DQ Drops NPC-Price Dropped 20%



  • Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    you should read your own signature some time.

    It's for the laugh. If you got offended by that it's your problem.
  • Posts: 2,488 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    Does anyone have listings of DQ prices before and after?b:puzzled
    hasn't been implimented yet. gear has though.
    I'm a guy, not a woman, that is all
    "When you're on Team Bring it, every morning your feet hit the floor, the good lord says "good morning" and the devil says 'Oh **** they're up' " - Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson
    Are you on Team Bring it?
  • Posts: 9,091 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    you need to lvl up to 80+, alliptica. where you always have to wine your BHs and teleports are much more expensive than they're now. where you can't effectively stack your BHs anymore, because, if today's chain starts in the wrong dungeon, nobody does it.

    seriously, you don't do TT to finance your daily stuff. atleast i don't. i farm DQ to make the coins i need, and if you believe that only a small part of the population is hurt, now, tell that to the 1-2 guys everyday in my squads, that "need to fly" or try to bargain the wine split fee, because they don't even carry 100k around.

    Farm mats for 20-30 minutes every day. Make your own wine, charge people the typical wine fee = you win.

    I post in forums. This one and others. That's why I post.
  • Posts: 2,457 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    don't care.

    i was never a grinder for money and i doubt that i'll ever be
    i play this game for fun.
    grinding is fun sometimes but not always
    at the best grinding will give me what, 400k per hour?
    if i grind for money then it's just like working
    with a RL job i could make easily 10$/hour ---> 4mil?

    fortunately i have ways to make money in the game that are fun (for me)

    oh, and btw, please consider that printing money never solves anything, neither in virtual economies nor in RL economies
  • Posts: 1,686 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    what me don't get is why people claim that reducing the amount of coin(s) coming into the game be somehow destroying the game?
    It's all about perception.

    It's like how dumb politicians make a tax that increases prices by 5% that shows up on your receipt, while smart politicians make a tax that increases prices by 8% but it doesn't show up on your receipt. The 5% tax will make people flip out because they can see it, but the hidden 8% one people don't see so they don't blame the politician and instead they blame greedy corporations, rich people, foreign investors, etc...

    If PWE was smart, they would have said, "we're lowering DQ prices by 50%, but we're also increasing DQ drop rates by 50%!" Then people would have been quite happy because they would have perceived it as being the same thing.

    Now, some people would have done the math and realized that (1 * .5) * 1.5 = .75, thus meaning that DQ income would drop by 25%, but who listens to rational analysis? Maybe 10% of the player-base?

    The important thing is to keep players happy, and this change completely fails at that.
    PWI Merchanting Guides: warrenwolfy.wordpress.com
  • Posts: 704 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    you should read your own signature some time.

    I lol'd at this b/c of his post right below yours, he still don't get it.
    oyamajio wrote: »
    It's for the laugh. If you got offended by that it's your problem.

    Lol she wasn't offended. If you read a bit more closely I think she was referring to you and the special olympics.
    Farm mats for 20-30 minutes every day. Make your own wine, charge people the typical wine fee = you win.


    20 or 30 minutes of farming won't even make 2 wines. If it does, I'd like to know where you farm at. 2.. tokens have made mats worthless. You can buy wines with them now and at 10-11k per token its much cheaper that way. Why on earth would someone pay you more?! Duh!
  • Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    At that rate it would take you around 200 hours to get a mount, thats just to get a mount, and not even a good one. Have fun!

    Maybe I'm wrong, but aren't you the same lime green poster who said all this was just about complaining? (I could have you confused with someone else). Either way.. The game is still free if you want to never have anything of any vaule and want to be substandard.


    Would have to be a different person . Im as upset as most here, losing business already and its not even here yet b:angry b:angry .
    b:angry b:angry b:angry b:angry b:angry We love this game STOP RUINING IT !! b:angry b:angry b:angry b:angry b:angry b:angry

    "Sometimes the strongest are the ones that walk away . Enough is Enough ".
  • Posts: 1,545 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    :O ahh get off me color ppl gonna think im trolling!

    now playing megaten and...Forsaken World ;)
  • Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    Does anyone have listings of DQ prices before and after?b:puzzled

    Maths 101 : - 20% reduction currently in store for PWI....

    Original price of DQ / 100 = x

    x * 20 = y

    original price of DQ - y = new NPC price of DQ's .

