DQ Drops NPC-Price Dropped 20%



  • Posts: 1,494 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    500+ UNhappy players and counting!
    *took a screen shot, in case the pool is "accidentally" reset, like it happened to another pool before, a few months ago....*

    Thanks Brit for the sig b:laugh
  • Posts: 645 Arc User
    edited May 2010

    You honestly think that DQ items are putting too much into the economy? You are aware that for ever 2 best luck tokens 10mil is put into the economy right?

    And TW pay? Are you serious? I'm in a TW guild and 90% of my pay goes towards buying a charm for the next weeks TWs. Which means the ones selling the chams, the cash shoppers, are the ones getting the coins.

    Money sinks are terrible and ineffective. How much do you think gets spent in a day with all the money sinks? And how much do you think gets injected into the economy by best luck tokens?

    yes thats right TW pay. and the "but i have to get a charm" argument is invalid because it is still money being pumped into the economy. just as you said the cash shoppers get the coins.

    Has anyone noticed that there have been so many higher levels that have said that they dont get much off of DQs anymore. Alot of them say that their main income comes from selling mats whether crafting TT or whatever. This means that they are not introducing coin into the economy (unless of course they use best luck TW or BH100). I dont know but I would think that the amount of coin put into the economy on a weeky basis from DQs and drops is nearly offset by the repairs needed after all those TT runs, BH runs, TWs etc. by those people 80+ that cant rely on DQ because the drop rate it so crappy.

    Hence, again, best luck, TW, BH100(hadnt even thought about that) are the main culprits not the lowbies and their DQs.

    coin sinks may help but maybe we should lose the 10mil note from tokens, and compensate TW players in other ways.
  • Posts: 645 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    just went and counted TW pay means 560mil into the economy per week on a full mapb:shocked

    EDIT:sry for double post i hit the wrong button....b:surrender
  • Posts: 469 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    Here are my thoughts about this change.........b:cute

    Thank you PWE management, YOU'VE KILLED PWI IN TOO MANY UNSPEAKABLE WAYS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!b:angryb:cry
    ●Barb - The "natural" leader. Cool and collected, slow to anger, and typically jovial. Swift to act when friends' lives are in danger, and prepared to lay down his life if the situation calls for it.

    End of lvling, starting of the unimaginableb:laughb:victoryb:coolb:cool
  • Posts: 1,558 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    Yeah TW does have a pretty large affect coin-wise into PWI. A much larger effect than DQ items... Lol. Many factors create the problems we see currently plaguing the game. A revamp of the 10m bank note/TW pay system would fix the coin issues somewhat if they really wanted to fix it. However, DQ drops... Lol cmon.
  • Posts: 72 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    Yeah TW does have a pretty large affect coin-wise into PWI. A much larger effect than DQ items... Lol. Many factors create the problems we see currently plaguing the game. A revamp of the 10m bank note/TW pay system would fix the coin issues somewhat if they really wanted to fix it. However, DQ drops... Lol cmon.

    uhm Im pretty sure DQ brings more coins into the game than 1billion a week. Consider there may be 300 people killing mobs and picking up DQ at any moment in the game. Farming DQ usually brings at least 100k coins worth per hour. There are 147 hours in a week, but we'll just say 100 for estimation.

    so 300 x 100k x 100 is about 3 billion coins.
  • Posts: 32 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    Aight, yall seriously? When you were a level 5X nub, HOW did you get your coin? And I mean a nub who couldn't even mat farm yet because they didn't have a mount and couldn't RB? DQ ITEMS IS THE ONLY WAY TO MAKE THAT COIN. Reduce the costs, and they get ***** screwed. Decreasing the item values is the WORST idea I've EVER seen the dev's come up with. After Anni packs.... maybe. b:angry
  • Posts: 3,634 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    I said yes to be different.
  • Posts: 505 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    The 500+ players who are unhappy right now, are probably offset by another 500+ who actually are willing to dish out cash in this game.

