Wizards VS Psychics



  • storehammy
    storehammy Posts: 37 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    let us join our powah and take over this world!

    Wizard + Psychic = awesome

    like psychic goes in, attack buff the wizard.
    attacks while wizard be channeling BIDS or something.
    hemoglobin: idk how the hell you can turn the word burrito into something sexual. perversion at its finest
    Nastassiya - Sanctuary
    A clone of MagicHamsta... wow. He's original but you're not.

    Me are hibernating. *poof*
  • Amouriv - Dreamweaver
    Amouriv - Dreamweaver Posts: 222 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    this 7x sin ***** my wizzy friend who is 96. He went invisible, striked out of nowhere and it was over in 6 seconds. Btw, my friend has 4.8k HP. For all that to be gone in 6 seconds is like, omg...AND he was charmed...
  • Nukesrus - Harshlands
    Nukesrus - Harshlands Posts: 665 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    this 7x sin ***** my wizzy friend who is 96. He went invisible, striked out of nowhere and it was over in 6 seconds. Btw, my friend has 4.8k HP. For all that to be gone in 6 seconds is like, omg...AND he was charmed...

    If that's true, I smell a nerf. No other class in the game can beat someone 20 levels over them. :(
  • BrownflameZ - Lost City
    BrownflameZ - Lost City Posts: 416 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    this 7x sin ***** my wizzy friend who is 96. He went invisible, striked out of nowhere and it was over in 6 seconds. Btw, my friend has 4.8k HP. For all that to be gone in 6 seconds is like, omg...AND he was charmed...

    That 96 mage is beyond pathetic.
  • Amouriv - Dreamweaver
    Amouriv - Dreamweaver Posts: 222 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    sin bleed hits initial strike (that hit that adds the bleed effect) hits me for 96 damage. The bleeds tick for 400 damage though x.x

    While we are fighting each other over trivial matters and trying to make a non-OP class, seem to be OP, you have another class that is stronger. Why dont we combine forces to take down the main enemy. Don't ask what Psychics can do for you, but what can you do for Psychics!
  • Joshcja - Sanctuary
    Joshcja - Sanctuary Posts: 3,502 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    If that's true, I smell a nerf. No other class in the game can beat someone 20 levels over them. :(

    well a bm with the HF TE combo can kill in air...or a lucky zerk crit arma at 51%

    or a +12 weapon

    but thats about it what was the sisns refine?

    since we already know he/she cs's its likly they had sum crazy knives
    Gifs are hard to make work here
  • Amouriv - Dreamweaver
    Amouriv - Dreamweaver Posts: 222 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    +4 74 dagger mold i believe, let me find him in game

    EDIT: yes +4 Shadow Legend with perfect garnet shard.
  • Joshcja - Sanctuary
    Joshcja - Sanctuary Posts: 3,502 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    and did your wizzie freind use phys or hp shards?
    Gifs are hard to make work here
  • Kannone - Heavens Tear
    Kannone - Heavens Tear Posts: 907 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    sin bleed hits initial strike (that hit that adds the bleed effect) hits me for 96 damage. The bleeds tick for 400 damage though x.x

    While we are fighting each other over trivial matters and trying to make a non-OP class, seem to be OP, you have another class that is stronger. Why dont we combine forces to take down the main enemy. Don't ask what Psychics can do for you, but what can you do for Psychics!

    For real?

    This sounds like another WF pet flesh ream-styled glitch where the damage isn't multiplied by 0.25 in PvP... how lame is that? Well probably (hopefully?) this won't be in the game after tonight and we can all breath easy.
  • Mumintroll - Heavens Tear
    Mumintroll - Heavens Tear Posts: 3,393 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    Don't worry in few months the patch will be here, maybe even earlier and assassin and psychic will be very sad.b:laugh
    It's not dev. goal to make some character OP.
    Lot of players will complain about that and patch will be here soon.
  • Amouriv - Dreamweaver
    Amouriv - Dreamweaver Posts: 222 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    and did your wizzie freind use phys or hp shards?
    he uses mainly HP shards because he has the event cape (500 pdef) and some other stuff that adds +pdef. He does have pdef shards in his boots and wristgaurds i believe.

    For real?

