v182 Update discussion thread.



  • Tamaguchi - Harshlands
    Tamaguchi - Harshlands Posts: 32 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    Appears that mentioning you-know-what-game is getting posts deleted. =(
  • Parody - Harshlands
    Parody - Harshlands Posts: 57 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    *Wall of text*.
    Hmm..your wall was pretty interesting. I was just placing an opinion based on threads from forums about the issues (ofc the ones who post in those threads are mostly the minority involved with leaving)

    I'm just gonna log in for about 20 mins every day or so, to check on improvements. If nothing decent happens after the 'spike' of players leaving then ill be gone.
    There are three types of people in the world,
    Those that can count, and those that can't count.

    パロディー b:mischievous
  • AinaMizuako - Sanctuary
    AinaMizuako - Sanctuary Posts: 1,041 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    I know Seng.. I know.. b:cry
    I'm trying to farm ultimate substances right now cause it's the only way for me to earn money.. but even THAT is impossible. =\
    Some people are getting HH90 gold things that usually are rare to get.
    Lets say GX; all Cash shoppers have GX now for (future) use, which are used to be hard to get.
    People have lunar weapons which are supposed to be like HH (farming etc.) but even THAT got ruined.
    And now; with the chip boxes molds' price decreases.

    PS: Gold price has reached 900k here in Harshlands at 3:54 pm 2-09-2009.

    *Edit: naww it dropped at 450k already; lets see how long this will take.

    Gold on LC is 500k last time I checked. Someone was selling it for 950k though.
    oh look, i'm inactive again.

    b> leviciti b:cry
  • TheGoliath - Heavens Tear
    TheGoliath - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,667 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    Appears that mentioning you-know-what-game is getting posts deleted. =(

    surprise surprise
  • Faildom - Harshlands
    Faildom - Harshlands Posts: 297 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    And you all dont notice that its ur own F-ING FAULT maybe u dumb ****s should stop buying **** loads of ZENb:bye
  • Bittersweet - Harshlands
    Bittersweet - Harshlands Posts: 236 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    Gold on LC is 500k last time I checked. Someone was selling it for 950k though.

    How am I supposed to get my guardian angels for pk, and charms? I can't cash shop.

  • Sinfuldelite - Dreamweaver
    Sinfuldelite - Dreamweaver Posts: 95 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    Appears that mentioning you-know-what-game is getting posts deleted. =(

    yep all have been deleted i watched yours get deleted*nods* I believe it was yours...b:shutup
    Still they must fix this mistake or they just dug their own grave out of stupidity.....
  • Notbad - Heavens Tear
    Notbad - Heavens Tear Posts: 374 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    someone was sellign for 750k yesterday in HT
    Baby theres no other super star you know that i'll be..Listening to lady gaga b:laugh
  • Anberlin - Lost City
    Anberlin - Lost City Posts: 180 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    Random trivia: I'll start out by saying I hope this doesn't break the forum rules, apologies in advance if it does. Out of all the "MMO killers" to have been released in the US since 1997 (when I started paying attention to them), only two have been successful those being EQ and WoW.

    Although it's quite likely the upcoming game that shouldn't be mentioned will create a short term spike in players, as most new MMO's do, the odds are very much against the game retaining players for a decent period of time.

    Infact, in the last couple of years I can think of several games that failed, some of which did what was thought to be impossible for an MMO... they didn't make a profit (or atleast break even). Vanguard in late 2007 went bankrupt. Warhammer Online in 2008 recovered it's initial costs but inside of about 6 months lost 75% of it's peak subscriber base, and about 85% as of now. Tabula Rasa did so poorly most of its copies ended up in a landfill shared with the Atari 2600 game ET, and did so bad some employees didn't even get fully paid for their work on the game.

    The idea of PWE trying to milk every last dollar from players, expecting some permanent mass exodus in a couple of months is well, ridiculous. Even if that upcoming game does well, it's only going to siphon off a small percentage of players from PW (as well as every other game) just like it will siphon off from every other game.

    I really don't understand this line of thinking at all, the way the MMO market has developed has the odds very much against this game being some runaway success that leaves several dead games in its wake.

    A lot of people have overrated and overestimated "that upcoming game", but it's still a fact that this kind of update could have reclaimed a lot of players who are leaving, but because it was cash-shop based it's actually going to result in a massive loss of players instead. "Upcoming game(s)" would have merely taken away the bored players, those who are frustrated in the game, etc. But now people who genuinely loved PWI and would have stayed for a good while are raging.