    I find it very awkward that it's the small players paying the price here - or well, I don't, if you get my drift. Actually the low-level casual players who won't make it past 50, like they did in previous games, won't suffer from it either. The hardcore players who spend their income on it, those who CAN afford putting insane amounts and so on, won't suffer from it either. It's the ones stuck in the middle, who can spend a couple bucks every now and then - not enough to be considered heavy CSers - and would rather play the game who are gonna suffer.

    Other things could have been revamped than the DQ. Because the community isn't make MASS in-game money off this, or TT or whatever. The community is making money via those bank notes and the coin chests, though not as much as they used to from the latter. Why grinding when you can make profit by turning ~9.6mil into 10mil? The best tokens come from the packs, and that's what is killing this game.

    Remove bank notes, put an IN-GAME coin sink with an appealing yet totally worthless reward (I'm thinking something along the lines of are AC pets that can't be traded) and there you go... you drain money from people who absolutely wanna pay insane amounts for something that doesn't make a single difference in gameplay.
    Due to constant PMs: I'm not German, sorry folks D:
  • Posts: 469 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    Aight, yall seriously? When you were a level 5X nub, HOW did you get your coin? And I mean a nub who couldn't even mat farm yet because they didn't have a mount and couldn't RB? DQ ITEMS IS THE ONLY WAY TO MAKE THAT COIN. Reduce the costs, and they get ***** screwed. Decreasing the item values is the WORST idea I've EVER seen the dev's come up with. After Anni packs.... maybe. b:angry
    I made my 1st 1 mil from DQ items...b:sad...IN MY 50s!!!!!!(Note: too many 'Q's to post, might be considered as spam.....will post them after the potential nerfingb:chuckle)
    ●Barb - The "natural" leader. Cool and collected, slow to anger, and typically jovial. Swift to act when friends' lives are in danger, and prepared to lay down his life if the situation calls for it.

    End of lvling, starting of the unimaginableb:laughb:victoryb:coolb:cool
  • Posts: 645 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    uhm Im pretty sure DQ brings more coins into the game than 1billion a week. Consider there may be 300 people killing mobs and picking up DQ at any moment in the game. Farming DQ usually brings at least 100k coins worth per hour. There are 147 hours in a week, but we'll just say 100 for estimation.

    so 300 x 100k x 100 is about 3 billion coins.

    minus repairs, minus skill costs

    as has been stated higher level dont get money from dqs they sell mats they farm in tt and such. the people that buy their stuff get money from the dqs (if things were right this would be the normal place instead of the money springs)so the higher levels get the coin from the other players DQ to pay for repairs and skill costs that are much higher. it levels out.

    perfect scenario is DQ/drops as coin in skills/repairs/tele fees/CS/etc. as coin out. this levels out
  • Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    42 pages and no GM response... Getting pretty pathetic. Anyone feel like PMing a GM so they will respond in this thread? They made it the main thread for all of DQ-price talk, but won't respond.

    Simple fact the GM's have no control over this change - wasn't thier idea either.
    Though a response in that flavor is always nice it's not something they can change, not directly anyway.
    So it would just be sugarcoating and trying to appease where they can't.
    They will pass the concerns along to the devs that made this decision I'm quite sure.
    They helped us get the horns gone - they DO listen to our concerns as players.
    As a matter of fact if it wasn't for the GM's - management would probably never hear player concerns.
    I'd like someone to post a link to any thread a PWI management guy or dev ever responded to personally.............
  • Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    Reduce the DQ price and give us a perm x2 drop, /end thread
  • Posts: 4,206 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    calvin911 wrote: »
    Reduce the DQ price and give us a perm x2 drop, /end thread

    So you would end up with a net gain of 80%? Sure this really makes sense...... and you hope for PW management to even pay attention when you make posts like that.....