    EDIT: I post in green and will change it for no-one :)

    b:angry b:angry b:angry b:angry b:angry We love this game STOP RUINING IT !! b:angry b:angry b:angry b:angry b:angry b:angry

    "Sometimes the strongest are the ones that walk away . Enough is Enough ".
  • Posts: 1,545 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    and @Foxy yeah i do have a lvl 80 char, and i felt the only way to get my fricken gear was to charge my credit card and thats exactly what i did b:shocked
    but on this one i havent cash shop at all and im still wearing 4-6x 3 star **** but oh well xD

    now playing megaten and...Forsaken World ;)
  • Posts: 290 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    Farm mats for 20-30 minutes every day. Make your own wine, charge people the typical wine fee = you win.


    maybe where you play. not so on RT. did you actually read what i wrote?
  • Posts: 290 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    and @Foxy yeah i do have a lvl 80 char, and i felt the only way to get my fricken gear was to charge my credit card and thats exactly what i did b:shocked
    but on this one i havent cash shop at all and im still wearing 4-6x 3 star **** but oh well xD

    well if you had lived through cash problem already, and i mean the daily one, not long term gear related, how comes you still don't mind them a) making NPC-prices 5% higher, while b) nerfing DQ prices by 20%?

    i dont get it. have you been sarcastic?
  • Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    really wow its gonna be harder to make money know since nobody really buys DQ's in catshops
  • Posts: 30 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    in all reality the price of DQ's should go UP!!!
  • Posts: 1,545 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    nah in one of my previous posts i agreed with the fact that its hard to make money but i aint gonna cry over DQ items when theres other things to farm you know you can pick up the mats outta the ground and the mat from the mobs its only a 20% drop like i said the whole thing aint being taken away and ppl can make more money from TT then from DQ so do that

    sorry for my lack of grammar lol

    now playing megaten and...Forsaken World ;)
  • Posts: 183 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    in all reality the price of DQ's should go UP!!!


    sounds like a great plan to me :) people might actually kill mobs again. for all oracle/hyper/fc/bh/gv people, that is how we used to level in the olden days. b:laugh not sure why devs think anyone is going to get rich from dq. NO ONE GRINDS!!! i haven't even seen a bot in months.

    then again i like my grind spot always empty and waiting for me. in fact all of heaven is usually empty cept for the very few mat n herb farmers.
  • Posts: 1,031 Arc User
    edited May 2010

    sounds like a great plan to me :) people might actually kill mobs again. for all oracle/hyper/fc/bh/gv people, that is how we used to level in the olden days. b:laugh not sure why devs think anyone is going to get rich from dq. NO ONE GRINDS!!! i haven't even seen a bot in months.

    then again i like my grind spot always empty and waiting for me. in fact all of heaven is usually empty cept for the very few mat n herb farmers.

    Same here, I actually don't quest on my veno xP grinding does pretty good, not to mention the savings of repairs and potions... I spend nearly 10k on repairs b:pleased nothing much.
    WTB> -12% channeling BELT or RING pm me with link or mail me ingame HT server, ty.
  • Posts: 32 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    don't care.

    i was never a grinder for money and i doubt that i'll ever be
    i play this game for fun.
    grinding is fun sometimes but not always
    at the best grinding will give me what, 400k per hour?
    if i grind for money then it's just like working
    with a RL job i could make easily 10$/hour ---> 4mil?

    fortunately i have ways to make money in the game that are fun (for me)

    oh, and btw, please consider that printing money never solves anything, neither in virtual economies nor in RL economies

    Ow, you are wrong by that. Every hardcore cash shoper..make a big mistake if he thinks in game coins dosn't effect them. They do it alot.

    >>>To who do you think you gonna sell mounts, fashion,..if people won't have coins to buy it ???. <<<
    You can sonner or later forget to make 10$/hour = 4 mil., because not much people will buy gold and with the time even less and less will buy gold.
    And even whorst, people will start quiting, because i doubt anyone have tons of fun to farm on and on herbs, mats.., and then you gonna spend real money for nothing and on a empty game.
  • Posts: 1,031 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    Ow, you are wrong by that. Every hardcore cash shoper..make a big mistake if he thinks in game coins dosn't effect them. They do it alot.

    >>>To who do you think you gonna sell mounts, fashion,..if people won't have coins to buy it ???. <<<
    You can sonner or later forget to make 10$/hour = 4 mil., because not much people will buy gold and with the time even less and less will buy gold.
    And even whorst, people will start quiting, because i doubt anyone have tons of fun to farm on and on herbs, mats.., and then you gonna spend real money for nothing and on a empty game.

    People have been quitting since anny packs, yet the game has a lot of people still and newcomers arriving.