    The new update = sharp rise in prices = loss of customers

    Horrible business sense.
  • Peacefulelf - Dreamweaver
    Peacefulelf - Dreamweaver Posts: 259 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    Apoc pages 125kea?o_O

    An eye for an eye makes the whole world blind...
  • Thelegion - Lost City
    Thelegion - Lost City Posts: 256 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    The new modus Operandi of GM

    If u post QQ thread = Loked b:shocked

    Even if u say good thing about it = Loked b:shocked

    If u Speak About A QQ thread = Loked b:shutup

    If u Think About a QQ thread Or so = Loked b:spit
  • AinaMizuako - Sanctuary
    AinaMizuako - Sanctuary Posts: 1,041 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    How am I supposed to get my guardian angels for pk, and charms? I can't cash shop.


    Dunno. I almost considered leveling my LC char to 30 today just to see if I could get oneshot by a Lunar Glade weapon though.
    oh look, i'm inactive again.

    b> leviciti b:cry
  • Sengashi - Harshlands
    Sengashi - Harshlands Posts: 156 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    I know Seng.. I know.. b:cry
    I'm trying to farm ultimate substances right now cause it's the only way for me to earn money.. but even THAT is impossible. =\
    Some people are getting HH90 gold things that usually are rare to get.
    Lets say GX; all Cash shoppers have GX now for (future) use, which are used to be hard to get.
    People have lunar weapons which are supposed to be like HH (farming etc.) but even THAT got ruined.
    And now; with the chip boxes molds' price decreases.

    PS: Gold price has reached 900k here in Harshlands at 3:54 pm 2-09-2009.

    *Edit: naww it dropped at 450k already; lets see how long this will take.

    I'm not impressed with this update, and am highly disappointed they even did this.
    I don't think they saw just how much something like this could actually ruin a game.

    Someone also obtained a Warsoul. BigDin I think, or something like that. I forget. Some kylin ep.
  • Evga - Sanctuary
    Evga - Sanctuary Posts: 779 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    mogwai wrote: »
    *this is my 5th server counting CB.

    * i enjoy this game enormously.

    *i have many alts at or above lv 45.

    *sometimes i do make small zen purchases (total $40 USD so far).

    *i have caused much more gold to be bought through game coins.

    *in the month that i have been back, i have only bought 2 gold with coins, as it had nearly doubled in the 2 months that i was gone.

    *never yet, even above lv 75, have i needed to buy charms, mounts, TT mats, event packages, etc.

    *if players want the numbers to become more balanced, simply raise your prices to compensate for the rise of gold. we'll just have to get used to dealing with higher #'s *gets calculator*

    * i realize that mobs wont be dropping any more than normal & that people will still sell at lower prices for a quick sale, but that's how it was anyways huh?

    *bottom line, if gold is too expensive for you, don't buy it - it will drop.

    b:sad Why i still cant persuade myself to trust u...

    i didn't say that that is ridiculous cause there is no way gold price will drop if events like this keep on coming out
  • Notbad - Heavens Tear
    Notbad - Heavens Tear Posts: 374 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    lol nice one legion
    Baby theres no other super star you know that i'll be..Listening to lady gaga b:laugh
  • Sinfuldelite - Dreamweaver
    Sinfuldelite - Dreamweaver Posts: 95 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    I'm just gonna log in for about 20 mins every day or so, to check on improvements. If nothing decent happens after the 'spike' of players leaving then ill be gone.

    I'm gonna watch it for a while myself I'm hoping they fix it if they don't it will feel like a waste... I wont want to leave cause of some friends I made but even then it only can hold you soo long and sad part is my husband should be coming home soon, he's away, and if this keeps up he wont play and we were hoping too play to etherb:cry its kind of a sad thoughtb:surrender
  • andracil
    andracil Posts: 2,949 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    The new modus Operandi of GM

    If u post QQ thread = Loked b:shocked

    Even if u say good thing about it = Loked b:shocked

    If u Speak About A QQ thread = Loked b:shutup

    If u Think About a QQ thread Or so = Loked b:spit

    I'm a mod, not a GM.
    And I'm closing most threads about the update because if I only closed the bad ones, I'd be very, very biased indeed.
  • Guepard - Sanctuary
    Guepard - Sanctuary Posts: 66 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    Essential Sutra Is Breaked, Please Don't Do More Updates Since Repair It!
  • Notbad - Heavens Tear
    Notbad - Heavens Tear Posts: 374 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    oh and don't worry we just have to wait one more month intill the anvirse packs are out b:cute so.....yah its over
    Baby theres no other super star you know that i'll be..Listening to lady gaga b:laugh
  • Sinfuldelite - Dreamweaver
    Sinfuldelite - Dreamweaver Posts: 95 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    The new update = sharp rise in prices = loss of customers

    Horrible business sense.

    b:laughb:victorynicely put lol
  • AinaMizuako - Sanctuary
    AinaMizuako - Sanctuary Posts: 1,041 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    Someone also obtained a Warsoul. BigDin I think, or something like that. I forget. Some kylin ep.

    gg pwi

    Also, give andracil some slack. She's not a GM, she's a moderator and she's trying her best to do the damage control this greatly needs.
    oh look, i'm inactive again.