    If you really want for PW to pay attention, instead of just ranting here and post non-sense, than please make posts that make sense. People may not agree with you, but at least it would make sense.
    Too often we loose sight of life's simple pleasures. Remember, when someone annoys you, it takes 42 muscles in your face to frown, BUT, it only takes 4 muscles to extend your arm and slap that mother#$@%#^! upside the head.
  • Posts: 10,466 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    me vote for 20% nerf bat on DC prices.

    darthpanda16: Firefox crashed on me. Aryannamage: I don't think I am a GM that would be new.
    Hawk:Do this. closing thread
    frankieraye: I'll see if we can replace the woman with a stick figure and the tiger fangs with marshmallows.//Issues like these need to get escalated quickly to minimize the damage.
    Kantorek: Yeah.. you should try it. It's awesome.
    Sihndra: Nope- not currently possible under any circumstances. Sorry.
    LokisDottir: I mean...not haunting the forums, nope nope..
    Konariraiden: You don't know what you are up against. You will lose.
    Waiting for...Hamster Packs!
    58% chance to get tokens
    41% chance to get an all class pet hamster....but they has already been freed by the magic hamster.
    1% chance to get ban hamstered with the message "Hamsters United!"
  • Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    im not sure if anyone has mentioned this but another very large source of incoming coins are oracles each oracle mob you kill not only do you get the normal drop of the mob but also the gold from the quest stack 100 oracle 3s and you have 1mill coins
  • Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    Well if not anything it will show how much they care about their players when poll is at 90 some %. Really i wonder if these people that made this decision will even take the time to look at what the majority of the payers think or just take there check from the cash shoppers. It looks like they don't care what u the payers think since they been seem to be in a sugar high form the anniversary packs.

    Logically it makes perfect business first they made it seem like the 1mill form the perfect hammer was a good thing all that did was ensure that gold will never get to less then or close to 200k a pop next they went and made anniversary packs "hey look people with money are willing to buy their end game gear for a lot of $" next make variations of the same thing and even zurg rate of getting something good. Now they probably sat in some conference room with the fancy charts showing their earning, and some greedy person(s) went hey how do we increase the people who cash shop and this is what they came up with.

  • Posts: 4,206 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    Well if not anything it will show how much they care about their players when poll is at 90 some %.b:angry

    Your post is making a false statement. 550 accounts voting is nowhere near 90+% of the accounts in-game. The last time a number was mentioned it was around 50 THOUSAND active accounts in PWI.

    So lets do the math

    550/50,000 = 0.011
    That translates to about 1% of the accounts in PWI are not happy with the changes announced.

    As you can see, the vast majority of the accounts in PWI, are not against the chance, and only a very small minority, 1.1% are against.

    If you want to show people are unhappy, than talk to people in-game to come and post in the forums, but as off right now, the poll only shows that 1% of the players are not happy about it.

    As I posted before, if you want PW to take us serious, you cannot make statements that are bluntly incorrect when trying to make your case. That just makes PW ignore the posts, since anyone can see that it is just people complaining for the sake of complaining and without any merit.
    Too often we loose sight of life's simple pleasures. Remember, when someone annoys you, it takes 42 muscles in your face to frown, BUT, it only takes 4 muscles to extend your arm and slap that mother#$@%#^! upside the head.
  • Posts: 1,073 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    As you can see, the vast majority of the accounts in PWI, are not against the chance, and only a very small minority, 1.1% are against.

    Wrong. It just proves that the majority of the players don't post on the forum. If every single player came to the forum and posted whether they were for or against this, I'd bet you anything that the majority would be against it.
  • Posts: 41 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    This game forever amuses me. Really, it amazes me how many ways they can come up with to say "Hahahahaha free players, no content for you, nyah nyah nyah nyah nyah nyah b:laugh" Im honestly waiting for skills to become a cash shop item (mandatory) or for TT to be closed and all the mats put in the cash shop.

    So PW, what other schemes can you come up with to make the free players feel unwelcome, hated, despised, unwanted, unimportant, irrelevant, unnecessary, worthless, and generally ignored and laughed at.

    For me, I dont care since I dont grind for money, but, for the newer players, and people who do grind for money, it's just reinforcing the fact that the free players are equivalent to dirt in your eyes but whatever, do what you want. If the packs didn't cause half the population to quit, then neither will this.
    If you would please, allow me to interject with an interjection into your conversation which requires, an interjecting. For if I'm to understand correctly and correctly understand the present situation, which I may or may not understand correctly, then it seems that you all don't make sense at all.
  • Posts: 1,776 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    So you would end up with a net gain of 80%? Sure this really makes sense...... and you hope for PW management to even pay attention when you make posts like that.....

