strategies instead of QQing, they are there. I'm sure most people who can't be arsed to think a bit, would use Invoke and then tiger form only, because hey you can't mix and match the skills.

    And of course I think it's obvious that a barb in open PvP area should start as tiger form because of extra defense if you get attacked from surprise.

    Now to be perfectly honest, I've sat here and listened to your childish attacks on anyone and everyone who has contested the idea that Sins are balanced. The reality of it is, you haven't noticed MANY possibilities for a class (both sin and the others) that I have named throughout the course of this debate. Therefore, I find it pretty ridiculous that you would have the balls to say I suck at PVP, when I have to tell YOU how YOUR OWN CLASS can avoid stun or damage. Hell, you've miscalculated your own class' total chi bonus earlier in this thread. (Way earlier, but you still miscalculated.)

    You on the other hand? What have your brilliant ideas been?

    -Use pots (**** man, what rocket scientist did you hire to come up with that one for you?)

    -Jump. No seriously, just jump. (Ya cause it worked for Mario, right?)

    -Use Invoke the Spirit and then Armageddon. NEVERMIND that using such an expensive and likely-to-miss skill such as Armageddon against a high-evasion target is probably ****! Nevermind that this will most likely require the barb to have chi pots (since btw, the barb doesn't **** chi like you sins do) to perform these right after one another! Never mind that this combo will take well over 5 seconds to perform! IT'S FOOLPROOF!!

    So please, unless you literally are a child, stop with the "ya well you suck at PVP arguments." Those aren't objective. Those aren't productive. Those aren't good arguments. They're just you acting like a child because you can't counter some of the arguments posted here.
    I <3 AGOREY
  • Posts: 4,843 Arc User
    edited May 2010




    I <3 AGOREY
  • Posts: 5,787 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    your sin got hit w/ a zerk or crit. you think it happens all the time? less chance to do that than for a sin to evade with focused mind

    of course it depends on hp of barb

    if you can reach 20k hp with ToP it's pretty ****ing good already, it would hit for about 5k if you have at least 60% pdef reduction
    Elena Costel: I wash my hands of this affair.
    Legerity: *drags you back* *stains your hands with said affair*
    Elena Costel: Noooo... I don't want to have a dirty affair with Lady Legerity...
    Qui: b:dirty


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