    Sure it is not "fun" to farm materials, but if you're a PVE, you can have a good time :3 most MMORPGS are PVE for a reason, which in my case would be: money making to afford my PVP ^_^

    And yes, this change affects gold sellers as well as non zen chargers. It's been a drop on gold of about 100k on the WTB price, we will need to wait a little bit to see the WTS price to drop.
    WTB> -12% channeling BELT or RING pm me with link or mail me ingame HT server, ty.
  • Posts: 290 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    well my day looks like this:

    i log in, makes wines, look for a BH team. of the 5 ppl joining, 2 refuse to tele in. they later try to get their wines for free. usually, its the barb and cleric i have to replace, the two hardest to find, yet indispensable spots. after 1-2 hours, the final team is inside and ready to go. but only, if the chain starts at Bh69. If it starts at Hallucinatory, good luck finding even DDs, nobody bothers.

    anyways, if i can do my BH or not, i do my CS. 72k again. usually, i go grinding for an hour to cover my day's expenses, the rest goes poof by helping poeple from my fac with various things. if all is done and maybe an hour left of my day, i go back to the grind and try to pick up the mats for next day's wines.

    now, with this change, i'm not sure if i really wanna bother anymore. RT seems to be more difficult at 80+ than other, older servers with more higher level people and more money in circulation.

    so well, it's back to the good old game-we-won't-name-here. no serious competition on the market.
  • Posts: 2,882 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    Let's reiterate something that has been said before, and apparently needs to be said again:

    Zen goes between all of PWE's games. If you agree to not buy zen you agree to purchasing no money for any PWE game that you may play, including PWI. The boycott of zen, for this reason, will never happen. No matter how much you cry for people to stop charging zen, it's not going to happen.

    When you charge zen, you do it in general. It doesn't say "This person charged $50 worth of zen to turn into gold on PWI" it says "This person charged $50 of zen."

    If everybody on PWI were to stop charging (which they won't) then the company could only guess where the money is being lost. No doubt, it would be obvious, but this isn't the point. The point is, if you boycott zen, that doesn't actually fix any problem because it doesn't say "They've stopped paying zen for PWI" it would say "People aren't charging zen." Games wouldn't be specified.

    Better yet, if they guessed PWI was no longer bringing in money they have every ability to simply terminate the game. Here's a fact you seem to be missing:

    They aren't likely to improve something that isn't making them any money. They're far more likely to simply shut PWI down and move onto their other games, concluding that PWI has run it's life cycle and is no longer going to bring them in cash.

    You really need to stop and think about how exactly a boycott of zen would be taken, because the odds are not in your favour if it happens.

  • Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    How about you try to relax your complicated thought for a while. When the game started, DQ prices were set by PWI, the agent that plays the roles as a central bank but sadly a government too. And now how about you think of them as new prices, rather than perceiving them as declining in DQ values or your assets? It's just the matter of time before the market reaches a new equilibrium. Obviously, DQ-dependent players will be hit pretty hard initially, but in the long run everything and I mean everything is going to adjust according to the coins and golds in circulation. Less coins floating in the economy are all good for the economy. You don't want more money supply that will just raise inflation in the long run. But that solution to curb inflation doesn't make any sense when there are many other better options if PWI ever want to do it because everything can be influenced and changed by PWI. So if it's not about curbing inflation, what is it all about? I begin to think of it as a controlled experiment.
  • Posts: 290 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    Airyll, you transfer Zen to game and server. so they see clearly where the zen roll in and where they dont. thus, your whole post is invalid.

    and it doesn't have to do with the topic at hand.

    this is about DQ drops getting nerfed, not some silly zen riot that isn't gonna happen anyways. you know it, i know it, PWE employees know it.

    what really bothers meis that franky doesn't feel like dropping by and show his face. whats up, afraid of tomatoes?
  • Posts: 2,882 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    Airyll, you transfer Zen to game and server. so they see clearly where the zen roll in and where they dont. thus, your whole post is invalid.

    and it doesn't have to do with the topic at hand.

    this is about DQ drops getting nerfed, not some silly zen riot that isn't gonna happen anyways. you know it, i know it, PWE employees know it.

    what really bothers meis that franky doesn't feel like dropping by and show his face. whats up, afraid of tomatoes?

    I'm talking about when you purchase zen. No, my post isn't invalid, you just failed to comprehend it entirely. When you actually learn that when you buy zen from this company, the receipt doesn't say "You bought $50 of zen for Perfect World" and when you learn that if people boycott zen they have to agree to charge nothing on ANY PWE game they play, come back and talk to me.

    Also, you clearly haven't read this thread through, have you?