    Actually, you just might be wrong. Your 80% is right if the order is x2 first, then -20%. But it's wrong if it's -20% first, then x2, because the latter results in 160%.

    And due to the way the x2 drops work in the first place, via doubling the counts for drops, it doesn't translate to an exact 100% increase.
    Your post is making a false statement. 550 accounts voting is nowhere near 90+% of the accounts in-game. The last time a number was mentioned it was around 50 THOUSAND active accounts in PWI.

    So lets do the math

    550/50,000 = 0.011
    That translates to about 1% of the accounts in PWI are not happy with the changes announced.

    As you can see, the vast majority of the accounts in PWI, are not against the chance, and only a very small minority, 1.1% are against.

    If you want to show people are unhappy, than talk to people in-game to come and post in the forums, but as off right now, the poll only shows that 1% of the players are not happy about it.

    As I posted before, if you want PW to take us serious, you cannot make statements that are bluntly incorrect when trying to make your case. That just makes PW ignore the posts, since anyone can see that it is just people complaining for the sake of complaining and without any merit.

    Ok, here you show that you know naught about statistics. For one, only a portion of the forum posters will vote in the poll in the first place. Therefore, there's a flaw in it. Secondly, large statistics, such as average IQs, "public opinions" and any noteworthy psychological test, are done by taking a small, random portion of the population and generalizing it to the whole population from those numbers. This is done because performing a survey on a large sample of people is either impractical or out-of-control. The former in case of direct person-to-person surveying and the latter in case of internet surveys, which are affected by the site they're posted on and the places they are advertised at.

    Though, you are right about one thing. The poll does not accurately represent anything. At most, you could assume that it represents the opinion of the PWI forum-goers, but that is flawed by a few factors, since there are people who don't answer to polls and there are people who only answer to polls depending on whether they disagree or agree. The latter might seem right, but what it means is that they will look at the question and not vote based on their opinion of the question asked. So, it represents something, but that something is infact a rather meaningless number.

    Also, considering the issue at discussion, people might conform, that being voting based on what the majority has done. Which makes the poll even more flawed.
    If you disregard what I say because of who I am or because of the contents of what I said, you are a fool.

    Everyone wants to be different, but when you're different you wish you were normal.
  • Posts: 1,073 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    PWE doesn't care because I guarantee you that the devs and management don't visit the forum and read what its players say. All PWE cares about is the money, not customer satisfaction. We can QQ, whine, complain, rage quit, and threaten all we want. Nothing about this game will change. The only ones that read what we say are the GM's, and I guarantee you they don't mention anything we have to say to the devs or to management. Do I know this for a fact? Yes. How? Because if they did, PWI wouldn't be the big floating **** that it is now. So the horns are gone. Big deal. The game is still trashed. I logged on today just to see what was going on and in the short time I was on I saw 3 known players rage quit. Give it 6 months and they'll have to change the name of this game to Ghost World International, because there will be no one left.
  • Posts: 1,545 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    umm im not sure if a DQ item is really the downfall of PWI. it dont affect me that much the only DQ item i farm is honey juice so yeah...but i will agree that it is hard to make money and a guidie of mine, an 85 wiz just quit bcuz he feels he cant play free. so yeah, ppl are gonna quit. even i will when the time comes. no game lasts forever

    but um, i think we would really have a problem as free players if something happens to TT drops, which is mainly how ppl make money i think. this DQ thing is not hurting a big percent of the population. people just like to complain

    now playing megaten and...Forsaken World ;)
  • Posts: 704 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    Your post is making a false statement. 550 accounts voting is nowhere near 90+% of the accounts in-game. The last time a number was mentioned it was around 50 THOUSAND active accounts in PWI.

    So lets do the math

    550/50,000 = 0.011
    That translates to about 1% of the accounts in PWI are not happy with the changes announced.

    As you can see, the vast majority of the accounts in PWI, are not against the chance, and only a very small minority, 1.1% are against.

    If you want to show people are unhappy, than talk to people in-game to come and post in the forums, but as off right now, the poll only shows that 1% of the players are not happy about it.