    This sounds like another WF pet flesh ream-styled glitch where the damage isn't multiplied by 0.25 in PvP... how lame is that? Well probably (hopefully?) this won't be in the game after tonight and we can all breath easy.

    The GMs said they wont touch the psy and sins skill. Someone asked about it.
  • Titan_itachi - Raging Tide
    Titan_itachi - Raging Tide Posts: 28 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    first of how many of you have read the psychic skills description and understand it first of you say that wizards shine after 70 or 79 or 90 well what ever we shine all the time and here is why
    1)level 59 Soul of Retaliation reflect and REDUCE DAMAGE and it shares its cool down with Soul of Stunning NOT Soul of Vengeance which reflect damage so both of them can be stalked also Soul of Retaliation reflect bad statues so you are so dead if you think debuff will help you
    2) oh but thats 59 i want something before oh how about soul burn curse oh whats that every time the target attack it takes damage equal to your soul force as level 36 my soul force is 29xx and thats EVERY TIME YOU ATTACK
    3)level 59 Psychic Will oh plz do tell .oh well it REMOVES ALL NEGATIVE BUFFS AND MAKE YOU IMMUNE TO physical damage for 5.3 seconds.
    on its first level .
    so wizards find a hole and die in it b:bye
  • /Groovy/ - Harshlands
    /Groovy/ - Harshlands Posts: 688 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    so wizards find a hole and die in it b:bye
    Actually, I'm pretty sure *you* will use mostly White Vodoo... and then run to SZ :P

    Have fun one-shoting... mobs mr. pro b:chuckle
    Packs World International
  • Shadowfire - Dreamweaver
    Shadowfire - Dreamweaver Posts: 356 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    first of how many of you have read the psychic skills description and understand it first of you say that wizards shine after 70 or 79 or 90 well what ever we shine all the time and here is why
    1)level 59 Soul of Retaliation reflect and REDUCE DAMAGE and it shares its cool down with Soul of Stunning NOT Soul of Vengeance which reflect damage so both of them can be stalked also Soul of Retaliation reflect bad statues so you are so dead if you think debuff will help you

    To quote ecatomb on soul of vengeance: Make the target reflect a Physical damage to the attacker.
    It's the same as veno's bramble. We're not meleeing you.
    Soul of retaliation (also from ecatomb): The effect will end upon a successful damage reflection.
    Undine strike does maybe 200 damage, have fun killing me by reflecting that?
    2) oh but thats 59 i want something before oh how about soul burn curse oh whats that every time the target attack it takes damage equal to your soul force as level 36 my soul force is 29xx and thats EVERY TIME YOU ATTACK

    Assuming this is like anything else, the damage is multiplied by .25 in pvp. It still hurts, but not as much as you think it does. And, according to ecatomb, again, it takes you 1 spark and lasts 8 seconds at its longest. I don't mind using soporific whisper so I can use extreme poison and blade tempest to kill a psychic. And I get hit twice, that's survivable.
    3)level 59 Psychic Will oh plz do tell .oh well it REMOVES ALL NEGATIVE BUFFS AND MAKE YOU IMMUNE TO physical damage for 5.3 seconds. on its first level

    Are you using this at the start of the fight? If not, then sleep/seal mean that you can't use it til they wear off. So no purify/physical damage immunity until those two effects wear off. That's not too scary.
    so wizards find a hole and die in it b:bye

    I'll continue to exist, but thanks for your helpful advice. b:bye
  • CrashmanOl - Dreamweaver
    CrashmanOl - Dreamweaver Posts: 29 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    so wizards find a hole and die in it b:bye

    b:chuckle Why would i wanna do that? b:chuckle

    I like my wizzy thank you. and I'm psychotic enough to try taking on 2-4 mobs higher lvl then me at one time. I know i have thrill issues but you know what. I don't care if you think you're better then me. Makes me laugh when people say something like that cause i've tried to die. But for some reason i just keep surviving and killing more.