    Go look back. You'll see the numerous posts where people cry for people to boycott zen in they're outrage.

    tl;dr: when you can read, then you can come back and actually respond to my post. Maybe you'll actually understand what I'm saying then.
  • Posts: 1,413 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    well my day looks like this:

    i log in, makes wines, look for a BH team. of the 5 ppl joining, 2 refuse to tele in. they later try to get their wines for free. usually, its the barb and cleric i have to replace, the two hardest to find, yet indispensable spots. after 1-2 hours, the final team is inside and ready to go. but only, if the chain starts at Bh69. If it starts at Hallucinatory, good luck finding even DDs, nobody bothers.

    anyways, if i can do my BH or not, i do my CS. 72k again. usually, i go grinding for an hour to cover my day's expenses, the rest goes poof by helping poeple from my fac with various things. if all is done and maybe an hour left of my day, i go back to the grind and try to pick up the mats for next day's wines.

    now, with this change, i'm not sure if i really wanna bother anymore. RT seems to be more difficult at 80+ than other, older servers with more higher level people and more money in circulation.

    so well, it's back to the good old game-we-won't-name-here. no serious competition on the market.

    lol, had a good laugh thanks.

  • Posts: 290 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    I'm talking about when you purchase zen. No, my post isn't invalid, you just failed to comprehend it entirely. When you actually learn that when you buy zen from this company, the receipt doesn't say "You bought $50 of zen for Perfect World" and when you learn that if people boycott zen they have to agree to charge nothing on ANY PWE game they play, come back and talk to me.

    Also, you clearly haven't read this thread through, have you?

    Go look back. You'll see the numerous posts where people cry for people to boycott zen in they're outrage.

    tl;dr: when you can read, then you can come back and actually respond to my post. Maybe you'll actually understand what I'm saying then.

    again, beause you don't seem to know how charging zen works:

    you buy zen, then transfer them to -> game and -> server. you cant use zen by itself, they have to be translated to ingame cash shop currency, in PW's case gold. again, your posting is a) irrelevant and b) offtopic. this part should be cut off the thread and moved to the newbie forums.

    @AdvanceZero: wish i could laugh too. bh69 w/o cleric and barb ain't possible here on RT, and we do indeed have alot who try to abuse this fact. now, put it in context with coins and the incoming nerf.
  • Posts: 12,354 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    Kill 1 more mob for the difference.


    (and no I did not read all of this)
    RoidAbuse is awesome, only he would sell his sperm for gear!!

    "Toughest monster? ..... RedsRose b:surrender" - Kantorek
    Where is my 1 v 1 Kan? b:mischievous
  • Posts: 290 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    Kill 1 more mob for the difference.


    (and no I did not read all of this)

    *feeds a little*
  • Posts: 12,354 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    *feeds a little*

    RoidAbuse is awesome, only he would sell his sperm for gear!!

    "Toughest monster? ..... RedsRose b:surrender" - Kantorek
    Where is my 1 v 1 Kan? b:mischievous
  • Posts: 2,882 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    again, beause you don't seem to know how charging zen works:

    you buy zen, then transfer them to -> game and -> server. you cant use zen by itself, they have to be translated to ingame cash shop currency, in PW's case gold. again, your posting is a) irrelevant and b) offtopic. this part should be cut off the thread and moved to the newbie forums.

    @AdvanceZero: wish i could laugh too. bh69 w/o cleric and barb ain't possible here on RT, and we do indeed have alot who try to abuse this fact. now, put it in context with coins and the incoming nerf.

    See the bit where I underlined, and bolded.

    This is the bit I was talking about.

    When you actually charge zen, it doesn't say what game it goes to. So a boycott on charging zen that everybody has been crying for wouldn't work. Have you gotten that through your minuscule little brain yet? If anything needs to be moved to the newbie forums, I'd recommend you do that for yourself right now and don't come back.

    In fact, you didn't even seem to read my initial post through anyway. I'll say it again and maybe it will get through this time despite your lack of IQ.

    Even if people did stop charging zen (note, not charging zen and turning it to gold for PWE, but charging zen completely - maybe you've gotten the picture by now) then the company would not fix PWI but would terminate it.

    It's also not off-topic because, as I've already said, a lot of people have been crying for zen boycotts in their posts. Don't cry and call me off topic just because you can't be bothered to read.

    Now really, Foxy, stop posting before you hurt yourself. You can't seem to comprehend that

    1) Zen boycott wouldn't work for multiple reasons - which is what my first post stated and you decided to argue with.

    2) People have been crying for zen boycotts throughout this entire thread as if it would fix something. Thus making none of my posts off topic, but your arguments against me completely irrelevant.
This discussion has been closed.