    As I posted before, if you want PW to take us serious, you cannot make statements that are bluntly incorrect when trying to make your case. That just makes PW ignore the posts, since anyone can see that it is just people complaining for the sake of complaining and without any merit.

    I almost agree with you except...

    There are a vast majority of players in game who do NOT know about the patch notes to begin with. They either don't read the forums nor do they read the PWI main page. They just login and play the game.

    Therefore we could probably assume statistically around 90% of the people who play PWI either do not know about the change coming or they do not read/participate in the forums to vote/post.

    I agree with the other person who said statistics are grabbed from a "control" group and then the entire amount is based on that small group.

    Thats like saying half of college age students prefer to live on campus. You'd be leaving out half of that age group because not all people go to college. The consensus is taken from actively enrolled college students. (just an example of course and no real statistic here).

    Ice one thing I like about you, is that you always seem to have an unbiased, subjective view of things. Which is why I rarely comment on your posts. However; its got to a point where the proof is there. When numerous people notice their friends lists are empty and people who used to be on daily are no longer even signing on weekly... PWI should stand up and recognize.

    If it was just about 1%. Those people would not even put a pixilated dent in the number, but since almost everyone is noticing the decline in "old friends" and new ones leaving as well... I'd say its way more then just 1%.
  • Posts: 1,545 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    its a game ppl. u dont have to play it. if it bothers you that much you can log off and play something cheaper. i assure you they do exist.

    now playing megaten and...Forsaken World ;)
  • Posts: 704 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    umm im not sure if a DQ item is really the downfall of PWI. it dont affect me that much the only DQ item i farm is honey juice so yeah...but i will agree that it is hard to make money and a guidie of mine, an 85 wiz just quit bcuz he feels he cant play free. so yeah, ppl are gonna quit. even i will when the time comes. no game lasts forever

    but um, i think we would really have a problem as free players if something happens to TT drops, which is mainly how ppl make money i think. this DQ thing is not hurting a big percent of the population. people just like to complain

    Really? I challenge you to go back to level 5 where you get 1-4 coin drops and all the npc gears are worth 20 coins. Why don't you grind there for about a week and get back with me what you can buy when you are done!? How about that...? Leave out the DQ drops all together if you believe that the DQ drops don't make a difference.

    Now lets pretend you never played this game before. You have no idea that a good way to make money is to mine mats, herbs and sell them. Its going to take you at least 5 levels to be able to even afford a pick axe to do that. Without DQ drops I'd say more like 10 levels.

    You apparently have forgotten what its like to be a newb who can not afford anything. But my first guess is going to be that you swiped your credit card the first day and didn't worry about how you can or can not make money in the actual GAME.

    At level 60+ TT is a viable source of income. At lvl 1-50 DQ drops supply most of your income unless you just farm all the time and never ever do quests or grind to level. How long do you think the game is going to last without any new players to start the game?

    Like to complain? You bet. I've spent over 1,000 USD on this game in the almost 2 years I've played it. I made an investment in a game I felt I could stay and play for the long haul. I've earned the right to complain when they mess with that investment.
  • Posts: 4,206 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    Actually, you just might be wrong. Your 80% is right if the order is x2 first, then -20%. But it's wrong if it's -20% first, then x2, because the latter results in 160%.

    And due to the way the x2 drops work in the first place, via doubling the counts for drops, it doesn't translate to an exact 100% increase.

    Ok, here you show that you know naught about statistics. For one, only a portion of the forum posters will vote in the poll in the first place. Therefore, there's a flaw in it. Secondly, large statistics, such as average IQs, "public opinions" and any noteworthy psychological test, are done by taking a small, random portion of the population and generalizing it to the whole population from those numbers. This is done because performing a survey on a large sample of people is either impractical or out-of-control. The former in case of direct person-to-person surveying and the latter in case of internet surveys, which are affected by the site they're posted on and the places they are advertised at.

    Though, you are right about one thing. The poll does not accurately represent anything. At most, you could assume that it represents the opinion of the PWI forum-goers, but that is flawed by a few factors, since there are people who don't answer to polls and there are people who only answer to polls depending on whether they disagree or agree. The latter might seem right, but what it means is that they will look at the question and not vote based on their opinion of the question asked. So, it represents something, but that something is infact a rather meaningless number.