    I'm a pure build, have **** for p.def, **** for hp as well. but hey... doesn't matter in both cases... most mobs die before i'm touched and also i know how to move so i don't even get hit.
  • Titan_itachi - Raging Tide
    Titan_itachi - Raging Tide Posts: 28 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    ok first of i dont use white voodoo and i dont level it psychics are damage dealers not tanks on the other hand black voodoo is one of the best psychic skills both psychic and wizard have level 0 defense and 0 attack but heres what happen when i use my level 6 black voodoo attack level becomes 17 and defense level becomes -8 (so you do 8% more damage to me while i do 17% more damage to you )so when i use black voodoo i gain twice the defense i lose just wanted to say that since you talk about black voodoo as a defense killer also most psychics dont use white voodoo and if you found people that use it then they fail as psychics without damage you cant hold aggro like barbs and all the defense will mean nothing since the monster wont attack you.
    also heres my soul force at level 36 (soul force =mana burn ) http://www.flickr.com/photos/45825372@N02/?saved=1
    click on the photo to enlarge it as you can see its 3096 without any refined equipment you learn soul burn at level 49 and you take damage equal to my soul force which will be much higher every time you attack
    also Soul of Vengeance reflect both Physical damage and magical damage the only thing it cant reflect is poison and debuffs its a level 9 skill you can try it for your self if you dont believe me or ask psychics on your server
    also as your ultimate skills uses 2 sparks you should know that getting one spark for soul burn is really easy
    at last black voodoo max level reduce defense level by 11 and increase attack level by 22 top that if you can
  • Amouriv - Dreamweaver
    Amouriv - Dreamweaver Posts: 222 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    To quote ecatomb on soul of vengeance: Make the target reflect a Physical damage to the attacker.
    It's the same as veno's bramble. We're not meleeing you.
    Soul of retaliation (also from ecatomb): The effect will end upon a successful damage reflection.
    Undine strike does maybe 200 damage, have fun killing me by reflecting that?

    Uhh. It reflects magic and physical damage back as physical damage. He means reflecting the fire,water and earth debuff too.

    Assuming this is like anything else, the damage is multiplied by .25 in pvp. It still hurts, but not as much as you think it does. And, according to ecatomb, again, it takes you 1 spark and lasts 8 seconds at its longest. I don't mind using soporific whisper so I can use extreme poison and blade tempest to kill a psychic. And I get hit twice, that's survivable.

    endgame psy have about 10k+ soulforce

    Are you using this at the start of the fight? If not, then sleep/seal mean that you can't use it til they wear off. So no purify/physical damage immunity until those two effects wear off. That's not too scary.

    genies FTW?

    I'll continue to exist, but thanks for your helpful advice. b:bye

    good because i <3 wizzies!

  • Nukesrus - Harshlands
    Nukesrus - Harshlands Posts: 665 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    No, I should give you a screen shot, but when I have been buffed by a psychic, I reflect damage on my attacker when I get hit by ranged, magical attacks.

    Mind you its not an overwhelming amount of damage reflected. But it works just fine on ranged and non-physical incoming damage. I do not know how much range the reflected attack has, but it has enough range for typical fights.


    Still... that seems survivable, even in sutra (though obviously we would have to be careful with sutra).

    Why sutra a psychic?

    Wizards will be LEAST affected by soulforce, since we're all about one-shotting things.

    The psy's downfall is that they have to TAKE damage to deal it effectively. So we just drop BT, let them die, and eat the 2500 soulforce damage.
  • JaneGray - Lost City
    JaneGray - Lost City Posts: 200 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    okay im so mad and am about to ragequit this game.

    I just got my a s s handed to me 7 times by a psychic SEVEN levels lower than me. wtf? are they really that overpowerd?
  • Amouriv - Dreamweaver
    Amouriv - Dreamweaver Posts: 222 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    Psy's arent overpowered, you just dont know how to play your class, sorry to say it. Getting beaten by a lvl 60 psy is like being beaten by a lvl 60 BM with arcane armor on...
  • Reno - Harshlands
    Reno - Harshlands Posts: 14 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    zzz psychic vs wizard ! blademaster vs assassin ! omg these old classes are gna get wiped !! ppl please none of this classes will become extinct, i still see lowbies starting these classes in ether, we aint goin nowhere...

    i hope...
  • Nukesrus - Harshlands
    Nukesrus - Harshlands Posts: 665 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    Psy's arent overpowered, you just dont know how to play your class, sorry to say it. Getting beaten by a lvl 60 psy is like being beaten by a lvl 60 BM with arcane armor on...

    You obviously know nothing of PvP, or of mages.

    The difference between a level 60 char and a 69 char is negligible because defense and attack is so heavily gear based. This is why refines = damage and survivability.