    b> leviciti b:cry
  • mogwai
    mogwai Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    i'll bet that 70% of the people wanting to try that new game don't realize that it costs a basic $50.00, or if the ritz package is wanted, then $70 plus applicable tax/shipping, a wait for the mail delivery, & after it all there's still micro payments to be made (cash shop)

    ...so hahaha b:bye
    ...if your one of those, i hope your disk gets scratched during shipping :P
    mmorpg is R'lyehian for: Innumerable quantities of grown babies
    discussing & often complaining about the imaginary.
  • Bittersweet - Harshlands
    Bittersweet - Harshlands Posts: 236 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    Now what's impossible to get by CS, but only by doing things in-game?

    Right; nothing.

  • Thelegion - Lost City
    Thelegion - Lost City Posts: 256 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    The new modus Operandi of GM or MOD

    If u post QQ thread = Loked b:shocked

    Even if u say good thing about it = Loked b:shocked

    If u Speak About A QQ thread = Loked b:shutup

    If u Think About a QQ thread Or so = Loked b:spit

    I think PW .. Is BEcoming : Perfect Ending of the world
  • andracil
    andracil Posts: 2,949 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    gg pwi

    Also, give andracil some slack. She's not a GM, she's a moderator and she's trying her best to do the damage control this greatly needs.

    It's "Cut andracil some slack" or "Give andracil a break".
    Yay, I can still be a grammarfreak with all this going on.
  • Sinfuldelite - Dreamweaver
    Sinfuldelite - Dreamweaver Posts: 95 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    Now what's impossible to get by CS, but only by doing things in-game?

    Right; nothing.

    yeah no veno can get a herc or nix worth squat nowb:sad
  • FoG - Dreamweaver
    FoG - Dreamweaver Posts: 14 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    PWI wants to "celebrate" its anniversary, so they decide to raise gold prices??? I literally saw the gold prices raise (already from 200k) to 400k!!!! Are you serious??? You want to celebrate your anniversary but at the same time rip the very players off who got you here in the first place??? I myself have spent HUNDREDS of dollars on this game and will no longer spend anymore due to the greediness of whoever this concerns. This is a TOTAL outrage and a slap in the face to PWIs dedicated players.

    Remember...WE got you this far and to treat us like this and to rip us off the way you are trying to is a total OUTRAGE. I have a lvl 81 cleric and am giving him up due to this selfishness of the makers of this game. If this is the appreciation you want to show us players then fine, expect nothing else from us. I have uninstalled the game and will wait until **** comes out fully and then have my fun there. I refuse to have a part in this game where obviously it is about the money and nothing else.

    Thanks a lot to PWI and its players right??? No wait, obviously its all about you. I hope this game FAILS at all its trying to do, because if it does, its all YOUR fault. I'd rather play a game that get its money UP front and doesnt try to charge its players selfishly and unexpectedly to make money such as WoW and ****. Its disgusting and selfish, and this will eventually be the downfall of this game. Good going, PWI cause you ruined a perfectly good game. Sad.

    -Dreamweaver Server

  • Notbad - Heavens Tear
    Notbad - Heavens Tear Posts: 374 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    the-game-that-must-not-be-said do you have to pay month or what? mail me hurry
    Baby theres no other super star you know that i'll be..Listening to lady gaga b:laugh
  • AinaMizuako - Sanctuary
    AinaMizuako - Sanctuary Posts: 1,041 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    andracil wrote: »
    It's "Cut andracil some slack" or "Give andracil a break".
    Yay, I can still be a grammarfreak with all this going on.

    It's 10 AM and I haven't had any sleep. b:shedtear
    oh look, i'm inactive again.

    b> leviciti b:cry
  • FooFooKity - Heavens Tear
    FooFooKity - Heavens Tear Posts: 164 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    GM's and Developers need to think about these updates before they act on them. The ever present greed of some players in the game is going to ruin the game for those here just to have fun..someone please tell me how its goin to be fun for those who dont charge zen or buy gold when their equipment is substandard compared to those that have gotten items from the anniversary packs. I for one am sick of repeated weekly cash shop events that only spur the price of gold higher. FYI i charge my own zen im just thinking about those who dont for watever reason. Then to compound this problem these anniversary packs are with us for a solid month so everyone has a full 30days of insane priced gold to look forward to. Make these anniversary packs available to EVERY player of PWI or make them available to none. GMs and developers are where the greed starts and it trickles thru the ranks to the players. If GMs an developers stop the greed then maybe just maybe that too will trickle thru to the players. STOP the weekly sales START events that benefit everyone not just those with fat wallets. STOP making higher lvl characters feel like months of their hard work and time has been a waste by adding end game stuff into the cash shop where johnny snot nose with mommys credit card at lvl 20 can get end game gear.
This discussion has been closed.