    Also, considering the issue at discussion, people might conform, that being voting based on what the majority has done. Which makes the poll even more flawed.

    You are right about the net gain, it would be different depending on how they do it.

    During elections there is a population voting. Same with the census.
    My point was that the op stating that 90% of the PW players are unhappy is flawed. If you look at the game population of 50,000, than you would need a decent RAMDOM sample in order to get a feeling for what people think. As you stated, people posting on the poll is hardly a meaningful random sample of the players.
    Using the formula Sample Size = n / [1 + (n/population)]
    In which n = Z * Z [P (1-P)/(D*D)] to calculate sample size based on 95% confidence level, than we would need a sample size of 8057 people, picked randomly from the game in order to be able to perform any sort of meaningful correlation analysis.

    The only thing that the poll shows is that 90% of the people that voted are against, and we cannot do any correlations between that and the game population at all.
    Too often we loose sight of life's simple pleasures. Remember, when someone annoys you, it takes 42 muscles in your face to frown, BUT, it only takes 4 muscles to extend your arm and slap that mother#$@%#^! upside the head.
  • Posts: 119 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    Too many posts to read so this may already have been said.

    Lower the repair costs and cash needed for skills by the same % and it wouldnt be so bad .

    Anything else you either farm for or can do without .
  • Posts: 1,545 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    yeah but what the lowbies dont realize is that also a large portion of their drops are mats that can be sold to catshop for about the same or more than a DQ item to npc. so if they just sell the right things to the right place, theyll be ok. remember it is only a 20% price drop, not 100% they only losing like the money the would use to teleport. so fly

    now playing megaten and...Forsaken World ;)
  • Posts: 407 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    Your post is making a false statement. 550 accounts voting is nowhere near 90+% of the accounts in-game. The last time a number was mentioned it was around 50 THOUSAND active accounts in PWI.

    So lets do the math

    550/50,000 = 0.011
    That translates to about 1% of the accounts in PWI are not happy with the changes announced.

    As you can see, the vast majority of the accounts in PWI, are not against the chance, and only a very small minority, 1.1% are against.

    If you want to show people are unhappy, than talk to people in-game to come and post in the forums, but as off right now, the poll only shows that 1% of the players are not happy about it.

    As I posted before, if you want PW to take us serious, you cannot make statements that are bluntly incorrect when trying to make your case. That just makes PW ignore the posts, since anyone can see that it is just people complaining for the sake of complaining and without any merit.

    If one is going to criticize another, one should really think things through carefully before posting. Firstly, the quote you posted does not contain a false statement. You could make an argument that it is potentially misleading but it is not false. The quote comments on the results of the poll as they stood at the time of his writing (which is accurate) and contains an implication (which by its very nature is subjective) that a reaction to the poll will some how reflect a level of interest from the “powers-that-be” in the players of this game. No where does zangar1khan state that the poll reflects ALL amount holders which you criticize and hold him accountable for doing.

    Your post however does make a very blatant statement with no facts to back it up whatsoever. Based on the results of your calculations, you conclude that, “the vast majority of account holders in PWI are not against the change, and only a very small minority [ ] are against it”. And yet, you yourself provide NO information whatsoever about the sentiments of all those people who have not voted in this poll. Thus, you can not make any claim one way or another about whether players are in favour or against the change except by making inferences from the results of this poll. You certainly cannot claim that only a very small minority are against it simply because only a small minority have voted lol. You simply do not have the data to back such a statement.

    You are correct that the poll only shows that 1% of players are not happy with the change (based on your figures)….but, by the same logic, the poll also shows that only 0.032 % of players are happy with it LOL

    I really hope you see the irony in this, you fault zangar1khan for something which he is not guilty of (making a false statement) but for which you are.

    Oh, and as for the reason why I came to this thread….. to voice my own discontent regarding the proposed future change. I am most certainly not in favour of the 20% reduction in the value of DQ items as it will provide yet another reason for players that do not, or can not, cash shop to say good bye to this game… which will of course be to the detriment of the PWI community.
This discussion has been closed.