    A psychic will beat a mage 1 v 1 until the mage gets some control skills. That's pretty much the bottom line. Once you've levelled FoW to a point where it's useful and get your sleep spell, things will change.
  • Kannone - Heavens Tear
    Kannone - Heavens Tear Posts: 907 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    So what I'm reading is that the damage reflect works in PvP too? And if so, why doesn't venos' buff?

    I've heard of several of these technical errors so far, (haven't seen them because I'm full-time vending atm though), and atm they seem OP, but I would bet the 3k d.orbs in my bank that there will be a nerf...err... "correction in programming" in the not so distant future.
  • Mumintroll - Heavens Tear
    Mumintroll - Heavens Tear Posts: 3,393 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    So what I'm reading is that the damage reflect works in PvP too? And if so, why doesn't venos' buff?

    I've heard of several of these technical errors so far, (haven't seen them because I'm full-time vending atm though), and atm they seem OP, but I would bet the 3k d.orbs in my bank that there will be a nerf...err... "correction in programming" in the not so distant future.

    I agree. There will be same "upgrade" for sure. When lot of end-game people start complain. It happen when tideborn will be at higher levels.
  • Kannone - Heavens Tear
    Kannone - Heavens Tear Posts: 907 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    I agree. There will be same "upgrade" for sure. When lot of end-game people start complain. It happen when tideborn will be at higher levels.

    Someone said the 'sassin bleed ticks 400+ damage in PvP. These numbers point to broken mechanics, they'll be adjusted for sure. How and when are different stories though...
  • _makina_ - Sanctuary
    _makina_ - Sanctuary Posts: 747 Arc User
    edited December 2009

    Someone said the 'sassin bleed ticks 400+ damage in PvP. These numbers point to broken mechanics, they'll be adjusted for sure. How and when are different stories though...

    Its this person who said it.
    sin bleed hits initial strike (that hit that adds the bleed effect) hits me for 96 damage. The bleeds tick for 400 damage though x.x

    While we are fighting each other over trivial matters and trying to make a non-OP class, seem to be OP, you have another class that is stronger. Why dont we combine forces to take down the main enemy. Don't ask what Psychics can do for you, but what can you do for Psychics!

    I dont believe it though since its just one person saying this and the rest spread through word of mouth. I'll believe it when i see the major QQ since if its that strong why isnt there a larger number of people complaining other then one.
  • Amouriv - Dreamweaver
    Amouriv - Dreamweaver Posts: 222 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    You obviously know nothing of PvP, or of mages.

    The difference between a level 60 char and a 69 char is negligible because defense and attack is so heavily gear based. This is why refines = damage and survivability.


    A psychic will beat a mage 1 v 1 until the mage gets some control skills. That's pretty much the bottom line. Once you've levelled FoW to a point where it's useful and get your sleep spell, things will change.

    I know more than you think i do. My mage is a higher level than you and no, i didnt use oracles on it.

    let me get a SS whenever my friend logs in, but the bleed damage does more than his skills do. Also, you might need to consider the fact that he leveled his bleed while most sins dont.
  • JaneGray - Lost City
    JaneGray - Lost City Posts: 200 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    You obviously know nothing of PvP, or of mages.

    The difference between a level 60 char and a 69 char is negligible because defense and attack is so heavily gear based. This is why refines = damage and survivability.


    A psychic will beat a mage 1 v 1 until the mage gets some control skills. That's pretty much the bottom line. Once you've levelled FoW to a point where it's useful and get your sleep spell, things will change.
    Thanks! What is FoW?
  • Konariraiden - Heavens Tear
    Konariraiden - Heavens Tear Posts: 6,505 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    Thanks! What is FoW?



    ...Force of Will.

    Yeah, it's me. Don't read to much into it, though; I'm only here for myself now, killin' time and chillin' when need-be. So sue me. Tch...
  • karenkaren
    karenkaren Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    As with all classes, it will depend on the skill of the player. If a wiz doesn't level up right, or levels the wrong skills, they will suck at everything. Same with the other classes. Wrong skills leveled, don't know how to use them, etc. Be a smart Wizard and you will be awesome. Every class has their disadvantages, so it is up to us to exploit the weakness of our enemy and prevail!
This discussion has been closed.